How to obtain an extract from an individual personal account of the Pension Fund of Russia

With the transition to the Unified Accumulative Pension Fund, citizens of Kazakhstan have additional privileges that make it possible to view up-to-date information on pension accruals online.

Now you can get all the latest information without leaving your home. It is enough to turn on your computer or mobile phone and control your pension accruals. This is convenient and simple, especially for those who do not have the opportunity to personally contact the savings pension fund for the data they need.

So, there are several simple ways to check pension contributions in Kazakhstan

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Purpose of discharge

Previously, the pension fund sent updated data en masse “chain letters” by Russian Post annually. Since 2013, Federal Law No. 242-FZ has abolished them. To receive them again on a permanent basis, you must submit an application to the Pension Fund. In return, the state offered several alternative ways to obtain an extract at any convenient time.

Why an extract might be needed:

  • for registration of long-service, preferential, and disability pensions;
  • to control and clarify the correctness of accruals (if any of the employers provided incorrect information or did not provide it at all, the citizen can immediately find out the situation and correct it);
  • as an alternative to personal income tax certificate 2: when applying for loans from a bank (this can speed up the process of reviewing the application and encourage a positive answer);
  • when preparing a package of documents to the USZN for the issuance of social benefits.

The extract in this situation is considered more informative. And in the future it is planned to completely replace 2 personal income taxes.

If necessary, citizens of the Russian Federation can receive an extract on the status of their pension account

How to receive an extract from a pension fund in person

Visit the customer service department of the local UPFR. This is the simplest and most logical way. You should contact the place of registration, and it does not matter whether it is temporary or permanent. Be sure to have your passport and SNILS with you.

You can pick up the certificate in person or it will be delivered by mail. According to the regulations, both options are generated within 10 days from the date of your application.

Important! If the document is needed urgently, then the pension fund employees can meet halfway and do it earlier. They may even be able to provide it to you on the same day.

You can also obtain an extract from the Pension Fund from the Multifunctional Center for the Provision of State and Municipal Services. It is especially convenient if, in addition to the extract, you need to fill out other papers. In this case, the procedure is not particularly different from the previous one. To register an application, you must present your passport and SNILS. The readiness of the certificate is also determined by the standard period of up to 10 days. But keep in mind that it will no longer be possible to receive a certificate on this day, since the extract will be ordered through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and this will take several days.

You can receive a statement through the Bank. This opportunity appeared relatively recently, so it has not yet gained such popularity among citizens. like previous options. Although it has an undeniable advantage, you will receive a certified certificate in your hands immediately after applying.

As with any other banking service, to obtain a statement, you should contact the operator or through an ATM.

Important: you can get an extract from the ILS at any Bank, regardless of whether you have used its services before or not.

You can receive the statement in person or online

How can I view my pension contributions?

There are two ways to check the status of your contributions:

  • Official government website;
  • Official mobile application.

They allow you to find out all the necessary information directly in your browser or from the screen of your mobile phone. What can you get from these electronic resources?

All basic information, including:

  • Current funds balance;
  • New Arrivals;
  • Payment procedure.

Certificates issued by the official website can be used to obtain a loan from a bank. They are an official document, so the credit institution is obliged to take them into account. The only omission on the part of the developers is that there is no information about the amount of income that goes according to current accruals. Read more about the e-government website.

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If loved ones refuse to help, and banks are not at all ready to provide a loan, then a microloan, which many residents of Kazakhstan can receive from various financial institutions, will be an excellent solution. More details

How to obtain an extract on the status of a personal account in the Pension Fund of Russia through the government services portal step by step

After authorization on the portal, you need to go to the service catalog. There we find a service called “Notification of the status of a personal account in the Pension Fund of Russia.” This can be done manually, through the catalog. Or you can use the search bar and just start writing this phrase...

Next, click on the search result. A page will appear where you won’t immediately understand what’s what. Having looked carefully, we will decide - we should go to the “services” section.

At the next stage, you can already receive the service.

And then we receive a notification about the status of our personal account.

The extract itself looks like this:

Extract from the Pension Fund

An extract from the personal account of any insured person from the Pension Fund is an official document containing certain information. With its help, a person gets access to the following information:

  • about insurance premiums;
  • coefficients;
  • about insurance or funded pension;
  • amount of insurance experience.

Extract required:

  • when applying for a pension;
  • to control accruals;
  • when applying for loans (if required by the bank);
  • to receive certain types of social benefits.

Some pensioners use a document to try to control the correctness of the calculation of insurance premiums, while others need an extract for creditors. Banks actually often require it when applying for a loan. And this is completely legal. But the banking organization does not have the right to receive the statement on its own. To do this, the borrower needs to personally contact the Pension Fund with a corresponding application.

Until 2013, all information was provided to the Pension Fund in the form of appropriate letters. But with the help of Federal Law No. 242, the distribution of notifications stopped. Now, to do this, you need to independently contact the Pension Fund with a request. The extract is prepared within 10 days.

The service for issuing a certificate of account status is free, so the pensioner does not need to pay a state fee. The pension fund has no grounds for refusing to issue a document to the applicant. Any refusal can be easily appealed in court.

How to find out about pension savings

If until 2013, the Pension Fund itself sent out extended notices to citizens about the status of their individual personal accounts, but recently such “chain letters” have not been received. Officials decided to save paper and time by allowing workers to independently check this data.

