What will a pensioner lose if he gets a job in 2020?

What if he quits?

After the pensioner stops working, the full amount of the pension, taking into account all indexations, will be paid for the period from the 1st day of the month after dismissal.

For example, a pensioner quit his job in March. In April, the Pension Fund will receive reports from the employer indicating that the pensioner is still listed as working. In May, the Pension Fund will receive reports in which the pensioner is no longer listed as working. In June, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will decide to resume indexation and in July the pensioner will receive the full pension amount, as well as the monetary difference between the previous and new pension amounts for the previous three months - April, May, June. That is, the pensioner will begin to receive the full pension the same three months after dismissal, but these three months will be compensated to him.

What if I start working again?

Let's say the pensioner gets a job again in July 2020. How will this affect his pension? On the new recalculated pension - no way. In the amount that was established after dismissal, he will receive it every month while he works at his new place of work. Indeed, in such a situation, the amount of the pension is determined on the date preceding the date of resumption of work. However, he will not have to count on the next pension indexation due to all non-working pensioners (if, of course, he is still working by that time).


Due to new employment, the pensioner will not have his pension reduced back to the amount he received before dismissal. So if he first quits and then returns to work, this will have a positive effect on his pension.

Thus, we answer the question “How many months after a pensioner’s dismissal can he get a job again without the indexation being cancelled?” – already carried out indexation WILL NOT BE CANCELED . However, keep in mind that if a pensioner quits and immediately finds a job again (for example, a month later), then the Pension Fund simply will not have time to index his pension, since according to all reporting documents the person will be listed as working.

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Pension for military pensioners in 2020 in Russia, will there be an increase, when and by how much?

Before proceeding with the registration of the second pension, the military man should make sure that he falls under the conditions described by the program. If everything is correct, then he needs to go to the regional branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of registration or actual residence. It is noteworthy that military employees of the Pension Fund do not assign pensions themselves. The entire procedure is initiated only after submitting a written application. Moreover, you can inform a higher authority in one of the following ways:

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It is noteworthy that the absence of a military pension makes such a citizen the same as all other persons. If he receives benefits from the military department for disability or length of service and at the same time has received the right to a “civilian” pension, then the amount of his financial income will increase, since the payments will already be 2. For those military personnel who have been exposed to man-made harmful effects or received disability during service, the assignment of a civil pension is also possible on more lenient terms. In particular, they can start receiving subsidies earlier than they turn 55 and 60 years old for women and men, respectively.

Features of applying for jobs for people of retirement age in 2020

In 2020, employment for vacant positions is generally available to all categories of citizens, including pensioners. An employer has no right to refuse employment because of a candidate's age.

The legislation determines that hiring a pensioner in 2020 is accompanied by the drawing up of an employment contract. Part-time and part-time work is allowed.

To officially apply for a vacant position, a pensioner must have the following package of documents with him:

  • passport;
  • retirement certificate;
  • documents on received education and advanced training;
  • registration certificate with the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • work book;
  • medical certificate confirming passing a professional commission;
  • TIN, if available;
  • salary certificate from the last workplace.

When you get a job, pension payments remain at the same level, but they are not subject to indexation. The funds accumulated as a result of indexed transfers are returned to the pensioner after he resigns.

Important! All older workers have the same rights as citizens of pre-retirement age.

They are paid sick leave, given vacation, and provided with medical care. At the same time, they are provided with a number of benefits.

Working pensioners in 2020: advice on how not to lose additional payments to your pension by getting a job

The most important thing is that the employer submits information to the Pension Fund that the employee was not employed as of January 1, 2020 (it is this information that the Pension Fund takes into account when determining the right to indexation).

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Thus, before the next indexation of insurance pensions (and it is planned only for next year), a pensioner employed after January 1, 2020 can work and receive the same pension as the unemployed, without losing anything.

Advantages and difficulties of working during a well-deserved rest

The official conclusion of an employment contract for older workers is the basis for the provision of many benefits. They cover several areas.

