How to calculate the size of a pension for the widow of a military pensioner in 2020

Second pension for a military widow: legislative framework

The life of military wives is associated with many difficulties: worries about the life and health of their spouse, constant moving, and unsettled everyday life. It is precisely because of a change of place of residence that it is difficult for a woman to get a permanent job, build a career, or earn insurance coverage. Therefore, often upon reaching retirement age, military wives can only claim social security or a minimum retirement pension.

And if the spouse passes away before this period, the widow is completely left without means of subsistence. The lack of financial support is especially acutely felt by the wives of deceased military personnel, who are left with their young children or their husband’s orphans in their care. The only source of income in this case is the survivor's benefit, which is paid, among other things, to the widows or widowers of a deceased serviceman. The conditions and amounts of such support are prescribed in Law No. 4468-I of February 12, 1993 “On pensions for persons who served in military service.”

Rice. 1. Will the benefit be a consolation?

According to Art. 7 of this regulatory act, military spouses have the right to simultaneously receive two types of payments:

  • survivor's benefit;
  • any second pension established by law, with the exception of social pensions for the loss of a breadwinner.

Receipt of a second earned pension for widows of deceased military personnel is regulated by Federal Law No. 400 “On Labor Pensions”, payments for length of service, social benefits, including for age and disability - Federal Law No. 166 “On State Pensions”.

What is due to the widow of a military pensioner after his death?

Women who have become widows are invariably concerned with the question: how is a military pensioner’s pension processed after his death? It is their spouses who are socially vulnerable individuals: the service forces them to move frequently, and under such conditions it is quite difficult for the wife to look for work in a new place each time. After both have become pensioners, it is the spouse's income that can be considered the main source of family income. When a husband dies, his wife is deprived of even such support. How does the state support military widows?

Who has the status of a widow of a military pensioner?

The central legislative act controlling pension provision for military personnel and their families is Russian Law No. 4468-1 dated February 12, 1992, taking into account the latest amendments and changes in the text.

In addition to the military, it also applies to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the State Drug Control Service, the penal system and the national guard.

In particular, Article 28 mentions that a widow can receive a military pension for the loss of a breadwinner if he:

  • dies while performing official duties while in the service;
  • is sent to the reserves and dies from illness or wounds received during service;
  • died from injuries received in the line of duty, albeit after receiving his pension;
  • has the status of a prisoner of war or has been declared missing.

It is noteworthy that the status of a widow and the rights to payments are retained by the woman as long as she is not officially employed anywhere. According to Article 35, the pension of the widow of a military pensioner is preserved even after entering into a new marriage.

What benefits are provided?

Depending on the circumstances, the widow may be assigned a specific type of pension:

  1. military (or survivor benefits) - women whose husband at the time of death (or no later than 5 years before) received government payments for service in the armed forces can apply for it;
  2. insurance (or social pension) - assigned upon reaching retirement age subject to a number of other conditions provided for by law.

In some cases, a widow may receive both types of pensions at the same time (for example, social and survivor's). In addition, women have the right to count on related material support at home.

Funeral expenses

A funeral is considered a fairly expensive event, involving a large outlay of money that widows often find it impossible to handle on their own.

Therefore, they are entitled to payments for the funeral of their deceased husband. The funeral benefit is paid in the amounts established by law, including several items of expenses for funeral services:

  • preparation of necessary papers;
  • transporting the body of the deceased to the morgue;
  • provision and delivery of a coffin (urn) and wreath, payment for cremation;
  • transportation of the body and relatives to the burial place.

At the same time, widows are entitled to compensation for the monument: it is made according to actual costs, although the maximum amount of payments for production is 24,495 rubles, with compensation for installation up to 5,000 rubles.

Military honors to the deceased are provided only for a certain category of military personnel. Then the organization of the funeral procession becomes entirely the responsibility of the deceased’s superiors, and all expenses are paid by the ministry.

But such a farewell is only possible if the military pensioner died while performing his professional duties.

Benefits for housing and communal services

In the field of payment for housing and communal services, benefits for widows are guaranteed both by the state and the regions. Typically this is 50% reimbursement. Within the framework of Article 24 of Federal Law No. 76, spouses of military personnel have the right to count on:

  1. improvement of living conditions (safety of official housing for the family even in the event of the death of the husband with the further provision of an apartment for social rent);
  2. assistance in repairing an apartment or private house or reimbursement of costs;
  3. telephone installation;
  4. purchase of solid fuel;
  5. payment of utilities at a discount established at the regional level;
  6. other benefits in the field of housing and communal services are already at the local level.

