How is the second pension calculated for military pensioners in 2020?

Home > News > Second pension for military pensioners

11:36 December 26, 2019

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A military pensioner can receive two pensions: according to length of service (for military and equivalent service - in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the FSB, etc.) and a civilian one, that is, insurance through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Before the pension reform was carried out in Russia, a serviceman could apply for a second pension upon reaching the generally established retirement age, i.e. after 60 years for men and 55 years for women. From 2020, the age for assigning insurance payments is gradually increasing to 65 and 60 years.

In addition to the age standard, a prerequisite for receiving a second pension is the presence of a specified amount of insurance experience and IPC. For payments through the Pension Fund, only the length of service and points accumulated during periods of work in a civilian profession will be taken into account.

Requirements for length of service and points also increase annually, but this has nothing to do with the implementation of the pension reform, because These standards have been gradually increasing since 2015.

To process payments, a serviceman needs to contact the Pension Fund and provide the set of documents provided for this. The procedure for calculating the second pension for military personnel differs from that for ordinary pensioners. The amount of pension provision in 2020 depends only on the amount of the IPC formed during official work in a civilian profession. At the same time, the military pensioner is not assigned a fixed payment towards his pension , which is a basic part of the provision of civilian pensioners.

Insurance pension for military pensioners in 2020 (latest news)

To receive a second pension from the Pension Fund in 2020, a military pensioner must simultaneously fulfill three mandatory conditions.

Retirement age. Age standards for military personnel and law enforcement officers are established similarly to generally established ones, that is, taking into account the ongoing pension reform.

  • According to the general rules, payments in 2020 will be available to citizens who turned 55 and 60 years old in the second half of 2020. Their retirement is delayed by six months, so they will receive payments during the first half of 2020.
  • If there are grounds for early registration (work in hazardous or difficult work, northern work experience), then the age standard will be determined taking into account preferential grounds.

Minimum required experience. To receive old-age insurance pension payments, you must have a specified amount of insurance experience - for 2020, this standard is 11 years .

  • The insurance period includes only periods of official work activity during which the employer paid insurance contributions to the Pension Fund.
  • Additionally, the length of service will include other periods listed in Part 1 of Art. 12 of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013, for example, periods of receiving unemployment benefits, temporary disability, etc.

Minimum IPC. For a military pensioner officially working in a civilian profession, the employer pays insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, from which the IPC is formed, calculated in points. In 2020, to receive a second pension, you must have an IPC of 18.6 points .

The standards for these conditions will increase annually. This means that military pensioners will apply for a second pension at a later age with even more experience and points.

For example, in 2021, you will be able to receive payments if you have 12 years of experience and 21 points. This right will be available to those who turn 55/60 years old in the first half of 2020, and can retire during the second half of 2021.

What will happen to military pensions from January 1, 2019?

The decision on the issue has been postponed by officials until the beginning of the second half of the economic half of 2020. But it is known that they are planning to change the accrual principle: instead of “length of service” they are introducing a “social package” . This is perceived negatively by citizens. After the introduction of the social package, they promise to pay severance pay to military personnel who retired while young.

Under the current system, a pension is due after 20 years of service. The introduction of a social package will allow those citizens who, due to health or circumstances, were forced to end their military career to receive a pension.

The abolition of pensions threatens that retired military personnel will have to look for civilian work. Adaptation to ordinary life after several years of service is difficult. Citizens will receive a one-time payment, but this will not solve the problem. Some of them will find work at universities and undergo professional retraining.

Calculation of the size of the second pension

For citizens who have served in the military or equivalent service (in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Russian National Guard, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.), who are already receiving payments for long service or disability, the procedure for calculating the second pension differs from the traditional one.

  • The amount of security provided by the Pension Fund for military personnel does not include a fixed payment to the insurance pension (IF) - this condition is provided for in Part 1 of Art. 16 of Law No. 400-FZ.
  • This means that the amount of payments will be less than the usual for civil pensioners with the same length of service and IPC.

In 2020, the fixed payment amount is RUB 5,686.25. It is by this amount that the size of the regular insurance pension and the second payment for military personnel will differ.

The size of the insurance pension for military pensioners (SPV) is determined by the following formula:



  • IPC is the number of points accumulated during working life;
  • SPK - the cost of one point on the date of registration of pension provision (in 2020, the cost of one SPK will be 93.00 rubles).

This means that the amount of payments will depend only on the size of the IPC, which is formed from insurance premiums. Accordingly, the greater the official salary of the employee and the duration of work, the more pension points will be accumulated during this time.

