What documents are needed to apply for an old-age pension?

Pension 2020 - general provisions and changes

Let us immediately note that the main legislative acts regulating the process of calculating old-age pensions in the Russian Federation are Federal Laws No. 167 and No. 400. The last of them establishes the rules for registration, as well as the actual procedure for calculating accruals, and the first lists the nuances and main features of pension insurance in Russia.

It follows from this that the list of basic mandatory conditions for registration includes:

  • The retirement age for the female part of the population of the Russian Federation is 60 years, and for the male part - 65 years (according to the law signed on October 3, 2020).
  • The so-called “IPC value”, starting from a threshold of 30 points.
  • Real insurance experience, the period of which must be at least 15 years.

You can familiarize yourself with the text of Federal Law No. 400 by downloading its current content from the link.

If only the age requirement is met, the citizen can count on regular social payments from the state. In addition, the list of required documentation will be smaller than if the insurance period threshold has been reached.

Today, the minimum threshold for an insurance pension is a period of 7 years. During this period, citizens also receive credit for:

  • Maternity leave;
  • conscript service in the Armed Forces;
  • the period when a person was registered with the Labor Exchange (starting from the day of submitting documents to the Employment Center) upon dismissal.

Note that the insurance type of accruals is more profitable than just the social one. However, in this case, the citizen must take care of ensuring all the necessary conditions in advance. All that is necessary for this is to officially get a permanent job and obtain at least 15 years of work experience.

Do working conditions affect retirement age in 2020?

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the accepted procedure for calculating and registering a pension may be influenced by certain additional factors, which, for example, include: working conditions harmful to the employee’s health or his place of residence. Both of these conditions can affect not only the reduction of the minimum retirement age, but also the actual procedure for calculating the IPC and length of service.

In addition, the employee’s presence of the following factors is the basis for earlier transfer of documents for registration of an old-age pension:

  1. Harmful working conditions . In this case, the retirement age is calculated individually, based on the characteristics of the labor process.
  2. Persons injured as a result of the Chernobyl accident . In 2020, the age limit was lowered by 10 years.
  3. Carrying out work in the conditions of the Far North , as well as in regions of the Russian Federation similar to natural conditions.

In order to receive the above benefits, individuals must present to employees of the relevant organizational structures the documents that are needed to assign a pension under special conditions. These include extracts, as well as certificates from the place of work, work books and other documentation stored in the employee’s personal file.

In addition, you must declare your desire to take advantage of these benefits in advance! Indeed, in this case, calculating payments may take much longer than processing a regular pension.

Also, it is worth noting that today it has become possible to take into account the work experience that was obtained by a citizen of the Russian Federation in other CIS countries. To do this, the interested party should provide the relevant documents with translation (if necessary) into Russian. At the same time, any currency will be converted, according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

At what age can you receive an old-age pension in 2020?

The following have the right to receive an old-age insurance pension under the new law in 2020:

Who will receive a pension in 2020?

The pension reform has introduced some uncertainty into citizens’ understanding of the rules for retirement.

Now the age for receiving a disability pension according to age criteria is calculated at 60 years for men and 55 for women. In addition to age criteria, there are several more rules. They are regulated by articles No. 400-FZ and No. 167-FZ.

So, to retire in 2020, you need to have at least 15 years of experience and at least 30 points.

Exceptions are cases when a person worked in the Far North, or in territories equivalent to them. Also, victims of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant will retire ten years faster.

The transition to an increased retirement age is being made gradually.

So, in 2020, men who will turn 62 and women who will celebrate their 57th birthday will retire.

More details can be found in your personal account on the State Services website, or in the Pension Fund branch.

Deadlines for granting pensions

Pension payments are made from the moment a citizen applies for them. If the application was made within 30 days from the date of dismissal, then enrollment occurs from the next day after termination of the employment contract.

Citizens who work in unhealthy conditions or are exposed to excessive physical stress can retire before the age of 65. This category includes miners, teachers from rural areas, and workers in the Far North. Mothers of many children, guardians of group 1 disabled people and childhood disabled people, and military disabled people can receive cash support from the state ahead of schedule. In addition to the main documents, you will also need to submit:

  • certificate of family composition;
  • proof of adoption or guardianship;
  • certificate of presence of dependents;
  • conclusion of a medical and social examination (MSE) on disability;
  • documentary evidence that the citizen worked in difficult conditions (extracts from his personal file, employment contract, pages with special notes in the work book, etc.).

Conditions for calculating pensions

The assignment of a pension in our country is of a declarative nature. This means that until a person applies to the Pension Fund, no payments will be accrued to him. It is therefore important to find out in advance the conditions under which you will be entitled to apply for a state pension.

