Benefits for medicines for pensioners: how to receive payments

Legal regulation

The possibility of reimbursement of money spent on maintaining health is established in several legislative acts. Law No. 178-FZ of June 25, 1999 provides the concept of state social assistance. Medical support is offered as one of the available options. The essence of the benefit is the assignment of special social benefits to eligible candidates.

A positive aspect is the introduction throughout Russia of a special medical program, which every needy citizen has the right to take advantage of. The concept works in different directions. Depending on the individual characteristics of the recipient, different legal routes have been developed for receiving state subsidies.

Important! Financial assistance intended to provide medicines is regulated at the federal level. However, regional authorities often introduce their own additional measures aimed at quality medical care. Accurate information can be obtained from your local municipality.

List of preferential medications for labor veterans for 2020

The local clinic refuses to write out a prescription for the drug Rostan, a growth hormone, to a disabled child. Per month, but our medicine is expensive and they need to write an additional letter to the Ministry of Health.

Hello Elena, The list of medicines dispensed according to the prescriptions of a paramedic when providing additional free medical care to certain categories of citizens entitled to receive state social assistance was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated September 18. This year, I was refused to prescribe such a drug for free, citing that it was excluded from the list of medications prescribed free of charge.

Benefits for medicines for pensioners - who is eligible?

You must belong to one of the preferential categories in order to reduce the cost of medicines and treatment. Ordinary pensioners who have reached the appropriate age and work experience cannot count on such relief.

Benefits apply to the following categories of citizens:

  1. Pensioners with serious illnesses.
  2. Liquidators of the consequences of accidents at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  3. Heroes of the Russian Federation, USSR.
  4. Combat veterans with disabilities.
  5. Veterans of the Second World War, disabled people of the same period.
  6. Pensioners with established 1st and 2nd disability groups.

There are no plans to expand the list of preferential categories in 2020. Only regional regulations allow minimal changes.

List of Preferential Medicines for Labor Veterans for 2020

For information on the provision of medications for children under three years of age (up to 6 years of age, if the child is from a large family), see the following video: Amount and rules for payment of benefits to single mothers in Moscow in 2020 Rules for receiving the “Mother Heroine” award and the “Parental Order” Slava" Types and rules for providing state assistance for single mothers Rules for receiving targeted assistance for citizens in need What benefits are available to fathers with many children What benefits are available to young families from the state How can parents apply for alimony for their children Validity period and rules for issuing a certificate of family composition Hello Lyudmila, in the List of medicines dispensed on prescription from a doctor (paramedic) when providing additional free medical care to certain categories of citizens entitled to receive state social assistance, which was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated September 18, 2006. However, the list contains an analogue - “Baclofen” , if you belong to the preferential category of citizens, you first need to get a doctor’s prescription and then go to the pharmacy.

The specified list includes Bechterew's Disease, and the List of Medicines and Medical Products includes steroid hormones, cytostatics, colloidal gold preparations, anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs, antibiotics, antihistamines, cardiac glycosides, coronary lytics, diuretics, Ca antagonists, K preparations, chondroprotectors.

Who can apply

List of persons receiving social support established by law. The list of recipients is exhaustive. There are no exceptions for those who are not included in the preferential group. The entities that receive reimbursements for medicines include:

  • WWII veterans;
  • disabled people of groups 1 and 2;
  • victims of military conflicts;
  • liquidators of man-made and radiation disasters;
  • heroes of Russia and the USSR;
  • regional beneficiaries;
  • seriously ill.

Minors constitute a separate subcategory, which includes children under 3 years of age, children under 6 years of age from large families, and disabled children. If a child has a compulsory health insurance policy, his parents can ask for free medications. However, for this you will need a prescription from your doctor. Large families with 3 or more children and parents of a disabled child enjoy preferential preferences.