In addition, insurance pensions are indexed annually. If a military pensioner is already receiving a payment from the Pension Fund, its amount in 2020 will be increased by 6.6%. However, the increase will be made only if the citizen is unemployed - indexation is not carried out for working people due to the moratorium in force in their regard.

Under what conditions is an insurance pension awarded to former military personnel?

For military pensioners, two types of pension payments are provided: according to length of service (disability) for service in the army, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Russian National Guard and according to the insurance line for contributions paid by the taxpayer.

The right of military personnel to receive a second “civilian” pension was secured by Federal Law No. 156 of July 22, 2008, which amended Law No. 4468 of February 12, 1993 “On pension provision for persons who served in military service...”. According to the adopted changes, the length of “civilian” labor activity has been taken into account since 2007. The second pension benefit is received by certain categories of military personnel who are employed after 45 years of age. The legal basis for insurance pension provision is Federal Law No. 400 of December 28, 2013 “On insurance pensions”.

The insurance pension for military personnel in 2020 is calculated subject to a number of conditions:

  1. the citizen is registered with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (participates in the compulsory pension insurance system, transfers contributions through the official employer);
  2. at least 10 years of insurance experience have been accumulated; by 2024, it is planned to gradually increase the experience to 15 years (if a citizen worked in dangerous conditions or in the Far North, benefits apply);
  3. retirement age – 60.5 years for men and 55.5 years for women (from 2020, the age will increase annually to 65 and 60 years, depending on working conditions);
  4. individual points – 16.2 points (until 2025 it is planned to increase the required number of points to 30).

The right to an insurance pension payment and its amount is determined taking into account the information reflected in the citizen’s account with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The personal account contains data on civilian labor activity: length of service, salary amounts, accrued and paid contributions.

How to get a second pension

If all the conditions for receiving a second (insurance) pension for military pensioners are met, the citizen has the right to apply for a civil pension through the Pension Fund. You can submit your application no earlier than a month before reaching retirement age.

You can submit your application in any of the following ways:

  • To the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence or actual stay (in person, through a representative by proxy or by mail);
  • Through your Personal Account on the Pension Fund website (if you have access to the Public Services Portal);
  • At the MFC (in person or through a representative by proxy);
  • Through the employer (by submitting an application to the PRF with the written consent of the applicant).

The date of submission of the application in person, through a representative or employer will be considered the day the application is received by the Pension Fund of Russia, MFC. When sent by mail, the date of submission of the application will be considered the date indicated on the postmark at the place of departure.

An application for a second pension for military pensioners is considered within 10 working days from the date of filing such an application and attaching all necessary documents. Payments are assigned from the day you apply for it, but not earlier than the right to receive it arises.


Second pension for the military: features of appointment and increase in 2020

Author: Matushevskaya Larisa. Economist. Experience in management positions in the manufacturing sector. Date: November 27, 2020. Reading time 7 minutes.

Upon reaching the generally accepted retirement age, retired military personnel are entitled to receive a second pension. To be appointed in 2020, you must have at least 10 years of experience and a total pension coefficient of 16.2. Unlike civilians who receive old-age labor payments, a fixed part is not added to the calculated amount of second payments for military personnel. However, indexation is carried out on a general basis due to the increase in the cost of PB. The minimum payment in 2020 will be about 1,413.29 rubles.

What documents are needed for registration?

To receive a civil pension, a military pensioner must provide the following set of documents along with the application:

  1. Identification document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, residence permit, etc.).
  2. A certificate from the body that pays the citizen’s pension through the law enforcement agency (by length of service or disability). The certificate must contain information about the date of assignment of the military pension, periods of service that were taken into account when assigning these payments.
  3. Documents confirming work experience in a civilian profession (work book, employment contract, certificates from the employer, etc.).

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The procedure for calculating the second military pension with examples and documents

Insurance benefits for retired military personnel are calculated using a special formula.

SP = IPC × SIPCSP – insurance pension;
IPC – individual pension coefficient or accumulated points; SIPC – the cost of one point (approved by the Government).

The size of the military’s second pension directly depends on the amount of accumulated individual points. There are two ways to increase the IPC - extending the length of service and increasing the official salary. The minimum value of the individual coefficient in 2019 was 16.2 points, the cost of the pension coefficient was 87.24 rubles.

The minimum amount of the insurance military pension in 2020: 16.2 × 87.24 = 1413.3 rubles.

The insurance pension payment for civilians is usually larger than the second pension for military personnel, since it has a fixed part. In 2020, it was increased to RUB 5,334. 19 kopecks Military pensions, unfortunately, are calculated without taking into account the fixed payment (Article 16 of Federal Law No. 400). The exceptions are disability and survivor benefits.