In addition, a widow living in a private house is entitled to repairs once every 10 years (for high-rise buildings, repairs are carried out according to the housing and communal services schedule). If the husband was in line to improve his living conditions and did not have time to exercise this right, then it automatically passes to his wife.

Benefits for medical care

Social privileges for widows of military pensioners also extend to healthcare . In general terms, they are assigned the following guarantees:

  • register for free and undergo treatment in departmental medical institutions for a discount from 25% to 100%;
  • provision of free medications that are officially prescribed in the institution during treatment;
  • a necessary trip for general health, where travel is also subject to monetary compensation;
  • large discounts on tickets to sanatoriums and resorts, if these institutions are owned by the department.

It is important that all stages of treatment are documented. It is with the help of papers that widows can receive monetary compensation as quickly as possible.

Other benefits

The state provides assistance not only to the wives of deceased military pensioners, but also to other family members, which mean:

  1. enrollment of the deceased’s children in kindergartens, schools and colleges out of turn;
  2. free transportation of items in a container weighing up to 20 tons by rail;
  3. free travel to a military burial site once every 12 months.

More detailed information regarding compensation in a specific region can be obtained by contacting the housing office or the social department for population protection . There, the widow will be told in detail what benefits she is entitled to claim, which of them can be combined (if there are several of them) and what the registration requirements are.

Conditions of receipt, registration procedure and size

Pension accruals at the time of the death of a military man will remain active if no more than 5 years have passed since the last payment. A number of other conditions allow you to maintain the previous status:

  • the deceased has minor offspring (under 14 years of age);
  • retirement age (50 years) and degree of disability of the wife;
  • lack of official employment.

But in addition to having the rights themselves, it is important to confirm them in a timely manner and collect the relevant documents.

Often, late processing can cause delays or cancellations. Repeated application in fact turns out to be a rather labor-intensive process, so it is better to resolve these issues as quickly as possible after the death of the husband.

Pension payments

Support for widows comes in different forms: one-time payments and monthly benefits (insurance compensation), benefits and subsidies (accruals) affecting areas of the social sphere (general care from the state).

They are paid in the amount established under federal legislation , including several expense items:

  1. pension provision (keep your payments, or receive the pension of your deceased spouse);
  2. allowance for the maintenance of minor dependents;
  3. additional payment due to the loss of a family breadwinner;
  4. financial benefits for utility bills;
  5. funeral benefit for a military pensioner.

The widow must, within 5 years from the date of death of her spouse, apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the accrual of the appropriate pension, but the payment itself is made for a period of no more than 1 year by the date of filing the application.

Procedure and deadlines for registration

To receive the pension received, the widow must perform the following algorithm of actions:

  • Visit the military commissariat and register.
  • Have with you a passport, prescription, personal file of the deceased and a military ID.
  • Contact the Russian Pension Fund.
  • Submit an application of the established form at the department and provide copies and originals of passport details, certificates, certificates and other documents confirming relationship with the deceased.
  • Wait for approval and receive pension payments.

The approximate period for document verification is 10 days . The prescribed pension is paid during the entire period of the woman’s incapacity for work, and after the widow retires, contributions are made until the end of her life.

Payment amount

As a rule, financial assistance for the loss of a military pensioner is prescribed based on his:

  1. ranks;
  2. circumstances of death;
  3. length of service;
  4. positions.

A widow has the right to count on a death benefit for a military breadwinner in the amount of:

  • 40% of monetary allowance, after confirmation of a serious illness that appeared during service and caused death;
  • 50% of the salary if the husband was fired due to injuries caused during service.

To calculate the final value, it is necessary to calculate the product of the serviceman’s pension coefficients and the pension rate by the number of applications.

When pension payments are assigned additionally, the personal settlement part remains the main one. Widows who live in the Far North or places equivalent to this territory can receive an increased amount of security - regional coefficients.

What benefits can a widow of a serviceman take advantage of when calculating pensions and other material payments?

Upon reaching retirement age, the spouse of a deceased serviceman can apply for pension payments in accordance with his own length of service or transfer to the spouse’s pension.

One way or another, the widow can take advantage of the benefits provided by law, and she can claim 50% of his allowance. In some cases, the payment amount is doubled if:

  1. the woman has reached 80 years of age;
  2. the ex-wife became disabled group I;
  3. the widow was dependent.

In Russia, it is allowed to re-register a pension for the widow of a serviceman. But the main condition for legal rights is that the woman should not be working at the time of filing the papers and write a corresponding application.

