Additional payment to pensions for labor veterans in 2020 in Moscow: amount

Who is now a “Veteran of Labor” in Russia

During the existence of the Soviet Union, labor shock workers received medals, certificates and the title of “Veteran of Labor” (hereinafter - VT). This category included men who had worked for more than 25 years and women who had worked for more than 20 years.

Now the title is assigned to that citizen who has the categories prescribed in article seven of Federal Law No. 5 of 1995:

  • presence of a Soviet certificate of the title of labor veteran;
  • regional, federal awards from various departments and length of service: for women - from 20 years, and for men - from 25;
  • if a citizen has worked since the Great Patriotic War, being a minor, and has work experience: for women - more than 35 years, for men - from 40.

Citizens can apply for VT status before reaching retirement age, vice versa. But the required payments and various social benefits will become available only after the number of years when you can go on vacation.

Procedure for registering as a “Veteran of Labor”

An applicant for the title “Veteran of Labor” must contact the USZN with the following documents:

  • statement.
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • photograph size 3x4 cm (matte).
  • documents confirming awards and titles of the USSR or the Russian Federation.
  • documents confirming the length of service required to receive a pension.

A working pensioner must submit a certificate of length of service from his place of work and a work book, and a non-working pensioner must submit a work book.

After receiving the documents, they are reviewed by a special commission under the regional government. If the decision is positive, the applicant receives a Labor Veteran certificate.

How can Labor Veterans increase their pension?

The pension supplement is provided as:

  • assignment of social services in the form of cash payments;
  • pension supplements up to the fixed level of the subsistence minimum at the place of registration;
  • annual increase in the amount of cash accrual to the inflation level.

The size of the increases depends on the region, because in different subjects of the Russian Federation the grounds are based on their local regulatory documents.

Types of pension

Veterans can receive 3 types of pensions:

  • insurance;
  • social;
  • state

In the first case, we are talking about a labor pension, which is assigned on the basis of Federal Law No. 400 of 2013. Supplements may be established at the federal and regional levels.

Federal Law No. 400 dated December 28, 2013

In the second case, we are talking about the pension that the veteran will receive if he is recognized as disabled. This payment can be combined with an insurance pension.

In the third case, military veterans, civil servants, etc. can apply for such a payment.

What allowances and surcharges are required?

What does this title give? It allows you to receive bonuses. The amount of additional payments is approved at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Please note that funds will be compensated only if the amount of the basic pension is less than the minimum subsistence level in the Russian region.

The veteran may be assigned the following supplements:

  • regional (determined by the laws of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation);
  • compensation for refusal of a social package (in full or in part).

Federal level

Article 22 of Federal Law No. 5 stipulates that in 2020 the list of benefits is determined at the regional level.

If you analyze the current legislation, you can limit the list of preferences that are provided to veterans throughout the Russian Federation:

  • free travel on public transport;
  • 50% discount on utility costs;
  • the opportunity to take leave at a time suitable for the veteran;
  • free service in medical institutions;
  • and also some others.

Regional level

Regional benefits may include the following preferences:

  • supplement to pension;
  • allocation of funds for the purchase of medicines;
  • the opportunity to purchase food products at a discount;
  • reduced cost for purchasing a water and rail transport ticket;
  • other benefits.

Tax benefits

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation has approved special benefits for persons with the title “veteran of labor”:

  • exemption from paying property taxes;
  • exemption from personal income tax on certain types of income;
  • the opportunity to receive tax deductions for previous tax periods.

At the regional level, additional benefits may be provided, in particular regarding the procedure for paying transport and land taxes.

In Moscow

In the capital, labor veterans receive the following preferences:

  • discounted travel on public transport;
  • 50% discount on communication services;
  • 50% discount on utilities;
  • preferential travel on suburban railway transport;
  • cash supplement, which is compensated monthly;
  • free sanatorium-resort treatment and reimbursement of travel costs to and from the place of treatment.

In St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg, veterans can also claim the following benefits:

  • discounted 1-month pass, which is valid for all types of ground public transport;
  • metro pass for 1 month at the cost of monthly compensation.


