Funeral benefit for a working pensioner

Update date: 12/15/2019 To see off the deceased on his last journey, you should know that at the moment the government pays part of the funeral costs for many categories of citizens, and some can be buried entirely at the expense of the state.

Relatives of the categories of citizens listed below can receive benefits in full if the deceased lived in the capital and had Moscow registration.

Compensation for burial is paid:

  • unemployed citizens officially registered as unemployed;
  • pensioners;
  • participants of the Great Patriotic War;
  • home front workers;
  • disabled children and disabled people of the first, second and third groups;
  • persons liquidating the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and its consequences;
  • parents whose child has died;
  • unreasonably repressed citizens.

Relatives of the above-mentioned citizens can receive a funeral benefit in full if the deceased lived in the capital and had Moscow registration. Additional funeral benefits are paid by the Moscow government.

Normative legal acts

The payment of social benefits for funerals is regulated by a number of legislative acts:

  • No. 8-FZ “On burial and funeral business” dated January 12, 1996 (with subsequent amendments and additions);
  • Part 2 Art. 14 and part 3 of Article No. 25 of the Law “On the Protection of Citizens Exposed to Radiation at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant” (this law determines the amount of funeral benefits only for Chernobyl victims);
  • Government Decree No. 514 on the amount of funeral payments;
  • Federal Law “On state regulation in the field of mining and use of coal, on the features of social protection of employees of coal industry organizations”, which establishes the obligation of an industrial company in the event of the death of an employee at the workplace to bear all expenses associated with his burial;
  • paragraph 21 of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 941 (on the payment of funeral benefits for contract military personnel, military pensioners, prosecutors, employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service, soldiers undergoing military service, etc.);
  • Decree of the Moscow Government No. 260 dated September 6. 2011 (NLA for veterans living in the capital);
  • Article No. 125 of the Law of the Russian Federation of November 20, 1990 “On state pensions in the Russian Federation”;
  • Tax Code regulating the issue of taxation of this social benefit.

In addition to federal laws on funerals, there are also regional regulations that are relevant for a particular area. It is also worth familiarizing yourself with them in order to be guaranteed to receive all compensation due by law for the funeral. In accordance with Article No. 9 of 8-FZ, a person has the right, instead of receiving a lump sum compensation, to bury the deceased free of charge.

Who can receive funeral benefits?

Anyone who took upon themselves the organization of the funeral of a deceased citizen of the Russian Federation, and not just family members, can make a payment. Those. this person may not be a close relative of the deceased, but he must document that he spent money on the funeral.

If a foreigner or stateless person died on the territory of the Russian Federation, you can receive benefits for his burial only if he worked in Russia under an employment contract. Those. the state will provide benefits at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund from the organization in which the foreigner worked.

Who is entitled to funeral compensation?

The person conducting the event. A citizen can document his authority by providing invoices and an agreement previously concluded with the funeral agency. A procedure such as a funeral is different in moral terms, but in the bureaucratic aspect it looks standard. All stages must be documented. This is usually done:

  • close relatives (spouse, children, parents of the deceased, his sisters/brothers)
  • close friends (when there are no relatives or they are in deep mourning);
  • colleagues, superiors (happens less often, but sometimes a responsive team is ready to help a lonely employee who has no one to bury and no relatives);
  • representatives of social institutions (if the citizen was treated or lived there - hospitals, nursing homes, sanatoriums, orphanages);
  • closed institutions (military registration and enlistment office, ship captain, military unit).


What does funeral benefit cover?

The legislation of the Russian Federation has approved a list of services that are included in the amount of funeral benefits. These services include:

  • preparation of documents for the burial procedure;
  • purchase and transportation of a coffin (checks and receipts are needed to confirm expenses);
  • acquisition of additional ritual attributes (including wreath, flowers, ribbons);
  • transportation of the coffin with the body of the deceased to the burial place or crematorium;
  • cremation (if this service is ordered);
  • burial procedure.

Assistance in obtaining funeral benefits from “MOSGORRITual”

The specialists of the city service “MOSGORRITual” have the necessary experience and know everything about how social benefits are received. You can contact the hotline by calling 8 , and specialists will take care of all the difficulties in preparing documents for receiving benefits and payments.

