Who receives preferential medications and how?


Benefits in the social sphere are benefits offered by the Government at the legislative level for different categories of the population. In the Russian Federation, all types of available social preferences are divided into several groups:

  1. Medical.
  2. Housing.
  3. Pension.
  4. Travel cards.
  5. Other.

It should be noted that any types of social assistance can be provided only after a citizen submits an application to organizations providing certain types of support. General types of benefits:

  1. Exemption from certain types of payments, fulfillment of various obligations, for example, payment of housing and communal services.
  2. Obtaining necessary medications, visiting doctors, receiving consultations.
  3. Travel on trams, trolleybuses is free, and in some regions - on suburban transport.
  4. Spa treatment.
  5. Provision of apartments under a social tenancy agreement.
  6. Registration of children in kindergarten at a discount or on conditions of complete exemption from payment.
  7. Discounts on tax payments.
  8. Possibility of opening an individual entrepreneur according to a simplified scheme.
  9. Providing the necessary equipment for prosthetics of certain organs and body functions, for example, glasses, hearing aids.
  10. Discounts when visiting theaters, museums, cinemas, state parks.

In order to receive benefits, a citizen must meet at least one or two of the following criteria:

  1. Low level of income - as a rule, it belongs to disabled people, low-income people, pensioners, large families or families raising a disabled child.
  2. Absence of one or two parents - due to their death or deprivation of parental rights.
  3. Reaching a respectable retirement age.
  4. Having certain merits to the country.
  5. Permanent or temporary disability.
  6. Difficult life circumstances, having many children, loss of a breadwinner.

Certain types of benefits may or may not be available in some areas of the country.

Differences between federal and regional

Tax benefits or in the presence of 1, 2 or 3 disability groups can be provided at the federal or regional level. Financing of social support for citizens occurs at the federal level throughout the country. The authorities of individual regions have the right to create some additional preferences, in accordance with financial capabilities. The difference between federal and regional benefits is clearly presented in the table: Federal beneficiaries are:

  1. Persons with disabilities.
  2. Participants of the Second World War and combat operations in Chechnya and Afghanistan.
  3. Liquidators of accidents that occurred at nuclear power plants, including Chernobyl.
  4. Persons who were previously minor prisoners of fascist camps.

The Russian Pension Fund transfers additional financial assistance to the above categories of citizens. Additionally, they can receive non-material support. Such persons have the right to visit government organizations out of turn and receive housing first. They are provided with easier working conditions and the opportunity to take additional leave - all these conditions are regulated by federal legislation.

Federal benefits

  • veterans of all military companies;
  • former prisoners of fascism and concentration camps who were minors;
  • all categories of disabled people, including those who received this status from the moment of birth;
  • victims of the Chernobyl accident and those who received an excessive amount of radiation at other nuclear power plants.

Social services are an integral part of additional monthly payments. They are available in kind or monetary terms. The advantage of cash is partly due to the benefit monetization policy introduced in 2005. Under the program, benefits such as health resort treatment and medicines are replaced by cash and take-home pay. This allowed the privileged category of citizens to receive compensation for unused medical vouchers or purchased medications.

This is interesting: How additional leave is provided to those living in the Chernobyl zone

Who is entitled to

The following categories of citizens have the right to receive state assistance, compensation, discounts on housing and communal services and travel benefits:

  1. Labor veterans, disabled people of all groups.
  2. Participants of the Great Patriotic War and hostilities.
  3. Citizens who have received state awards.
  4. Honorary donors.
  5. Persons who have reached retirement age and have stopped working.
  6. Citizens from low-income families.
  7. Large families.
  8. Persons in the civil service.
  9. Citizens who are politically persecuted and their relatives.
  10. Persons who liquidated the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and other nuclear power plants.
  11. Citizens without work.

In Russia, the main principle for the preferential system is equalization.
That is, first of all, the state takes care of those citizens who are least protected and most in need of support. Funds are redistributed through the federal and regional budgets, and are transferred in the form of compensation, benefits, and subsidies. The state considers the protection of minor children, both those who have parents and those left without care, to be especially important.

List of Free Medicines for 2020 for Regional Beneficiaries in the Moscow Region

How to get free medicines? In order for the doctor to give the patient the necessary prescription, thanks to which it will be possible not to pay for some medications, he is also provided with certain documentation.

Only residents whose data is in the state register can present passports.

For other categories of citizens, there is an approved list of papers that must be taken with you when visiting a doctor to obtain a prescription.

It happens that the patient is unable to find the necessary medications at the pharmacy. Then the law establishes that beneficiaries have the right to demand the issuance of a medicine within 24 hours.

If the medications cannot be delivered to the pharmacy in such a short time, the wait is extended up to ten calendar days. They are considered working from the time you ordered the medicine.

Free medications for federal beneficiaries and the procedure for receiving them in 2020

  • ophthalmic agents (tetracycline, pilocarpine, tropicamide);
  • cold medicines (ambroxol, acetylcysteine);
  • anti-asthma drugs (salbutamol, formoterol);
  • allergy medications (diphenhydramine, cetirizine, loratadine);
  • antiparasitic drugs (metronidazole, mefloquine, praziquantel, etc.).
  • albumen;
  • hydroxyethyl starch;
  • dextran;
  • gelatin;
  • emulsions for parenteral nutrition;
  • solutions for water and electrolyte balance (sodium lactate, sodium chloride, etc.
  • osmotic diuretics (mannitol);
  • irrigation solutions (dextrose);
  • electrolytes (potassium chloride, magnesium sulfate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride).

