Is it possible to get maternity capital for twins?

Is it possible to receive maternity capital for twins in 2020?

  • Men who became the sole adoptive parents of twins;
  • Fathers of twins whose mother, for one reason or another, lost the right to receive capital;
  • If both parents do not have the right to dispose of the payment amount, then the capital is given to one child of the twins.

The birth of twins is joy multiplied by 2, another set of dowry, another bottle, pacifier and other expensive accessories. However, according to current legislation, maternity capital for twins guarantees the new mother the amount of payments approved for the birth of one baby. It turns out that you can give birth to at least 10 children at a time, the payment amount will not change and will not be multiplied by 10.

Is maternity capital given for the birth of twins during the first birth?

The birth of children is, of course, a solemn event for the whole family, and the birth of twins at the same time is a holiday that is doubly pleasant!

At the same time, in the minds of many parents, the question arises whether they will provide maternity capital, because for the upbringing and maintenance of twins, their development, a large amount will be required.

The state foresaw this and adopted a social program in this direction, within the framework of which financial support is provided to young families. The goal of this program is not only to increase the birth rate in the country, but also to improve the standard of living of the population.

The legislation stipulates that a state subsidy is provided regardless of whether it is the first or second birth, what is important is how many children appear in the family.

Reference! For the birth of twins after 2020 and thereafter, maternity capital for the born child is paid fixedly and amounts to a total of 616,617 rubles. It should also be noted that families who adopted twins are also eligible to receive subsidies.

It should also be noted that families into which twins were adopted also have the right to maternity capital.

Basic rules for registration and receipt of MK:

  1. The mother or children have citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  2. Some capital transactions will require that 3 years have passed since the birth of the children;

Not only the mother, but also other persons have the right to receive matkapil, for example:

  • the father of twins, whose mother for some reason lost the right to receive a subsidy;
  • sole parent or adoptive parent of children;
  • If the parents do not have the right to receive capital, this right passes directly to the children themselves.

Maternal Capital in 2020 for Twins at Second Birth

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Civil Status Acts (Article 22), a birth certificate record for the birth of two or more children at the same time is compiled for each child. Moreover, the birth sequence is indicated. As a result, the mother receives two (or more) birth certificates, which she can subsequently submit to the territorial body of the Pension Fund. In this regard, the second child - one of two twins born last - is entitled to provide the parent (mother) with state support in the amount of maternal (family) capital. If the second birth brought twins, and before that there was one child in the family, then the family is entitled to a capital certificate.

Yes, it's allowed. In accordance with Article 22 of the Federal Law of November 15, 1997 N 143-FZ “On Civil Status Acts,” a birth certificate record in the event of the birth of two or more children at the same time is drawn up for each child, indicating the sequence of their birth. As a result, the mother receives two birth certificates, which she can submit to the territorial body of the Pension Fund. In this case, as in any other, the family will receive only one certificate for maternity capital.

Is it possible to receive maternity capital for twins in 2020?

  1. Certificates belonging to all children in the family;
  2. The decision to adopt twins, which was made as a result of a court hearing;
  3. Passport of a person who has every right to receive maternity capital;
  4. Certificate of compulsory insurance with the Pension Fund;
  5. Papers confirming the Russian citizenship of the baby and the person who will receive the payment.

The birth of twins is joy multiplied by 2, another set of dowry, another bottle, pacifier and other expensive accessories. However, according to current legislation, maternity capital for twins guarantees the new mother the amount of payments approved for the birth of one baby. It turns out that you can give birth to at least 10 children at a time, the payment amount will not change and will not be multiplied by 10.

Maternity capital in 2020 twins second birth

At the same time, if the parent is working, he must contact his employer with a request to deduct the required benefit. According to the current law, an employer cannot refuse an employee. In the case of the unemployed or students, the payment of benefits is handled by the social protection authorities and is made from the budget of the insurance fund.

Maternity capital is not issued in cash, these funds are in the accounts of the Pension Fund (PFR), and the right to dispose of them is given by a certificate that must be issued at the pension fund. Initially, the amount of maternity capital was 250,000 rubles. But every year the size of these payments is recalculated and increased taking into account inflation.

List of documents for receiving maternity capital for twins in 2015

You can submit documents at the pension fund, but for this you will need a certain list of documents. Please note that it is mandatory and without them you will not be able to receive a subsidy for the birth of a child.