In addition, the company’s agents will organize the funeral, think through all the aspects, advise on what ritual accessories are needed, and sort out the issue of choosing transport and burial place. The company’s specialists will carry out all the preparations for the burial and relieve you of the difficulties associated with it.

The company has its own fleet of various hearses and is engaged in the production and sale of funeral goods, so by contacting us, you will receive the full range of funeral services and save your own time and money.

To find out more about how benefits for compensation of funeral expenses are issued, contact specialists by phone 24/7 8 (495) 790-39-57.

Funeral benefit amount

The social payment for organizing a funeral in 2020 is 5,946.47 rubles. The benefit amount is indexed annually. The indexation coefficient is determined by the inflation rate and is approved at the legislative level. Sometimes the amount of compensation for a funeral increases due to additional city or regional payments. For example, in the event of the death of a native resident of Moscow, local governments allocate an additional 11,000 rubles to organize his funeral.

The amount of benefits for liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and Mayak PA has also been increased. For them, the amount of payments for 2020 is 11,948 rubles.

The funeral benefit for a contract serviceman or military pensioner, depending on the period of service, is a maximum of 18,890 rubles. In Moscow, the amount of this benefit has been increased to 27,016 rubles. The exact amount of compensation in other cities depends on regional legislation. Also, in the case of funerals of pensioners of the Federal Border Guard Service, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the FAPSI, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Russian National Guard, you can count on receiving a three-fold pension benefit if you refuse full compensation for funeral expenses. Disabled persons are paid an additional 3,200 rubles, regardless of category. The maximum funeral benefit for WWII veterans is 38,400 rubles.

Expenses incurred in excess of the official amount of the funeral benefit are paid by the relatives themselves or by charitable foundations. Money is provided regardless of the chosen burial method.

Where can I apply for financial assistance for burial after the death of a person?

The location of the visit depends on the age, status the deceased and other factors. We need to focus on them:

  1. In the Pension Fund - its local branch. You need the one closest to the place of registration of the deceased, if he was a pensioner.
  2. At the employer - there it is possible to process payments in the event of the death of an officially employed employee (there is still a contract, there is a work book). It doesn’t matter whether the deceased has already reached retirement age or is still young.
  3. In Social Security, social security helps if the deceased has not previously worked (officially), is not a pensioner, or is not a military personnel. Unemployed parents who have buried a young child should also go there.
  4. To the employer - when the funeral organizer himself works officially. He lost his minor child or another family member.
  5. To the military registration and enlistment office - it pays citizens benefits related to the funeral of WWII veterans, labor veterans, etc., military pensioners or active military personnel.

The obtaining procedure itself is simple; the main thing is to collect the necessary documents and visit the institution on time. 6 months is the period established by law; it is the same for all cases.

Military registration and enlistment office

According to the law, the family of a serviceman has the right to receive certain benefits and allowances:

  • compensation for the installation of a tombstone for him;
  • insurance payment (to relatives of the deceased);
  • lump sum payment to family members.

Such services are provided to relatives for the service performed by their loved one. Sometimes the state independently conducts funerals; relatives are only present there. The Ministry of Defense bears all the costs, then relatives do not receive subsidies. This happens if the deceased was of high rank (general, colonel, marshal) or performed a special feat, often posthumous.

The military registration and enlistment office allocates money for funerals:

  • military pensioner;
  • labor veteran and WWII veteran;
  • active military personnel;
  • police officer;
  • pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • also a customs, tax or fire service employee.

Close relatives who are involved in the funeral have the right to count. They will either receive free services or financial compensation for expenses incurred. The assistance of the military registration and enlistment office at a funeral depends not only on the rank and circumstances of a person’s death, but also on his services to the country. The higher they are, the correspondingly more government support will be.

Russian Pension Fund

It is worth remembering that an accrued pension that was previously due to a citizen and remained unreceived due to death is not considered part of the inheritance. It is received by family members who previously lived with the deceased and belong to the list of persons specified in Federal Law-400. If several people visit the Pension Fund, one amount is divided equally between them.

Social benefits are due for the burial of pensioners who have not passed social insurance. If the funeral was paid for by a spouse or other close relatives, then they receive a subsidy, the amount of which will be equal to the cost of the services listed in Federal Law-9. Without exceeding the maximum value. The applicant should visit the PF after the death of a person , when the organization of his funeral has begun. Provide the necessary documents and receive money.


