Pension fund hotline for mat capital

Pension fund maternity capital hotline phone number

even the pension fund’s hotline for maternity capital often provides citizens with only general information, and accurate answers to specific questions about the receipt and sale of maternity capital can only be obtained from Pension Fund employees: by personally contacting the pension fund authorities at their place of residence; by mail in writing within the “time limits established by law” (usually within several weeks) after officially submitting your question via the Internet to the on-line reception on the official website of the Pension Fund (with the need to send your personal data in full, including to mandatory - indicating your name and exact postal address).

What you should know about maternity capital

At the moment, the amount of family capital is small - just under half a million rubles. According to the authorities, this amount will not increase further.

If a family decides to have more than one son or daughter, then with the birth or adoption of a second child the right to a subsidy arises. This is exactly the case with birth or adoption. Guardians or foster families do not receive this right. Also, if the first offspring, for example, was taken under guardianship, and the second is blood, then in this case there is no right to capital either - you will have to adopt the first.

The main guardian (usually the mother) submits an application to the territorial division of the Pension Fund and encloses confirmation that the family has added another member. After checking and making sure that the law has no reason to limit the applicants’ parental rights, the Pension Fund will issue a certificate.

State certificate for maternity capital

The money cannot be received directly - it will be stored in the Pension Fund and used only when the regulatory authority approves the stated purpose of use. Of which there are not so many. Moreover, in order to use the issued benefit, you will have to wait (except for applying for a mortgage loan) until the second son or daughter turns three years old.

Maternity capital lawyer

  • If a second child appeared in the family between 2009 and 2019, then the mother has the right to declare her right to a certificate. In the absence of the mother, the right is transferred to the father or adoptive parents, the issue is considered in the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  • Parents must be citizens of Russia at the birth of a child; accordingly, the baby will also be a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • The minor himself is under 18 years of age (23 years of age if studying full-time), if none of his relatives received a subsidy.

Who has the right to maternity capital

The right to receive additional support from the state in the form of such capital is available to those families in which the second child (third and so on) was born in the period after 2007. This number also includes families who have children and have adopted a child.

Often the mother of the children is the recipient of maternity capital, but in some cases there are exceptions. A man, if he is a single parent or has adopted a child, also enjoys the right to receive maternity capital.

An important feature of maternity capital is that funds can be received only once.

Additional conditions that are required to exercise the right to maternity capital are stipulated by the “Law on Maternity Capital”:

  • The recipient of maternity capital, as well as the born (adopted) child, must be a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • When assessing rights, children whose parents have been deprived of parental rights are not taken into account. Also, children who are stepsons or stepdaughters of the applicant are not taken into account.

Hotline telephone number of the Russian Pension Fund

I am a citizen of Russia. She moved to the city of Voronezh from the Tver region, where she received a child’s pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner. Having moved to Voronezh, having registered at the address where I live in Voronezh with my child, having taken in advance a certificate from the Federal Migration Service about the registration of me and my child, I wanted the Comintern PF to make a request to the Tver region. At first they found fault with me about the certificate from the Federal Migration Service, they said that supposedly I needed a certificate specifically for the child, although the certificate indicated where my son and I were registered. Then they said that even if the documents are from the Tver region. If they do, my child and I will not receive a pension until the end of the year. Is the Voronezh PF right in the Kominternovsky district?

Is it possible to repay a bank loan with maternity capital?

  1. Housing loans.
    As already noted, it is allowed to take out loans with subsequent repayment with maternal capital for the purchase, construction, repair and reconstruction of housing for a family with two or more children. You can provide the bank with collateral as a real estate object (mortgage). The loan agreement must necessarily contain the purpose of obtaining borrowed funds. It is unacceptable to buy housing that is in disrepair. Each of the children of the family must become the owner of the purchased property (share distribution).
  2. Loans for the purchase of goods/services.
    All goods or services purchased on credit must be included in the list reflected in Order No. 831. It is unacceptable to make purchases outside the Russian Federation.
  3. Rehabilitation services for disabled children.
    Based on the amendments made to Federal Law No. 348, the Pension Fund transfers funds as compensation for expenses already incurred for a disabled child. Providing an inspection report confirming the receipt of the service is a mandatory requirement.