Federal drug benefits in 2020

  • passport/children's birth certificate;
  • pension (SNILS);
  • certificate of disability (optional) / other paper entitling you to a discount.
  1. Medicines will be provided only on the basis of a correctly completed prescription from a doctor.
  2. Pre-prepare a package of papers giving the right to preferential provision of drugs.
  3. Benefits are provided by charging the recipient with a subsidy from the state budget.
  4. The amount of subsidies is determined at the federal level.
  5. If a citizen wishes to receive a cash subsidy, he or she may voluntarily refuse to receive pharmaceutical products.
  6. Receiving medications at a discount is only possible in social pharmacies.
  7. Checks that are issued to beneficiaries by the cashier should be kept for as long as social support is in effect.
  • disabled people, veterans and participants in military operations (including
    those injured after the Second World War);
  • disabled children, disabled children;
  • disabled people who became disabled after professional injuries or accidents;
  • disabled people after an accident or for other reasons who received physical limitations;
  • military personnel who have medals for service during the USSR period from 06/22/1941 to 09/03/1945.
    service in a military department that is not part of the active Union Army;
  • holders of the status - “resident of besieged Leningrad”;
  • former rear, front-line or front-line workers of air defense enterprises, construction of defense structures and other things during the Great Patriotic War;
  • family members of a veteran, disabled person, WWII participant, hospital employee of besieged Leningrad, who died or died.
  • List of free medicines for different population groups in 2020

    It is worth considering that not all doctors in hospitals have the right to issue free prescriptions; those who work with preferential categories of the population have this right. A list of such specialists is provided at the hospital or clinic upon request of the patient.

    If everything is in order with the documents, the doctor prescribes the medications necessary for the patient, who has the appropriate benefit, not on a regular prescription form, but on a special one of the established type. It is this form, among other things, that gives the right not only to the beneficiary patient to purchase medications for free, but also to the pharmacy to reimburse its expenses.

    Regional list of preferential drugs for 2020 Moscow region

    Who has the right to subsidized medications The following can receive medications for free: The right to a 50% discount is available to: Where can you get a prescription for subsidized medications One prescription contains one medicine (the name of the medicine is in Latin, the release form and the required dosage must also be indicated ).

    Currently, in Russia, the right of certain categories of citizens to receive free medicines has been legally confirmed. We have already written about one of these categories of citizens - disabled people, attaching a list of free medicines for them for 2020.

    How to apply

    In order to start receiving benefits, they must be registered. All types of social assistance are of an application nature and are awarded only after a citizen applies to a government organization. In order to apply for benefits, you need to take the following steps:

    1. Obtain a status that gives you the right to free travel, treatment, housing and other types of preferences. You will need to contact the ITU - to register disability, the Pension Fund - when applying for pension payments.
    2. The next stage is the preparation of all necessary documents. Initially, find out which of them must be provided and whether photocopies are required.
    3. The application is written by hand or filled out on a prepared paper form. Some organizations allow you to submit your application electronically.
    4. Then follows an application to the government agency with a complete package of documents. As a rule, they are taken away for inspection. Both originals and photocopies may be required.
    5. There is almost never an immediate result; registration of benefits takes from 5 to 30 working days, depending on the authority.
    6. After a certain amount of time, you need to appear for a second appointment and find out the result of the consideration of the application.

    Some types of benefits are provided upon request, after presentation of a document confirming the right to receive them. Others (in cash) are transferred to the personal bank account provided by the citizen during registration.

    Required documents

    You only need to confirm your beneficiary status once by preparing a large package of documents. Then only the extension of certain types of social benefits is necessary. Basically, monetary compensations, pensions and benefits are valid throughout life. You will need to collect the following package of documents:

    1. Passport of a Russian citizen - original and a copy of the main spread with a photo, page and registration information.
    2. Certificate of beneficiary (pension).
    3. An extract from the house register, if the applicant lives in a private house.
    4. A certificate issued by the Housing Office or the Management Company that services the apartment building. The document is necessary to confirm the absence of debt for utility services.
    5. Certificates of receipt of state awards.
    6. Certificate of ownership of residential premises.

    All these papers in the form of originals and copies are provided to regional organizations responsible for providing social benefits to citizens. The list may vary slightly depending on the region.

    When can you get rejected?

    Citizens who fully meet all the conditions do not receive a refusal, and subsidies and benefits are provided to them upon their first application. However, there are several general reasons why social benefits may still be denied:

    1. The applicant does not have the right to receive state assistance or documents confirming it.
    2. Errors in official documents, incorrect data.
    3. The applicant does not meet the conditions for receiving certain types of benefits. Thus, a pension can only be issued upon reaching a certain age.
    4. Applying to the wrong government organization that provides a specific type of social assistance.
    5. Lack of a specific benefit in the region of circulation.

    The refusal is formalized in writing, and can be appealed if necessary. To do this, you need to submit a second application to the head of the department or to a higher authority.

    Before applying for benefits to the social protection department or the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, you need to clarify what types of social assistance the applicant is entitled to count on. This will save a lot of time. Regional authorities can establish certain types of subsidies, for example, for free travel on the metro, which is not available in every city, or for certain types of assistance to orphans. Benefits can be provided only after analysis of the regional budget.

    Currently, approximately 26 percent of Russians are entitled to certain benefits and compensation. However, practice shows: many citizens do not know exactly what preferences are provided to them by law, and yet knowledge would allow them to significantly save money.

