Pension for kindergarten teachers according to length of service

Benefits for retired teachers working in rural areas in 2020

  • maternity and child care leave. It is, as you know, three years, so the required experience increases to 28 years;
  • downtime caused by the fault of the teacher himself or his employers;
  • the teacher was suspended from his duties due to any violations of applicable law.

After reviewing all the documents, the school or kindergarten is required to enter into an agreement with service organizations that provide the supply of electricity and natural gas (or with an enterprise that sells solid fuels - firewood and coal). Based on this agreement, the educational institution is sent invoices that it must pay.

Reforms 2020

According to the bill, pension reform will begin in Russia in 2020. Many citizens working in specialized positions will be provided with a preferential pension. For kindergarten teachers, school or lyceum teachers, these rules will also apply.

What will the reform change?

Several years after the adoption of these reforms, the age at which citizens will be able to take advantage of the right to material support from the state will increase by 5 years.

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Has the benefit been canceled or not?

The main question that worries many at the moment is whether the preferential pension will remain for educators? It follows from the proposed reforms that preferential accruals will not be abolished, but a situation may arise with a delay in their assignment. The rule according to which teachers will be able to switch to financial support from the state after working for 25 years remains without discussion.

What benefits are available to teachers for utilities in towns and villages?

  1. The most noticeable and largest benefit is a 100% discount on utility bills. In other words: rural teachers may not pay for water, electricity, heating and fuel.
  2. Not only the teacher, but also all members of his family receive a discount on utility bills. It is worth noting that when a teacher retires, the benefit system does not cease to exist.
  • Open bank account number (the number can be found on the documents that the bank employee will issue after opening the account).
  • Name of the bank in which the account is opened (For example, Sberbank, VTB, Tinkoff, etc.).
  • Residence address.
  • Home phone (or any phone for communication).
  • Type of housing: privatized, rented, purchased, etc.
  • And lastly: the area of ​​the apartment or house.

Social benefits for teachers in 2020

  1. The salary of rural teachers is set no lower than the regional average. Its base part is increasing.
  2. The need for advanced training at budget expense (every three years).
  3. Benefits have been established for compensation of utility bills and the purchase of housing.
  4. The rules for dividing budgets are described. Teachers teaching in federal institutions are funded at the appropriate level. Everyone else is paid from the local budget.

A region can establish its own benefits for teaching staff. Find out the nuances of local legislation from the regional or district administration.

  1. The standard working time is halved compared to others - 18 hours per week.
  2. Unlimited part-time work. This is especially true in a village where one person can teach several subjects.
  3. Long vacation provided in summer: from 42 to 56 days.
  4. Early registration of service pension (25 years).
  5. The opportunity to go on vacation for a whole year, if you have more than 10 years of continuous experience. The teaching position is retained.

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Annual leave and the conditions for its provision are regulated by regional regulations.

Which teachers are entitled to a long service pension?

Employees in the education sector belong to the category of people who make a significant contribution to the development of our country and work under certain conditions that lead to early loss of ability to work for a long time.
A pension for teachers based on length of service is accrued only if the teachers have a work experience of at least 25 years - this is the main condition.

The legislation establishes what pension teaching staff are entitled to. A preferential pension for teachers based on length of service is intended for them. The state provides such persons with access to early paid leave earlier than other citizens of the Russian Federation.

These include:

  • directors;
  • heads of academic department;
  • deputy managers;
  • kindergarten teachers;
  • teachers of general education, music, art schools, lyceums;
  • teachers of various levels;
  • speech therapists;
  • social educators.

The age of a citizen retiring is not significant. However, not all educational positions are suitable for receiving early state support.

In addition to the job position held, an important role is played by the educational institution in which the teaching service takes place. Pensions for long service for teaching staff are not available to employees of all institutions.

The list of general education organizations is also described in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 781:

  • kindergartens, nurseries;
  • primary and secondary schools;
  • gymnasiums;
  • lyceums;
  • sanatorium schools;
  • general education schools for children with developmental delays, with mental and physical defects, as well as for orphans;
  • orphanages;
  • institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, including schools, technical schools;
  • schools of special direction (art, music);
  • educational institutions for gifted children;
  • various diagnostic centers;
  • educational centers for teaching children additional programs;
  • rehabilitation institutions.