Early retirement is available to citizens who have worked in hazardous industries, in difficult conditions, as well as in the Far North. For victims of man-made and radiation disasters, 5 years of experience is sufficient. The rest of the military will be able to increase their length of service by including periods of temporary disability, etc. (Article 12 of Federal Law No. 400).

Comments (19)

Showing 19 of 19

  • Lyudmila 01/02/2019 at 20:08
    I am a military pensioner, 26 years of service, I am 62 years old. She was demobilized in December 2011 and has been in civilian work since August 2012 to this day. Can I apply for a second pension?


  • Yuri 02/13/2019 at 13:01

    Hello! I am a military pensioner, I am 58 years old. Civilian work experience in areas equated to the regions of the Far North is 25 years. When I contacted the Arkhangelsk Pension Fund, I received information that the insurance part of the civil pension would only be due to me in the second half of 2022. And you write: “ They will be able to receive payments in 2020 when they reach 55.5 years for women and 60.5 for men. If there are grounds for early registration (work in hazardous or difficult work, northern work experience), then the age standard will be determined on preferential terms.

    "Where is the discrepancy?
    Who is cheating? Give an answer... reply

      Margarita 02/13/2019 at 18:47

      For military pensioners, the conditions for retirement are the same as for all other citizens. Conditions for retirement for citizens who have work experience in areas equivalent to the KS are fixed in clause 6, part 1, article 32 of Law No. 400-FZ.


  • Sergey 08/21/2019 at 19:30

    Dear Yuri! I am also a military pensioner and I am 60 years old. 35 years of military service. Total experience 45 years. But we, military pensioners, are deprived of the right to early retirement on a civil pension on the basis of Art. 13 clause 4 400-FZ. The Supreme Commander-in-Chief promised all veterans, but apparently forgot about us!


  • Alexander 02/27/2019 at 16:05

    I am a military pensioner, I receive the insurance part of my pension in the amount of 3,157 rubles, and I continue to work. Will my pension increase to the regional subsistence level in connection with the message of the President of the Russian Federation in February 2020?


    Peter 08/26/2019 at 23:11

    I am a military retiree. I applied for an insurance pension in 2020. The calculation of the pension in the amount of 4336 with 62 points is not clear. How do you know if the calculation is correct?


  • Irina 08/27/2019 at 09:36

    Request a calculation from the Pension Fund. Probably, 62 points are indicated in the ILS, but some of the periods were taken into account when assigning a military pension, so they were no longer taken into account when assigning an insurance pension.


  • Valery Nikolaevich 03/27/2019 at 13:32

    When can I start applying for an insurance pension, taking into account my existing work experience, if I turn 60 years old in December 2020?


  • Sergey 03/27/2019 at 15:09

    With a total length of service of 37.5, you still need to work for 10 years. Will it be possible to apply for a second pension after 2 years if the time worked is 7 years? I am disabled group 3 - military trauma.


  • Victor 04/05/2019 at 09:31

    Serviceman of the Internal Troops of the Russian Federation. He retired in 2005, after which he worked for 5 and a half years. Am I entitled to a second pension?


      Margarita 04/05/2019 at 11:49

      Hello. To receive a pension in 2020, you must have at least 10 years of experience. In 2020 it will take 11 years, and so on (table below).

      Year201920202021202220232024, etc.
      Minimum length of service to receive a pension101112131415


  • YURY 04/15/2019 at 10:51

    Hello! I am a military pensioner since 2008. I work in a production facility with hazardous working conditions. In 2025 I will be 60 years old and have 16 years of experience. Am I entitled to a 2nd pension by this time according to the new pension law?


  • Alexander 07.17.2019 at 19:12

    I am 56 years old, a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with 20 years of service. From July 5, 2002 to February 11, 2019, he worked as a civilian, with a total experience of 16 years. Am I entitled to a 2nd pension?


      Katerina 07/17/2019 at 19:20

      Yes, upon reaching 65 years of age. In this case, there must be 15 years of official work experience in a civilian profession and 30 pension points.


  • Elena 07/25/2019 at 03:11

    Good afternoon I have been a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs since 2020. I currently have about 8 years of experience in civilian life. I have the right to an old-age pension in 2021, since I have 2 children, live and work in the Far North. According to the table, in 2021 you must have 12 years of experience. If my experience is not enough for 2 years, then after what time do I have the right to receive a second civil pension? Is it possible to purchase additional experience and how does this happen?