    However, in reality, this kind of help comes in two types:

    • provided to specific social categories;
    • subsidies for low-income families.

    Meanwhile, in Russia there are federal and regional benefits.

    What is the difference between regional and federal registers of beneficiaries?

    The only difference in this case is financing. That is, if the existing register of beneficiaries is provided at the expense of the state budget, then it is federal, but when money is raised from the treasury of the subject, then we are talking about regional.

    In particular, federal benefits are listed in regulations issued by the country's top leadership. They are, in fact, closed for editing, and changes are made there only by order of the center.

    At the same time, privileges granted at the regional level are established by the authorities of the constituent entities of the federation without mandatory approval from Moscow. Thus, in a situation where certain assistance to a citizen comes directly from the local budget, he is deprived of the opportunity to receive a benefit of a similar order at the expense of the federal treasury.

    The legislation indicates that if this or that support is in both lists, then the citizen will need to decide which financing to prefer.

    Who is the federal pensioner?

    The federal budget can provide much larger payments to older people. Provision from the regional budget provides that beneficiaries will receive payments from the funds of the subject. However, these payments cannot always be considered large. Some budgets are limited, so they can provide very small amounts. That is why federal benefits are in particular demand.

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    A pensioner can apply for current medical benefits at a clinic upon presentation of an identification card. Discounts on medicines are valid at any pharmacy, including commercial pharmacies. To obtain a trip to the sanatorium, you will have to contact specialists from the territorial department of the social security authority.

    Beneficiaries at the federal level

    • persons holding the title of Hero of the Russian Federation or the Soviet Union;
    • awarded all degrees of the Order of Glory (or Labor Glory);
    • Heroes of Socialist Labor;
    • disabled people of the Second World War;
    • war participants;
    • military veterans.

    If a citizen who had one of the above statuses dies, his disabled immediate relatives are allowed to use his privileges.

    Among other benefits, Russian citizens are also provided with:

    • those who lived in besieged Leningrad;
    • prisoners of Nazi concentration camps;
    • Chernobyl victims;
    • victims of an accident that occurred in 1957 at the Mayak production association;
    • those who received diseases as a result of exposure to radiation at the Semipalatinsk test site;
    • members of the families of those killed in the line of duty.

    The federal list also includes disabled people, including children and the families where they are raised. It should be emphasized that the provision of benefits to the above categories of citizens does not depend in any way on housing conditions and certain standards for the consumption of gas, light, water, etc.

    In addition, they can also free of charge:

    • receive certain medications from a government-approved list;
    • ride in public transport;
    • buy tickets to travel anywhere in the Russian Federation, etc.

    At the same time, the level of assistance to disabled people directly depends on how many people live with them. Thus, single citizens classified in this category will be fully compensated by the state for both rent and utility costs. In a situation where a disabled person lives with his relatives, the amount of contributions is divided among all members of his family, and compensation is issued only in the form of one share, specifically attributable to the beneficiary.

    In general, citizens of the categories listed in the federal list, without exception, can count on receiving compensation in the amount of at least 50 percent of total utility costs. However, such assistance is provided only for one apartment. In particular, persons with the second disability group are given the opportunity to receive a discount on housing and communal services for only one residential premises.

    If you have rights to a benefit on several grounds at once, it will be provided only on one of them. These are the requirements of Russian legislation.

    Who are federal beneficiaries in 2020?

    • one-time benefit subject to disability;
    • 50% discount on utility bills;
    • annual payment as compensation for irreparable harm to health due to the consequences of the Chernobyl accident;
    • monthly cash compensation for the purchase of food for the beneficiary and his children under the age of 14 years.
    • the possibility of obtaining EDV, disability payments, compensation for a trip to a sanatorium-resort institution and for a railway ticket to the place of treatment (monetization of benefits);
    • free medical care in municipal clinics, free prosthetics (except for dental prosthetics);
    • placement in a preferential queue for the provision of a free apartment, a 50% discount on payment of utility bills, an extraordinary connection to a landline telephone.

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    Regional beneficiaries

    • labor veterans;
    • minor orphans;
    • children deprived of parental care;
    • large families;
    • persons with the title of honorary donor;
    • employees in the education system;
    • medical workers;

    Moreover, for the last two groups, benefits are provided only if they live and work in the countryside.

    In addition to all of the above, certain benefits at the subject level are often provided by:

    • single citizens whose age has exceeded 80 years;
    • children under 18 months.

    The list can be significantly expanded, but only after an appropriate decision by local authorities. They also determine the amount of compensation paid to each group of beneficiaries.

    Social support in the regions is provided in various forms:

    • free firewood for heating the house;
    • discounts on utilities;
    • monetary compensation for certain expenses.

    Who receives subsidies for housing and communal services?

    This right is acquired by those Russians who are forced to spend at least 22 percent of their total family income on utilities. At the same time, regional authorities can reduce this figure at their discretion.

    For example, for residents of Moscow, a subsidy is assigned if from the total earnings of all family members they have to pay at least 11 percent to pay utility bills. That is, when the income is, for example, 40 thousand, then you cannot pay more than 4.4 for an apartment. Otherwise, you must contact the social protection authorities at your place of residence with a corresponding request.

    At the same time, in Chelyabinsk they practice fixed cash payments, the size of which depends on belonging to a particular category. For example, a labor veteran in this city receives compensation in the amount of up to 1,027 rubles every month.

    Who are federal beneficiaries: which pensioners are included in them and what types of benefits are provided?

