Pensioners over 80 years old will receive 5,000 rubles added to their pension.

The state always takes care of people who have reached old age and, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, provides all possible support in the form of material assistance. Now in Russia, women retire at 58 years old, men at 63 years old. Back in 2011, representatives of the fair sex could retire at 55, and the stronger sex at 60. At the moment, it is planned to gradually increase the retirement age to 63 years for women and 65 years for men. Those citizens who have reached the age of eighty are entitled to additional assistance from the state.

Increasing pension after 80 years

Pensioners who have celebrated their eightieth birthday have the opportunity to use additional benefits and bonuses of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Elderly people who are unable to take care of themselves are forced to accept care from relatives or other people (usually carers or nurses). Since the person taking on the responsibilities of a guardian will no longer be able to go to work, he is paid monthly compensation.

The pension benefit in the Russian Federation consists of three parts: a fixed rate of 4,823.35 rubles, an additional amount (funded pension), which is paid from contributions from the pensioner’s employer, and an insurance benefit, calculated depending on the length of service, the pensioner’s salary and retirement age.

After 80, the fixed part of payments increases by 100%, and the increase in pension after 80 years automatically increases without contacting the Pension Fund. Pensioners are also awarded an old-age insurance pension, which provides for an increase in pension benefits and monthly compensation for the person caring for an elderly pensioner. Also, depending on the area of ​​residence, regional legislation may provide a citizen with additional support and benefits.

How much does your pension increase after age 80? At a minimum, a 100% increase to the fixed part, which after recalculation will no longer be 4823.35, but 9646.7 rubles. Other payments depend more on individual factors.

Russians over 75 years old are offered to increase their pensions by 5 thousand rubles.

Deputies from the A Just Russia party, led by their leader Sergei Mironov, introduced a bill to the State Duma to increase the income of pensioners who have reached the age of 75 or are disabled people of group I. For such citizens, it is proposed to increase the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension by 100% (currently 4982.9 rubles per month).

Currently, a similar increase to the insurance part of the pension exists only for citizens who have reached the age of 80. This category does not include pensioners who already receive an increased pension: for length of service, persons who served in the military, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the fire service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, employees of institutions and bodies of the penal system, servicemen of the Russian Guard troops.

“This draft federal law will help improve the standard of living of citizens over 75 years of age and reduce social tension by establishing increased guarantees for this group of citizens.

This draft federal law is expected to come into force on January 1, 2020,” says the explanatory note to the bill.

The section on the financial and economic justification of the bill states that, according to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, additional federal budget expenditures in connection with increased payments for the category of 75-year-old citizens in 2021 will increase budget expenditures by 181.2 billion rubles, in in 2022 - by 208.3 billion rubles, in 2023 - by 256.8 billion rubles.

“The source of financing for these additional budgetary allocations of the federal budget will be increased federal budget revenues due to an improvement in the internal economic situation, economic and production growth in the next financial year and in the planned period of the budget cycle due to the implementation of measures to stabilize the economy, eliminate structural imbalances and obstacles to economic development undertaken by the government of the Russian Federation,” the authors of the bill hope.

However, such optimism of the Right Russians did not find approval in the government.

From the government conclusion attached to the bill, signed by Deputy Chairman Dmitry Grigorenko, it follows that “the explanatory note to the bill does not contain sufficient justification for the need for the proposed changes.”

As Mikhail Mishustin’s deputy notes, taking into account the provision enshrined in the federal law “On Insurance Pensions” on the uniform application of pension legislation, the introduction of such innovations will create the need to establish similar conditions for other social support measures, “for example, making compensation payments to persons caring for disabled citizens who have reached the age of 75 years.”

“The changes proposed by the bill will lead to additional expenses that are not provided for by the federal laws “On the federal budget for 2020 and for the planning period of 2021 and 2022” and “On the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for 2020 and the planning period of 2021 and 2022.”

The Government of the Russian Federation does not support the draft federal law,”

- the government cut it off.

Moreover, this bill has quarreled the Duma parties. The LDPR accused the Right Russia party of borrowing the idea, since at the end of May it submitted a draft of a similar proposal to the State Duma. Supporters of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, in particular, reported that the World Health Organization classifies citizens over 75 years of age as elderly.

“This classification is based on the characteristics of the human body, its anatomical and physiological characteristics. Gerontologists also adhere to the same classification of citizens by age,” the Liberal Democrats argued for their amendments.