List of preferential medications for labor veterans for 2020

The list of vital and essential drugs is a systematic list of drugs, including drugs, without the use of which, in the opinion of experts, in case of life-threatening diseases and syndromes, the disease will progress or its course will worsen, complications will occur, or the patient will die, as well as drugs for for specific therapy of socially significant diseases, order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated Based on the list of vital and essential drugs, they compile lists of drugs used in providing certain categories of citizens with social support measures when providing them with medical and social assistance and make purchases of drugs. The list of medications used to provide social support measures to certain categories of citizens when providing them with medical and social assistance is a list of preferential distribution of drugs to certain categories of citizens of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, approved by a resolution of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

According to the legislation in Russia, there is a list of preferential medications for children under 3 years of age. Strictly speaking, this is the same list as for other categories of citizens. Each subject of the Russian Federation has the right to independently approve an additional list of medications issued free of charge and expand the list of citizens who have access to free prescriptions. A regional list is established, as a rule, by decree of the department or ministry of education of a given subject of the Russian Federation.

What medications and treatments can be deducted for?

The list of medical services, the payment amounts of which are taken into account when determining the tax deduction, is determined by Government Decree No. 201 of March 19, 2001. This list includes emergency medical services, diagnostics, prevention, treatment and medical rehabilitation in the provision of outpatient and inpatient care , stay in sanatorium-resort institutions, health education of the population.

Earlier, the same government decree indicated a list of medicines that are subject to tax deductions. Only expenses for drugs whose active ingredients appeared on the list (there were about 400 of them) were deductible. In 2019, this list of drugs was excluded from the document, and now income can be reduced by the cost of any drugs prescribed by a doctor (they must be indicated on a special prescription form).

What you need to have when going to the hospital

Reimbursing pensioners for medicines has a number of important nuances, and it all starts with collecting the necessary documents, which the citizen must provide to the attending physician. Therapists, paramedics, cardiologists, surgeons and other specialists with whom the citizen is undergoing treatment have the right to issue a prescription. The patient must have the following documents with him:

  1. Passport.
  2. SNILS.
  3. Insurance policy.
  4. Medical Card.
  5. A certificate from the Pension Fund stating that the citizen did not write a voluntary refusal of additional medical care.
  6. Pension certificate, disability certificate and other documents confirming the right to receive benefits.

The doctor must write out a prescription in two copies, one of which the citizen provides to the pharmacy kiosk, and the other to the regulatory body that distributes social benefits, which includes benefits for receiving medicines for pensioners.

The doctor, for his part, also sends a request to the state pharmacy; it often happens that the required drug is not available, and you have to wait for some time for its delivery. To make the task easier, today there is a special service on the Internet for ordering the necessary medicine. To do this, you need to go to the Roszdravnadzor website and fill out an application; here you can call the hotline and find out the details of the service in your region.

List of medications

The list of free medical drugs approved for outpatient treatment includes 360 items, 22 of which are considered vital drugs:

  • ascorbic, folic, thioctic, ursodeoxycholic, glycyrrhizic acids;
  • “Nitroglycerin”, “Tetracycline”, “Bromhexine”, “Acetylcysteine”, “Drotaverine”, “Ranitidine”, “Famotidine”, “Amlodipine”, “Mebeverine”, “Mesalazine”, “Liothyronine”, “Ademetionine”;
  • “Ambroxol”, “Metronidazole”, “Paracetamol”;
  • “Amiodarone”, “Granisetron”, “Ondansetron”, “Tropisetron”, “Progesterone”, “Dydrogesterone”, “Norethisterone”, “Rosiglitazone”;
  • algeldrat, piracetam,
  • magnesium hydroxide, bismuth tripotassium dicitrate, iron [III] hydroxide polymaltosate, metoclopramide, potassium and magnesium aspartate, bile+pancreatic powder+small intestinal mucosa powder, potassium iodide, sodium heparin, levothyroxine sodium, dalteparin sodium;
  • “Omeprazole”, “Rabeprazole”, “dexamethasone”, “methylprednisolone”;
  • “Bisacodyl”, “Lactulose”, “Loperamide”, “Sulfasalazine”, “Bifidobacterium bifidum”, “Gliclazide”, “Glimepiride”, “Glibenclamide”, “Repaglinide”;
  • hemicellulase, pancreatin, insulin, “Troxerutin”, “Glibenclamide”, “Taurine”, “Rifamycin”, calcium folinate, prednisolone, hydrocortisone;
  • “Eprosartan”, “Gliquidone”, “Acarbose”, “Gendevit”, “Dipyridamole”, “Clopidogrel”, “warfarin”, “epoetin”, “glipizide”.

Depending on the amount of funding from the local budget, it is possible to purchase drugs either free of charge or with a 50% discount.