So, according to federal law, you will need the following documents:

  • application for maternity assistance;
  • certificate of both children;
  • passport of one of the parents who is a citizen of the Russian Federation.

It is worth noting that the complete list of documents for maternity capital is decided by the authorities of your district. But, most often, it will completely coincide with the federal one.

Maternity capital at the birth of twins

  • children have Russian citizenship (for this they must be born on the territory of Russia and one of the parents must be a citizen of the Russian Federation; if children were born abroad, but both of their parents are Russians, then the children also receive Russian citizenship);
  • the applicant (usually the mother) also has Russian citizenship;
  • children were born after Law 256-FZ came into force and before its expiration (today this is the period from 2007 to 2021).
  • SNILS number;
  • date of registration in the register;
  • Full name, including those that the recipient had at birth (for cases of change of last name, first name or patronymic);
  • Date of Birth;
  • Place of Birth;
  • floor;
  • details of the identity document;
  • information about existing children - natural and adopted;
  • information about the state of family capital - its amount, the part spent, directions of spending, etc.;
  • information about the termination of the right to receive government assistance.

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The amount of maternity capital in 2020 is established by paragraph 1 of Article 8 of the Federal Law “On the federal budget for 2020 and for the planning period of 2020 and 2021.” The exact amount of maternity capital in 2019 has not changed and is 453,026 rubles. The size of mat capital in 2020 remained the same - in a frozen state, but from 2020 we should expect positive developments in this matter. Moreover, we can already name the exact amounts. Thus, according to the explanatory note to the draft Federal Law “On the Pension Fund Budget for 2019 and for the planning period of 2020 and 2021”, the next time the certificate amount will increase: January 1, 2020 - up to 470,241 rubles (based on the consumer price growth index of 3.8 %); in 2021 – up to 489,051 rubles (based on the consumer price growth index of 4%).

A woman with Russian citizenship who gave birth to or adopted a second child since January 1, 2007. From January 1, 2007, the third or subsequent children, unless she previously exercised her right to mat capital. A man (also a citizen of the Russian Federation) who is the sole adoptive parent of the second or subsequent children, if the court decision on adoption came into force no earlier than January 1, 2007. The father or adoptive parent, regardless of citizenship - if the mother or adoptive parent of the child is unable or has lost the right to mat capital. This can happen, for example, in the event of the death of a mother, deprivation of parental rights, or the commission of a deliberate crime against one’s child. If both father and mother (adoptive parent and adoptive mother) are unable or are deprived of the right to matrimonial capital, then this right passes to the children themselves. The money is distributed equally between them. We are talking about minors or adults, if they are full-time students.

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Features of registration of maternity capital for twins

The legislation does not limit the timing of the issuance of capital, and any girl who gave birth to two or more children after January 1, 2007 can apply to receive a certificate. If the child is already 3 years old, you can immediately use the money due, but there is one condition: funds are not issued in cash; for the needs provided for by law, the capital is transferred by bank transfer.

A Russian citizen’s application for a certificate is given 1 month to consider, and money is transferred 10 days. Previously, in the latter case, you had to wait a total of 2 months, but now the time frame for transferring funds has been reduced. If Pension Fund employees unreasonably refuse to process documents or transfer funds, you must act as follows:

Maternity capital for twins second birth 2020

According to the terms of the law, this financial assistance is intended for families who had two children no earlier than 2007. General rules have been established for processing funds for the birth of twins.

Thus, from a literal understanding of the norm, it becomes clear that all women who have given birth to (adopted) a second child have the right to maternity capital, regardless of whether there was a break between their births or whether the babies were born at the same time. This means that for twins in 2020 they give maternity capital according to the general rules.

Do they give maternity capital for twins?

Maternity capital for twins can be obtained on a general basis when the child reaches the age of three . The form of receipt involves a direct transfer of funds to the recipient’s bank account by the Pension Fund. The reason for such a strict condition for the implementation of state subsidies is the need to control the expenditure of funds - it is assumed that maternity capital can be spent only in targeted areas.

It was assumed that in order to qualify for the program, a second child must be born in the family. But the law said nothing about unusual situations, such as the birth of twins. In 2008, there were disputes over the issue of the need to provide maternity capital in this case. The essence of the question was that the program involves assistance to families who are intentionally going to have a second child, and the birth of twins, if this is the first birth, cannot be considered as such.