A message appeared on the official website of the LDPR accusing colleagues from A Just Russia of plagiarism.

“Colleagues from SR again chose not to strain themselves once again. For what? A month and a half after the LDPR’s original initiative to lower the age for calculating the increased fixed payment for pensions from 80 to 75 years, you can rearrange a few letters and enter it as your own,” the party’s statement says.

Fixed payments

For pensioners over the age of eighty living in the North, where a regional coefficient has been established for the entire area, the fixed payment increases according to the coefficient. The work experience of pensioners who worked in the Far North is taken into account. For working for more than fifteen years, the bonus increases by 50%; if a citizen has been employed for at least twenty years, the pension increases by 30% of the initial amount.

For long-livers who are entitled to both a fixed payment and northern length of service, only one increase of their own choice is established.

Additional payment to pension after 80 years

When a pensioner reaches eighty years of age, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation increases payments based on available documents for personalized accounting. Within one month, the fixed payment automatically increases. A pensioner who has reached old age does not need to apply anywhere; the Pension Fund will collect all the necessary procedures and documents without the participation of the elderly person.

What benefits are available to pensioners over 80 years of age in Russia?

The following table lists the required documents to receive assistance in each category. If a specific benefit is not listed, it is provided automatically at the place where the service is received.

Additional payments are also provided for pensioners who are dependent on disabled persons. The bonus size is 1/3 of the base (not double!) fixed payment. No more than 3 dependents are taken into account when calculating. Thus, the maximum additional payment is RUB 5,334. 19 kopecks

Elderly care

In order for a person to take guardianship of a pensioner over eighty years of age, he must apply independently or through a proxy to the relevant authority where the pension is paid. The list of required documents when applying includes:

  • a statement from a person who has reached the age of eighty and from the person caring for him;
  • a certificate stating that the caregiver is not a recipient of unemployment benefits and does not receive pension benefits;
  • work record of a person who is going to care for a pensioner;
  • passports of both citizens.

Guardianship of an elderly person can be obtained from the age of fourteen, but the consent of the parents for guardianship must be obtained. If a student or schoolchild is going to court, you need to provide an additional certificate from the place of study.

Laws of the Russian Federation 2018-2019

The upcoming pension reform in 2020 has caused unrest among society and a lot of questions not only about the methods of calculating pension benefits, but also about the size of the payments themselves. The minimum pension in Moscow was usually one of the highest in the country. It is calculated based on the amount established by law throughout the entire state, plus regional surcharges, which differ depending on the cost of living in a given territory. The basic accrual procedure in 2020 remains the same, however, several innovations will come into force from the new year. Changes in 2020 From January 1, 2020, the pension reform, which was proposed and developed by the Cabinet of Ministers, comes into effect.

The minimum pension in 2020 in the Moscow region is based on the cost of living and cannot be lower than it. In 2020, the cost of living in the Moscow region was 9,527 rubles. Accordingly, age pensioners cannot receive payments less than this amount. A revision of the minimum wage will be carried out by local authorities at the end of autumn 2020, after which it will be possible to talk about the amount of benefits for old-age pensioners. Social benefits The amount of financial support for various categories of citizens who, for whatever reason, require state assistance, is calculated individually.

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Compensation payment

If it is clear how much the pension is after 80 years of age, then what is the compensation for the person who cares for the pensioner? There is no annual indexation (as is typical for pensions) of this type of payment; compensation is 1,200 rubles. In fact, the pensioner (or his relatives) can personally negotiate how much he will pay the person who cares for him.

For each citizen whom a person cares for, a compensation payment is assigned:

  1. From the moment you apply to the Pension Fund, a subsidy is established for the agreed period and taking into account all valid documents.
  2. If citizens live in the Far North, then the regional coefficient is taken into account and a compensation payment is added.

Payment of compensation stops in the following cases:

  1. Death of a pensioner for whom a person was caring.
  2. Employment of the caregiver or the pensioner himself.
  3. Payment of unemployment benefits or pension benefits to a person who cared for a pensioner.
  4. Refusal to care for an elderly person.

How much will the age increase be in 2020?

A standard insurance pension is formed from several components: individual points, a coefficient and a mandatory part. For those citizens who celebrated their 80th birthday, the fixed payment is doubled. The pension will therefore be calculated using the following formula:

PB*K + FC*2,

Where PB is pension points, K is the size of the point, which is indexed by the state, and PF is a mandatory part of the payment, it also increases annually. For 2020 it is 5334.19 rubles. Thus, it can be calculated that the pension supplement after 80 years in Russia in 2020 will be equal to 10,668.38 rubles.

