Benefits for teachers and educators working in rural areas

Legislative justification

To support teachers working in villages, the state has developed several preferential programs.
The list of benefits provided by law is not standard or generally accepted. It all depends on the region and area in which the teacher is employed. The provision of special benefits is regulated by the following laws and regulations:

  1. Law “On Education” No. 273-FZ. The procedure for calculating benefits, conditions, types and amounts of monetary compensation is described here.
  2. Law on social support measures for certain categories of citizens working in rural areas.
  3. Law on the amount, conditions and procedure for reimbursement of expenses associated with the provision of social support to teachers.

Regional authorities receive orders and categories of benefits from higher structures and provide them to persons entitled to them.

The basic rights, responsibilities and benefits of teaching staff in educational institutions are regulated by the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

In particular, the document describes what benefits are provided for teachers in the city and village.

Let's list the main points:

  1. A salary supplement for a category, which is assigned based on the results of certification of a teaching employee. The amount of the premium is regulated by local regulations.
  2. The right to reduced working hours. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1601, up to 20 hours for teachers - speech therapists and defectologists.
  3. The right to additional professional education in the profile of teaching activity (at least once every three years).
  4. Extended basic annual paid leave. Its size can be up to 56 days for certain categories of workers, for example, for teaching staff in universities and colleges (Government Decree No. 466 dated May 14, 2020);
  5. Long-term additional leave for up to a year at least once every ten years of continuous teaching activity
  6. The right to early assignment of an old-age insurance pension after 25 years of teaching activity;
  7. Providing teaching staff in need with residential premises out of turn within the framework of a social rental agreement.
  8. The right has been established to provide compensation for expenses for living quarters, heating and lighting for teachers working in villages and towns. In accordance with the Government Decree of October 26, 2013, its amount is 1,200 rubles. Funding comes from the federal or regional budget, depending on the affiliation of the educational organization in which the teacher works. Regions may increase this amount at their discretion.
  9. Guarantees and compensation have been established for teachers participating in the state final certification.

The legislator left the opportunity for regions to establish their own benefits for teaching staff.
In particular, to attract graduates of secondary vocational education and universities to teaching activities. Find out the nuances of local legislation from the regional or district administration. At the state level, there are no benefits or special conditions for mortgage lending for the purchase of housing by employees of educational institutions. But many regional authorities have established their own special conditions for this category of citizens. In particular, in the Moscow region there is a program under which the teacher is paid 100% of the cost of the purchased housing, the citizen remains to pay the accrued interest for 10 years.

Benefits for retired teachers in rural areas in 2020

A working pensioner can apply for leave and the employer is obliged to provide it without retaining the salary in accordance with the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Depending on the category of pensioner, such leave can last: A pensioner can be provided with assistance with gasification of housing in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 10, No. Targeted assistance is provided to pensioners who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

For example, due to the type of professional activity, a teacher has the right to apply for a preferential pension, but the institution where he teaches is not included in the list of preferential ones. Educational Institutions Director School Head Teacher Head of Education. Lyceum Class teachers Institution of additional education Kindergarten teachers.

Pension supplement

From the beginning of 2020, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 29, 2020 comes into force, according to which the procedure for paying pensions for persons who have reached retirement age and are residents of villages and villages will be changed. The specified innovation amends the provisions of Article 17 of the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions” and gives pensioners living in rural areas the opportunity to purchase a twenty-five percent bonus to the pension benefits they receive.

Who gets preference?Who is not eligible for benefits?
Work experience must be at least thirty years and only in the field of agricultureThe citizen has reached retirement age, but continues to work at the same or another place of work
The pensioner’s permanent place of residence should be a rural areaA pensioner living in a village or village has work experience in other professional fields, for example, teaching, medical, administrative (village council employee)
The citizen must be on a pensionA person receiving a pension has moved permanently to the village, however, his work experience was obtained in the city
Persons who worked for thirty years in the agricultural industry, but after retirement left the village to move to the city

Taking into account the above, only non-working employees of the agricultural industry who have retired and continue to live in rural areas have the right to receive the mentioned increase in pension.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that the possibility of confirming thirty years of experience may entail some problems, since the specified period of work coincides with the collapse of the USSR, when many collective farm workers changed their previous jobs to small enterprises and firms.