Maternity capital for twins in the second birth

When a woman gives birth to twins for the second time, she is entitled to maternity capital payments under the federal program for the second child and under the regional program for the third and subsequent ones.

The documents required for registration are the same.

List of persons who can receive maternity capital for twins in 2020

In the event of the death or disappearance of the mother, the father has the right to receive a subsidy. If both parents died when the children were under 18, they may qualify for the funds. The main conditions in this case are full-time education for twins and their age should be no more than 23 years.

Maternity capital at the birth of twins

The information sent by the civil servant indicates the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the applicant’s place of residence, where the necessary documents must be submitted. The deadline for their submission is 5 working days after registration of the application. If the specified time is violated, the payment application will be rejected .

Subjects of the federation have their own regional budget size. According to its value, the payments in question may be assigned a larger amount. In some regions, those who have given birth to three or more children establish their own social support measures.

Maternity capital at the birth of twins (first birth) in 2020

  • application for maternity capital in the prescribed form;
  • passport of the mother (of another person if it is not the mother who is applying);
  • SNILS;
  • birth certificates for each child.
  1. The mother and her children are citizens of the Russian Federation. This will need to be confirmed by a document when applying for capital to the Pension Fund.
  2. A child whose birth gives rise to the right to capital is born after 2006. Currently, the program has been extended until 2021, which means that those children who were born or will be born in 2020 can also receive a certificate.
  3. A second or subsequent child was born in the family. It is the birth of a second child that allows parents to count on financial support from the state.

Maternity capital at the birth of twins (first birth) in 2020

Some of the proposed options can only be used after the child reaches 3 years of age. For example, buy a home. But if the purchase is planned on credit, then the capital can be used immediately. The use of capital funds for other purposes is considered fraud and is punishable in accordance with the law. Any transfers of funds from capital are carried out only by the Pension Fund and only by bank transfer, directly to the final recipient, for example, a construction organization or bank. The certificate holder will need to document all expenses. To do this, you will need to provide checks, receipts, and other documents confirming compliance with the purposes established by law for spending funds.

  1. The mother and her children are citizens of the Russian Federation. This will need to be confirmed by a document when applying for capital to the Pension Fund.
  2. A child whose birth gives rise to the right to capital is born after 2006. Currently, the program has been extended until 2021, which means that those children who were born or will be born in 2020 can also receive a certificate.
  3. A second or subsequent child was born in the family. It is the birth of a second child that allows parents to count on financial support from the state.

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Maternity capital in 2020 twins second birth

Some parents do not have time to prepare for this event, while others, due to certain circumstances, simply cannot do it. For such families, the state provides special financial assistance in the form of maternity capital.

The amount of the state payment will be slightly different; this factor also depends on the region. To apply for this subsidy, you need to visit the Pension Fund department at the place of registration with documents: application; birth certificates of twins; documents confirming the citizenship of the children; Russian passport of the mother of the children.

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Do they provide maternity capital for twins? What is the maternity capital at the birth of twins?

  • mother’s (or guardian’s) passport and its copy;
  • birth certificates of babies and their copies;
  • SNILS in the name of the person for whom the certificate will be issued, and for both twins;
  • if necessary, documents confirming that the children and the recipient of the benefit are citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • upon adoption - papers that confirm this fact.

If the parents were unable to immediately apply for subsidies, is maternity capital provided for twins in this case? Necessarily. An application for a certificate can be submitted either immediately after the birth of the babies, or after a year or two. The law does not provide for exact deadlines. The decision to issue a certificate will be made within 30 days, of which the applicant will be notified.

Conditions for receiving maternity capital for twins in the first birth

According to the terms of the law, this financial assistance is intended for families who had two children no earlier than 2007. General rules have been established for processing funds for the birth of twins.

The amount of the state payment will be slightly different; this factor also depends on the region. To apply for this subsidy, you need to visit the Pension Fund department at the place of registration with the following documents:

  • statement;
  • birth certificates for twins;
  • documents confirming the citizenship of children;
  • Russian passport of the children's mother.

The documents required to register capital under the regional program are established by local authorities.

A month later, after completing the documents, the parent receives a certificate at the Pension Fund department or at the multifunctional center. Another way to receive it is by mail.