Disposal of maternity capital funds

As a general rule, a person who has received a certificate for maternity capital can apply for the disposal of its funds at any time after three years from the date of birth or adoption of the second child (or third child or subsequent children).

The exception is cases when maternity capital is used to pay a down payment or repay the principal debt and pay interest on loans and borrowings for the purchase or construction of housing (including mortgage loans) provided by organizations, as well as for the purchase of goods and services for disabled children () . You can use maternity capital funds for these purposes at any time after the birth or adoption of a child.

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation emphasized that the specified list of monetary obligations for the fulfillment of which maternity capital funds can be allocated until the child reaches the age of three, as well as the agreements on the basis of which these obligations arise, is exhaustive (). The use of these funds to fulfill obligations under other types of contracts is possible only after three years from the date of birth (adoption) of the child.

In this regard, the court rightfully recognized as legal the refusal of the territorial branch of the Pension Fund to direct maternity capital funds to repay the main debt of G. under an agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment with installment payment (based on the judicial practice of the Leningrad Regional Court).

It should be noted that improving housing conditions is the most common area for using maternity capital funds. Therefore, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation explained in detail what the PFR bodies are guided by when making decisions to satisfy applications for the allocation of maternity capital funds for the purchase of residential premises or part thereof, or to refuse to satisfy them, and the courts verifying the legality of such decisions.

If maternity capital funds are intended to be used to purchase a share in the common ownership of residential premises, attention is paid to the size of this share. Yes, S

was registered and lived with her two children in an apartment owned by her father. In 2014, she bought 219/389 shares in the right of common shared ownership of the apartment and, according to the terms of the purchase and sale agreement, received the right to use two rooms with an area of ​​10.3 square meters. m and 11.4 sq. m.

The Pension Fund branch, where S. applied to dispose of maternity capital funds and direct it to pay for the specified share, refused to satisfy this request. The district court declared this refusal illegal, but its decision was overturned by the appellate court. The latter considered that in this case there was no improvement in S’s living conditions.

and her children, since they lived in the same apartment before the sale and purchase agreement was executed, and the area allocated to each member of the plaintiff’s family did not increase. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation did not agree with this conclusion and upheld the decision of the court of first instance (Determination of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 84-KG15-8 of September 15, 2020).

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation noted that it was from the moment of acquiring a share in the right of common ownership of the apartment that S. and her minor children became owners of the powers of the owner of the residential premises in full (the right to own, use and dispose of their property in accordance with).

The total size of the share belonging to the plaintiff and her children is significant and allows the allocation of isolated residential premises for use. This means that the terms of the purchase and sale agreement for residential premises correspond to the purpose of directing maternity capital funds, such as improving housing conditions, the Court concluded.

Also, the premises that are purchased using maternal capital must meet sanitary and technical requirements. Therefore, the courts agree with the decisions of the Pension Fund of Russia, which refuse to allocate appropriate funds for the purchase of housing that is recognized as unsafe and subject to demolition ().

the acquisition of half a wooden house in need of major repairs in a sparsely populated village, where there is no kindergarten, hospital, as well as enterprises and organizations in which G. could find employment, cannot be regarded as an improvement in living conditions. The plaintiff's argument that the purchased residential premises were not recognized as unfit for habitation was called untenable by the courts ().

Certificate “Maternity (family) capital in St. Petersburg”

  1. Determines the composition of documents (information) to be received upon interdepartmental requests, and the bodies (organizations) to which interdepartmental requests should be sent.
  2. Prepares draft interdepartmental requests, including in the form of an electronic document.
  3. If necessary, submits draft interdepartmental requests for signature to a person authorized to sign interdepartmental requests, including using an electronic signature.
  4. Sends interdepartmental requests to the St. Petersburg state government institution “Housing Agency. district of St. Petersburg (hereinafter referred to as St. Petersburg State Civil Institution ZHA) (a certificate of registration of the applicant in St. Petersburg is requested (form No. 9) and KZAGS (children's birth certificate is requested; a death certificate of a woman who gave birth (adopted) a child; a man's death certificate who is the only parent (adoptive parent), the woman who gave birth (adopted) the child, and (or) the father (adoptive parent) of the child (hereinafter referred to as parents (adoptive parents)).
  5. Receives responses to interdepartmental requests.
  6. Analyzes documents (information) received as part of interdepartmental interaction (responses to interdepartmental requests) for compliance with the directed interdepartmental request.
  7. Transfers the received documents (information) to the specialist of the Department of Social Protection of the Population responsible for preparing the draft decision on issuing a certificate.