In most cases, the mentioned organizations did not reflect the relevant entries in the work books of agricultural workers, and also did not pay insurance premiums for their employees. Thus, the chance of confirming rural experience for the specified period of time will be quite low.

However, even in the absence of any documentary evidence of labor activity as an agrarian, the interested citizen can be helped by witness testimony. That is why experts recommend collecting a complete package of all necessary documentation and only then starting to apply for a pension supplement.

Benefits for retired rural teachers in 2020

Thus, the rent of rural teachers should be fully compensated. However, not a single employee had a chance to use these services. Since it is very difficult to attract young teachers to work in rural areas, the government has decided to develop incentive programs for difficult working conditions:

An important point: teaching activities must be continuous. The cost of heating the premises where the teacher lives (if the house is heated with natural gas). The amount of compensation is determined according to the meter readings; if there is no meter, then according to the current consumption rate. Electricity costs - according to consumption standards per 1 sq.

Main types of benefits

To attract such professionals, a wide and quite diverse list of special offers and benefits is offered, affecting different areas of life:

  • Annual long summer vacation, which reaches up to 56 days;
  • The average working week is 18 hours;
  • Permission for a special “sabbatical leave” lasting one year;
  • Retirement ahead of schedule;
  • Significant reduction in the amount of utility bills;
  • Benefits for mortgage loans;
  • Paid medical examination;
  • Purchasing discount tickets on intercity transport.

At the same time, teachers are allowed to take advantage of cash payments. We are talking about one-time transfers, all kinds of bonuses, preferences. Young people are given lifting allowances.

Benefits for pensioners

Elderly teachers who have retired, regardless of their length of service, along with the listed benefits, receive discounts on utility bills. At the same time, you can take advantage of such benefits as:

  1. Free use of the gas system.
  2. Purchase solid fuel at a discount if there is no gas supply in your home.
  3. Preferential tariffs for electricity payments.

The category of young specialists includes such professionals as:

  • A graduate who graduated from a university that has official accreditation from the state;
  • Specialists who got a job strictly according to their acquired profession;
  • Graduates who are employed as teachers within one year of receiving their diploma.

This category of teachers is provided with the following benefits:

  1. Permission to work part-time.
  2. Reducing the week to 18 hours.
  3. Long vacation - from 42 to 56 days.
  4. Various labor concessions and special offers related to the receipt and purchase of residential premises.

Teachers working in villages can legally obtain significant benefits and discounts on utility services. This can be done using a quick, simplified scheme, and the discount will be 60% of the total amount. This percentage is not strictly established; it varies depending on the region.

The advantageous feature of this benefit is that it automatically applies to everyone living next to the teacher. Teachers who have already retired receive the following benefits in the housing and communal services sector:

  • Compensation of expenses for consumed electricity;
  • Reimbursement of expenses spent on heating;
  • Refund of funds that were spent on purchasing coal or firewood necessary for heating the premises.

Another innovation, which has not yet been adopted in all regions, is the provision of a certain amount to compensate for the payment of bills. In 2020, the exact amount of compensation due is 1,200 rubles.

Young professionals have the opportunity to obtain a mortgage loan at a rate of 8.5%. The main condition is to obtain official employment and be under 35 years of age.

Benefits for rural teachers

  • reimbursement of costs through housing and communal services. Funds are paid in a set amount (regulated by the local administration) based on calculations as a percentage of the accrued amount. To receive benefits, you must register your status and provide the required documents at the local government office;
  • reimbursement of rental expenses. For rural teachers who do not have their own housing and live in rented space, the state provides reimbursement of part of the expenses. Funds are paid upon presentation of a receipt confirming the relevant expenses;
  • covering part of the costs of paying bills for basic resources and repairs. As part of the benefit, money is paid for fuel consumed, including when using autonomous systems, hot water supply, electricity, etc.

Compensation payments for resources are made based on consumption rates, meter readings, etc.
Some benefits and payments are provided only to rural teachers who have reached retirement age and have accumulated more than 10 years of departmental (continuous) experience. The amount of compensation for other utilities, excluding electricity and heat, is calculated using a formula and depends on additional factors, including the income of teachers, the presence of special titles and rights to additional benefits. In general, rural teachers can receive a discount of up to 60% of the cost. In addition to the above factors, the size of the benefit may be influenced by the region of residence of the employee (pensioner), since the local administration has the right to establish its own rules.