The purpose of maternity capital for the birth of twins does not change. The amount is spent on:

  1. Child's education.
  2. Formation of mother's pension contributions.
  3. Mortgage repayment.
  4. Buying a home.
  5. For the rehabilitation of a disabled child.

These funds are issued only in non-cash form. If funds are provided in person, this is punishable by law and further punishment of a criminal nature, under the article “Fraud” or in the form of fines.

It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with a more detailed list of where subsidies can be spent on the official website of the city administration. If the parents decide to use maternity capital to obtain a mortgage, the funds are automatically transferred to the bank at any convenient time.

What maternity capital is required for twins?

  • Improving living conditions (purchase of new housing, reconstruction or construction of a private house, repayment of a mortgage loan, etc.). At the same time, the following conditions are put forward for housing: it must be located in Russia and must be registered as the property of all family members.
  • Education of a child means not only the opportunity to obtain a higher education, but also payment for stay in kindergarten. The main condition is that the child studies on the territory of the Russian Federation and not abroad.
  • By adding payments from the mother's funded pension, the money in this case can be paid to both the state and non-state pension funds.
  • Receiving a one-time payment of 25 thousand rubles to meet any family needs. According to the law, the money was paid until the end of 2020, and it is not yet clear whether this initiative will be extended.

As already mentioned, you can only count on receiving maternity capital if the mother and children are citizens of Russia. If the family is incomplete and the children are raised only by the father, he must also be a Russian citizen, despite the fact that such a requirement is not put forward to the man if we are talking about a complete family.

Is it possible to receive maternity capital for twins in 2020?

  • acquisition of residential real estate as a property, including using borrowed funds;
  • repair and reconstruction work or construction of residential premises;
  • directing funds to the funded part of the mother’s pension;
  • payment for tuition and related paid educational services for children;
  • acquisition of goods and services intended for social adaptation and integration of disabled children into society;
  • monthly payments for the 2nd child until he turns 1.5 years old.

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A detailed answer to the question of whether they give maternity capital for twins, and what conditions must be met by parents, is contained in the norms of Federal Law No. 256-FZ:

Is maternity capital given for twins at the first birth?

You need to know: both the mother herself and her husband can apply for such benefits. The money will still not be issued to the applicants. Based on the results of the payment, a state certificate for maternal capital will be issued, which will be owned by either the mother or the father. Both options are allowed.

So, maternity capital is a cash payment from the federal budget of the Russian Federation, which is available only to Russian families upon the birth of a second or subsequent child. The assistance is one-time and is available to those who had children after 2007 and were not the first in the family.

Mat Capital For Twins During Second Birth 2020

Despite the fact that the program has been operating for a very long time, many people have a lot of questions, especially when it comes to twins.
If two children are born at once, this raises a number of questions, including the possibility of receiving funds. In 2008, there were disputes over the issue of the need to provide maternity capital in this case. The essence of the question was that the program involves assistance to families who are intentionally going to have a second child, and the birth of twins, if this is the first birth, cannot be considered as such.

Maternity capital for twins second birth 2020

If the second birth brought twins, and before that there was one child in the family, then the family is entitled to a capital certificate. If the family already had two children, and the second birth brought more children (one or two, in this case it doesn’t matter, these are all subsequent children), then a certificate is required if the parents did not apply for it after the birth of the second child.

Suppose that you have already received a certificate, but did not dare or did not have time to use it, then in this case the state will re-index it to the required amount for the next year. And this will happen all the time until you decide to use it. But it is also planned to more strictly monitor the use of funds.

Do they provide maternity capital for twins?

In Part 1 of Art. 3 of Law No. 256-FZ outlines the following conditions for the allocation of maternity capital:

  • the mother must have Russian citizenship;
  • second or subsequent, if maternity capital was not allocated for the second, the child in the family must be born or adopted after January 1, 2007.

There are no other requirements. There is not a word in the text of the law about how a woman should give birth. This means that for twins or triplets at the first birth, a certificate is required. But not for all children, but for one. If twins or triplets were the result of not the first, but the next birth, the situation is the same. If twins or triplets are adopted, the same thing applies.

Regardless of how many babies are born at the same time, maternity capital is allocated to one of them

In 2008, a friend gave birth to twins - a boy and a girl. She and her husband already had two school-age sons. Since the mother was a citizen of Russia, and the children were born later than January 1, 2007 and were not the firstborn, a friend issued a certificate for maternity capital. And if she didn’t have older children, she would have received the same.