    One-time cash payment. Depending on which category the beneficiary belongs to, he can count on a certain amount of payment. At the same time, the amount will depend on what social services a particular citizen refused.

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    Sometimes citizens of the Russian Federation ask questions: what is the significant difference between federal beneficiaries and regional beneficiaries? And is there such a difference at all? First, you need to figure out exactly what privileges are granted to each group of pensioners. And also, it is important to pay attention to the legal act that regulates the provision of this or that assistance. In order to get an answer to this question, you need to carefully study the provisions below.

    Other nuances

    It is worth knowing that all socially vulnerable categories from the federal list only need to confirm their status once. They are required to provide proof that they are entitled to the privileges requested.

    At the same time, most regional beneficiaries will need to find out at their place of residence exactly what documents they need to collect in order to receive preferences. The thing is that the rules differ in different regions.

    If, for example, the reason for receiving a benefit was low income, then the right to it will have to be confirmed in court. In this case, the procedure will need to be completed annually. Among other things, you will also need to present:

    • a certificate of income for each person living in the apartment;
    • extracts from the house register.

    Documents for registration of benefits for housing and communal services

    If we are talking about receiving a subsidy, you will need the following documents:

    • photocopies of passports of all people living in the apartment;
    • papers confirming the right to housing;
    • certificate from the inventory bureau;
    • certificates of marriage, birth of a child, etc.
    • certificate of absence of debts for housing and communal services;
    • document form 2-NDFL for everyone receiving income.

    About 100 million rubles are spent annually from the state treasury of the Russian Federation on drug provision for preferential categories of citizens. This measure allows access to necessary medicines to sections of the population. But not everyone is aware of their right to a list of medications under federal or local law. According to the latter, the conditions for issuing drugs, their quantity, names and persons claiming preference, vary at the discretion of regional authorities.

    The Federal Law establishes general rights for all citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of financial status and nationality. Benefits depend on belonging to a special category (disabled, veteran, low-income).

    Unfortunately, you can only receive medications on one of the grounds (although there is no direct ban on the simultaneous use of federal and regional preferences), so the recipient will have to make a choice. The payment for medicines to the state beneficiary is carried out by the Pension Fund, and to the regional beneficiary - by the social protection body.

    Russian children should remember the history of the USSR, the CIS and young Russia. Our ancestors survived the horrors of the Great Patriotic War, the humiliation of fascist barbarians in concentration camps and the thorny path of life associated with repression and active labor activity in the rear. Few people were able to survive the siege of Leningrad, the famine and devastation of the post-war period.

    The relatively younger generation has learned to eliminate accidents on an international scale. Of course, there were some victims of disasters. Thus, among the citizens of the Russian Federation there are those disabled people who became disabled due to radiation exposure during work at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

    It is not possible to evaluate the heroes’ feat in monetary terms.

    But the state has the right to include surviving citizens of the Russian Federation in the list of federal beneficiaries. This gives rise to special privileges and benefits.

    Walk-in appointments at medical institutions are only the visible part of the “iceberg” of a huge package of privileges for our fathers, brothers, mothers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

    Available support methods:

    • subsidies;
    • benefits;
    • packages of social services;
    • cash payments.

    List of medications for beneficiaries for 2020 Moscow region

    The legal topic is very complex, but in this article we will try to answer the question “List of medications for beneficiaries for 2020 in the Moscow region.” Of course, if you still have questions, you can consult with lawyers online for free directly on the website.

    • identification document;
    • a document confirming the right to receive a set of social services;
    • decision on the appointment of a monthly cash payment issued by the Pension Fund of Russia;
    • an extract from the medical record of an outpatient or the history of the child’s development indicating SNILS.

    How and where to get discounted medications

    • for state pharmacies - information center of the Moscow Department of Health: +7 (495) 974-73-19;
    • for commercial pharmacies - information and analytical center in the field of healthcare: +7 (495) 627-05-61.

    How to get medications?

    You need to contact those medical organizations (city hospitals, clinics, dispensaries) where doctors have the right to write preferential prescriptions. You can clarify the list of such organizations by calling the hotline of the Moscow State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare “Center for Drug Supply of the Moscow City Health Department.”

    • antiviral agents;
    • antifungal agents;
    • anticonvulsants;
    • antipsychotic, anxiolytic substances;
    • opioid, non-narcotic analgesics;
    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • hypnotic;
    • antidepressants;
    • antibiotics;
    • drugs for the treatment of the digestive, respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
    • remedies for allergies, gout, parkinsonism.

    In order to apply for veteran benefits, a pensioner receiving benefits must prepare a package of documents: an application for benefits, a labor veteran’s certificate, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a pension certificate.

    What is the list of medications?

    The program for issuing free and discounted medications for a certain category of citizens of the Russian Federation has been in effect for several years.

    According to statistics, about 21 million people are eligible to receive the benefit. 15 million prefer to receive monetary compensation instead of preferential medicines.

    Only 6 million people use this advantageous opportunity to purchase drugs.

    • antiviral agents;
    • antifungal agents;
    • anticonvulsants;
    • antipsychotic, anxiolytic substances;
    • opioid, non-narcotic analgesics;
    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • hypnotic;
    • antidepressants;
    • antibiotics;
    • drugs for the treatment of the digestive, respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
    • remedies for allergies, gout, parkinsonism.

    Preferential medicines for 2020

    Citizens with certain pathologies can also count on federal benefits. It is not at all necessary to be on the list of the above persons.