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For this category of citizens, additional leave at their own expense is 14 days.

Leave is granted at any time at the initiative of the employee. If there is a disability, the number of days increases to 60. WWII veterans are given 35 additional days of unpaid leave.

Medical service

A large amount of money is spent on the treatment of elderly citizens, since medicines and medical services in our country are quite expensive.

In the field of medical care, if a pensioner gets a job, the following benefits are established:

  1. free examination with priority;
  2. free flu vaccination;
  3. 50% discount on medicines for labor veterans;
  4. free dental treatment and prosthetics for labor veterans.

To receive the above benefits, you must present a document confirming the relevant pensioner status.


He should be fired on the basis of his application any day. It is not allowed to initiate dismissal on the part of the employer, the reason for which is the age of the employee.

Indexation and accumulation of points

The common belief that if a person gets a job, the pension will decrease is not true. It will seem less than that of non-employees due to the fact that the indexed funds will be temporarily frozen.

But they do not belong to the category of material losses, since they are paid in full three months after dismissal.

At the same time, while at work, a person continues to accumulate pension points and increase his insurance period. Recalculations of accrued funds are carried out annually on August 1 . The number of points for all years of work is summed up. Information about all changes in the total points of employees is received by the Pension Fund from the head of the enterprise without fail - this is one of the innovations of 2020.

Additional benefits for former military personnel

Former military personnel have priority rights when hiring for civilian jobs. They are also provided with travel benefits if they are sent to a sanatorium or medical institution.

Military workers receive the right to be provided with housing out of turn if they belong to the category of citizens in need of improved housing conditions.

Having worked for a certain amount of time in a civilian profession, as a pensioner, a former military man receives the right, provided by pension legislation, to the simultaneous payment of two pensions - civil and military.

Disadvantages of employing a pensioner

However, in addition to providing benefits, working pensioners are deprived of material incentives in some areas.

The disadvantages of working during a well-deserved rest include:

  1. lack of social benefits provided to non-working pensioners;
  2. Transportation costs are not reimbursed when referred to a sanatorium-resort treatment;
  3. Subsidies are not provided on the basis of a lack of material resources if there is a disabled or non-working dependent in the family.

However, despite some difficulties in combining work and retirement, the answer to the question of whether it is profitable for a pensioner to work in 2020 is almost obvious. The material component will certainly be a plus.

What will happen to the pensions of retired pensioners in 2020, said the head of the Russian Pension Fund

Anton Drozdov, who is the head of the Russian Pension Fund, spoke about what will happen to the pension of a pensioner who has retired. According to Drozdov, after dismissal, the number of personal pension coefficients accumulated by a citizen will be multiplied by their current value.

How much money does a working pensioner lose?

Not long ago, information appeared on the Internet that in 2020, pensioners’ singing premiums would be increased by 6.6%. But there is one caveat: working pensioners’ pensions will not be indexed while they are working, which caused a wave of indignation among working pensioners. In order to increase the size of their pension, they can quit their job, wait for the pension to be indexed, and get a job again if they wish (if the employer allows). In this article we will tell you what will happen to the pensions of retired pensioners.

Thus, before the next indexation of insurance pensions, and it is planned only for January next year, a pensioner hired after January 1, 2020 can work and receive the same pension as the unemployed, without losing anything.

If the pensioner is a recipient of an insurance pension, then he falls under the aforementioned suspension of pension indexation, since this measure was introduced specifically in relation to insurance pensions. During the period of performance of any activity for which insurance contributions are made to the Pension Fund (work under an employment or civil contract), the insurance pension is paid without taking into account indexation.

With a pension level of 9,779 rubles, probably 20 thousand rubles for a pensioner receiving an insurance pension would not be out of place. But the budget saved more than 1.2 trillion rubles over these 3 years.