Personal income tax

The tax legislation of the Russian Federation also provides for tax breaks in terms of collecting personal income tax from pensioners living in villages and villages. Thus, according to the requirements of Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, tax cannot be collected from the following category of payments:

  • Insurance pensions, as well as fixed payments due to them;
  • Additional bonuses to pensions provided for by current Russian legislation that have a social orientation.

At the same time, tax authorities cannot collect a levy on income the amount of which does not exceed four thousand rubles in the following cases:

  • Receiving gifts or other financial assistance provided to pensioners by former employers;
  • Payment of the cost of medicines with the employer's funds to its former employees who are on pension benefits.

The above list of tax breaks is not exhaustive; the above-mentioned norm also provides for other benefits for pensioners in rural areas.

Preferential pension for teachers based on length of service

The RF PP No. 781 dated October 29, 2002 reflects the following that the position of “additional education teacher” is included in the above list, which makes it possible to receive an old-age retirement pension ahead of schedule for employees carrying out teaching activities in departments for children.

  • in secondary schools of all types, this also includes boarding schools of all types;
  • educational departments for orphans of various modifications;
  • health educational organizations of sanatorium type of several varieties;
  • special correctional schools and colleges;
  • educational organizations for children of preschool and primary school age;
  • kindergartens, including nurseries, as well as child development centers;
  • institutions of primary and secondary vocational education of all categories;
  • educational organizations for children in need of psychological, medical and social assistance;
  • educational interschool centers;
  • rehabilitation centers of various types;
  • out-of-school organizations of additional education.

Land tax

The transport tax is a regional fee, the payment of which must be transferred to the budget of the regional government. This type of taxation is regulated both at the level of federal and regional legislation.

Federal laws establish general norms that exempt citizens, including rural pensioners, who own a vehicle, from paying the appropriate fee:

  • Stolen cars;
  • Cars for special purposes, optimized for persons with disabilities;
  • Passenger vehicles with low-power engines (up to one hundred horsepower inclusive);
  • Equipment intended for agricultural work;
  • Vehicles specializing in the transportation of a certain type of cargo, for example, milk tankers, livestock trucks, equipment for veterinary or technical assistance, and so on.

In turn, regulations approved by the regional governments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation regulate their preferences in terms of payment of transport fees for persons of retirement age.

Type of vehicleEngine power limit
Vehicles intended for transporting citizensNo more than one hundred horsepower
MotorcyclesCannot exceed forty horsepower
Self-propelled transport consisting of tracked and pneumatic structuresOne hundred horsepower or less
Motorized transport designed to travel on waterThirty horsepower or less

The land tax, as well as the transport tax, is set by the regional government. However, if any of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation did not provide the specified preferences for persons receiving a pension and living in a village, one should be guided by the requirements of Article 391 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

In order to properly obtain this privilege, the interested citizen must contact the territorial office of the tax service at the location of the land plot.

Benefits for retired rural teachers in 2020

Another nuance is that the standards for the consumption of natural gas, solid fuel and electrical energy are set by regional authorities at a very low level. In 2020, the issue will be raised to replace these benefits with monetary compensation in the amount of 1,200 rubles. However, as of today, all privileges continue to apply without any changes.

There are traditionally not enough teachers in rural schools, and the state is trying to motivate graduates of pedagogical universities with various kinds of benefits, which can be compensation, allowances, subsidies and other social support measures.


The list of documents depends on which benefit plan is being drawn up. If a young specialist needs to receive an allowance, he must write an application immediately upon employment. Based on this application, the manager draws up an appropriate order and notifies the specialist about it. The employee must study the document and put his signature on it.

The employer issues an order, a copy of the teacher’s diploma and a copy of his employment record, which contains a stamp indicating the time the employee began working in the relevant structures. If you need to apply for a discount on standard utilities, it is important to prepare the following papers:

  • A copy of a document that confirms the person’s identity;
  • Official certificate of family members living together;
  • Document from the place of employment;
  • A copy of the employment document, which must be certified by the seal of the institution;
  • Certificates reflecting the area of ​​the premises.