    In this case, the doctor must write a prescription for free medications under federal preference if a person has the following type of disease: tuberculosis, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis.

    multiple sclerosis, cancer, myeloid leukemia, people who have undergone tissue or organ transplantation and need immunosuppression.

    New list of preferential drugs in the Russian Federation in 2020

    Citizens of Russia who have worked conscientiously for the benefit of the state for many years are awarded the title Veteran of Labor, which gives the person the status of a beneficiary and can count on social federal and regional assistance.

    Among the drugs, only the most necessary and vital for the patient are given, which the doctor considers necessary. But the list of drugs suitable for free distribution is approved by the regional health department. The federal norm must also be taken into account.

    Medicine provision for preferential categories of citizens 2020

    For several years now, a program has been operating in Russia that provides for the provision of free or discounted medicines to a certain category of citizens. According to statistics, about 20 million people in the country are entitled to such medications.

    75% of this list prefer to receive monetary compensation instead of subsidized drugs, and only 4.5 million people take advantage of such a profitable opportunity.

    All that remains is to determine which drugs are covered by the state program, and the federal list of drugs will help with this.

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    Regional benefits for medicines

    2. List of medications for medical use, including medications for medical use prescribed by decision of medical commissions of medical organizations (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 2020

    N 2738-r “On approval of the list of vital and essential medicines for 2020, as well as lists of medicines for medical use and the minimum range of medicines necessary for the provision of medical care” (Appendix No. 2)).

    According to statistics, about 20 million people in Russia have the right to free, so-called preferential, medicines. Approximately 15.5 million of these people choose cash compensation over drugs, and only about 4 million people exercise their full right.

    List of preferential medications for 2020-2020

    • non-narcotic and opioid analgesics;
    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • drugs for the treatment of allergies, gout, and parkinsonism;
    • anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, antipsychotic substances;
    • antidepressants, antibiotics, sleeping pills;
    • antiviral and antifungal drugs;
    • medications for the treatment of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive systems;
    • hormones and many other drugs.

    Almost any disease can be cured exclusively with the help of free drugs.

    What medications are given free of charge?

    Source: https://reg-jurist.ru/zakonoproekty/perechen-lekarstv-dlya-lgotnikov-na-2020-god-moskovskaya-oblast

    List of preferential medications for 2020

    The document approving their receipt is the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia “On approval of the list of medicines dispensed by prescription when providing additional medical care to certain groups of citizens entitled to receive state social assistance,” adopted in September 2006.

    According to statistics, about 20 million people in Russia have the right to free, so-called preferential, medicines. Approximately 15.5 million of these people choose cash compensation over drugs, and only about 4 million people exercise their full right.

    List of medications that the state provides free of charge for preferential categories of citizens

    In Russia, medical care can be quite expensive for citizens. It often happens that citizens simply cannot afford to purchase medicines. Many people are unaware of their rights to receive free medications. Every year, 100 million rubles are spent from the country’s budget on such events.

    1. Gliclazide;
    2. Glibenclamide;
    3. Glucagon;
    4. Insulin aspart;
    5. Insulin aspart biphasic;
    6. Insulin detemir;
    7. Insulin glargine;
    8. Insulin glulisine;
    9. Biphasic insulin;
    10. Insulin lispro;
    11. Insulin isophane;
    12. Insulin is soluble;
    13. Insulin lispro biphasic;
    14. Repaglinide;
    15. Metformin.

    A full list of free medications has already been approved for beneficiaries

    According to official statistics, approximately twenty million Russians are entitled to receive free medicines. Interestingly, only five million enjoy this right, while the rest prefer to receive compensation. The full list of drugs for beneficiaries for 2020 is regulated by the government. The corresponding order was issued by the Ministry of Health.

    More recently, publications appeared in domestic news publications related to the fact that representatives of medical institutions who work in X-ray rooms will no longer receive additional financial resources for working conditions that are harmful to health.

    What benefits are provided for labor veterans in the Moscow region?

    • statement;
    • photo 3 x 4;
    • passport;
    • documents confirming residence in the Moscow Region and Russian citizenship, if this information is not in the passport;
    • certificates confirming the availability of the necessary work and insurance experience;
    • documents indicating the presence of awards, honorary titles, etc.

    The legislation provides benefits not only for combat veterans, but also for labor veterans living in the Moscow region. In 2020, they can qualify for tax, medical, transport and social benefits, as well as additional pension payments.

    Free medicines 2020

    Children are susceptible to various kinds of diseases, perhaps more often than adults. The Government of the Russian Federation allocates significant funds to strengthen the social protection of mothers and children.

    For young patients there is a list of benefits in the field of medical care.

    Let’s take a closer look at who is entitled to free medications, as well as what exactly is included in the list of benefits for children.

    How can you find out which medications you can get free of charge to treat your illness? Only your attending physician can answer this question based on your medical history. You can also find the answer to this question from insurance agents who provide health insurance and make cash payments for treatment.

    Federal list of preferential drugs

    After receiving a certificate from the Pension Fund confirming this benefit, the person has the right to submit the form to the hospital or clinic. They are required to make an entry in the client’s outpatient card and issue a monthly prescription for medications at the pharmacy. The following fields must be described in the ticket:

    • Persons who took part in hostilities.
    • Persons who have received awards for military merit.
    • Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, as well as the Chechen and Afghan wars.
    • Disabled people of the Second World War.
    • Former workers in the rear.
    • Disabled people of all categories.
    • Persons eliminating the consequences of accidents at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
    • Low-income families.
    • Children under six years old.
    • Large families.
    • Relatives of a disabled person or a WWII veteran.
    • Persons suffering from cancer (not all).