Who is eligible for free medications and how to get them

  • 15 days - for prescriptions in form No. 148-1/u-88;
  • 30 days - for prescriptions in form No. 148-1/u-04 (l) and No. 148-1/u-06 (l);
  • 90 days - for prescriptions issued in the name of citizens of retirement age, disabled people of group I, disabled children, as well as persons suffering from chronic diseases.

Quite often, even with a prescription issued by a doctor, obtaining medications becomes a problem. The necessary medications are simply not available in pharmacies, which are part of the system of providing the population with preferential medications. Your prescription may expire before your doctor's prescriptions are available. This situation violates the rights of patients granted to them by federal law, so the problem must be solved, and this must be done consistently.

What medications are prescribed for type 2 diabetics for diabetes?

  • digestive tract and metabolism;
  • problems with blood and hematopoiesis;
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • genitourinary system;
  • hormonal system;
  • microbial diseases;
  • tumor formations;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • nervous system;
  • diseases caused by parasites;
  • respiratory system;
  • sense organs;
  • other health problems.

As noted earlier, free medicines are provided to minors with disabilities, children from large families under 6 years old, and children under 3 years old undergoing a standard course of treatment. The list of available drugs is formed at the regional level and for this reason may differ from subject to subject. But in general, the categories of drugs are the same.

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Then it is advisable to submit the document signed by the head physician to the prosecutor's office. You must include a doctor's report, a prescription, a passport and a document of the beneficiary (for example, a certificate of disability). In addition, a complaint can be submitted by contacting Roszdravnadzor, where the applicant fills out a form and describes the complaint in detail.

Procedure for obtaining medications

As for diseases that give the right to free medicines, it is worth identifying citizens with cerebral palsy, glaucoma, cataracts, multiple sclerosis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatism. In addition, the preferential category includes those diagnosed with oncology, syphilis, schizophrenia, and epilepsy. It is possible to take advantage of the preference for severe skin diseases, in the first six months after a heart attack, etc.

The disability group is established by an ITU expert after a medical examination of the citizen. Existing diseases and defects are taken into account. Persons who received the second group have the right to receive payment - compensation for medicines, or their distribution in kind.

As for disabled people of the third group, they are entitled to only a 50% discount on necessary medications. This also applies to the category of citizens who have a disability of the second group, while working.

The list of preferential medications for group 2 disabled people is available online

Government Decree No. 2782 contains information on the list of free means for disabled people of groups 1-3. It came into force in December 2014. Amendments are made to this document every year - based on them, drugs can be either added to the list or excluded from it.

Despite the fact that the program to provide for low-income citizens operates in all regions of the country, situations such as the failure to provide medications to preferential categories of citizens sometimes occur. How can a person who needs it get medications in such a situation? If the pharmacy does not have the appropriate medicine, then you are obliged to provide it within 10 days, and when the attending physician knowingly does not prescribe medications based on their absence, you should contact:

Which ones exist?

There are several types of assistance in purchasing free medications or discounts. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages.

Medicines for free

In addition to pensioners with problems with the cardiovascular system, they have the right to receive medications from pharmacies free of charge:

  • WWII participants, home front workers, residents of besieged Leningrad;
  • disabled people of 1st, 2nd, 3rd groups;
  • combat veterans;
  • Chernobyl victims.

Medicines with 50% discount

Compensation for medicines in the amount of half their cost can be returned to pensioners who are not included in any of the groups of preferential categories, but receive an old-age pension. Its size should not exceed the subsistence level fixed in the region in which the pensioner lives. So, in Moscow this amount is 12,578 rubles.

Reimbursement for medications

It is permissible not only to receive medications, but also to draw up applications to waive this right. In this case, the state applies a monthly monetary compensation. Nobody forces a citizen to make a decision; they can only deal with the issue on their own.

When registering a refusal of medication, money is paid along with others , on a general basis.

Another option is to contact the Pension Fund employees to compensate for the costs after they have actually been completed.

Who is entitled to preferences?

Benefits for medicines for pensioners are provided by the state. This is regulated by Federal Law No. 178-FZ.