Length of service is counted towards the length of service of a teaching worker in the event that full work has occurred according to the hours established by the state during working hours.

Important! If the title or place in which the work was carried out is not on the list, then it will not be possible to apply for a preferential pension.

Official papers for accrual of state support should be submitted no less than 30 days in advance, since long-service pensions for teachers are issued in accordance with the general procedure.

To do this, you will need to contact the Russian Pension Fund with a complete list of necessary documents and an application. Before submitting an application, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with all regulations in force during the period of teaching work.

Employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation can request a document about their previous place of work to clarify the current legal name, the fact of the employee’s work, his position and weekly workload.

List of documents required to assign state support:

  • passport of the Russian Federation;
  • application for registration of pension benefits;
  • individual personal account insurance number (SNILS);
  • work book or its copy certified by a notary;
  • marriage certificate (if the woman changed her last name);
  • official certificate of form 2NDFL confirming income for the last 12 months;
  • military ID (if available);
  • birth certificates of children (if available).

Please note: if there are inconsistencies in the work book, Pension Fund employees may request additional supporting documents.

To determine the amount of preferential state support, information from the provided official income certificate is taken into account. The amount directly depends on both the insurance and funded pension.

Having pension points is a necessary condition for receiving a long-service pension.

The full procedure for registering state support is carried out by employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Therefore, any missing information should be contacted by your local pension authority.

In addition to the basic pension for long service, a citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to receive bonuses if he has an academic degree, worked in the Far North or in similar conditions.

Starting from 2030, pensions for teachers for length of service will be assigned by the state only on a general basis. The procedure for calculating and assigning pensions will also undergo changes.

Both the cost of the point and the fixed payment are government-approved indicators that are regularly indexed.

Important! The amount of pension points is calculated individually for each citizen of the Russian Federation and depends on the level of income, the age of early retirement, as well as on the employee’s insurance record.

To calculate length of service, they rely on certain time periods of a citizen’s working activity.

These periods include:

  1. full time work day; the state has established standard hours for teaching staff of different classes (the total number of such hours must exceed 239, for middle school teachers the norm is 360 hours); This requirement does not apply to employees of primary and rural schools;
  2. time on sick leave;
  3. a time period of up to one and a half years, which falls on maternity leave (for women);
  4. period of stay on annual leave;
  5. the period for obtaining additional specialized education or advanced training, provided that the citizen worked in the teaching field before and after completion (this condition came into force in 2020).

The listed time periods are taken into account by the Pension Fund on a calendar basis.

The legal framework for preferential teacher pensions is quite extensive.

The Law on Preferential Pensions for Teachers includes the following regulations:

  1. Federal Law No. 400 of December 28, 2013, in particular Art. 30 clause 19.
  2. Federal Law No. 173 of December 17, 2001, namely Art. 27 paragraph 19.
  3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 665 of July 16, 2014
  4. Government Decree No. 781 of October 29, 2002
  5. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation N 1601 of December 22, 2014

This legal platform will help employees of educational institutions understand the procedure for registering a pension under the new law.

The pension reform starting in 2020 will directly affect representatives of the teaching workforce. What will change in the length of service of teachers? The innovations already adopted by the State Duma and entered into legal force affected only the possibility of using the long-service pension calculated by it.

For example, a teacher who completes his insurance period in 2019 will be able to apply for pension payments in a year, i.e. in 2020 and so on in increasing order until this period reaches 8 years.

Pension for kindergarten teachers according to length of service

But after officially receiving an early old-age pension, he loses the opportunity to continue his teaching career, except for work in private structures.

From 2030, educational workers will retire in old age, according to rules common to all. Consequently, the procedure for calculating this benefit will also undergo changes.

But the question of whether teachers will be given a preferential pension after the end of the transitional reform period of the country’s pension system will occupy the thoughts of our teachers for a long time.

Photo from the taking-offence website.

Today there is no such thing as a long-service pension for teaching staff. This category of workers operates under special working conditions. Therefore, a number of state privileges are provided for it. The state guarantees teachers the opportunity to retire earlier than the majority of working citizens.