If you do not apply within six months, then in addition to the standard package, the Pension Fund will also have to provide a court decision on the assignment of a pension , which will significantly delay the process of assigning the required payments.


Conditions for receiving a survivor's pension for a widow

Survivor benefits are paid to widows of military personnel who served in the following ranks:

  • armed forces of the Russian Federation;
  • internal affairs bodies and the penitentiary system;
  • "Rosguard";
  • state fire service;
  • authorities for control over the circulation of drugs and psychotropic substances;
  • military formations of the former Union.

Payments are assigned in the event of death/destruction of a military man:

  • during service;
  • within 3 months after dismissal;
  • due to illness, injury, injury, concussion during service, regardless of the period that has passed since resignation;
  • while receiving a pension;
  • after the termination of pension payments, but no later than 5 years.

Note! Widows of military personnel who died while in captivity or went missing during hostilities are equal to the widows of those killed at the front.

Rice. 2. If there are young children, the widow has the right to payments

Spouses who:

  1. Disabled.
  2. Lost their livelihood after the death of their husband/wife.
  3. Raise children under 14 years of age. These could be children, brothers, sisters, or grandchildren of the deceased. In this case, the woman should not be employed.
  4. Reached retirement age: 55.5 years for women in 2018, 60.5 years for men.

The right to receive a spouse's military pension continues after remarriage. However, in this case, the opportunity to receive a second pension is lost.

Benefits for the widow of a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and a military serviceman in 2020

Since military spouses are forced to move due to their husband's transfers to new duty stations, they often break their employment relationships with employers and spend a long time looking for a new job. This means that the work experience is constantly interrupted, and the pension in old age will be small. While the husband is alive, the family is financially secure, but after the death or death of the military spouse, she is left with virtually no means of subsistence - that is why the Government of the Russian Federation assigns her payments and various benefits. Let's find out exactly what benefits the widow of a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and a military serviceman is entitled to.

One of the significant benefits for the widow of a serviceman is the ability to take into account the time that the woman, during her husband’s lifetime, followed his place of service and could not find a new job, into the insurance period for calculating future pension payments. In general, five years of unemployment are allowed to be taken into account, and before 2014 there were no restrictions at all.

More to read: Number of Article of the Federal Law In Which It is Written When Income is Less than the Living Minimum, 50% is Not Withheld from the Court.

The right to a pension on preferential terms

The wives or husbands of deceased military personnel are entitled to preferential pensions due to disability resulting from injury, injury, or illness during:

  • being at the front;
  • serving abroad during combat operations;
  • being in captivity;
  • performing other military/official duties.

In this case, payments are assigned:

  1. When the spouse reaches retirement age.
  2. When caring for children under 8 years of age, regardless of whether the spouse works or not.

If a woman or man has lost, for the listed reasons, not only her husband/wife, but also children who served, she/he has the right to choose one payment related to the death of the breadwinner.

Conditions for granting a second pension to widows

The second pension for the widow of a military pensioner is awarded only if the woman does not remarry. In this case, she or he, in addition to survivor benefits, can receive:

  1. Labor (insurance) pension upon reaching retirement age.
  2. Early retirement or long service payments.
  3. Social security by age, if you were unable to earn the necessary length of service to receive a pension.
  4. Disability benefits.

If the widow/widower remarries, she must choose one pension plan.

Reference! If a military pensioner received a second civilian pension, after his death the right to receive it is lost, that is, the widow can only receive payments related to the spouse’s service.

Benefits and compensation after the death of a military pensioner

If a military pensioner dies, is payment of military benefits provided? Unfortunately, this question arises quite often, because a decent burial of a loved one costs relatives a fairly large sum.

Among the payments that Russian citizens can count on is a funeral benefit. The opportunity to receive government support is provided to relatives.

In practice, absolutely any person who has assumed responsibility for all expenses for the burial of the deceased has the right to apply for a subsidy.

That is, anyone can receive support, regardless of whether they have family ties to the deceased.

Who is eligible for funeral assistance?

In 2020, compensation is paid only to persons who served in military service as cadets, soldiers, and officers.

In general, such citizens include the following categories of military personnel:

  1. Deceased or deceased Russians who were dismissed from military service or from the Ministry of Internal Affairs upon reaching the age established by law;
  2. Pensioners who became such before reaching the required age due to health reasons;
  3. Citizens who retired due to the reorganization of their state.

Read more: About benefits and additional pensions for widows of military pensioners. We have studied this issue and explained in detail what is required.

An important condition for receiving assistance is having sufficient years of service. Thus, a serviceman must have at least 20 years of service, only after which he can count on receiving benefits.

Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation provide for the possibility of paying funeral benefits for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who died due to a disease directly related to their professional activities. In addition, the number of military pensioners who are eligible for this benefit includes military veterans, military personnel who took part in wars or served in the army.

The widow of a military pensioner, or any other relative or interested person, after his death, has the right to turn to the state for support in order to receive assistance in burying the deceased.

What is due to the widow of a military pensioner?

According to the norms of Russian legislation, widows, after the death of a military pensioner, are entitled to a number of payments, most of which are provided at a time:

  1. Pension. Moreover, the widow has the right to independently choose her own pension provision: keep her payments, or receive the pension of her deceased spouse;
  2. Allowance for the maintenance of minor dependents;
  3. Additional payments due to the loss of a family breadwinner;
  4. Financial benefits for utility bills.

Important: Who is entitled to an additional survivor's pension? How to get it and in what size?

In addition, widows of military pensioners are provided with an additional benefit, according to which the time while they were with their husband traveling around the country and could not find official employment is counted in their work experience. Since 2014, it is allowed to take into account only no more than 5 years.

Of course, widows are entitled to benefits for the funeral of a deceased military pensioner. A funeral is an expensive event with a large expenditure of money, which is often impossible to cope with on your own, especially in cases where the main breadwinner has died.

The funeral benefit for a military pensioner is paid in the amount established under federal law and includes several expense items. As a funeral benefit, the widow does not have to worry about installing a headstone or monument.

Monument, tombstone

Widows are also entitled to compensation for the monument. Moreover, payment for services is made based on actual costs, which are confirmed by relevant documents. The maximum payment for making a monument is 24,495 rubles. Installation is compensated only in the amount of slightly less than 5,000 rubles.

Persons who served under conscription, cadets, can also be paid money for a tombstone (money is paid to their relatives). Payment for the production and installation of a monument for burial is compensated within the limits of 19,000 rubles for production and 3,800 rubles for installation.

How to receive social benefits for funerals from the state? In what size is it issued, for what purposes can it be used? Where to apply for benefits.. >>

How to prepare documents

After a military retiree has died, the widow or other close relatives must begin preparations for the funeral. In the case of military personnel or citizens discharged from military service with sufficient length of service, it is possible to receive a subsidy to compensate for funds spent on funerals.

To do this you can contact:

  1. To the Pension Fund, if the deceased is a non-working pensioner;
  2. To the organization, if the serviceman was working on the day of death;
  3. To the social security department, if the deceased did not receive pension payments;
  4. To the military registration and enlistment office, if funds are needed for the burial of a disabled person or war participant, active military personnel.

Attention! How to receive pension savings of a deceased relative from the state? We discussed this issue in detail with lawyers!


To receive a subsidy for the funeral of a deceased military pensioner, you must provide the following package of documents:

  1. Application for payment;
  2. Marriage certificate or other documents confirming relationship with the deceased;
  3. Applicant's passport;
  4. Documents confirming funeral expenses;
  5. Documents confirming the right to receive benefits;
  6. Power of attorney certified by a notary, identification card if a representative of a relative is applying.

Other documents from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation can also be provided if they are related to the death of the pensioner.


Amount of pension for military widows

The amount of military payments depends on the cause that led to the death of the spouse, and is assigned in the amounts indicated in the table.

Table 1. Amount of payments for the loss of a breadwinner

Cause of death/deathPart of the breadwinner's allowanceCan't be less
Amount of social benefitIn 2020, rub.From April 1, 2020, rub.
War trauma50 %200%10 068,5010 609,14
Diseases acquired during service40%150%7 551,387 956,86
Illness or accident not related to service40%150%7 551,387 956,86

The basis for calculating payments is the spouse’s monetary allowance, consisting of:

  1. Basic salaries for rank and position.
  2. Payments for long service.
  3. Additional payments provided for by the rules for calculating additional income.

If the benefit is assigned after the death of a military man receiving a pension, the base is also his monetary allowance, on the basis of which his pension payments were calculated.

The second pension is assigned in the amount provided for by its type:

  1. According to disability group;
  2. If the widow was unable to earn insurance coverage, she is assigned a social old-age pension upon reaching 60.5 years for women and 65.5 years for men.

Table 2. Amount of the second social pension for a widow

Type of social benefitPayment amount
2018, rub.From April 1, 2020, rub.
I disability group10360,5210609,17
II disability group5180,245304,57
III disability group4403,244508,92
According to the age5180,245304,57

Women who were able to earn at least 10 years of insurance coverage in 2019 and a minimum number of points above 16.2 can apply for a labor pension.