There is no need to contact the Pension Fund and write an application: fund employees will carry out the recalculation independently based on confirmed data. The increase will automatically occur in the month when the citizen reaches the specified age. The increase is due to all pensioners, regardless of whether the person works or not. But for those who decide to continue working, certain restrictions apply. When a pensioner works, his fixed benefit is frozen at the level it was at on the day he reached retirement age. Accordingly, the amount by which old-age benefits will be increased will be lower than for other unemployed citizens.

Important! The pension for working pensioners over 80 years of age will be recalculated in accordance with current values ​​immediately after dismissal.

Benefits for pensioners over 80 years of age

In addition to financial assistance, long-livers, whose pension will increase by 100% after 80 years, are also provided with benefits: government agencies provide places in a nursing home, vouchers to various health boarding houses, absolutely free medical care and even the provision of new housing if the old one was unsuitable for life condition.

If necessary, you can receive a full range of social services: food and food once a day, legal advice, medical assistance at home, provision of hygiene products, shoes and clothing.

Pensioners whose age has exceeded eighty years will receive compensation in the amount of 9117.86 rubles under Article Seventeen of the Federal Law. The changes do not come into force if the pensioner has a certificate of disability of the first group and at the moment the citizen receives a fixed basic amount.

Payments for persons dependent on a pensioner

The pension after 80 years of age increases even if the pensioner is dependent on disabled family members. For pensioners after eighty years of age with one dependent, the payment will be 8,971.62 rubles, with two – 10,253.30 rubles, and with three – 11,534.95 rubles.

Pensioners who have not reached the age of 80 and are not disabled people of the first group, with one dependent receive a fixed rate of 5126.65 rubles per month, with two – 6408.31 rubles, and with three – 7689.97 rubles.

Pensioners aged 80: everything they should have in 2020

Otherwise, if a violation is detected, all funds that were received from the state while caring for the pensioner are collected from the citizen who provided the care back to the Pension Fund, forcibly.

Dependents are citizens of disabled age who, according to labor legislation, cannot engage in labor activities until they reach the age of majority. Also, the list of persons who may be dependent includes people who, due to their health, have lost their ability to work and are unable to earn money on their own.

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Increased pension and how to get it

What do you need to do after eighty to receive an increased pension? No action is required on the part of the pensioner. All Pension Funds have databases in which all pensioners are listed, and after their eightieth birthday, an increased pension is automatically calculated.

Already at the beginning of the month, when the anniversary is approaching, pensioners receive the joyful news that the pension after 80 years of age has been increased. Of course, sometimes there are failures in work automation, but most often they are insignificant and can be easily corrected.

Additional payments from the state are also provided, but for this you may need the following documents:

  • if there is a disability group and the pension is paid according to it, a disability certificate is required;
  • the additional payment due to the death of the breadwinner must be confirmed by a death certificate, which is provided to the Pension Fund.

The application review process takes about two weeks, after which the pensioner will receive a notification by mail or other convenient means.

It is worth noting that today, citizens who have reached the age of eighty, without exception, should receive an increased pension. If the pension continues to accrue without changes, you should contact the Pension Fund.

Registration procedure

The territorial department of the Pension Fund produces a supplement for citizens of retirement age who have reached the age of 80 on their own.

There is no need to provide any documents.

An application to the Pension Fund is submitted only if a person claims to receive compensation payment for caring for an 80-year-old pensioner .

If the person caring for the pensioner is unable for some reason to submit an application with accompanying documentation, then this can be done by a trusted person after the power of attorney is issued.

Military pension after 80 years

Service veterans who have reached the age of 80 are entitled to a compensated pension. The state always guarantees a stable financial situation for its citizens, and annual bonuses are an indicator of this:

  • pensioners who during their long lives went through the Great Patriotic War and became disabled receive a salary of 4,795 rubles;
  • if the pensioner does not have a disability group, the payment is 3,595 rubles;
  • citizens who visited concentration camps receive financial assistance in the amount of 4,795 rubles;
  • There were cases when military pensioners voluntarily took an active part in other wars; such citizens deserve a legal supplement to their pension in the amount of 2,638 rubles.

All amounts listed above will increase by five and a half percent when a citizen reaches the age of eighty.

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