In view of numerous changes, every teacher asks the question: what will the preferential length of service be like now?

Note that the preferential pension is similar to the old-age labor pension. However, those employees whose work activities fall under certain conditions have the right to receive it.

Previously, pensions for teachers were calculated based on length of service. According to the law, it was possible to go on retirement if the work experience was at least 25 years.

With the introduction of insurance of pension contributions, mandatory for all citizens, pension accruals were no longer calculated based on length of service. New calculation rules began to be used: the preferential length of service of employees is taken into account, and the right to retire early remains with teachers.

Pension reform for teachers will consist of introducing a deferment period for the registration of their preferential long-service pension. According to the adopted law No. 350-FZ of October 3, 2018, the opportunity to become a pensioner for teaching staff will be postponed for 5 years after the development of preferential length of service.

Such changes will be made gradually, with a gradual increase in the provided deferment:

  • Every year this standard will be increased by 1 year until the final value is fixed in 2023 (5 years).
  • In 2020 and 2020, preferential conditions for retirement will apply - payments will be processed six months earlier than planned. This means that in 2020, receiving your pension will be delayed only by 6 months, and in 2020 by a year and a half.
Date of development of preferential serviceI p. 2019II p. 2019I p. 2020II p. 2020202120222023
How long will the VP be postponed?0,51,5345
VP dateII p. 2019I p. 2020II p. 2021I p. 2022202420262028

Pedagogical pension for kindergarten teachers: how the retirement age will be increased

A pension for a kindergarten teacher or school teacher is assigned on preferential terms (with a number of restrictions) in comparison with general civil ones. A teaching worker has the right to retire after working in an educational institution for 25 years or more, provided that his work will be carried out in a position included in the list approved by the Russian government.

Significant innovations in the calculation of pensions in 2020 include, perhaps, its noticeable indexation - which for the first time in a long time will significantly outstrip the inflation calculated by the government. Indexation, one way or another, is carried out by the state on a regular basis.

Pensions for teaching positions: main regulations

The lists in question are fixed:

  1. To take into account the length of service for the period since 2002 - in Government Decree No. 781 dated October 29, 2002.
  2. To take into account work experience for the period until the end of 2001:
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1067;
  • Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 463;
  • Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1397.

At the same time, the main pension regulatory act - Law No. 400-FZ, contains the following rules:

  1. The fact that when determining the right to a pedagogical pension based on length of service by a teacher or teacher, work in a position for which early assignment of an old-age pension was possible is included in the length of service - in accordance with the legal norms in force during the period of such work.
  2. The fact that work in teaching positions performed before the entry into force of Law No. 400-FZ may involve the calculation of length of service according to special rules - in accordance with the legislation in force during the period of such work.
  3. That when the organizational and legal form of an educational organization changes, the teaching experience for a preferential pension for an educator or teacher is calculated in the manner established by a separate regulatory act of the Russian government.

List of benefits for teachers in rural areas

The legislative framework comes to the aid of teachers in situations where some friction and inconsistency in the work of local governments arise. Depending on the subjectivity of decisions made in the regional administration, teachers may be provided with a wonderful list of benefits or officially recorded payments.

  1. As soon as the teacher arrives at the place of performance of his official duties, he is provided with a one-time allowance. Such benefits are provided only for the purpose of initial material support for the teacher, as well as to increase the incentive to work;
  2. Certain allowances are provided for the basic salary. At the same time, the rate increases, and the process of increasing the level of income can last one year or more. The conditions for the increase depend solely on the specific provisions of the legislative framework in the region;
  3. A teacher receives a bonus if he works for more than three years;
  4. The possibility of discounted travel on intercity flights is provided. However, depending on specific regions, certain restrictions may be implemented;
  5. Subsidies that are needed solely to pay for utilities.