This part of the payments is calculated according to the traditional formula:


That is, at minimum values, the benefit will be in 2019:

16.2*87.24 + 5,334.19 = 6,747.48 rubles.

With higher values ​​of the IPB, pension payments will be correspondingly higher.

Note! The minimum estimated pension provision increased from January 1, 2020 by 7%. In 2020 it was 6107.46 rubles.

State support for widows of retired military personnel: benefits for housing and communal services and medical services

The most important measure to support military widows is a preferential pension and additional benefits (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 941 “On the procedure for calculating length of service, assigning and paying pensions, compensation and benefits to persons who served in military service as officers, warrant officers, midshipmen and long-term military personnel or under contract as soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen or service in internal affairs bodies, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, institutions and bodies of the penal system, troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families in the Russian Federation."). They are issued under certain conditions.

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The state allows widows of officers to combine 2 payments at the same time. For example, your civil pension and survivor's benefit. But a woman cannot remarry and must prove her need for these payments. Otherwise, she will be denied the right to combine payments.

How to get a second pension for a widow

Payments to military family members, including widows, are made by the federal agency where the spouse served before his death, dismissal, or retirement. It could be:

  1. Defense Department.
  2. Ministry of Internal Affairs
  3. FSB.
  4. FSIN.
  5. General Prosecutor's Office.
  6. Investigative committee.

Therefore, to process payments, it is necessary to contact the Federal executive authorities and federal state authorities, in accordance with their departmental affiliation.

The widow just needs to write a statement and provide:

  • passport;
  • a document confirming the relationship;
  • certificates of disability, if available;
  • documents that confirm the presence of dependents: birth certificate, certificates of guardianship.

If the husband is missing, you will need a court decision recognizing the military man as such.

The papers are reviewed for no longer than 10 days, after which a benefit is assigned.

To apply for an insurance or social pension, you must contact the Pension Fund. Moreover, this can be done in person or remotely through the fund’s website or the state portal of the State Service. You can also send the documentation by Russian Post or entrust the processing to an authorized person.

In this case, you will need a documentation package consisting of:

  • passports and SNILS;
  • conclusion of the commission on disability, if any;
  • work book;
  • other papers necessary to process certain payments.

If the registration is carried out by a trusted person, you will also need a notarized power of attorney and his passport.

Benefits for widows

In addition to pension payments, Russian legislation still provides some benefits to widows:

  1. The time when the wife accompanied her husband on military trips is included in the work experience for no more than 5 years.
  2. If the deceased husband was a participant in hostilities, then a 50% discount on utility bills is granted. For other widows, discounts for this category are determined individually by regional authorities.
  3. Priority right to admission to kindergartens and schools, as well as military schools.
  4. If the husband died in the first year after retirement, his family can compensate for the costs of moving, provided the weight of all property does not exceed 20 tons.
  5. Compensation for annual travel to and from the sanatorium.
  6. Free treatment, registration in departmental hospitals.
  7. Receive free prescription medications in these hospitals, as well as sanatorium treatment if it is prescribed in the medical report.
  8. Discounts on sanatoriums subordinate to the military unit where the spouse served.

In this way, the state provides financial support to women who remain financially unprotected after the death of their military husbands.

Increase in payments in 2020

Indexation of all payments is planned for 2020. However, the timing and size will differ depending on their type.

Type of benefitIncrease deadlineIndexation size, %
Survivor benefits tied to cash allowanceOctober 20204,3%
The minimum amount of payments for the loss of a breadwinner, tied to the calculated amount - social benefitsApril 20202,4%
Social benefits for age, disabilityApril 20202,4%
Insurance pensionsJanuary 20207%

For reference! Pensions of military personnel will increase by 6.3% from October 2020 due to an increase in additional income by 4.3% and indexation of pension payments by 2%.

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. Earlier it was also reported that the head of the Ministry of Labor, Maxim Topilin, told how many of the country’s pensioners would be affected by the upcoming increase in pensions. According to the federal minister, at least 31 million citizens should feel the increase in monthly pension payments next year. Russian pensioners have suffered so much from the government over the past year that it seems they no longer expect anything good, either from ministers or personally from Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. All the more unexpected was the signing by the Prime Minister of a document that will, at least slightly, improve the lives of elderly Russians. And while the majority of pensioners in the country traditionally count pennies until their next pension, the government has actually prepared a document that can, to some extent, relieve them of at least some of their financial problems. However, it is too early to talk about exactly what the effect of this innovation will be - everything will be determined by the practice of its enforcement.

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