Where to go to receive funeral benefits

According to the law, funeral compensation can be obtained:

  • at the place of work, if the person was officially working at the time of death;
  • in the branch of the Pension Fund, if the deceased was a pensioner or was registered as a lawyer, notary, farmer or individual entrepreneur;
  • in the FSS;
  • in the social security department, if the deceased did not officially work and did not receive a pension (parents of a stillborn baby also apply here);
  • in the military registration and enlistment office or other executive authorities;
  • at the MFC (you can contact multifunctional centers if you don’t know exactly where to apply).

If a person died as a result of criminal actions of third parties (with or without intent), and the perpetrators are identified and convicted, the court may oblige them to pay the family of the deceased financial compensation for funeral services. This payment can be a lump sum or monthly depending on the financial capabilities of the criminals.

Where to contact?

All employees receive payments from a specific institution; it is to this institution that you need to apply for compensation. Pensioners are awarded a pension by a specific regional PF body. It is to this department that you need to apply to receive a social benefit to compensate for funeral expenses.

The Pension Fund has the right to assign benefits only if the citizen did not work during his lifetime and was considered a pensioner.

If the person at the time of death was an employee of any organization, then in order to receive compensation payments, an application should be sent to the social insurance fund.

What documents are needed to receive money?

When applying for a funeral benefit, you should prepare a set of necessary documents in advance and make digital copies of them. The exact list of papers depends on the specifics of the situation and which category of citizens the deceased belonged to. The following documents are usually provided:

  • application form;
  • the applicant's general passport;
  • work book and any other documents that can confirm that the deceased did not have an official job on the day of death (for unemployed citizens);
  • documents on kinship and/or certificate of registration of the applicant at the place of registration of the deceased (if available);
  • death certificate (these certificates are given in exchange for a death certificate from the morgue);
  • certificate of the deceased’s presence at the labor exchange;
  • bank account number for payment;
  • a certificate from the Pension Fund about non-receipt of a pension (if available);
  • copies of mom and dad’s passports in the event of the death of a minor;
  • a certificate from the cemetery with the grave number, if the deceased was a person of no fixed abode (homeless) and has already been buried;
  • documents proving funeral expenses (receipts, invoices, service agreements, etc.);
  • certificates confirming benefits;
  • certificate of birth of a stillborn child (in case of receiving financial assistance related to the death of an infant).

What documents are required to receive benefits for the funeral of the deceased?

The first step on the path to funeral benefits is collecting all the documentation. First of all, you need to fill out the appropriate application. You can find the form and sample on the Internet and on the government services website. You need to have documents with you confirming that the person really died and you need money for his burial.

Also, do not forget to take your passport with you and find out your bank details in advance in order to receive money into your account. Another method of receipt is a money order, which is issued at the post office.

In some cases, it is necessary to prepare other documentation. For example, in order to receive a funeral benefit from the Moscow government, you need to confirm that the deceased person was registered in the capital and therefore has the right to an increased benefit.

Procedure for applying for funeral benefits

The procedure for receiving a sum of money depends on which institution you need to contact to complete all the documents. If compensation is issued to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, you need to contact the pension department where the deceased received his pension (at the place of registration or temporary registration) with a package of documents. Then you need to fill out an application for receiving money in a certain form and, indicating your bank account details, wait for the funds to be returned.

If you receive compensation from your employer, you can contact your place of work directly or the Social Insurance Fund. The employer has the right to issue funeral benefits on the basis of internal administrative acts or through a collective agreement drawn up on the basis of an order. This order must include the details of the recipient, the grounds for payment of material compensation and data on the amount of money. The money is usually paid to the applicant immediately after the order is drawn up.

What to do in case of refusal

Authorized bodies in Russia may refuse to pay funeral compensation. This usually happens for the following reasons:

  • a person’s appeal after the expiration of a six-month period;
  • incorrect execution of the application;
  • submission of an incomplete package of documents;
  • providing knowingly false information, etc.

In this case, the applicant must request a written refusal to provide financial compensation indicating the reason. This document must be submitted to law enforcement agencies or the court, having previously obtained the assistance of a lawyer. If deadlines have not been missed, there is a high probability of winning the case, because These payments are required by law. If the 6-month period has already passed, and the applicant does not have a valid reason why he could not withdraw the money earlier, lawyers do not provide guarantees for receiving this compensation.

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