In order for benefits to be processed in the proper manner, a pensioner living in a rural area must submit the following documentation to the relevant authorities:

  • Statement of the established form on the assignment of preference;
  • Passport or other document identifying the applicant;
  • A document confirming a citizen's right to receive a pension (certificate).

Depending on the type of benefits requested, interested parties will also need to additionally provide:

  • A document confirming the status of a labor veteran;
  • Documentary proof of ownership of a plot of land or other property;
  • Technical documentation for movable or immovable property;
  • A certificate containing information about the disease that is subject to treatment in the sanatorium;
  • Other documents required by current legislation.

Benefits for retired rural teachers in 2020

Utility benefits for teachers are also preserved in 2020; fees for housing and communal services are reduced by 50% of their cost. This discount applies only to city teachers. People of this profession working in rural areas receive a 100% discount on utility bills.

As in any other region of Russia, a pensioner can apply to the social protection authorities for targeted assistance. It is provided exclusively in the event of a difficult life situation - the death of a relative, robbery, fire, etc. The fact of being in distress must be proven documented - a death certificate, a certificate from the fire service, a certificate from the police department, etc.

Distinctive Regional Benefits

As noted above, the list of benefits intended for teachers teaching in villages differs directly depending on the locality. Here are some examples of additional benefits provided along with the main ones:

  1. Altai region. You can receive compensation for paying for preschool. Transportation to and from work is paid for.
  2. Nizhny Novgorod Region. Preferential offers for obtaining social housing.
  3. Ryazan Oblast. Young professionals are given the opportunity to visit specialized health and educational recreation centers every year.

Benefits for Rural Teachers and Pensioners in 2020 in the Kirov Region

According to current legislation, the work of a rural teacher is a profession with a high degree of complexity. To preserve jobs, the government decided to support rural teachers financially and socially.

In 2020, teachers will retain all previously provided benefits. The procedure, conditions for registration and amount of standard monetary compensation will be determined and paid in 2020 in accordance with the capabilities of the regional budget.

Social support

The government of each locality of the Russian Federation is empowered to provide targeted assistance to pensioners through territorial social protection authorities. The mentioned support can be provided to a citizen receiving a pension only if the latter experiences significant life difficulties and complications, for example, the death of a close relative, robbery, loss of property due to natural disasters, and so on.

This privilege can be exercised in several ways:

  • Providing assistance expressed in monetary terms (cash and non-cash);
  • Providing support to the pensioner in kind, for example, food, clothing or shoes.

An important preference for the mentioned beneficiaries is financial support for connecting private housing construction to the gas supply system, since gas supply work is quite expensive, and subsidies for gasification entail a significant reduction in cash costs.

In addition, pensioners can exercise their right to receive benefits for the care of a minor whose age does not exceed one and a half years, if his natural mother and father cannot carry out their educational functions for a number of circumstances. If the grandparents are officially employed, then the latter may be granted parental leave.

Application for a long-service pension to the pension fund

An application for a pension in any form or drawn up using a sample taken When applying for an early pension, you must first visit the pension fund and make sure that you have the right to receive it. The length of service upon retirement in 2020 must be 9 years, and in order to receive long-service payments, federal civil servants will need to submit an application to the personnel department addressed to the chairman. pension for long service or termination (suspension) of its payment, I undertake to report this within 10 days to the body paying the pension. Application for a pension for long service. The documentation is checked by employees of the Pension Fund (PFR for short).

Conditions for assigning pensions in the Russian Federation The most common in our country is the pension. By submitting an application for payment, the pensioner has the right to choose the most basic conditions for establishing an old-age insurance pension in 2020 are that women who were born before 09/30/56 can retire at the age of 55 . at 55 years and 6 months - born from 01.10.56 to 31.03.57 at 56 years - born with • an application for a pension (the application form and sample form are available at the Pension Fund). A medical worker who has the following length of service can receive a preferential long-service pension. Once they have completed the required length of service, they can apply to the Pension Department. State pensions: Long service pension We will transfer the court decision to the pension fund. 4 Long service pension for teaching staff. The procedure for applying for long-service pensions for health workers.