In accordance with this document, the following categories of the population :

  • combat veterans and their family members;
  • elderly people with disabilities;
  • persons awarded the insignia “Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad”;
  • participants and heroes of the Great Russian War;
  • home front workers;
  • victims of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

All these categories are entitled to benefits and preferences when treating with medical products. A pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can receive medicines under the same privileged criteria as the above-mentioned persons.

Please note: according to Federal Decree No. 50-FZ, since 2014, preferential conditions have been in effect for those elderly people who were participants in Antarctic expeditions. This is how the government provides financial support to vulnerable segments of the country’s population.

What diseases does it cover?

Free medicines for elderly people in Moscow can be obtained if a citizen is diagnosed with a disease included in the list from Order of the Ministry of Health and Improvement of the Russian Federation No. 328.

Such diseases include:

  1. diabetes;
  2. hepatocerebral dystrophy;
  3. tuberculosis;
  4. glaucoma;
  5. rheumatism;
  6. oncological diseases;
  7. cataract;
  8. heart attacks and strokes;
  9. asthma;
  10. acquired diseases.

A retired citizen can replenish the funds spent on treatment for all of the above ailments. But the most important condition for receiving money is having a prescription for the purchase of medicines from a doctor . Unauthorized purchase of medicines will not be considered a forced case, and therefore it will be impossible to return the money using this method.

In addition, older people have the right to count on a free medical examination , which is carried out once a year by professional clinics. Disabled people can buy life-sustaining medications in accordance with the list and receive a discount of half the cost of the medications. To get a refund for all medications, you can contact the functional center at your place of residence or the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Conditions for receiving benefits

To receive the benefit, you must comply with a number of conditions in order to receive not only the medications themselves, but also monetary compensation for them. Depending on the return method, conditions may vary.

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A refund is most often acceptable if the applicant paid the expenses personally. In this case, medications should be used for personal treatment or for close relatives. For the prescription itself, it is important to comply with all the requirements that the Ministry of Health imposes on such documents.

Important Terms

People of retirement age who are not included in the list of beneficiaries are guaranteed a discount on the purchase of treatment products in the amount of half the established cost. However, in order to manage your money, you need to make sure that the following requirements are met:

  • the clinic chosen for treatment operates on the basis of a license;
  • purchase of drugs is carried out in accordance with a doctor’s prescription;
  • Medicines are included in the list of drugs, which is formed at the national level.

The list of drugs whose cost is reimbursed contains about 400 items. The drugs are determined by a special social list. This group mainly includes common known drugs that are actually considered necessary for the maintenance of life. For example, they reimburse money spent on medications such as Insulin, Progesterone, Paracetamol, Ambroxol, Nitroglycerin.

Which ones are required?

Benefits for medicines are provided at the federal and regional levels. In the first case, the procedure is financed from the state budget, in the second - from the local budget.

List of drugs

In 2020, the list of free medications includes all groups of medications without exception, including:

  • non-narcotic and opioid analgesics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • drugs used to treat allergies, gout, and parkinsonism;
  • anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, antipsychotic substances;
  • antidepressants, antibiotics, sleeping pills;
  • medications used to prevent and combat viruses;
  • medications for the treatment of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive systems;
  • hormones, etc.

Most diseases can be treated with drugs from the free list.

Property tax benefits for pensioners are determined by current legislation. What documents are needed to apply for benefits? See here.

How to return money for medicines to pensioners

An elderly person who has left his job can receive reimbursement of expenses through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. If a pensioner continues to work, he will have to contact the Federal Tax Service to compensate for the costs of purchased medicines. If a citizen cannot independently visit official organizations to receive money, then a relative of the individual can submit documents by proxy. The procedure required to receive compensation is given in this table:

Refund methodSequencing
In the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
  1. Get a prescription from your doctor for the medicine.
  2. Collect certificates justifying your right to benefits.
  3. Personally go to the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and provide the organization’s employees with the necessary official papers, or leave an application for compensation on the company’s official website.
  4. Receive reimbursement for medications within a specified period.
To the Federal Tax Service
  1. Collect documentation indicating the costs incurred, as well as confirming the right to compensation for the costs of purchasing medications.
  2. Fill out the 3-NDFL declaration.
  3. Provide papers to tax officials.
  4. Receive reimbursement for expenses incurred.