    Essential medicines for 2020, list

    • non-narcotic and opioid analgesics;
    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • drugs for the treatment of allergies, gout, and parkinsonism;
    • anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, antipsychotic substances;
    • antidepressants, antibiotics, sleeping pills;
    • antiviral and antifungal drugs;
    • medications for the treatment of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive systems;
    • hormones and many other drugs.
    • what is required for the functioning of medical institutions for treatment and preventive purposes,
    • statistical data on which drugs and on the basis of which substances are most often prescribed by prescription,
    • a list of medications necessary for rehabilitation courses after complex transplantation,
    • a list of what patients from chronic and age groups need,
    • an assortment of what should be in the emergency kit of a first aid specialist.

    Preferential medicines for disabled people of group 2: list of free medicines for 2020

    • analgesics that do not contain narcotic elements;
    • drugs used for inflammation (if they do not include steroid components);
    • antiallergic complexes;
    • medications aimed at stabilizing the nervous system and eliminating psychosomatic disorders;
    • sleeping pills;
    • antidepressants;
    • drugs with antiviral effects;
    • medicines for fungal diseases;
    • hormonal drugs;
    • means that improve the functioning of the digestive system.
    • combat veterans;
    • benefits for labor veterans;
    • monetary compensation to pensioners for medicines;
    • participants of the Great Patriotic War, members of their families;
    • disabled people (all groups, WWII, children with disabilities);
    • citizens who received the title “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
    • military personnel with state awards of the Russian Federation and the USSR;
    • victims of the Chernobyl accident, as well as benefits for the children and grandchildren of the Chernobyl liquidators.

    The full list of free medicines for beneficiaries for 2020 has been approved

    The new bill was signed by President Putin. According to it, property tax benefits will be maintained for all citizens of pre-retirement age. The law comes into force on January 1, 2020. The Tax Code has undergone changes that relate to benefits for the older generation. Benefits will apply to women from 55 years of age, men from 60 years of age.

    On November 6, 2020, during a meeting of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children, changes to the Tax Code of Russia will be considered, providing for the exemption of large families from paying personal income tax. If the amendments are adopted, about 1.5 million parents will not pay this tax.

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    08 Feb 2020 juristsib 297

    Source: https://sibyurist.ru/nalogi-i-vychety/perechen-lekarstv-dlya-lgotnikov-na-2019-god-polnyj-spisok-v-moskovskoj-oblasti

    Who belongs to them?

    The difference between the federal and regional lists is clearly noticeable.

    But sometimes it happens that the same citizen has the right to join either a regional or a general support program.

    It must be remembered that the recipient of the “local package” is deprived of similar assistance at the expense of the Russian Federation.

    • Traditionally, participants in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 are in first place. If the consequence of participation in hostilities is disability, then solid social support is needed until survival. Even family members of deceased veterans receive small compensation for their “heroes.”
    • Residents of besieged Leningrad, who were on the territory of the Leningrad region at the time of the encirclement by the Nazis, also count on state subsidies.
    • Prisoners of fascist camps also receive additional funds. At the same time, there is a clearly visible division by age. The passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation determines whether the prisoner was a minor or an adult at that time. This determines the amount of subsidies.

    Inhuman conditions of detention have led to the fact that among the former prisoners there are disabled people. They have more privileges than other groups.

    • Active participants in the liquidation work at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, subsequently disabled or not, are actually equal in importance.
    • Disabled people and people with disabilities since childhood are represented as a separate group in the list. This includes all groups from the first to the third. The amount of benefits varies depending on the severity of the medical conditions.

    War participants and residents of besieged Leningrad

    The main document when assigning social monetary allowances to participants of the Great Patriotic War and residents of besieged Leningrad is considered to be Law of the Russian Federation No. 5 “On Veterans”.

    It was published in 1995 and still regulates the following benefits:

    • Partial compensation for the cost of utilities.
    • Free dental services for dental prosthetics.
    • Free medicines.
    • Expansion of living space.
    • EDV (monthly cash payments).
    • Free installation of a telephone set, etc. and so on.

    The territorial body of the Pension Fund makes monthly payments to veterans as a supplement to their pension. Benefits are indexed once a year, on February 1 of the current year.

    Disabled people and disabled children

    Disabled status is assigned to those people who have been diagnosed with impairments of vital functions.

    Some people have been recognized as disabled since childhood. Others, with disability group III, are able to work.

    If there is an improvement in their health, they are provided with social security for a period of one year.

    The rounded size of the EDV is:

    Victims of the Chernobyl disaster

    In 1986, a terrible disaster occurred in Chernobyl.

    Thousands of people who, by the will of fate, found themselves in the action zone suffered from radiation exposure.

    Since 1991, the following benefits have been established for surviving citizens:

    • 50 percent discount on fuel and living space.
    • Work activity without the risk of layoffs.
    • Additional vacation.
    • Admission to school and preschool institutions without a queue.
    • An extraordinary opportunity to purchase a plot of land.

    Other categories

    According to the law, federal beneficiaries also include veterans of combat operations (for example, in Afghanistan) and Hero of Socialist Labor.

    They are entitled to:

    • Extraordinary additional leave of 35 days.
    • Free prosthetics for missing limbs.
    • Extraordinary reception in budgetary institutions.
    • Free assistance from social workers.
    • If necessary, obtaining a preferential place in a nursing home.