But the amount of maternity capital does not change at the birth of twins or triplets. It stands out to one person and is standard.

Who is eligible to receive?

Obviously, maternity capital for twins can be obtained by women who gave birth to two children at the same time. But the law also establishes persons who also have the right to such payment. This:

  • Men who became the sole adoptive parents of twins;
  • Fathers of twins whose mother, for one reason or another, lost the right to receive capital;
  • If both parents do not have the right to dispose of the payment amount, then the capital is given to one child of the twins.

To date, the list of persons entitled to receive maternity capital has remained unchanged (read more: who has the right to receive maternity capital?).

Maternity capital for twins second birth 2020

Suppose that you have already received a certificate, but did not dare or did not have time to use it, then in this case the state will re-index it to the required amount for the next year. And this will happen all the time until you decide to use it. But it is also planned to more strictly monitor the use of funds.

Moreover, the birth sequence is indicated. As a result, the mother receives two (or more) birth certificates, which she can subsequently submit to the territorial body of the Pension Fund. In this regard, the second child - one of two twins born last - is entitled to provide the parent (mother) with state support in the amount of maternal (family) capital.

Double happiness, or is maternity capital given for twins?

The finances themselves can be used for one of the established purposes no earlier than three years have passed from the date of birth or adoption. You can read about how to use maternity capital without waiting three years in this article.

improving family living conditions . This may include purchasing or building real estate, repaying renovation or construction costs, making a down payment on or paying off a mortgage, and paying off debt and interest on any real estate loans; teaching children . You can spend funds on education for a child from 3 to 25 years old. You can pay for studies at universities, preschool institutions, and children’s accommodation in a dormitory; formation of mother's pension savings . Upon retirement, a woman can receive the money as a lump sum payment or receive it every month for life. This option is acceptable if the certificate holder is a woman; socialization of disabled children . If a couple has a child with a disability, the money allocated under the program can be spent to purchase funds and goods, and pay for services that help him adapt to society.

10 Jun 2020 lawurist7 110

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Mat Capital For Twins During Second Birth 2020

The fact that maternity capital (MK) is issued at the birth of 2 children is probably known to everyone in Russia - they talk about it too often. But what if both the first and second babies were born together? Is there maternity capital for twins? According to the current legislation, in order for a family to receive a subsidy, it is necessary to give birth or adopt a 2nd, 3rd or subsequent child in the period from 01/01/07.

Maternity capital is a means of state social support for families with children. Rights to maternity capital are granted to parents who are citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of the birth of a second child or his adoption into the family through adoption. Maternity capital funds are used to improve the family's living conditions, pay for education or increase the mother's pension in the funded part. The conditions and procedure for receiving, as well as the categories of persons entitled to these payments, are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation. You can ask the lawyers of the Pravoved.RU online service any questions that concern you on this topic and receive free advice and practical assistance. Good afternoon Having received a certificate for maternity capital.

General rules

Maternity capital is funds that are paid from the federal budget to citizens who have given birth to a second (and subsequent) child, and families who have given birth to their first child since 2020 can also count on maternity capital money.

The question of whether payment is due at the birth of twins has a basis. State support measures were adopted in 2007 in order to stimulate the birth rate in families of second and subsequent children.

During the first years of implementation of the program, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation proceeded from the position that funds should stimulate the desire to have another child. Since twins at the first birth do not meet such goals, no money is required to be paid.

Disputes took place at all levels of government; the President of the Russian Federation put an end to the discussion, declaring that it is necessary to start not from the number of births, but from the number of children who need to be raised. Thus, in the event of the birth of several children at the same time, the parents have the right to maternity capital.

In this case, the following conditions must be met:

  • The mother and child have Russian citizenship. Foreign citizens are not entitled to receive assistance;
  • the date of birth of the twins should not be later than 2007 - the start of the implementation of the maternity capital program;
  • a family has the right to receive payment only once;
  • both twin babies were born. Stillborn children are not taken into account when registering maternity capital funds;
  • The law does not establish restrictions on the timing of payment processing.

Is maternity capital required if the child dies?

If parents already had a child or two children before the birth of twins, but mom and dad did not apply for benefits, then they can also qualify for state support measures.