List of required documents

In order for a non-working citizen to receive compensation payments through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, he will have to prepare the following documents:

  • statement;
  • pensioner's certificate;
  • passport;
  • information confirming the availability of the benefit (extract from the medical history, doctor’s prescription);
  • data indicating the purchase of medicines (paid checks, receipts from the pharmacy).

When receiving reimbursement of expenses from the Federal Tax Service, you will have to prepare the following official papers:

  • passport;
  • declaration of income tax paid for the year, form 3-NDFL;
  • application for reimbursement;
  • data confirming the availability of the benefit (doctor’s prescription, compulsory medical insurance policy, extract from the medical history);
  • receipts, checks, invoices certifying expenses incurred.


The specific procedure depends on the status of the person applying for financial compensation. The cause of deterioration in health also matters. In some people, physiological problems are a consequence of professional activity, in others the situation worsens with age or there are certain congenital characteristics.

One of the most common ways to get help for treatment is to contact the Pension Fund. This option is suitable for pensioners by age, length of service and recipients of social pension benefits due to disability. A pensioner has the right to apply to the Fund independently or through an authorized representative. Documents can also be sent by mail, registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. The responsible employee will require the following documents:

  • application for payment assignment;
  • prescriptions confirmed by the stamp and signature of a doctor;
  • receipts, checks proving the fact of purchase of medicines and expenses incurred;
  • certificate of pension amount.

Through the Social Insurance Fund

Persons who have become victims of an accident at work or have received an occupational disease are subject to compulsory social insurance. Insurance activities are carried out in several areas, including assistance with medical care, compensation for rehabilitation and recovery costs. The amount of monetary support is adjusted at the regional level, but the average amount in Russia is 25,000 rubles. The package of necessary documents should include an insurance policy, an application for compensation accruals, a prescription from a medical institution, a doctor’s report on the completion of treatment, receipts, checks confirming the purchase.

Important! FSS employees review the application within 30 days. If the applicant has fulfilled all the requirements, the payment is transferred to his personal account.

Through the Federal Tax Service

In Russia, taxpayers retain the right to a tax deduction. The first step in this procedure is to fill out and submit a declaration of property and income for the previous year. Documents are reviewed within up to 2 months. After this, the applicant is informed about the result of the consideration. Another month is given to transfer the money if the decision is positive.

In 2020, the maximum possible tax deduction is 120,000 rubles, of which 13% is allowed for accrual per year - 15,600 rubles. Exceeding the limit is permissible only in exceptional cases when expensive treatment is necessary. Receiving a deduction is available if standard conditions are met:

  • medications from the federally approved list are reimbursed;
  • the medical institution where treatment is taking place is licensed;
  • the purchase was made in the name of the applicant or his close relative.


You can receive compensation for medications from your employer. mainly applies to the military, police and prosecutors , whose salaries come from the federal budget.

To do this, it is necessary to clarify this supporting measure in the HR department, since this event is established by the internal procedures of the organization.

You can also receive monetary compensation from your employer if you suffer a work injury. To do this, the employee will need to undergo a professional medical examination and provide documents on the medical report to the employer.

After this, monetary compensation will be determined and paid to the employee in accordance with average market prices on the pharmaceutical market.

Methods of payment of compensation

After submitting the application, its consideration begins. The review period depends on the authority.

Thus, the tax service reviews the declaration and application within 3 months, after which a tax deduction is transferred to the applicant’s account.

As for the social insurance fund, the situation is similar: within a certain time (legally it is 10 days, if no additional verification is required), the citizen’s application is considered and money is transferred to his account.

When filing an application at the place of work, the employer can pay a tax deduction to the employee either as a lump sum or monthly with wages without withholding income tax.

Amount of cash payment

For certain categories of citizens (children under 3 years of age, children from large families, disabled people, pensioners), full compensation for the cost of medications is provided.

As a rule, each region sets a maximum annual amount of compensation per person, which on average is 25,000 rubles.

A tax deduction for working citizens can be obtained once a year, and its size is limited by the following factors:

  • The amount of the refundable deduction is 13% of the total cost ; The legal limit is set at 15,600 rubles, i.e., from the maximum amount of 120,000 rubles. The exception is expensive treatment, for which a refund is made in full;
  • the tax deduction cannot exceed the amount of income tax withheld from the employee . If it is exceeded, the remaining deduction cannot be received the next year, including for expensive treatment.