Working veterans can fully enjoy all benefits. Special allowances for them may be approved by employers.

Typically, companies give their employees free trips or pay bonuses.

Those who went on vacation

Veterans of labor who have retired can enjoy benefits that are approved for them at the regional and federal levels.

How to issue a power of attorney to receive a pension? Read about it on our website. Is it possible to apply for an old-age pension early? Find out here.

Where to go to increase your pension

Citizens who apply for VT status must complete the following actions:

  1. Contact the social welfare department at your place of registration to submit an application.
  2. Come to the MFC department and provide all the necessary papers and documents for registration.
  3. Scan the application, copies of all necessary certificates and documents to send through the State Services web portal.

The registration procedure must be announced and full consultation given in the public protection department. The application is reviewed within 30 days.

To receive an approval, the following conditions must be met:

  1. The applicant must have Russian citizenship. It does not matter if a citizen worked in Russia without citizenship.
  2. Work experience in another country will be taken into account if there is an agreement between the countries.
  3. Continuous employment period in one workplace must be more than 15 years.
  4. A citizen applying for the title of VT must have appropriate distinctions and awards.

The title is awarded only after the citizen reaches retirement age.

What documents are needed, in addition to the application:

  • an extract confirming the time worked from the work book and the original;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, its copy;
  • four photographs 3x4cm;
  • copies of awards, decals with their originals.

You can also monetize the available benefits for VT by contacting social security for this.

Types of pensions for labor veterans:


A pensioner receives the right to this provision when he reaches a certain age and retires according to the general rules.
Currently, a reform is being carried out, as a result of which the retirement age is being increased. In accordance with it, a person can retire after reaching the age of 60.5 years for men, and 55.5 years for women.

The size of this pension is influenced by the length of service, the size and fact of payment by the employer of insurance premiums for a given person, as well as the cost of pension points for each person.

In some cases, for certain professions, standards may provide for early retirement. If the employee, according to the carried out special assessment and safety regulations, is exposed to dangerous and harmful factors. .

In this regard, the amount of security for each pensioner is calculated individually.


This type of pension is provided for those pensioners who, upon retirement, did not earn the required number of pension points and work experience.

This provision is paid to disabled people with no work experience, as well as to children if one of the parents has died.

According to the rules, if an individual is unable to work and has no work history, then he can qualify for social security payments.

This pension is characterized by the fact that it has the smallest amount, which is equal to the minimum subsistence level for one person.

If people receive a social pension, it is the same for all such recipients.


The right to receive this security is provided in cases strictly established by regulations, and the payment is financed from federal funds. This pension can be received by military personnel, pilots, astronauts, etc.

Payment of a state pension can be carried out even in cases where the pensioner receives the right to receive a pension early. Reaching the general retirement age is not mandatory.

Latest news about increasing pensions for Labor Veterans in 2020

By decision of the government, in 2020 there will also be additional pension increases for labor veterans. The State Duma claims that money has already been allocated from the budget. The amounts of cash payments in regions may vary, because the regional coefficient matters.

  • it is expected that pensions will be indexed in three stages by 15%;
  • last year the government increased insurance payments by 3.7%, in 2020 an increase of 7% is expected;
  • social security for labor veterans in 2020 was increased by 2.9%. An increase of 2.4% is planned this year;
  • citizens who have federal insignia will receive an increase from the government in the amount of 712 rubles;
  • the presence of regional insignia for employees will also help increase pensions, depending on the applicant’s place of residence.

The trend of increasing the cost of living in the Russian Federation also contributes to a further increase in pensions for labor veterans.

Additional payments for Veterans of Labor

A labor veteran has the right to receive federal or regional increases and benefits.

The main allowances include the following:

  • indexing of pension payments;
  • increases in the case of pension payments below the subsistence level;
  • monetization of benefits;
  • lump sum cash payment (LCP). The average amount of payments ranges from 300 to 600 rubles, depending on the subject of the Russian Federation;
  • monetary compensation for utility bills;
  • regional payments in accordance with regulations of local authorities.