From January 1, 2020 to the present day, the provision of Federal Law No. 385-FZ of December 29, 2020, approved by President V. Putin, on the suspension of indexation of all types of insurance pensions for working pensioners is in effect.

Other rights of working pensioners are the same as those of other employees. Such a pensioner can work overtime, like an ordinary employee, can be legally laid off, and can also enter into a fixed-term employment contract.

At the end of 2020, almost 7.3 million working pensioners were registered in Russia. Everyone has different reasons for working during their well-deserved rest: someone lacks a pension, or has a difficult life situation; some are valuable employees who are asked to work a little longer, while others work out of boredom. In any case, working pensioners bring a certain income to the country's budget. But what benefits do they themselves receive?

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What are working pensioners entitled to in Russia?

  • the right to receive a pension without restrictions in the manner prescribed by law;
  • can get a job according to an employment contract;
  • have the right to receive annual paid leave;
  • can work part-time;
  • cannot be forcibly dismissed due to the onset of retirement age (and if you fire a pre-retirement person, you may even find yourself subject to criminal liability);
  • sick leave is provided legally;
  • Every year you can take 2 additional paid days off
    to undergo medical examination;
  • can quit their job upon reaching retirement age without working 14 days;
  • have the right to an additional unpaid leave
    of 14 days within one year, while a working pensioner can interrupt it at any time, and the employer does not have the right to force him to go on unpaid leave.
  • have the right to submit property deductions for the construction and purchase of new housing with confirmed expenses, the right to a property tax benefit.
  • Those born before September 30, 1956 will retire at age 55.
  • Those born between October 1, 1956 and March 31, 1957 will retire at 55 years and 6 months.
  • Those born between April 1, 1957 and September 30, 1957 will retire at age 56.
  • Those born between October 1, 1957 and March 31, 1958 will retire at 56 years and 6 months.
  • Those born between April 1, 1958 and September 30, 1958 will retire at age 57.
  • Those born between October 1, 1958 and March 31, 1959 will retire at 57 years and 6 months.
  • Those born between April 1, 1959 and September 30, 1959 will retire at age 58.
  • Those born between October 1, 1959 and March 31, 1960 will retire at 58 years and 6 months.
  • Those born between April 1, 1960 and September 20, 1960 will retire at age 59.
  • Those born between October 1, 1960 and March 31, 1961 will retire at 59 years and 6 months.
  • Those born between April 1, 1961 and December 31, 1961 will retire at age 60.

A Ukrainian receives the right to receive a pension upon reaching retirement age. A person can apply for payments at any time after reaching retirement age or no earlier than a month before reaching this age.

Minimum pensions 2020

In 2020, the size of the minimum pension will increase, since the cost of living will increase from December 1. True, payments will grow very slowly: the increase will be 74 hryvnia. Thus, after recalculation, pensioners will receive 1,638 hryvnia instead of 1,564 hryvnia.

If a pensioner belongs to one of the additional categories of beneficiaries, he may be paid EDV. This is a payment that replaces some of the benefits. It appeared after the famous monetization of benefits in the early 2000s.

If you look at things realistically, a minority of pensioners receive a pension of 15 thousand rubles or more. For most, we are talking about 10-12 thousand rubles at best. And many even receive a minimum amount at the level of a pensioner’s subsistence level (you can find out about their amounts for 2020 by region here). And a 6.6% increase will mean in this situation 600-800 rubles, no more.

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What about working pensioners?

Points for working pensioners are accumulated according to a very strange scheme. If a young worker can easily earn 7-8 points in a year, then for pensioners the maximum is three points. And then for their sake you need to try - the job should be fairly well paid, and you need to work for the whole calendar year, and not part of it. Although payments to the Pension Fund for working pensioners are absolutely the same as for young workers.

Rumors that employed citizens who have reached retirement age will be deprived of payments are constantly fueled by various information sources. Thus, for several months now, the official website of the Ministry of Labor has posted a draft law that would abolish pension accruals for working older people. Should we be afraid that 2020 will be a turning point and payments will be canceled? Let's look at the situation in more detail.