Accounting for preferential teaching experience

To take into account the required length of service, which makes it possible to obtain a pedagogical pension, all years of work are recorded in calendar order, taking into account the following restrictions:

  • Until 1.09.2000 - all the time of activity as a teacher, regardless of the teaching load, in subsequent years - only if the requirements for the workload provided for a specific salary rate are met. Only teachers of rural schools and primary schools are not required to comply with these standards.
  • Until 01/01/1992 – full time of work experience as a teacher, teacher-educator, nursery nurse.
  • Before September 1, 2000 - full time of work as a director, manager, supervisor; in subsequent years - only the time when standards for teaching activities were met (minimum 360 hours per year for institutions of secondary vocational education or 240 hours per year for schools).
  • Until January 1, 2001 - the full amount of time worked in institutions of additional children's education, and later - only if at least 16.8 years of experience have been accumulated by the specified date and there is evidence confirming work during the period November 1, 1999-December 31, 2000 in positions from list of RF PP No. 781.
  • Until 6.10.1992 - each period of stay on parental leave, issued before the specified date, regardless of its completion. Vacations granted later will count only against the insurance period (but not the preferential teaching experience). This may be useful when processing payments on a general basis (that is, after reaching the established standards for retirement age).

Teachers of retirement age

Preferential pension for teachers based on length of service in 2020

  1. A teacher's work experience is at least 25 years.
  2. The teacher worked full time, and the administration of the educational institution made contributions to extra-budgetary funds, including contributions for periods of incapacity and illness.
  3. Maternity leave for female teachers lasting more than 6 months is not taken into account in the length of service, except in cases where work as a teacher began before 09.2000.
  4. Having at least 11.4 “pension points” (individual pension coefficients) - IPC in 2020.

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In the case of a preferential teacher's pension, age does not matter. In addition, when a teacher reaches retirement age (55 years for women and 60 years for men), there is no need to apply for a transfer to an ordinary strass pension - it is considered that the right to these pension payments has been exercised.

Pension of teaching staff: latest information

Despite this, salaries in the education sector leave much to be desired and currently professions in this field are not very popular among young people. For this reason, most teachers continue to work at their jobs after becoming eligible for pension payments.

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The size of the pension and the period of possible retirement will be influenced by the institution itself where this or that specialist gained teaching experience. In some organizations, working and retirement conditions are often different.

Benefits for teachers and health workers for utility bills

So, are there any benefits for utilities and electricity for teachers in rural areas? Initially, the legislation talks about supporting teachers from such areas. They receive free housing with all amenities and a discount on utility bills of at least 60%. The amount of the discount is not clearly established by law; it varies depending on the rules of the region.

Benefits for utility bills and for doctors depend on the policy of the region. The discount can range from 100% to 50% or correspond to a specific number (monthly cash payment of 1,200 rubles). Here you can also divide health workers in cities and villages, still practicing or retired; rights to utility benefits also differ.

Compensation for utilities for education workers

Every year laws and regulations undergo changes. Therefore, it is extremely important to ensure that the necessary information is available and that it is accurate. In order for teachers in rural areas to receive payment from the state, they need to provide, in addition to the existing list of documents, information about registered citizens in residential premises, for which the teacher will receive financial compensation.

The second case in which it is prohibited to use the period to receive an early pension is working as a camp counselor, if at the time of this work the teacher does not have a higher pedagogical education, including specialized secondary or incomplete higher education. The position of head of a kindergarten is also not a basis for including this period of work.

Arbitrage practice

The court considers various disputes related to the pension rights of citizens.

What are the most common causes of controversy?

The most common category of disputes are those related to the refusal to grant an early pension.

Typically, the Pension Fund does not take into account individual periods of work, which leads to a “deficit” of length of service. You can appeal an illegal decision made by the Pension Fund in court.

How to file a claim regarding early retirement?

How to file a claim? It is drawn up according to the rules approved by the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

Examples of court documents in a dispute with the Pension Fund of Russia

It is necessary to provide all the details, as well as attach the required number of copies of the application. If an error is identified in the claim, it will be returned to the plaintiff for revision.

Retirement of a teacher

At the same time, not every employer will agree to retain an elderly employee or hire a teacher over 50 years of age. In this case, citizens of pre-retirement age will be forced to look for work outside of the teaching field, receiving lower wages and facing more difficult working conditions.

Thus, if a citizen working in the field of education must retire in 2020, he will be able to begin receiving payments no earlier than 2020. If a teacher became entitled to a preferential pension in 2020, they will have to expect payments until at least 2022.