In addition to the specified list of allowances, VTs claim the following benefits:

  • additional leave of at least 30 days while continuing to work;
  • free travel on public buses, trolleybuses and other transport;
  • dental prosthetics;
  • preferential medical care;
  • 50% discount for travel on railway and water transport.

In addition, some of these benefits can be monetized, that is, converted into cash equivalent. At the same time, monetization is provided only for federal benefits. To receive this increase, VT is required to submit an application to the social security authorities in accordance with the rules of Federal Law-122.


An increase in pension for a citizen applying for the title of VT is quite possible. Moreover, a further increase in pensions for VTs is expected in the future.

If you have not yet received the title, then you should complete all the procedures:

  1. Have general experience corresponding to the rank.
  2. Work in Russia in one workplace for more than 15 years.
  3. Be a citizen of the Russian Federation. Contact the social security authorities at your place of registration. It should be taken into account that when changing registration, the entire procedure will have to be completed again at the public protection authorities to which the citizen belongs after the change of registration.
  4. Have distinctive signs and labor awards, Soviet certificates, if any. Industry awards are subject to greater scrutiny.
  5. Collect a package of all necessary documents, photos and copies for consistent processing.
  6. If you plan to receive monetary compensation for unused benefits and services, then submit an additional application.
  7. After submitting all papers and approved applications, wait for the completion of the compliance check by a special commission.

Monthly cash payments:

Which regions pay EDV?

The procedure for assigning additional payments to citizens who have the title of labor veteran is completely left to the discretion of the regions. By adopting regional regulations, they establish or cancel such payment.

Unfortunately, now in Russia there is a tendency to reduce support for persons with the honorary title of labor veteran.

But the payment is still preserved in the following regions:

  • In Moscow, Moscow region.
  • St. Petersburg and Leningrad region.
  • Rostov region.
  • Krasnodar region.
  • Other regions of the country.

Payment amount in 2020

The law defines EDV as a regional payment. This means that each region sets an increase in the pension for labor veterans in 2019 based on its own capabilities.

However, each region includes in the payment a set of social services in the amount of 1121.42 rubles. The beneficiary can monetize this amount.

For example:

  • In St. Petersburg, the cash payment is 911 rubles.
  • In Moscow, by law, they can pay an additional 1000 rubles. In addition, they also provide a social service in the form of free travel on city and suburban transport, which you can also refuse. In this case, the payment will increase by another 566 rubles.
  • The surcharge in the Nizhny Novgorod region is 580 rubles.
  • In the Chelyabinsk region, you can receive 1,027 rubles, but this also includes a 150 ruble surcharge if you refuse compensation for telephone costs.

Who is considered a veteran?

In almost every region of our vast country, regional authorities seek to alleviate the plight of labor veterans by legislating for them certain benefits in the field of housing and communal services, major repairs, housing payments, electricity bills, partially or completely exempting them from payments for major repairs of buildings in which they live.

Regional benefits

More than 5,000 labor veterans live in the capital and have the right to receive a number of benefits. Measures of their social and economic support are determined by Moscow Law No. 70 of 2004, as well as certain Government decrees. Let's take a closer look at all the benefits.

If a Russian does not want to receive social services in kind, he can convert the proposed benefits into money; to do this, he will have to write an application requesting additional funds for additional payment by refusing:

The assignment and payment of EDV are made on the basis of an application from a citizen (his representative) with documents confirming the right to receive EDV. Since there are several dozen categories of EDV recipients, you can find out about the list of documents that you need to submit specifically to the Pension Fund at your place of residence. (Detailed list of documents for assigning EDV).

EDV payment

At the same time, the conversion of services into monetary equivalent occurs differently in different regions. Here legislators act differently. In some areas, benefits are provided without the possibility of monetization at all, while in other areas, benefits are allowed to be converted into money after the veteran’s application. Such rules do not suit all Russian citizens, since some industries make a profit from such innovations, while others are upset by the insufficient amount of monetary compensation. Nevertheless, the refusal of possible benefits still allows labor veterans to provide at least some additional payment to their pension.

  • due to an annual increase in payments at the rate of inflation;
  • by establishing a monthly social additional payment up to the subsistence level in the region where the pensioner lives;
  • through the assignment of the monetary equivalent of social services.
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