Revenues will increase taking into account the following specifics:

  • the amount of the increase is calculated personally - with reference to the coefficients available at the end of the previous reporting period - IPC. Of these, only those that were not taken into account earlier are taken into account when the size of the basic pension was determined. Therefore, the higher a person's salary, the larger the increase will be. When making calculations, they look at all contributions that were transferred from the total income over the last 12 months. Thus, the pensioner will receive a subsidy for the years that he was able to form in 2020, while being an active pensioner;
  • the additional payment will have a limit - no more than 3 points will be taken into account. To receive three individual coefficients, wages in 2020 cannot be lower than 20 thousand rubles. If a citizen has not worked for a full 12 months, he will be able to generate a maximum number of points only if his income is above the specified limit;
  • the price of one coefficient is taken in the equivalent in which it was accepted at the time the basic pension was calculated. This rule is regulated by regulatory documents, the effect of which froze the indexation accruals that were in force until 2020.

Will working pensioners lose accumulated indexation in 2020?

And although the reform has many opponents, the State Duma does not intend to change course. Despite the fact that the additional payment is still minimal and amounts to no more than 1,000 rubles, this increase is already significant. The government plans to make the life of Russian people comfortable and financially secure.

The received certificate contains information about the amount of the insurance pension (the amount of the insurance and its fixed parts) that is accrued to the pensioner, as well as the amount of payments that the citizen is entitled to while he is working.

For example: an insurance pension has been assigned since January 2020 in the amount of 11,524 rubles 59 kopecks ( 100 pension points of 71.41 rubles and a fixed payment of 4,383.59 rubles).

Employment agreement for a pensioner

The official employment of a retired candidate is certified by drawing up a contract.

Depending on the specifics of the situation, the following contract options can be concluded:

  • no expiration date;
  • urgent, indicating the period of cooperation;
  • with the possibility of combining with another workplace:
  • economic contract;
  • civil law.

The employer decides which employment contract will be drawn up with the pensioner.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Is it possible to search for a vacancy through the labor exchange with registration for pensioners? Will unemployment benefits be paid in this case?

A citizen of retirement age can go to the labor exchange in order to improve their skills or retrain in a new specialty, as well as to search for a vacancy. You need to contact the local employment center with your work book and passport. Pensioners are not entitled to unemployment payments.

Can a pensioner get a civil service job?

According to Article 25.1 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation,” a person who has reached retirement age cannot be employed as a civil servant.

This age limit also applies to applicants for leadership positions in universities.

If a pensioner works under a contract without employment, will he receive a full pension?

Yes, it will. Working under a contract is equivalent to working according to a work book, and also does not affect the reduction of pension payments.

Does the insurance period increase if a person who has reached retirement age works?

Yes, it increases, since in this case insurance premiums are received.

Is it possible to draw up an employment contract electronically?

A sample fixed-term employment contract with an old-age pensioner, which is available in the accounting department of any enterprise and in electronic form, is filled out upon employment on the spot, certified by signatures and seals.

Everyone who is dissatisfied with the pension reform and does not want to work until they are 70 is considered a redneck.

For the most part, Russians do not receive not only maximum, but even average pensions, and even those are not enough to live on. As the Accounts Chamber calculated last year, after spending on housing and communal services, purchasing vital medicines and personal hygiene products from the “lucky owners” of an average pension, who are the majority in the country, 6 thousand rubles or 200 rubles a day are left for food, and even then provided that they will not buy shoes and clothes, not to mention other expenses.

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Few people want to work until old age, but everyone will have to

In addition, people of pre-retirement age, especially those who receive low wages, considered retirement as an opportunity to receive additional income, even without indexation. Naturally, they have a negative attitude towards pension reform and the extension of retirement age.