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Pension reform 2020

From 2020
A new stage of pension reform has come into force, concerning a gradual increase in the retirement age threshold. The result will be a gradual increase in the retirement age of Russians by 5 years. In connection with the latest reform, many workers in the field of preschool education have a question: will the preferential pension remain for teachers? In addition to the suitability of work for a certain position, the law defines the requirement to have the necessary teaching experience for teaching activities.

According to the law, the teaching experience for a long-service pension in 2020 must be 25 years or more. The maximum length of service is not limited by law.

Attention! In this case, you need to accumulate the number of pension points specified by law. This number is revised every year. In 2020 it is 18.6. Gradually, this value will reach 30. It is set for 2020 and subsequent years.

Are beneficiaries affected by the innovations? In 2020, changes took place in Russia aimed at reforming the system of social and pension security for the population. Some of them involve increasing the age when the right to a pension arises.

They were perceived ambiguously by society, since the insurance pension is a kind of compensation for lost ability to work. Increasing the retirement age significantly delays the right to receive these payments.



pension reform

will affect not only citizens who have the right to count on a regular insurance pension, but also beneficiaries, except for employees of hazardous industries. However, the changes will affect them to a lesser extent.

Will there be a preferential pension for kindergarten teachers?

For employees who have the right to receive an insurance pension based on length of service (medics and teachers), a gradual deferment in the right to dispose of the accrued pension is provided. Thus, those of them who received payments in 2020 will be able to receive them only in 2020. The deferment period will change every year.

For workers in the north, the retirement age will increase. At the end of the reform, it will be 55 years and 60 years, depending on gender. In 2020, “northerners” have the right to retire at 50.5 years and 55.5 years, respectively.

According to the bill, pension reform will begin in Russia in 2020. Many citizens working in specialized positions will be provided with a preferential pension. For kindergarten teachers, school or lyceum teachers, these rules will also apply.

Photo from the taking-offence website.

Today there is no such thing as a long-service pension for teaching staff. This category of workers operates under special working conditions. Therefore, a number of state privileges are provided for it. The state guarantees teachers the opportunity to retire earlier than the majority of working citizens.

In view of numerous changes, every teacher asks the question: what will the preferential length of service be like now?

Note that the preferential pension is similar to the old-age labor pension. However, those employees whose work activities fall under certain conditions have the right to receive it.

Previously, pensions for teachers were calculated based on length of service. According to the law, it was possible to go on retirement if the work experience was at least 25 years.

With the introduction of insurance of pension contributions, mandatory for all citizens, pension accruals were no longer calculated based on length of service. New calculation rules began to be used: the preferential length of service of employees is taken into account, and the right to retire early remains with teachers.

The law says that in order to receive payments, a citizen must meet the following requirements:

  1. Age. Changes in 2020 have dramatically changed this figure and in 2020 the minimum age for men is 65 years and for women 60 years. But the law provides for categories that can receive assistance earlier. This applies to mothers of many children, medical workers, public transport drivers, disabled people, miners and people working in the Far North.
  2. Experience. Now it must be at least nine years, but it is gradually increasing, and by 2024 it will be at least seven years.
  3. Points. A few years ago the points law was introduced. If there are not enough of them, then the payment will not be credited. But if there is a shortage, you can get them by paying a contribution to the Pension Fund. Today, to receive a pension, a person must have 11.4 points, but this figure is also increased every year.

Pension payments consist of a basic, funded and insurance part. The first part is a fixed payment established by the state, the second is the employer’s contribution, and the third is compensation for work activities.

The Government of the Russian Federation has decided to change the pension system, which involves increasing the retirement age from 2020. The message caused heated discussion and concern, especially among people planning to retire in the near future. On August 29, 2018, the President of Russia addressed the citizens of the country with initiatives to adjust the pension reform project.

For civil servants, the annual increase in the retirement age by six months began in January 2020. The changes will affect other categories of citizens after the adoption of the law by the State Duma in the fall of 2020. They plan taking into account the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation:

  • accept the retirement age for men as 65 years, for women as 60;
  • provide the right to preferential pension provision to mothers with many children who have 3 or 4 children.