    List of medications for beneficiaries for 2020, complete list in the Moscow region

    1. Go to the local Pension Fund branch;
    2. Draw up and submit an application for monetary compensation;
    3. Provide receipts that confirm the fact of payment for a prescription drug;
    4. Provide a prescription from the attending physician;
    5. Show the compulsory medical insurance policy.

    A variety of free prescription medications are issued to all citizens of the Russian Federation who provide such a document to the pharmacist. This is primarily important for those patients who are not able to come to the pharmacy themselves.

    Each subject of the Russian Federation has the right to independently approve an additional list of medications issued free of charge and expand the list of citizens who have access to free prescriptions.

    A regional list is established, as a rule, by decree of the department or ministry of education of a given subject of the Russian Federation.

    It is worth noting that the regional program for the supply of free medicines can only expand the list of medicines and subsidy recipients, but does not have the right to reduce the amount of subsidies established at the federal level.

    According to the legislation in Russia, there is a list of preferential medications for children under 3 years of age. Strictly speaking, this is the same list as for other categories of citizens. Each subject of the Russian Federation has the right to independently approve an additional list of medications issued free of charge and expand the list of citizens who have access to free prescriptions.

    You must enter your prescription number. After this, a map will open showing places in the Moscow region where you can get the necessary medicine. Government of the Moscow region. Font size: AA A. Color scheme: White Black. Font: Roboto Georgia.

    Images: Show Disable. Kerning: Standard Medium Large. Source: Ministry of Property Relations of the Moscow Region.

    Where can you get a prescription for subsidized medications? Prescriptions for subsidized medications are written by doctors from clinics in the Moscow region; in rural areas this can be done by paramedics.

    For several years now, a program has been operating in Russia that provides for the provision of free or discounted medicines to a certain category of citizens. According to statistics, about 20 million people in the country are entitled to such medications.

    All that remains is to determine which drugs are covered by the state program, and the federal list of drugs will help with this.

    This year the list of free drugs will expand to include vital drugs, the total number of which is equal to

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    List of preferential medications for regional benefits for 2020 in the Moscow region

    The Hydrometeorological Center spoke about the weather in October. Category: Society. Roszdravnadzor explained how to get preferential medications. Marina Gusenko. Roszdravnadzor continues to answer questions from readers of Rossiyskaya Gazeta - Nedelya, this time we will talk about subsidized medications. iStock. What determines the prescription of medications.

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    The expert appreciated the idea of ​​lowering the permissible speed limit.

    Preferential medications 2020-2020: list

    In order to apply for veteran benefits, a pensioner receiving benefits must prepare a package of documents: an application for benefits, a labor veteran’s certificate, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a pension certificate.

    The list for 2020-2020 has expanded to include vital and necessary drugs. These are antitumor, hormonal drugs, as well as antidepressants. It also became known that starting this year, all medicines purchased by the state will become very expensive. So it is still unknown how exactly these circumstances will affect beneficiaries.

    List of medications prescribed under federal benefits in 2020

    • Hemophilia.
    • Chronic autoimmune disease – multiple sclerosis.
    • Severe disease of the exocrine glands with subsequent disruption of the respiratory system.
    • Gaucher's disease.
    • Chronic myeloid leukemia.
    • Pituitary dwarfism.
    • Immunosuppression.

    Now, another 93 types of medicines will be added to the existing list of preferential medications. These are vital but expensive drugs. In total there are more than 250 species.

    It is already known that all medicines will become more expensive, but beneficiaries are interested in a more significant question: how will this factor affect them? Doctors presented the entire list of free medicines.

    About 640 thousand preferential prescriptions for medicines were issued in the Moscow region in 2020

    “Since the beginning of 2020, in the Moscow region, residents belonging to preferential categories have been issued 639 thousand prescriptions for preferential medications totaling 2.3 billion rubles,” said Dmitry Matveev, Minister of Health of the Moscow Region.

    “We try to resolve all requests from residents of the Moscow region related to the provision of subsidized medications in a working manner. We consider this one of the main tasks. Such drugs are dispensed at 323 pharmacies, 15 of which operate around the clock,” Matveev said.

    Preferential medications for 2020-2020

    • disabled people and disabled children;
    • participants or disabled people of the Second World War;
    • combat veterans;
    • family members of WWII veterans, combatants and deceased war veterans;
    • military personnel who were part of the army during the Second World War;
    • citizens who own the badge “Resident of the Siege of Leningrad”;
    • persons exposed to radiation during the Chernobyl disaster;
    • WWII servicemen awarded medals or orders of the USSR;
    • persons working at military installations during the Second World War;
    • family members of deceased hospital workers in St. Petersburg.

    The exact list of medications can be clarified with the attending physician or a representative of the organization paying for the treatment. All subsidized medications are prescribed by a doctor based on medical indications and must be certified by the head of the department. The prescription must indicate its validity period - the time during which the drug is dispensed at the pharmacy. If the drug is unavailable, you can replace it with an analogue. If there is nothing suitable, the validity of the prescription is extended, and then the pharmacy is obliged to issue the requested drug within the next 10 days. If the prescription is lost or treatment continues, the doctor prescribes a similar prescription again.

    List of medications for beneficiaries for 2020 complete list

    According to the legislation in Russia, there is a list of preferential medications for children under 3 years of age. Strictly speaking, this is the same list as for other categories of citizens. Each subject of the Russian Federation has the right to independently approve an additional list of medications issued free of charge and expand the list of citizens who have access to free prescriptions.