A moratorium on increasing pensions for working pensioners has been in effect since 2020. For three years now, working pensioners have not had their pensions indexed, while non-working pensioners have their pensions increased annually depending on inflation. If a pensioner worked from 2020 to 2020, then he lost:

Will the pension be indexed after dismissal upon re-employment?

Everyone knows that working pensioners do not increase their pension by the consumer price index until they complete their working career. And 3 full months after dismissal, an already unemployed pensioner will receive a pension recalculated upward, since his fixed payment will be indexed to the insurance pension and the amount of the pension will be adjusted based on the new value of the pension coefficient. Over the past 3 months, the pensioner will also receive the difference between the previous and new pension amounts (Parts 3,6,7, Article 26.1 of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013, hereinafter referred to as Law No. 400-FZ).

The 3-month period is formed as follows. Let’s say a pensioner resigns at the end of November 2020. This means that his employer will also indicate this pensioner in the monthly report on form SZV-M for November, which reflects all employees and which is submitted to the Pension Fund in December (clause 2.2 of Article 11 of the Law of 04/01/1996 N 27-FZ). But it will not indicate in the report for December, which is submitted in January. That is, in January the Pension Fund will already know that the pensioner has stopped working. Consequently, in February, the Fund’s specialists will have to make a decision on indexing the pension, and in March the pensioner will receive it for the first time in a larger amount.

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What will the pension be like when a pensioner is re-employed?

The procedure for payments to working and non-working pensioners

Sequence of actions for an unemployed citizen:

  1. Submitting an application to the Pension Fund. A person is required to submit a passport, work book, certificate of average monthly earnings before January 1, 2002 and other documents. The application indicates the method of delivery of funds.
  2. Calculation of the amount of payments to the Pension Fund.
  3. Social security accrual. The cost of individual pension capital (IPC) and fixed payment is indexed automatically.

The scheme of actions according to which pensions are calculated for working pensioners:

  1. Submitting an application to Pension Fund employees.
  2. Consideration of appeals by employees of the organization.
  3. Payment is scheduled for the month following the date of application. The amount will not be indexed.

Elderly persons who decide to continue working can apply to the Pension Fund later. The allowable deferment period is from 1 to 10 years. Payments to pensioners who submitted an application after the deadline are calculated taking into account increasing factors. Their values ​​range from 1.046 to 1.68. Persons entitled to state benefits submit separate applications.

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If the pensioner gets a job again

Let's say our pensioner gets a job in April 2020. How will this affect his pension? On the new recalculated pension - no way. In the amount that was established after dismissal, he will receive it every month while he works at his new place of work. Indeed, in such a situation, the amount of the pension is determined on the date preceding the date of resumption of work (Part 8, Article 26.1 of Law No. 400-FZ). But he will not have to count on the next pension indexation due to all non-working pensioners (if, of course, he is still working by that time). Typically, indexation taking into account rising consumer prices is carried out at the beginning of the year - from January 1 or February 1.

True, in August 2020 he will still have to recalculate his pension upward. But this will not be an indexation of pensions associated with rising prices, but a recalculation taking into account the amounts of insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance paid from the pensioner’s payments by his current and previous employer (clause 3, part 2, article 18 of Law No. 400-FZ). After all, if he works officially, then contributions from his salary and other labor payments should be calculated in the same way as from payments of any other employees (clause 1, clause 1, article 420 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Despite the fact that this employee is already a pensioner.

In any case, due to new employment, the pensioner will not have his pension reduced back to the amount he received before dismissal. So if he first quits and then returns to work, this will have a positive effect on his pension.

However, the question arises: is the game worth the candle? If you agree with your employer on “temporary dismissal” for the sake of pension indexation, then certain risks will arise. Firstly, the employer may simply change his mind and refuse to rehire you after dismissal. Secondly, it is unclear how profitable this step will be. Indexation often does not lead to a significant increase in pensions. It is possible that during the period of “temporary layoff”, without receiving a salary, you will lose more than you will receive from indexation. And it’s not a fact that this layoff period will quickly pay off.