The draft law provides for a gradual increase in the retirement age from 2020 to 2027. The changes will not affect persons who:

  • have harmful occupations;
  • exposed to radiation;
  • previously worked in flight test services;
  • receive disability pension payments ahead of schedule.

Persons have the right to a preferential old-age pension if their work activity falls within the scope of the legislation defining work and professions associated with hazardous work. These documents include:

  • Resolution of the USSR Cabinet of Ministers No. 10 of January 26, 1991, containing lists of industries with difficult and dangerous working conditions.
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 665 of July 16, 2014.
  • Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 “On Insurance Pensions”.

Conditions for maintaining benefits for pensioners in rural areas

These benefits can be used by employees of secondary schools, orphanages, children's homes, preschool institutions, interschool educational and production plants, secondary vocational and technical schools that train personnel for agricultural production.

Teaching staff living and working in rural settlements, workers' settlements (urban-type settlements) have the right to receive compensation for expenses for living quarters, heating and lighting. The amount, conditions and procedure for reimbursement of expenses associated with the provision of these measures of social support to teaching staff of federal state educational organizations are established by the Government of the Russian Federation and are provided through budgetary allocations of the federal budget, and teaching staff of educational organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal educational organizations are established by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and are provided through budgetary allocations from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2002

b) persons who were employed in work with convicts as workers and employees of institutions of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, executing criminal penalties in the form of imprisonment - a list of jobs, professions and positions of employees of institutions executing criminal penalties in the form of imprisonment, employed in work with convicts, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 3, 1994 N 85 (Collection of Acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, 1994, N 7, Art. 509; Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 36, Art. 4240);

1. To establish that in case of early assignment of an old-age labor pension to the persons indicated below in accordance with subparagraphs 16, 17 and 21 of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, the following lists of jobs, professions and positions and lists of positions and specialties approved by the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR and the Government of the Russian Federation:

10 Jun 2020 lawurist7 144

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A bill on housing and communal services benefits for teachers working in rural areas

This is especially true in a village where one person can teach several subjects.

  • Long vacation provided in summer: from 42 to 56 days.
  • Early registration of service pension (25 years).
  • The opportunity to go on vacation for a whole year, if you have more than 10 years of continuous experience.
  • Financing of advanced training courses at the expense of the state once every 3 years.
  • Benefits for paying utility bills.
  • State support for the purchase of residential premises.
  • A 2-fold reduction in the standard working time based on one rate. Thus, for other professions the standard working time is 36 hours, and for teachers - only 18 hours.
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    27 September 2020 10:51

    On September 27, Russia celebrates a professional holiday - the day of the teacher and all preschool workers.

    For teachers and some other employees of preschool educational institutions, Russian pension legislation establishes pension benefits.

    Pensions for teaching staff (and they were called long-service pensions) are traditional, one of the first long-service pensions - they were introduced in the 30s of the last century, before old-age pensions were introduced for all employees.

    Such pensions have also been preserved in Russian pension legislation - early old-age insurance pensions.

    Pedagogical workers of preschool educational institutions enjoy the right to receive an old-age insurance pension earlier than the generally established retirement age. Persons who have carried out teaching activities for at least 25 years in positions and institutions for children named in the relevant lists are granted early old-age pensions regardless of age, if there is an individual pension coefficient of at least 30 (taking into account transitional provisions in 2020 - 13.8). This right is enjoyed, for example, by teachers and music directors working in kindergartens.

    The rules for calculating periods of work that give the right to early assignment of an old-age insurance pension stipulate that periods of work performed are included in the length of service, subject to payment of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia for these periods.

    The common condition for all positions is that teaching work must be performed under the terms of an employment contract (both main and part-time). Performing work under other conditions (teaching load, work combining professions, substitution) does not give the right to early retirement.

    Periods of work performed starting from September 1, 2000 in positions and institutions specified in the list are counted towards the length of service for the assignment of an early old-age insurance pension, subject to the fulfillment (total of the main and other places of work) of the standard working time (teaching or educational load) , established for the wage rate (official salary).

    Periods of work in the position of music director are counted towards length of service provided that (in total for the main and other places of work) the standard working time (teaching or educational load) established for the wage rate (official salary) is fulfilled, regardless of the time when this work was performed .