Important! Speaking about twins, we understand that the explanations presented will also be correct for cases of the birth of three or more children.

The pension fund may refuse to issue maternity capital if forged documents are presented, the mother and (or) father are deprived of parental rights. In practice, these are the main reasons for refusal.

Maternity capital funds do not double when twins are born, but can be spent on both children.

State support is provided in the form of a certificate with a set nominal value; recipients are not given cash.

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Double joy or is maternity capital given for twins?

Regional authorities can encourage a family if second and subsequent twins are born. Here the authorities are guided by their own economic situation, so receiving funds is not provided for in every region.

  • for the birth of triplets, the family also receives maternity capital in the amount of 453 thousand 26 rubles;
  • You can receive a certificate only on the basis of submitted birth certificates for newborns;
  • if one of the children dies during the first week after birth, it is impossible to issue a birth certificate for him, since it is impossible to obtain a certificate of discharge of the child from the maternity hospital;
  • if a birth certificate was received, but after some time the child died (perhaps after being discharged from the maternity hospital), the Pension Fund’s refusal to issue the certificate is unfounded.

This is interesting: What is the Amount of Maternal Capital Today?

Maternity capital for twins - who has the right to receive

First of all, of course, the mother who gave birth to the babies. Here, it seems, everything is simple - a woman gave birth to twins, she will receive maternity capital for the twins


However, there may be unforeseen situations. For example, a woman died or was deprived of parental rights. In this case, maternity capital for twins can be received by:

  • the father of the children, regardless of what citizenship he has
  • directly a minor child (who already existed), or children in equal shares. Children who are studying full-time until they are 23 years old are also eligible. This situation is possible when children are left completely without parents and adoptive parents.

It is worth noting that the last two cases are quite rare. Although theoretically they are possible. The last case is described rather unclearly. Therefore, if such a situation suddenly occurs, it is worth contacting the pension fund directly and finding out exactly whether maternity capital for twins is given to the second child, or whether it is distributed in equal shares among all children.

Maternity capital for twins first birth

So, you have your first birth and two babies have appeared at once. Sometimes there is a stupidity that since there was only one birth, mate capital is not allowed. In fact, there are still two children. This means that you have every right to apply for maternity capital for twins during their first birth.

Until this year, everything went along the well-worn path: parents received a curse word for their second child. capital, and disposed of it at their own discretion. However, on January 1, 2020, the government adopted a law on a special benefit for the first child under 1.5 years of age. In parallel with this, they launched a program where payments can be issued for a second child, but from mat funds. capital. At the same time, the income for each family member should not exceed one and a half times the subsistence level.

Important to remember!!! Each region has its own cost of living.

It turns out that from 2020 you can not only receive maternity capital for twins for the first birth, but also make payments from it until the children are one and a half years old.

Maternity capital for twins second birth

Very often this situation happens: a child is already growing in a family, and then twins are born. Maternity capital for twins’ second birth is naturally also provided. And it is given to the first one who gives birth to twins. Since he will be the second in the family.

Don’t be confused, mat capital is only given to one child, and not to each child, as is sometimes mistakenly believed. However, with the birth of twins during the second birth, your family automatically becomes large, and here your own additional payments and benefits appear. They have nothing to do with maternal capital for twins and second births, and we will talk about them separately.

However, as mentioned above, from January 1, 2020, there is a benefit for a second child up to 1.5 years old. It is due to low-income parents whose total income is below one and a half times the subsistence level of the region in which they live. Here, during the second birth, the second child will be the first of twins, and this benefit can be applied for.

Maternity capital for twins - indexation

It is worth noting that initially the amount of maternity capital for twins and the second child in general was one. But every year it was indexed in accordance with inflation. This continued until 2020. After this, the amount remained unchanged. From 2020 to 2020, the amount of mat capital for twins amounted to 453,026 rubles.

Maternity capital for twins - conditions for receiving

To receive maternity capital for twins, two main conditions are required:

  • A woman who gives birth to twins must be a citizen of the Russian Federation at the time of birth. That is, the mother of twins needs to have a document about this, most often her citizenship is indicated in her passport.
  • It is also necessary to obtain Russian citizenship for each child of twins. Today, the child's citizenship is indicated directly on the birth certificate. However, this form has only been adopted since 2007, so those who were born earlier can receive a special insert indicating their citizenship.