How pensions will change in 2020

Starting from January 2020, indexation of insurance pensions will take place according to new rules. Payments will be adjusted annually by a coefficient pre-established by the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2019 it is 7.05%. In view of this, the fixed payment will increase to 5,534.19 rubles, and the cost of the pension point will be 87.24 rubles. According to preliminary data, social pensions will increase by 2.4% from April 1.

Pensions will be indexed only for non-working pensioners. For those older Russians who continue to work, a moratorium on indexation has been in effect since 2016. They are only entitled to an annual recalculation of their pension.

The adjustment occurs on an undeclared basis on August 1, taking into account pension points earned over the past period.

Their maximum number per calendar year is limited to three, regardless of the size of the salary received.

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If a pensioner gets a job temporarily

Probationary period for a pensioner The Labor Code does not establish any restrictions on pensioners when establishing a probationary period. This means that the general rules apply (Article 70 of the Labor Code):

  • the test is ordered only by consent;
  • the probationary condition must be fixed in the employment contract;
  • probation period - maximum 3 months (up to six months you can test the director, his deputy, the chief accountant and his deputy, the director of a branch or representative office);
  • with a fixed-term contract, the maximum period is two weeks (if the contract period is up to 2 months, then no test is established at all).

Additional leave for a pensioner Article 128 of the Labor Code established that a working pensioner can take administrative (unpaid) leave - 14 days a year. To do this, you need to write a leave application and the director has no right not to let him go.

How to hire an employee of retirement age?

Compensation payment for caring for a disabled person. Monthly compensation payments are assigned to able-bodied persons who care for an elderly person (over 80 years old) or a disabled person of group 1.

While receiving such payments, the caregiver is prohibited from engaging in paid work. Recipients of any of these pension payments need to remember that the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation carefully monitors the receipt of insurance contributions to the personal accounts of these categories of pensioners.

As soon as it becomes known about the transfer of insurance premiums, the overpayment of the illegally obtained pension is subject to recalculation and a claim for damages is made. At the same time, it does not matter what contract the pensioner worked under - labor or civil servants.

Pension for working pensioners from January 1, 2020

Since there is a moratorium on indexation for working pensioners, such a significant increase in pensions will not affect them. As noted above, the Cabinet of Ministers believes that an increase in the incomes of working citizens can be fully achieved by an increase in real wages , so there is no need to further index payments to them.

  1. Insurance premiums paid for the past year of work are taken into account, i.e. in 2020, generated pension points (IPC) will be taken into account from insurance premiums paid in 2020 .
  2. The number of points taken into account when recalculating is limited to three IPCs , i.e. all accumulated points exceeding this value will only be taken into account in the next year (i.e. 2020).
  3. Due to the “freeze” of indexation for working citizens, the cost of one IPC for them is fixed at the level that was established on the date of the person’s retirement .

What does a pensioner lose when he gets a job?

The Labor Code does not provide for pensioners, but there are still ILO recommendations that employers are not obliged to implement, but have the right to enshrine them in the collective agreement:

  • changing the form of work organization if it excessively strains an older employee;
  • limiting overtime work;
  • modernization of the workplace in order to preserve health and prevent accidents;
  • organization of health monitoring (dispensary examination).

Hiring a pensioner without a work book, attention! Important: even with pensioners, you cannot enter into civil contracts, during which the relationship is not formalized, as required by the Labor Code! If it is planned to hire a pensioner to perform a specific function for which he will receive a salary, an employment relationship arises and it must be formalized strictly in accordance with the law.

What does a pensioner lose if he decides to earn extra money?

Victor, editor-in-chief. Economist. More than 15 years of experience in finance. Date: November 27, 2020. Reading time 4 minutes.

For a pensioner, going to work is not only an opportunity to earn money, but also to have an active life. The pension of a working pensioner will decrease by the amount of indexation, and he will lose the right to a number of payments. After dismissal, pension indexation will return in full.