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    Work in the positions of director (head, head), deputy director (head, head) of preschool educational institutions is included for the period before November 1, 1999.

    In addition to periods of work, the length of service that gives the right to early retirement includes periods of receiving state social insurance benefits during the period of temporary disability (which includes maternity benefits), as well as periods of annual basic and additional paid leave.

    As for the period of parental leave until the child turns 3 years old, such a period is counted if it was granted before October 6, 1992. If such leave was granted after October 6, 1992, then it is not counted towards the length of service giving the right to early assignment of an old-age insurance pension.

    The length of service for granting early retirement to teaching staff does not include periods of taking off-the-job training courses, since during this period teaching work with children is not carried out.

    Along with teachers, kindergarten teachers have the right to early retirement. Just like teachers, educators can retire after working in institutions for children for 25 years.

    Until December 31, 2020, the pension, in this case, was assigned regardless of age. However, in connection with the pension reform, in accordance with Federal Law No. 350-FZ, starting from 2020, teaching staff can apply for a pension after completing teaching experience + 5 years (that is, five years from the date of completion of teaching experience). At the same time, the increase in the retirement age will be gradual, and not immediate (for 5 years at once).

    This means that for teachers who have completed special service that gives them the right to early retirement in the next four years, the “shift” of the retirement date will not be 5 years, but less. For clarity, we will describe everything in more detail:

    The required teaching experience was developed in 2020 - retirement from the moment of completion of teaching experience + 6 months;

    The required teaching experience was developed in 2020 - retirement from the moment the teaching experience is completed + 18 months;

    The required teaching experience has been developed in 2021 - retirement from the date of completion of teaching experience + 36 months;

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    The required teaching experience is completed in 2022 - retirement from the date of completion of teaching experience + 48 months;

    The required teaching experience will be completed in 2023 and subsequent years - retirement from the date of completion of teaching experience + 60 months.

    In addition to developing the necessary teaching experience, an important condition for assigning an early pension is working in positions and institutions according to the List approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 29, 2002. No. 781. Moreover, from September 1, 2000, a mandatory condition for counting these periods of work into preferential length of service is full-time work.

    The norm of hours of teaching work per wage rate for teachers of preschool educational institutions is determined by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2010 No. 2075. In accordance with this document, the norm of hours of teaching work per wage rate is 36 hours per week .

    In addition to direct work, the preferential length of service includes: the time of receiving state social insurance benefits during a period of temporary disability, annual basic and additional paid leave, as well as parental leave for a child up to three years old, which began before October 6, 1992.

    On September 26, 2020, the State Duma of Russia adopted a bill on pension reforms. Now, representatives of some professions are granted benefits and the opportunity to retire earlier than expected.

    The changes also affected teachers, so in this article we will look at how preferential pensions are assigned to educators and teachers and what needs to be done for this.

    Features of benefits for retired teachers

    Among the requirements for calculating a long-service pension is compliance with the norm of time spent at work. In 2020, this figure is a minimum of 6 hours per week and 240 hours per year. Vocational school teachers must work a minimum of 360 hours per year.

    • appear in person at the Pension Fund with a package of prepared documents;
    • through an authorized representative who has the appropriate notarized powers;
    • through the Internet portal “Government services. In this case, registration on the state website will be required.

    08 Feb 2020 juristsib 3202
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    Calculation of preferential pension

    Today, the pension is calculated based on the information specified in the income certificate. The standards for calculating pensions are established by law.

    The size of the pension is affected by the length of work experience in one place or in one field.

    Calculating your pension is quite simple. The total wage rate corresponding to a certain length of service is calculated. The pension amount will be approximately forty% of the resulting bet amount. There are also various bonuses for different titles and advantages. These include:

    • Teachers who have received the title “Honored Teacher”;
    • Teachers with academic degrees;
    • Having other awards in this area.
    • The size of the pension is affected by the availability of pension coefficients.

    Pension payment calculations are carried out by pension fund employees. So, for all the detailed information on this issue, you can contact the pension fund at your place of residence, they will explain to you how to calculate the pension yourself and will do it yourself.

    You can also determine the size of your pension online, on the official website of the Pension Fund. There is a special calculator there. By providing certain data, you can calculate the expected size of your future pension.

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