Maternity capital hotline St. Petersburg

The mortgage agreement is concluded in writing and is subject to state registration. State registration of a mortgage agreement is carried out on the basis of an application from the parties to the agreement, the mortgagor and the mortgagee, with the attachment of title and other documents necessary for state registration in accordance with the Federal Law of July 21.

The telephone number of the Russian Pension Fund hotline is 8800-302-2-302.

By typing it, you do not immediately get to a specialist

Maternity capital hotline phone number

There is a preliminary entry in which the organization is introduced, with a message that by connecting with the operator, you consent to the processing of personal data. Next you are offered:

  • click on number 1 to get advice on pension and social security issues;
  • Click on number 2 if you want to report facts of corruption in the Pension Fund system;
  • If you want to send an appeal to the Pension Fund, you should press number 3 on your phone.

And just before the connection, a standard message will sound stating that all conversations with employees are being recorded.

What can you find out over the phone?

After the operator picks up the phone, he introduces himself and asks you to state your name and the region you are calling from. Then you can ask your questions. The operator can tell you in detail:

  • how to obtain a certificate for maternity capital;
  • what documents are needed;
  • is it possible to inherit maternity capital, for example, if the mother of the children died;
  • what you can spend maternity capital money on;
  • the possibility of obtaining a certificate if the father of the children is a foreigner;

In general, for all questions related to the receipt and use of maternity capital, you can contact the hotline.

Obtaining advice from the Pension Fund on the mother's certificate

Before you start asking questions, you should read the document on maternity capital and amendments to it. This is the law of December 29, 2006 N 256-FZ.

Information about maternity capital, conditions for receipt, information about documents for registration can be obtained by calling a toll-free single number or at a branch.

All telephone numbers of departments are posted on the official website of the Pension Fund. On the main page on the right there is a link “Contacts and addresses”.

It contains three directions:

  • The Executive Directorate contains links to an information page with questions and answers, as well as a tab to the Internet reception.
  • Branches. If the user has selected a region, the system will automatically provide contact information for the Pension Fund of the city in which he lives. Below the address and phone numbers there is a card to fill out. In the “Service” line you can find three areas that exist for maternity capital: submission of documents, issuance of a certificate, and disposal of funds. Below is the “Service Territory” field. Having chosen his place of residence, a citizen receives comprehensive information on the addresses and telephone numbers of his district.
  • Counseling Center. The tab duplicates the page with questions and answers, which was described above.

Thus, there are several hotline numbers: a general toll-free number and a Pension Fund phone number for a specific city or region.

Hotline numbers may be busy. In this case, you can contact the Pension Fund branch in person.

Thanks to the electronic system and the Internet, citizens can not only receive the latest information, but also arrange services. The PFR hotline numbers are intended to provide general information about maternity capital. If data on a specific person or account is required, the Pension Fund does not have the right to disclose personal information. In this case, it is best to contact the branch in person or in writing.

Law No. 256 Federal Law contains a complete list of citizens who are given the opportunity to register an MK.

Recipients of state support:

  • Persons with Russian citizenship are women who gave birth, adopted a second or subsequent child from January 2007 to the end of December 2020. Men, single fathers who personally registered the adoption of a second or subsequent child.
  • Fathers, adoptive parents of children, after the mother is deprived of parental rights.
  • Minor children under 23 years of age, students with Russian citizenship. If in their regard a parent, adoptive parent, who has the right to MK, died, is listed as dead, deprived of rights.

When transferring the right to register family capital to a minor, all issues are dealt with by his guardian or adoptive parent.