The Pension Fund website has all the necessary information. It’s easy to find it in the “Life Situations” section.

After reading, we understand that receiving notifications from the Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is possible in several ways:

  • through your personal account on the fund’s website;
  • through the government services portal;
  • through the Pension Fund client service;
  • through the bank.

“What a service!” - you say. Yes, it’s like that: convenient and simple. You don’t even have to go anywhere, but receive a notification from the pension fund about the status of your individual personal account online.

Standardization of statements

The rules for document execution are clearly defined by the legislation of the Russian Federation. By Government Decree No. 192, all possible aspects and nuances related to indicating the data required in this document were worked out.

In order to avoid future difficulties in interpreting certain information contained in the extract, you should first familiarize yourself with this document.

If necessary, obtaining this document will not be difficult. But it makes sense to purchase it even in a situation where there is no need to provide it to any organization. At least for timely monitoring of the correctness of funds accrual.

No need to stand in line

The Pension Fund's customer service works well, but it takes a long time. It will take her 10 days to provide the information. But the most important thing is that you have to go there, stand in line, and write a special application. Moreover, they will require SNILS and a passport with registration. Or registration at the place of stay.

Against the background of these two “offers,” the personal account on the fund’s website and the government services portal look more attractive. Just like in the advertisement: “You don’t need to go anywhere, we’ll apply here!” The procedure is very simple and very fast: information arrives in a matter of minutes. It is through this site that the easiest way to obtain information about the status of an individual personal account with the Pension Fund.

How to check contributions to the pension fund using SNILS online: useful video

Something like pensions is an important issue for many people. As you know, a pension in most cases is formed thanks to special pension contributions made by the employer.

Quite a lot of people want to know the amount of their own pension contributions. If earlier this was not so easy to do, for this it was necessary to go to the pension fund, stand in line for a very long time and fill out quite a large number of documents, but nowadays everything is much simpler, since there is such a convenient thing as the Internet.

If you want to know how to check your own pension contributions, then this article will provide you with the necessary information on this issue.

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How to get an extract from the Pension Fund online

You can use the government services portal. Of all the online options for obtaining an extract from the ILS, this is the simplest and most convenient. If you have not used this site before, you will need to go through more than just standard registration, as on similar government sites. In addition to entering your document data, you will also have to confirm that this account belongs to you.

The system is constantly being improved, and now in any city you can find a suitable option for identification:

  1. In personal presence with documents in popular government institutions. You can get acquainted with the current list of organizations in your area on the portal itself by following the link - This method is recommended as the fastest, since confirmation comes immediately.
  2. By mail, to do this you need to order an identity confirmation code from the profile of the portal itself. This method will take the most time.
  3. Using online banking services, if you are their client and have a Personal Account. But only 3 banks have this privilege:
  • Sberbank of Russia;
  • Post Bank;
  • Tinkoff Bank.

And only after passing authorization (done only once and forever) access to ordering a certificate becomes available. The site is intuitive to use and does not require detailed decoding. All transitions are arranged logically. Initially, the algorithm will be the same - you need to go to the “Services” tab in the menu, it is divided into 3 branches and from each you can get to the section for ordering an extract from the ILS.

PFR website

You can also obtain an extract on the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. But here’s the paradox: in order to enter the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, you need to go through the same registration and confirm your account first on government services. And only then, when you go through government services to the website to your personal account, authorization occurs automatically.

Next, we follow a simple algorithm: scroll down to the “Individual personal account” section, click “Order a certificate (statement): on the status of an individual personal account” and confirm the request. The help will be available for viewing in the “Request History” section, where you can save it on your PC.

You can get a statement through Sberbank Online

Sberbank Online

You can receive a statement through Bank Online. This service can only be available to a user of a specific bank who has a registered personal account. But even in this case, it won’t be possible to do everything quickly the first time. It is necessary to contact the nearest branch of the Bank and conclude an additional agreement - the Universal Banking Service Agreement. Also a statement in which you agree to provide the OPFR with all necessary information to the Bank.

As an example, we suggest looking at the sequence of actions that the largest Bank of Russia, Sberbank, offers us:

  1. We go to your Personal Account on the Sberbank-Online website.
  2. On the main page at the bottom we find the pinned entry “Pension programs” and click on the tab under it - “Extract on the status of an individual personal account.”
  3. In the window that opens, select “Get statement”.
  4. After checking the automatically completed application for an extract from the Pension Fund, click “send” and “confirm”.

We check information about the status of the request on the main page in the “Pension program” tab, section “Statement of the individual personal account”. After processing the application, the statement itself will appear in the same section. Moreover, it will be stored there permanently and can be checked or compared at any time. If you need information for a new period, you will need to follow the same algorithm.

How to check pension contributions using the official e-government website

Checking the information on the official website is quite simple:

  • You must go to;
  • There you will need a section “Citizens”;
  • After this, you need to click on “Social Security”;
  • And the last click on “Pension provision”.

To receive information about yourself, you will need to register, provide the necessary data, and send a digital signature. But if you have your phone at hand, you can check all this information even easier.

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Register for government services - it will come in handy!

Your personal account is available only to registered users of the public services portal. The service was available to our hero only because he had previously confirmed his account, and among the data he specified there was information about SNILS. If there is no such information, then you will have to either supplement your personal information (and go confirm them at the MFC, for example), or order statements through the customer service. In this case, you will have to fill out a special application to the Pension Fund, the form of which can be downloaded below.

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