Work for retirees is not only a source of income, but also an opportunity to lead an active lifestyle and grow professionally. In addition, employers often offer additional benefits in the form of a voluntary health insurance policy, and it becomes possible to receive a tax deduction.

When getting a job, a pensioner loses privileges, for example, he may be left without monthly payments:

  • social pensions that are paid in old age;
  • additional payments compensating the difference to the subsistence level;
  • for caring for a disabled person or a person over 80 years of age.

You should not hide your employment from the Pension Fund. You can receive separate payments even if you are employed. More on this in the next video.

Payments that a working pensioner can receive

The Pension Fund exercises strict control over the receipt of insurance premiums. If the employer transferred insurance premiums for a pensioner as for an employee, the pension will be recalculated.

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Regardless of the form of the contract , the obligation to provide information about employed pensioners lies with the employer. Every current month, before the 15th day, the employer is obliged to inform the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about its employees using the SZV-M form. Based on these data, the Pension Fund collects and analyzes information on the need for indexation.

According to the law, a pensioner has the right, but not the obligation, to provide information about his employment.

Pension recalculation in 2020

Recalculation is carried out automatically for all categories that apply for additional payments in the form of indexation. In 2020, it will occur from January 1 and will be 6.6% according to the following parameters:

  • increasing the price of a pension point to 93;
  • increase in fixed payment by 352.06 rubles. up to RUB 5,686.25

Only non-working pensioners will receive an increase. According to Law No. 350 Federal Law of October 3, 2018, the pension should increase by an average of 1,000 rubles. in a year.

For a pensioner, going back to work will bring a number of benefits:

  1. Additional leave at your own expense up to 14 days. Disabled pensioners have the right to leave up to 35 days, and WWII veterans – up to 60 days.
  2. Preferential medical care: free examination without a queue, free dental prosthetics, 50% discount on medicines for working veterans.
  3. Dismissal without the need to work 14 days.

Going to work deprives the pensioner of indexation of the insurance part of the pension, in some cases - social benefits, as well as:

  • payments for transportation costs to the place of the sanatorium-resort holiday;
  • subsidies for low-income dependent care.

How to determine the size of your pension

There is no fixed value that determines the amount of payments for all categories. To determine the amount of monthly payments, you need to know the year of retirement and the length of official work experience. You can make the calculation at the Pension Fund at your place of residence. You can calculate the approximate value using the calculator on the Pension Fund website.

The calculator cannot be used to calculate pensions for law enforcement officers and military personnel due to the fact that they do not have work experience in civilian structures as employees.

Recalculation of pension after dismissal

When employed, the pensioner receives a salary, but loses the indexation of part of the pension payments. According to Law No. 400 Federal Law of December 28, 2013, indexation is carried out annually from February 1. Upon dismissal, the pension will be recalculated from the 1st day of the month following the dismissal.

For example, a citizen was officially employed from April to September and quit of his own free will.

The employer submits information to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the SZV-M form by October 15, and the employee is counted as employed for September.

For October, the reporting will no longer contain data on the citizen, and the Pension Fund will transfer him to the status of non-working pensioners. Pension recalculation will take place on October 1.

Legislative framework for calculating pensions

The amount of payments is determined individually. The calculation procedure is regulated by legislative acts:

  • No. 385 Federal Law dated December 29, 2015 on the accrual procedure;

Source: https://yakapitalist.ru/finansy/teryaet-pension-ustroystv-na-rabot/

Employment of a pensioner: registration, advantages, disadvantages

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  • Bryansk region
  • Buryatia rep.
  • Vladimir region
  • Volgograd region
  • Vologda region
  • Voronezh region
  • Dagestan rep.
  • Jewish auto.

Pensioner and work. Features of labor relations with pensioners

But in the event of a job loss, the pension is automatically increased to an amount that takes into account all previously indexed payments. If the amendments to the laws had not been adopted, then retired pensioners would have to collect certificates and go with them to the Pension Fund office to have their pension recalculated.

