Pension capital individual and settlement in Chegem in 2020

Pension capital is a concept that appeared quite recently in domestic legislation. Separate individual and settlement capital. The first is filled with voluntary contributions from citizens, including those living in Chegem, but at this stage the program has not been approved at the federal level. The second is the basis for establishing the amount of the insurance part of the pension payment. This takes into account the size of transfers to the fund and the monetary value of pension rights, calculated in points.

Pension wars

In other words, all the mistakes, blots and inaccuracies that personnel officers (or whoever filled out the work books) made in your work books, the PRF of the Russian Federation places on you, as its owner.

▪ You should not go to the department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and shout that they are all swindlers and thieves, this will not have any effect, and you will waste your nerves and time.

For most citizens, their pension is calculated according to the 1st option (clause 3 of Article 30), but there are people whose pension is calculated according to the 2nd option (clause 4 of Article 30). Most often this happens to those who do not have enough work experience to reach 25 years (0.55 length of service coefficient).

not more than 1.7 - for persons living in the specified areas and localities in which a regional coefficient of 1.5 to 1.8 is established for the wages of employees;

▪ If you believe that the Pension Fund made mistakes, you must submit a written claim regarding the errors you discovered, and if it is not satisfied, then go to court.

How the pension fund deceives when calculating pensions

It's been 9 years since I received my pension. Out of 39 years, 8 months of service, only 30 years were left when accruing.

And then the Pension Fund of Russia made a knight's move. In the certificate of insurance experience, studying at a university costs only 1 year, instead of 6 years (with a workers' faculty). 5 years were “taken away”. Which is just not enough for me to receive benefits for my experience.

The PFR and INS are constantly deceiving! Silanov ordered them. In his opinion, everyone’s income is more than 3 million rubles a year.

It turns out that those who studied during the law on the inclusion of studies in the work experience receive this study as a work experience! And for those who studied after the law on exclusion from the insurance period of study was issued, their studies will not be included in the length of service.

Therefore, the length of service differs from the insurance period. I have 39 years and 8 months of work experience, but only 30 years of insurance coverage.

Liability of the insured person to the Pension Fund, employer

The insured persons, as subjects of legal relations, bear some responsibility both to the policyholder and to the insurer. In addition, every citizen who is an employee is responsible to the employer and the Pension Fund if he does not fulfill his duties.

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If the insured persons do not fulfill the obligations assigned to them, for example, provide incorrect information about themselves, this may entail the payment of excess amounts of money from the Pension Fund budget. In this case, the responsibility of the citizen will be the need to compensate the insurer for the resulting damage. In this case, compensation must have a monetary value, which is regulated by law. In this regard, you should monitor the fulfillment of your own responsibilities.

My correspondence with the pension fund about pension recalculation

Federation"" established increased amounts of basic parts of old-age labor pensions

Thus, I believe that the pension has not been calculated correctly and I ask you to recalculate it taking into account work. The old-age pension from 01/01/2008 is set at 2340 rubles per month. To get this

pension, the total length of service was underestimated and the size of the basic part of labor was incorrectly applied

Text of the appeal: Please provide a full calculation of the accrued pension with all initial

Pension fund and pension calculation

And I had to bring a certificate of work experience three times. My former employer forgot to write down my date of birth, or the number of the order to rename the enterprise. But when I brought a certificate that met all the standards, they told me, and now we will check and send a request so that they answer us and confirm your work at this enterprise.

The fact is that there are many people in Crimea who moved or previously worked in other republics of the USSR. Including in Ukraine. In this case, it is not easy to obtain certificates from your former place of employment.

I often travel on commuter trains, where you can hear many such stories. People often say that they are tired of this and will no longer prove their experience and earnings. That is, there are many people who do not receive the full amount even of what is required by law.

Here's how I can check for myself whether the request was really sent from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to the Pension Fund of Ukraine? Do I have the right to demand that they show me the entire shipping route and the mail and receipt used to send the request? The PF does not want to send a request (this is my speculation), or rather they tell me that they sent it, but the request does not reach the place of receipt. And so repeatedly. And the last time they sent it to two enterprises, but the same one (the first one) again didn’t arrive. Again it didn’t come from the company where I had more experience. I checked this myself on the other side.

But when communicating with pension fund (PF) employees, one gets the impression that the main task of the PF is to accrue pensions as little as possible, to the minimum. Such conclusions arise after communicating with pensioners. Recently retired.

What schemes are used to deceive pensioners?