The legislation clearly defines the recipients of funds. Families in which one baby was born, but the husband has another from his first marriage, cannot apply for a certificate and spend money. If you want to formalize the adoption by your new wife of the baby from the first barque, this family will not receive MK. Regulatory documentation regulates that when rights arise, children who are stepchildren or stepchildren are not taken into account.

More on the topic Russian Pension Fund hotline Moscow phone 8-800

Citizens established by the law of the Russian Federation can draw up documentation at any time after establishing the right of MK. A woman or a man applies to the Pension Fund or MFC with documents. There is a queue for maternity capital. Documentation is completed by going through a certain procedure, which eliminates the dishonest desire of recipients to illegally obtain state funds.

According to information from Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 1180n, the certificate form is issued after drawing up an application from the recipient, as well as attaching the necessary documentation. The Pension Fund or MFC authorities do not charge additional funds, and payment of state duty is not required.

For obvious reasons, the mother is busy after the birth or adoption of newborns, a special way of submitting information to the competent authorities is regulated. Citizens have the right to establish a proxy, confirm their decision with a notary, and draw up a power of attorney form. The appointed citizen with all documents is sent to the relevant municipal authorities.

You can send all certificates by registered mail, with a list of investments or declared value. You can track all stages of postal delivery. Thus, not original documents are provided, but copies certified in a notary’s office. Simple copied certificates have no legal force.

Another way is to submit documentation electronically via the Internet.

Financial assistance to families in which two or more children were born or were adopted is paid in accordance with legislative standards. The certificate amounts are used to improve living conditions, but the standard of living changes, with the same income decreasing, and inflation increases. The government annually indexes the amounts to avoid depreciation of MK. This happens automatically; the higher the inflation, the higher the indexing coefficient. The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection calculates the subsidy every year.

The period of issue of the document does not affect indexing, because amounts of money are transferred from the federal budget to the Pension Fund after a written application from the recipient.

You can issue a certificate immediately after the birth of the baby, and use it if necessary. The figure on the document is considered conditional, determining the value of the MK in a particular year; it serves as a guideline for calculating the current subsidy.

When the size of the MK increases, there is no need to change the certificate. To establish the exact amount, it is recommended to contact the Pension Fund or your personal account on the website.

For convenience and efficient operation, the pension fund is expanding its own services based on electronic services. You can queue for maternity capital via the Internet. Clients register on the Pension Fund website. ru in compliance with the procedure regulated by law. This is a mandatory rule for all citizens in order to obtain legal information about funds in accordance with the target orientation.

The PFR's activities are related not only to the assignment and payment of pensions. The department collects reports from employers, maintains personal accounts of insured persons, verifies documents for the payment of maternity capital and other issues. For information support of citizens and legal entities, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation provides the opportunity to contact a hotline.

At the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin, at the end of 2019, a number of federal laws were adopted aimed at improving the demographic situation and supporting motherhood and childhood.

In particular, we are talking about the Federal Law of December 28, 2019 No. 418-FZ “On monthly payments to families with children.”

Families in which, starting in 2019, a second child will be born (or adopted) can apply for a payment from maternal (family) capital (MSC).

Families permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation have the right to receive a monthly cash payment if the child and mother are citizens of the Russian Federation.

Families whose average per capita income does not exceed 1.5 times the subsistence level of the working-age population in 2020, established in the region, are entitled to receive payments.

The monthly payment in the Tambov region is 8,634 rubles.

To provide a complete package of information on the use of MSK funds, certificate holders can contact hotlines created in the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Tambov Region.

The pension fund, excluding a refusal, is not always easy. There is a simple solution for citizens - the Pension Fund hotline. By calling 8-800-775-5445, anyone can receive comprehensive information on mat.

capital, the conditions for its receipt and use. However, a telephone consultation will be of a general nature; to receive individual advice and recommendations, it is better to seek help from an experienced lawyer.

Our legal experts work with residents of different parts of the Russian Federation, answering questions around the clock by phone or online. Experts carefully study the circumstances of the case, assess risks and prospects.