  • Yuri 10/14/2019 at 14:49

    I am a military pensioner, I receive an insurance pension of 3307 rubles. How many points do I have?


  • Andrey 01/25/2020 at 08:34

    I am 58 years old, I have been a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs since 1999. Since that time I have been working as a civilian. I always worked “in white”, i.e. I receive wages in accordance with the law. When can I expect to receive my insurance pension?


  • Alexey 02/03/2020 at 20:16

    I am a military retiree. In April 2020, the total length of service will reach 42 years. July 18, 2020 will be 60 years old. IPC - 177 points, insurance experience 23 years. Can I apply for an old-age insurance pension in 2020?


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    Civil pension for military personnel

    Service in law enforcement agencies or the army, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs or in guarding the security of the state, gives a person the right to earn titles and awards, as well as preferential pensions, early retirement, as well as many other privileges, due to the danger and importance of the business they are engaged in . However, having retired due to length of service, these people prefer to continue their career, therefore, the employer transfers pension contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for such workers, therefore they subsequently receive the right to issue an additional pension to military pensioners after 60 years, that is, upon reaching the standard retirement age.


    All military personnel are under the protection of the state and guarantees of a special status, as stated in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. They can enjoy special benefits, for example, receive priority social, medical and postal services, have the opportunity to receive housing without waiting lists, use public transport for free, have tax discounts and breaks, but that’s not all. According to Federal Law No. 156, military pensioners can apply for a second, civilian pension after they reach the age of 60, subject to special conditions.

    Who is a military pensioner?

    In our country, according to the Constitution, military pensions can be received not only by those people who gave all their best years to the armed forces, but also by employees of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the fire service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the National Guard and even in the structures of the penal system. Such people are entitled to three main types of pension payments, the right to which arises if a number of conditions are met.

    1. Long service pension provision (20 years of insurance experience in certain categories of structures).
    2. Disability pension.
    3. Provision for the families of military personnel, their widows and children, and any other dependents in the event of their premature death.

    To receive a pension, you will need to earn a certain length of service, which today is exactly 20 years, or register a disability received in connection with the performance of official duties. If you have the necessary length of service or disability, you can receive a military pension at absolutely any age; you don’t have to wait sixty or even fifty-five years for this. We will not consider the third option, since the families of the victims will definitely not be able to receive a second, civil pension.

    Calculation and assignment procedure

    According to legislative acts and regulations of Federal Laws 173 and 4468-1, the assignment of military pensions is clearly regulated, therefore everything is absolutely transparent. The law provides for many different methods and cases when and how the mechanism for calculating such security should be applied.

    • If a military pensioner retires not based on length of service, but at the usual retirement age, which is 60 years for men and 55 for women, then he will receive the regular rate, plus three percent for each year that exceeds the required length of service (20 years). However, the amount will not exceed 85% of the allowance assigned during service.
    • When there is mixed experience, then for each year of excess, one percent of the allowance will be added.
    • For disability, military pensioners can receive from 85 to 130% of their former allowance.
    • Disabled people who received an injury not related to combat, for example, due to illness, can also receive from eighty-five to one hundred and thirty percent of the income that they were entitled to during their service.

    Usually, it takes exactly the same amount of time to process military pensions, about one and a half to three months, and the documentation needed is almost the same as usual. There is already an article on our website about what kind of pension the military has and what they can expect in the future; it is worth reading for everyone to whom this issue is interesting and important. But today we are not talking about the payments themselves for former military personnel, but about what kind of second pension military pensioners are entitled to upon reaching 60 years of age and how it can be applied for.

    Second pension for military personnel after 60 years in 2020

    A military pensioner can receive two pensions: according to length of service (for military service and equivalent service - in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the FSB, etc.) and a civilian one, that is, insurance through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation . Before the 2019 pension reform, a serviceman could apply for a second pension upon reaching the generally established retirement age, i.e. after 60 years for men and 55 years for women. From 2020, the age for assigning insurance payments will gradually increase to 65 and 60 years .

    • A prerequisite for receiving a second pension is the presence of a specified amount of insurance experience and IPC . For payments through the Pension Fund, only the length of service and points accumulated during periods of work in a civilian profession will be taken into account.
    • Requirements for length of service and points will increase annually , but this has nothing to do with the pension reform in Russia, because These standards have been gradually increasing since 2020.

    The procedure for calculating the second pension for the military will not be changed . The amount of pension provision in 2019 will continue to depend only on the amount of the IPC formed during official work in a civilian profession . To process payments, the serviceman must provide the Pension Fund with a set of documents provided for this.

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