Benefits for pensioners on medicines

Pensioners also have the right to write a refusal of this benefit to the pension fund. In this case, the funds intended for this will be issued to the citizen in the established amount twice during the benefit. Upon expiration of the period, the pensioner can resume receiving benefits or continue to receive monetary compensation.

Currently, according to current legislation, certain categories of citizens have the right to receive benefits expressed in the provision of free medicines necessary for treatment, or compensation for the cost of these drugs.

Tax deduction for personal income tax

The right to receive a tax deduction for purchased medications can only be used if these medications were prescribed to the citizen by employees of a healthcare institution.

The maximum amount of expenses for the purchase of medicines from which a tax deduction can be obtained is fixed and amounts to 120,000 rubles. The deduction amount is 13% of the costs incurred by the citizen. Thus, the maximum possible deduction is 15,600 rubles.

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The funds will be paid to the citizen after the end of the reporting period in which the drugs were purchased and verification of the documentation submitted to the Federal Tax Service.

Can a non-working pensioner receive a tax deduction?

Tax deductions can only be issued by citizens who received wages or other income and paid personal income tax on it in the amount of 13% in the year when treatment or medicines were paid for. Non-working pensioners do not qualify as pensions are not subject to income tax.

However, a pensioner can reimburse the costs of medicines or treatment if he has any income taxed at a rate of 13%. This could be a means of renting out housing, selling property, etc.

If a pensioner has no other income other than a pension, his spouse or children can receive a tax deduction for paying for his medications or treatment (Article 219 of the Tax Code). To do this, relatives must provide the tax authority with documents confirming their right to receive a tax deduction for expenses (among other documents). When paying for the treatment of a retired relative, you need an agreement with a medical institution for the provision of medical services, a certificate of payment for treatment, a license from a medical organization or individual entrepreneur (if the contract or certificate does not contain its details).

In case of receiving a deduction for medicines, you must provide the original prescription form with the prescription of medicines in a special form for the Federal Tax Service (FTS), as well as receipts for the purchase of medicines. In addition, in both cases you should have with you a copy of a document confirming your relationship with the pensioner (birth certificate, marriage certificate). The payment document must be issued to the taxpayer who will receive the deduction.

Benefits for labor veterans

Unfortunately, due to austerity policies, people who received an honorary title for special merits and efforts shown during work had many benefits canceled in 2020 and were replaced with some bonuses and privileges. But in terms of medical care, almost all services remained unchanged.

Benefits for medicines for labor veterans and pensioners are provided free of charge in any region of the country. However, a citizen can only obtain the necessary medications from government agencies. In 2020, the list of insurance services even included dental treatment, subject to the purchase of equipment at one’s own expense. In all other respects, the same procedure is provided for obtaining medicine for retired veterans. Benefits are provided upon submission of all documents confirming this right.

List of free medicines 2020

Baclofen - tablets. Betahistine - tablets. Vinpocetine - tablets; film-coated tablets. Gamma-aminobutyric acid - film-coated tablets. Hopanthenic acid - tablets. Nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid - tablets. Piracetam - capsules; oral solution; film-coated tablets. Tizanidine - tablets. Phenibut tablets. Phenotropil - tablets. Cinnarizine - tablets.

  • aimed at fighting viruses;
  • antiallergic;
  • focused on the treatment of blood vessels and heart, respiratory organs;
  • drugs that eliminate fungal diseases;
  • regulating the functioning of the digestive system;
  • antibacterial;
  • medications for the treatment of depression, insomnia, mental disorders;
  • drugs including hormones and their derivatives.

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How to opt out of receiving social services

The regulations in force in the Russian Federation establish a norm that allows pensioners to refuse a set of social services or part of this set, receiving in return a monthly cash payment.

The amount of the monthly cash payment depends on what specific services the citizen refused.

To formalize a refusal from a set of social services or components of this set, a citizen will need to contact the territorial division of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and inform what specific social services he wants to replace with a monthly cash payment.

You can replace the monthly cash payment with the right to provide free travel, to receive sanatorium treatment, and to receive free medications. You can refuse all of these social services together, or any one separately.

A pensioner who decides to refuse a set of social services will need to submit an application to the territorial division of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. This application must be submitted no later than October 1.