Based on the information received, she develops an individual action plan aimed at correctly preparing documents for the Pension Fund and obtaining a mat certificate as quickly as possible. capital, excluding the return of papers or refusal to transfer funds.

Issues related to the calculation and payment of pension benefits in the Russian Federation are resolved by a special state organization.

The Pension Fund, whose hotline helps citizens contact the authorities with their questions, organizes the accrual, recalculation, co-financing, and assignment of various types of pensions, including maternity capital.

More on the topic Pension Fund personal account - login to the site

The Pension Fund also issues certificates and facilitates the transfer of savings to non-state funds at the request of citizens.

Currently, appeals to the Pension Fund are becoming more and more relevant. Despite the name, this institution solves not only pension issues.

Many people like live communication with visual contact and contact the fund’s branches directly, but questions may arise as they perform any actions and there is no way to contact the branch; in this case, a telephone will come to the rescue.

Trying to become more accessible, the Russian Pension Fund has organized a telephone hotline that allows you to get advice from any corner of our country.

The funds can be used in the following areas:

  1. Improving living conditions (including the purchase of land, gasification of the house).
  2. Education for children.
  3. Medical care for children, including the purchase of expensive medications.
  4. Therapeutic and rehabilitation activities for children with disabilities.
  5. Purchasing a vehicle (if there are five or more children in the family or a child with a disability).

It is allowed to use the funds in parts in several directions.

All that is needed for this is:

  • fill out the form below with a detailed description of the problem regarding the use of maternal capital,
  • indicate your region of residence and contact phone number to receive more detailed recommendations.
  • The amount of maternal family capital in St. Petersburg is set at 100,000 rubles and is subject to annual indexation.
  • Hotline of the Russian Pension Fund, Moscow Pension Fund.
  • Hotline Russian Pension Fund
  • How to spend maternity capital
  • What is the telephone number of the hotline of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation?
  • Maternity capital in 2020 - what does the law say?
  • Maternity capital hotline
  • Maternal capital
  • Answers to the main questions about maternity capital
  • Pension fund: Moscow
  • A hotline on maternity capital issues was established
  • about obtaining a certificate;
  • about collecting documents;
  • how to use the funds;
  • where to get a duplicate.

Other methods of communication

The site has a very convenient panel called “Leave feedback on the site”, which is located on the left side of the page. By clicking on this seemingly inconspicuous panel, you will open a window with wide functionality. Here you can

  • to suggest an idea;
  • tell about your problem;
  • Ask a Question;
  • To express gratitude.

By clicking on the top menu, select the action you need and enter the text in the field that opens. For example, I thanked them for the detailed consultation. Moreover, with each switch, the color of the message field will change. By clicking on the cross in the left corner of the window, you can close it.

The Pension Fund of Russia has its official accounts on such social networks as: Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Facebook, Telegram and even LiveJournal.

It is also possible to get advice on the site through the Online Consultant. You don’t need to enter any additional information, just your name and text with the question you are interested in.

You can also click on the “Contacts and Addresses” section and select a branch in your region. The page that opens contains hotline telephone numbers, email addresses for sending messages from citizens, a reception schedule, as well as telephone numbers for pre-registration, ordering documents and information.

It is also possible to send requests through the online reception. Moreover, the appeal can be sent by both citizens living in Russia and those outside its borders. To do this, you need to select the appropriate form.

Ways to obtain advice from the Pension Fund of Russia

  • about obtaining a certificate,
  • about collecting documents,
  • how to use the funds
  • where to get a duplicate.

Registration is carried out and confirmed on the government services website. After logging in, select the “Electronic Services” section, Pre-registration for an appointment, One-time payment from MK funds. The next step is filling out the application. The person entering the data must be attentive to the entire process, because any mistake delays the review time. The data must be indicated: series, form number, bank account details, full name of the applicant, contact information.

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The checkbox for consent to data processing is checked. For consultation or clarification of questions, an online consultation is open by calling the hotline.

If you have the right to MSC, then Article 5 of this law provides for the procedure for obtaining it, and Art. Art. 7-9 reveal the general procedure for disposing of its funds. First, let's look at the general sequence of actions so that you understand why each step is necessary.

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