After this, in order to receive mat capital for twins, you need to collect a package of documents and submit them to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PRF) at the place of registration, or place of actual residence.

Maternity capital for twins in 2020

Dimensions change annually according to indexation. In 2020, maternity capital amounted to just over 450 thousand rubles. No indexation is expected in 2017-2018, and therefore the same value remains in effect. Do not forget that at the beginning of the program, payments were only 250 thousand rubles, and therefore there is no need to talk about the bias of the increase.

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The appearance of two children in a family instead of one is always an unexpected but pleasant surprise. Despite the hassle and extra expenses, it is also double joy. The question quite naturally arises: do they give maternity capital for the first twins? Let's figure it out.

Mat Capital For Twins During Second Birth 2020

Do they give maternity capital for twins? According to federal law, this subsidy is paid subject to the birth or adoption of two children. One of them must be born or adopted into the family no earlier than 2007. Thus, if a woman has two children at once, she has the right to receive a certificate for maternity (family) capital. The preparation of documents and the expenditure of funds is carried out according to the general rules established by federal legislation.

Before thinking about children, conscious young couples plan everything down to the smallest detail. Where will they put the crib, how many things will they buy, what will the future baby be called, etc. The birth of a child is an important and responsible step in the life of every person. The material side plays an important role in it. In our difficult times, more and more young families are postponing childbearing based on financial considerations.

Is maternity capital given for twins - rules for receiving state support

  • passports;
  • birth certificates of babies;
  • adoption decisions (to obtain support for an adopted child);
  • pension insurance certificates;
  • documents on Russian citizenship for the applicant and children.

When you are issued a certificate, you can only use the funds to pay off the loan you took out for housing. Money can be spent on other permissible purposes when the child is 3 years old. To use the funds, you must submit an application for disposal of the previously received certificate. After this, the funds can be spent on legal needs within two months.

Is maternity capital given for the birth of twins?

Despite all the controversy, Article 22 has clear rules that if there are two children in a family, they should be paid a subsidy to raise the children. If twins are born, you will be given two birth certificates, and therefore you have all the rights to receive this subsidy.

In order to receive subsidies, you need to go to the Pension Fund and, in addition to the necessary documents, write an application for a federal certificate. A visit to the Pension Fund should not take you much time, since on your first visit, they are only required to make copies of your documents and give you back all the originals.

If Second Birth Twins Mat Capital Double 2020

Availability of Russian citizenship by the mother or a person entitled to receive maternity capital at the birth of twins (at the time of birth or adoption of children); The child for whom this benefit is allocated, according to documents drawn up immediately after birth, must also be a citizen of the Russian Federation; The birth or adoption of children refers to the period from 01/01/2007 to 12/31/2019. The men are the sole adoptive parents of both twins; The father of twins, whose mother is for some reason deprived of the right to receive capital; Maternity capital for twins is directly given to one of the children in the absence of the corresponding right from the parents. If the baby unfortunately dies during childbirth, this benefit is not provided.

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Civil Status Acts (Article 22), a birth certificate record for the birth of two or more children at the same time is compiled for each child. Moreover, the birth sequence is indicated. As a result, the mother receives two (or more) birth certificates, which she can subsequently submit to the territorial body of the Pension Fund. In this regard, the second child - one of two twins born last - is entitled to provide the parent (mother) with state support in the amount of maternal (family) capital. If the second birth brought twins, and before that there was one child in the family, then the family is entitled to a capital certificate.

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How to get maternity capital at the birth of twins

To receive a maternity capital certificate, you must meet the following conditions:

  • The child's mother must have Russian citizenship;
  • The child must be registered as a citizen of the Russian Federation immediately after birth;

In case of registration of guardianship, the conditions are the same, with the only amendment that if the family is incomplete, that is, only the father is formalizing it, he must be a citizen of the Russian Federation, which is not necessary when children are born in a complete family.

Amount of Maternal Capital for Twins First Birth 2020

Today, registration of maternity capital is possible for children born between January 1, 2007 and December 31, 2019. What will happen next and whether maternity capital will be given for twins or just for a second child, time will tell.

The payment is 453.026 rubles. But, as mentioned above, you can obtain the right to assistance in the form of other material amounts of funds. We have already figured out whether maternity capital is given at the birth of twins. Now you need to understand what papers are needed to obtain it and where to go.

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