The main methods of deception include:

  • Loss of important documents. When calculating pensions, PF specialists must use the information that was transmitted to this institution by employers during the citizen’s work. But often the information in the PF differs significantly from reality. Usually, fund employees make excuses by saying that some documentation was lost and it is impossible to restore it. This leads to a significant reduction in pensions. However, it is impossible to find official documents in archives or other similar institutions.
  • Using an unfavorable period for calculation. Service specialists always convince pensioners that the most profitable period of work is used for calculations. It is represented by 60 months of total experience. But in practice, it turns out that a period is used that is not the most profitable for the pension recipient. This allows you to calculate a much smaller payment than the amount to which the citizen is entitled.
  • Raising the retirement age. From 2020, it is planned to significantly increase the age at which people will be able to retire. The increase is planned for five years for both sexes. In fact, it is planned to gradually introduce these changes, but already now people, when visiting the Pension Fund, are denied a pension, although they are just turning 55 or 60 years old. Additionally, the state itself is deceiving the population, since due to the low life expectancy after the changes introduced, many people simply will not live to reach the established age. Citizens are dissatisfied with the changes being introduced, since they are beneficial not for people, but for officials.
  • There are funny excuses for the loss of information. Often, citizens are faced with the fact that significant data about work at different periods of time is lost. Typically, PF employees blame this on viruses in the software or the inability to contact certain companies.

You can watch how to confirm your length of service and salary upon retirement in 2018 in this video:

Example from life

The woman worked all her life without downtime, but due to the fact that she was the wife of a military man, she regularly moved. This led to her working officially in a large number of institutions and companies.

Upon reaching 55 years of age, she applied to the Pension Fund to calculate her pension. As a result, it turned out that many documents regarding places of work were missing. They cannot be restored through the archive or other organizations.

Many of the companies where the woman worked have closed long ago, so it is impossible to obtain proof of work. This resulted in her being given a minimum payment.

The Ministry of Labor explained in which case a working pensioner may lose his pension - details can be found here.

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What are the mistakes of deceived citizens?

Mistakes of citizens in the Pension Fund of Russia

The main mistake people make is their gullibility. They are confident that such a large organization as the PF will not deceive citizens. That's why people don't save work certificates and contacts of former employers.

Here you can find out how the amount of pensions for disabled pensioners is recalculated without an application.

Five questions to the Pension Fund will help you check whether your pension was calculated correctly

Article 37 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 17, 1991 No. 675-XII “On pension provision for citizens in the Republic of Kazakhstan provided for the right to a pension for length of service - according to the list of institutions, organizations and positions approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan for teachers directly engaged in teaching work in schools - with at least 25 years of experience in the specified work.

Letter of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 1994 N 1-369-18 (Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 21, 1994) On the procedure for pension provision for citizens who arrived in the Russian Federation from states that were formerly part of the USSR

If such circumstances exist, but were not taken into account when calculating the pension, you should find out what shortcomings led to this and correct them.

During the transition period from 2020 to 2028, the deadline for applying for a pension will be postponed for a period of 1 to 5 years.

This length of service includes all periods of work activity dated up to and including the end of 2001. Accordingly, the longer the total length of service, the higher the coefficient will be - which means the pension will increase.

Unfavorable time period is taken into account

To receive the largest pension, it is necessary to take into account the most profitable periods of employment (when the salary was maximum). For example, the period from 2002 to 2003 can be taken as the calculation years. But here you need to look at the salary. If a person’s income during this time period was modest, then the pension will be lower.

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To increase the size of payments using the coefficient, you need to take any five years when the pensioner’s income was maximum in relation to the average salary in the Russian Federation (for the period taken into account). In particular, the marginal coefficient (for a regular region) is 1.2. If we take the North of Russia, this parameter increases to 1.9.

Despite the ability to choose a “profitable” period, not everyone uses this option. The reason is that many structures have ceased operations, and it is not possible to obtain documents. In practice, other situations have been observed when employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation specifically select the most unfavorable intervals to reduce the amount of pension benefits.

Pension Fund employees act as follows. First, they look for a reason to “get to the bottom” of the pensioner and point out the lack of necessary documents. Further, employees of the Pension Fund assure that the desired period is not documented. As a result, pensioners put up with the current situation and accept the years indicated in the Pension Fund. As a result, pension benefits are falling. The expectation is that the pensioner will not be able to understand the intricacies of the calculations, and will not delve into this work.

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