    The procedure for obtaining benefits depends on the patient’s physical indications; the prescription is certified by the seal of the head of the hospital department. To obtain the right to preferential provision of medicines, a citizen must contact a local local pediatrician.

    List of medications for beneficiaries for 2020 full list

    As a rule, this period is one month, but it is not the same for all medications - there are exceptions.

    So, if, for example, a narcotic painkiller is prescribed on a free form, then the disabled person will be able to pick it up only within five days after the prescription was issued by the doctor.

    If we are talking about poisonous or psychotropic drugs, then the patient is given two weeks to pick up the medicine.

    In order to get the desired drug, you only need to contact an institution that actually has the right to dispense the medicine. The thing is that there are no completely subsidized drugs, so if you did not pay for it, then the government will definitely pay for the medicine.

    List of preferential medications for 2020

    In the Russian Federation there is a program according to which certain categories of citizens have the opportunity to take advantage of free medicines under a federal benefit, and under a regional benefit - to receive a discount on the purchase of medicines.

    Statistics show that 20 million people throughout the country are granted this right. 75% of them choose financial compensation instead of subsidized drugs, and 4.5 million people take advantage of the offered opportunity.

    Let's look at what drugs the list of preferential drugs includes.

    • disabled children;
    • participants and disabled people of the Second World War;
    • military veterans;
    • relatives of WWII veterans, participants in military operations and war veterans who are no longer alive;
    • military personnel of the Second World War;
    • persons holding the badge “Resident of the Siege of Leningrad”;
    • people who suffered during the Chernobyl disaster;
    • WWII servicemen with orders and medals of the USSR;
    • people who worked at military facilities during the Second World War;
    • close relatives of deceased persons who worked in hospitals and hospitals in St. Petersburg.

    List of Medicines for Beneficiaries for 2020 Complete List

    Based on the law, citizens who need enhanced medical control and social protection can count on receiving free drugs from the list of preferential drugs under federal benefits.

    The peculiarity of the list of preferential drugs for 2020 is that it includes all groups of drugs.

    That is, the Government did not create separate lists for different groups of the population, but compiled a single list that contains all the necessary minimum.

    Preferential medications are prescribed by the attending physician in accordance with medical indications, prescriptions are certified by the head of the department.

    Source: https://nl-consalting.ru/bez-rubriki/perechen-lekarstv-dlya-lgotnikov-na-2019-god-polnyj-spisok-v-moskovskoj-oblasti

    What is the difference between federal and regional beneficiaries

    Targeted social assistance from the state is guaranteed in accordance with 178-FZ, adopted by legislators at the end of the 20th century. Benefits are received by those who are unable to live a full life for medical reasons.

    Or those who faithfully served the Fatherland, grew up, worked, learned to survive and did not lose optimism even in difficult life circumstances.

    Federal beneficiaries receive payments required by current legislation from the federal “wallet”. Those who were not “covered” by federal laws are counted among the regional beneficiaries.

    Each subject of the Russian Federation has its own list. It was adopted at the level of regional legislation of a separate isolated territory.

    With the help of the regional “wallet”, local legislators are ready to support the following categories of Russians in need:

    • lonely and at the same time low-income people;
    • large and low-income families;
    • illegally convicted victims of political repression and then rehabilitated for good reasons;
    • honorary citizens of a separate territory;
    • labor veterans with extensive work experience at city-forming enterprises of the city, region, and region.

    Each regional beneficiary, as well as the federal one, has an appropriate certificate. Of course, such a recipient of assistance cannot be registered in another locality.

    Let's summarize the information again:

    Who is the federal pensioner?

    Help means a lot to an elderly person. Apparently, through her the need to feel needed and useful to their children is realized: the elderly person strives to provide them with support “as long as his legs can hold him up.” Moreover, the range of types of assistance for pensioners is quite wide: from financial assistance to help with housework. And this also requires significant effort. A pattern has been revealed according to which female pensioners help their grandchildren much more often than male pensioners. Living alone makes it difficult to get help. Pensioners who receive assistance feel much better in terms of health and financial security. Sociologists have also noted the connection between assistance and education. Hence, it was revealed that pensioners with higher education help their relatives with money and deny assistance by “force.”

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    In accordance with the federal law “On Veterans” (as amended on July 1, 2013), after a labor veteran is assigned a pension, he receives the right to use public clinics free of charge, as well as the right to receive full and qualified treatment in municipal and state healthcare institutions.

    Main types of benefits

    The main types of benefits relate to free assistance in purchasing vital supplies.

    This includes medicines and mobility aids (wheelchairs, cars for the disabled) and even some special food products.
    Once a year, beneficiaries are entitled to compensation for travel to the place of sanatorium-resort recreation. Travel on commuter trains is free.

    Right to receive social assistance

    Beneficiaries have preferential rights in the event of losses.

    This includes the loss of crops, loss of living space, and partial loss of health.

    The NSO also includes:

    • Medical prescriptions according to doctor's prescriptions.
    • Health vouchers.

    Until October 1 of the current year, any beneficiary has the right to decide to replace the NSO package with a cash payment. Finances are accrued from January 1 of the following year. To cancel (or accept) this accrual scheme, you must draw up a corresponding application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

    Monthly payments (EDV)

    To receive monthly supplements to your pension, you must present to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation:

    1. certificate;
    2. health report from the head physician;
    3. archival references;
    4. awards and insignia;
    5. death certificate of a WWII veteran.

    The amount of the allowance depends on the category of the applicant.

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