The enrollment waiver will remain in effect until the end of the year following the year of application. The waiver can be extended or terminated in the future.

All retired citizens have the right to receive medications free of charge. At the same time, only medicines included in the approved list are provided free of charge.

Pensioners also have the right to refuse a set of social services, including the right to receive free medicines, receiving in return a monthly cash payment.

Watch the video. What is better to choose, free medicines or monetary compensation:

Legally justified reasons for refusal

In practice, the reason for the delay or refusal is the lack of certain documents. In such cases, you can collect a complete list and resubmit.

The reasons for a clear refusal are the following circumstances:

  • Lack of a prescribed form of prescription.
  • The drug is not included in the list of reimbursable products.
  • The recipient is not included in the category of beneficiaries.
  • The recipient has already received compensation in the form of medicines and drugs.

Pensioners receive a number of important medications on a preferential basis. These drugs are vital for pensioners. The compensation budget is formed within the local representative offices of the Pension Fund.

Compensation for refusal of subsidized drugs within the framework of the NSO

Pensioners entitled to monthly cash payments (MCB) are provided with an established set of social services from the state. The NSO includes:

  • provision of preferential medications, medical services, free baby food;
  • issuing vouchers for the treatment of diseases in sanatoriums;
  • providing free travel to a sick person on intercity transport to and from the place of treatment.

The legislation establishes that NSO has a monetary value. In 2020, a set of all services costs 1075.19 rubles. Of this, 828.14 rubles are allocated for medicines. An individual can refuse the NSO completely or partially and receive monetary compensation or use free medicines as part of a social program. Only the amount not exceeding the NAS will be compensated.

Benefits for pre-retirees

Pre-retirement age for women starts at 55 years, and for men at 60 years. For such citizens the following are also provided free of charge:

  • travel by public transport and trains;
  • prosthetics and dental repair, except for expensive materials - metal-ceramics and precious metals;
  • a trip to a medical resort institution according to a doctor’s testimony, as well as reimbursement for transportation costs to the sanatorium and back.

Moscow pre-retirees who have the status of “Veteran of Labor” or “Military Service” can additionally count on a 50% discount for utilities, a monthly refund of telephone costs, as well as an annual cash flow, if the income does not exceed 1.8 million rubles.

They receive pre-retirement status, and along with it, benefits at the multifunctional center upon application with a passport. If you have the title of veteran, attach the certificate. Documents are reviewed within 6 days. However, already on the day of submitting documents, you can start processing a discount card and receive a temporary certificate for free travel.


Every year the government sets new tariffs and indexation rates for pensions, as well as rules for receiving and a list of benefits included in the social package of state assistance. Elderly people in Russia are always anxiously awaiting these changes and innovations; for example, the issue with the law on working pensioners has not yet been resolved; the government has postponed the adoption of this decision for some time. As for social assistance, at the federal level it remained unchanged, so benefits for pensioners for medicines in 2017 will be paid as before.

Another equally important issue for older people is the problems associated with obtaining free medications. Sometimes it turns out that on paper a pensioner has benefits for medicines, but in reality he cannot receive them. Therapists often refuse to write prescriptions, citing insufficient funding or lack of stock in pharmacies.

According to the law, medications must be provided upon first request; if medications are unavailable, the employee must either order the product or extend the validity of the prescription.

Often, pensioners find themselves completely defenseless against the bureaucracy of the system and everywhere they encounter refusal and misunderstanding. Don’t give up; a citizen always has the right to write a complaint to the territorial office of the Ministry of Health or report a case of refusal via the hotline.

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But remember that documentation is collected in advance even when you seek help from a medical organization. Don't forget to keep track of your prescriptions yourself. All of them are given for sale in the required quantity. One of them is needed to purchase drugs, the other so that it can be provided to the relevant authorities. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the provision of pensioners with money to pay for medicines, namely monetary compensation for medicines.

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All subsidized medications are prescribed by a doctor based on medical indications and must be certified by the head of the department. The prescription must indicate its validity period - the time during which the drug is dispensed at the pharmacy. If the drug is unavailable, you can replace it with an analogue. If there is nothing suitable, the validity of the prescription is extended, and then the pharmacy is obliged to issue the requested drug within the next 10 days.

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