Now all this will be done automatically. If someone does not trust electronic services, they can come to the territorial office of the fund themselves and notify them of their dismissal. But now it is simply a right, not an obligation. The decision to increase the pension, taking into account missed indexations, is made for each person after all the data about him has been analyzed.

About pension

  • 8 Hiring a pensioner without a work book

Why hire a pensioner According to statistics, the attitude towards the employment of pensioners over the last five years has hardly changed: Useful statistics

  • 35% of Russian companies refuse the services of older workers (employers recruit youth teams from creative, sociable and active young people);
  • 39% employ pensioners in some cases (less often in high positions that require extensive experience, concentration and maximum output, more often in low-paid positions as cleaners, security guards, drivers);
  • 26% of companies are happy to hire retirees.

The big advantage of an older employee is that he will do everything as it should, although he will spend more time on work (after all, there is a lot of it), unlike a young employee (even if it’s done carelessly, but it’s done).

Peculiarities of employment of pensioners

  1. lack of social benefits provided to non-working pensioners;
  2. Transportation costs are not reimbursed when referred to a sanatorium-resort treatment;
  3. Subsidies are not provided on the basis of a lack of material resources if there is a disabled or non-working dependent in the family.

However, despite some difficulties in combining work and retirement, the answer to the question of whether it is profitable for a pensioner to work in 2020 is almost obvious. The material component will certainly be a plus.

Working pensioners will receive pension indexation from 2020

Almost all citizens of our country regularly monitor the latest news related to pension accruals. There are often reports in the media about raising the retirement age, canceling the indexation of payments, small bonuses and other important changes. But this information is often contradictory and raises even more questions. The issue of payments is especially of interest to working pensioners. Government officials have repeatedly stated that the procedure for calculating pensions for this category of citizens will be changed.

We recommend reading: Accruals for sick leave 2020

At the same time, there is good news for pensioners - the authorities promise that the pension amount will increase to 30%. True, this increase will be only nominal, but a real increase should be expected no earlier than by 2024. Considering how quickly inflation is growing, this nominal increase may not be enough to significantly improve the lives of retirees. In addition, a large-scale pension reform is planned for 2020. The government says that from the beginning of the year a personal account will be opened in the name of each person, in which mandatory pension contributions will be accumulated. This means that by retirement, each person will be able to receive the same amount of payments that he collected for himself.

Working pensioners will be specially registered

  • Nizhny Novgorod region.
  • Novgorod region
  • Novosibirsk region
  • Omsk region
  • Orenburg region
  • Oryol region
  • Penza region
  • Perm region
  • Primorsky Krai
  • Pskov region
  • Rostov region
  • Ryazan region
  • Samara region
  • Saint Petersburg
  • Saratov region
  • Sakha (Yakutia) rep.
  • Sakhalin region
  • Sverdlovsk region.
  • Sevastopol
  • North Ossetia-Alania rep.
  • Smolensk region
  • Stavropol region
  • Tambov region
  • Tatarstan, rep.
  • Tver region
  • Tomsk region
  • Tula region
  • Tyva rep.
  • Tyumen region
  • Udmurt Republic
  • Ulyanovsk region
  • Khabarovsk region
  • Khakassia rep.
  • Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region

The law makes it clear that recipients must not have income in the form of a pension. 3) State pensions for long service. State civil and military employees, law enforcement officers equivalent to them, as well as cosmonauts receive a long-service pension only upon dismissal from service. Upon reinstatement in service, pension payments to such categories of pensioners are automatically terminated. At the same time, engaging in other types of paid work is not prohibited. 4)

Social supplement to pension (federal or regional). These payments are assigned in cases where the total amount of social security received by the pensioner does not reach the minimum subsistence level approved for the corresponding region of residence of the pensioner.

The absence of any type of income for a pensioner is a prerequisite for receiving social supplements.

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