Benefits for pensioners belonging to a special category

Rural pensioners, along with the general privileges granted to them upon reaching a certain age, also have the opportunity to receive additional preferences if they have the title of labor veteran. In order to obtain the specified status, a citizen must have grounds established by law, such as the presence of state awards and other insignia for work done in any field of professional activity. The benefits mentioned are assigned by the local government at the regional level and mostly consist of the following:

  • Free services and care in medical institutions registered with pensioners.
  • Providing free dentures, but only if precious metals, ceramics and other materials provided for by law were not used for the manufacture of these devices.
  • Compensation payments for expenses incurred by pensioners for the purchase of firewood, coal and other solid fuels to insulate their living quarters, which do not have a connection to the central heating system. The specified fuel resources are provided to beneficiaries in order of priority.
  • Fifty percent discount on housing costs, calculated taking into account the area of ​​the living space.
  • Providing the opportunity for free use of all types of public transport, regardless of the place of registration of the labor veteran. Residents of rural areas in this case have an additional privilege, namely, the possibility of free travel on suburban and intercity vehicles.
  • Cash benefits, which are paid monthly and are established individually by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Benefits for retired rural teachers in 2020

Benefits can be received by both city residents and citizens living in rural areas. However, the region must support policies to help teachers. In this case, for such a right to arise, it is enough to reside within the relevant administrative-territorial unit.

By law, pension benefits consist of federal social and regional social supplements. At the federal level, legislation will not change. At the regional level, the law provides for tax benefits for pensioners, free travel on transport, a monthly allowance for using a home telephone, benefits for pensioners on utility bills, gasification, and targeted assistance.

Preferences for young professionals

To attract young people to school, the state has developed a number of measures.

Thus, a university graduate has the opportunity, both in the city and in the village, to receive lifting allowances:

  • in case of employment within 3 months;
  • upon provision of a “red” diploma (increased salary if there was no break between the end of training and the start of teaching);
  • concluding an employment contract for more than three years.

A specialist transferring to a village can claim the following benefits:

  1. Lifting - one-time payment. The size is determined by the regional government.
  2. Salary increase for up to 3 years.
  3. Award based on three years of successful work.
  4. Free travel on public transport.

The above preferences are determined by local regulations. You must contact the district administration.

Application to the pension fund for a pension, preferential length of service sample

An early pension can be issued provided that shortly before the citizen’s retirement, the organization in which he worked was liquidated. For appointment, you must provide the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with a package of documents similar to the list above.

From January 1, 2020, organizations introduced an assessment of working conditions, based on the results of which the “preferential” nature of work is determined. Procedure for registering a preferential pension Application deadline Not earlier than one month before the right to an early pension becomes available. Otherwise, he will not be accepted. It will not be superfluous if you contact six months before the expected early retirement in order to clarify the list of required documents. Searching for documents and obtaining archival information will take a lot of time.

How to apply?

Department nameFunctions
Social protection authoritiesAssignment of various payments, compensations, allowances and other benefits.
Tax authoritiesMaking decisions on the possibility of assigning preferences related to tax breaks and deductions
Agencies providing social insuranceAre engaged in organizing the provision of persons on pensions with various vouchers to institutions engaged in recreational activities

How can you get benefits in Russia?

Most preferences and additional charges are regulated by local law. Details should be found on the official website of the regional government.

To receive any type of payment, except for housing and communal services, you must contact the district administration with an application. It is made in writing.

But first you need to consult with a specialist responsible for this area of ​​work.

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Benefits for retired rural teachers in 2020

And it will especially affect small rural schools. Sergey Kharkov, director of the secondary school in the village of Kamyshki, Aleksandrovogai district, Saratov region, deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma:. They do not know that the problem with personnel in rural areas is becoming more acute every year. In the transition to per capita financing, the first losers were rural schools with small class sizes. In small schools, wages are low, and benefits for utilities at least somehow compensate for low wages.

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Pedagogical activity is classified as hard work, therefore retired teachers have the right to social assistance, through which the state tries to compensate for the costs of vital resources that invariably accompany teaching work. Particular attention is paid to teachers working in rural areas, where, as a rule, young specialists go without enthusiasm. There are traditionally not enough teachers in rural schools, and the state is trying to motivate graduates of pedagogical universities with various kinds of benefits, which can be compensation, allowances, subsidies and other social support measures. First of all, the teaching profession must be included in the list of benefits. An obstacle to receiving benefits may be a situation where a teacher teaches in an educational institution that is not classified as a benefit. Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to find out how to solve your particular problem, contact a consultant:.

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