Who is entitled to an old-age pension and when:

  1. Men are 65 years old and women are 60 years old. This requirement will become fully operational only after 4 years, i.e. from 2023. Until this time, the age will increase gradually. There are categories of workers for whom the numbers have a different meaning. For example, civil servants learned about the pension reform earlier than others. For them, the age increases to 65 (men) and 63 years (women) starting in 2020. Or some citizens entitled to early exit.
  2. The work experience, which is also called “insurance”, in 2024 must be at least 15 years. Today it is still 10 years, but will increase every year.
  3. Individual score – 30 for 2025. This is a special pension coefficient, which is calculated using a formula and depends on many factors: length of service, amount of contributions, date of application for a pension. Today its minimum is 16.2 and it will gradually increase to 30.

I have already mentioned that some categories of citizens retire early. The list of professions and industries that provide such a right is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Where and when to start applying for a pension? A month before the expected date when you can already receive payments, the Pension Fund will accept your application. We’ll talk about how to submit it and what to include in the list of required documents below.

But I recommend starting the process earlier than 1 month before your planned retirement. It may take time to receive supporting certificates: requests to other cities, enterprises, archives.

You can independently see whether your work activity is reflected correctly in your personal account in the Pension Fund. If you haven't started it yet, be sure to do so. You can use your login details to the State Services portal. In the office you will find all the information you need: about years, places of work, positions held. The insurance period and pension coefficient are also calculated there, and there is information about the funded pension, if you have applied for one.

Already at this stage, it is possible to identify inconsistencies or absence of certain periods of work in the work experience. Pension Fund employees advise all citizens, regardless of age, on issues of documenting a future pension. Contact them to help you create requests to correct existing records. If this is not done, payments will be assigned based on available information.

Help from PF specialists

Support and assistance from a PF specialist is a prerequisite for registration. When submitting documents, he receives each applicant personally and checks in his presence against the list of documents that must be provided in the original. Copies are accepted provided that they are notarized.

The pension fund is obliged to accept a citizen applying for a pension, regardless of where he is registered, whether his registration is temporary or permanent.

If you are not sure that you have a complete set of documents, then when you first visit the Pension Fund, it is enough to have your passport, work book, and SNILS with you. An employee of the fund will check all information about places of work using the work book and tell you what certificates need to be provided for confirmation.

Before the day when the applicant reaches retirement age, he must have enough time to ensure that all the necessary documentation is completed.

A PF employee, checking the availability of documents, is obliged to:

  1. Check that the information is filled out correctly, that the information corresponds to the official list.
  2. Explain how to make requests to different authorities: the archive or former employers. If the enterprise where the applicant previously worked was liquidated, then a request to the archive cannot be done without it, and this will require additional time.

The future pensioner will have 3 months to provide the missing documents. This time should be enough to start receiving your pension on time.

Paperwork is an inevitable procedure that accompanies our lives when it comes to paperwork, so you need to be prepared for the inevitable costs of the system and have time and patience.

If within 3 months the applicant was unable to provide the missing documents, then there are options for action that are provided for by the rules:

  1. By decision of the territorial body of the Pension Fund, the period may be extended until the documents are received. Specific dates for provision may not be specified, but it is in the interests of the citizen to do this as soon as possible. The pension assignment will be postponed.
  2. By agreement with the citizen, the Pension Fund may decide to assign a pension without missing documents. In this case, we will talk about the minimum pension amount. When providing the remaining documents, the Pension Fund will recalculate the amount.
  3. The Pension Fund may invite the applicant to write a waiver of the insurance part of the pension at the moment and assign it later. To do this, the future pensioner must write a statement, this will mean his agreement with the PF proposal.

The PF specialist in assigning pensions is obliged to issue the citizen a receipt stating that the deadline for providing certificates has been extended, indicating the reason.

Accrual and payment procedure

Complex formulas are used to calculate pension payments. The calculation method depends on the length of work experience, place of work, and the amount of contributions to the Pension Fund. The best way to correctly calculate the amount due is to go to the Pension Fund website and use an online calculator.

Factors influencing the size of the retirement benefit upon retirement:

  • the size of the official salary;
  • selected pension option;
  • length of actual work experience;
  • service in the armed forces, duration of maternity leave, similar circumstances;
  • if the application was submitted after the deadline.

To calculate the insurance pension, the term “Survival Age” was introduced, which is 19.5 years. The total amount of savings deposits should be divided by 234 months to get the exact monthly figure. Additionally, other pension savings allocated within the framework of the Pension Fund programs can be used. It is important, after accruing payments at the Pension Fund branch, to compare them with your own calculations. The difference shouldn't be significant.

There are no plans for significant changes in pension legislation in the near future, until the end of the latest reform - until 2025.

The video provides a detailed list of documents and information on the correct registration of an old-age pension in Russia:

Where to start applying for an old-age pension

First of all, you should visit the Pension Fund to confirm reaching retirement age or length of service. After submitting all required documents, an application is submitted, which is reviewed within 10 days. To save time, it is recommended to start collecting certificates in advance (several months before retirement).

Be sure to read it! Medvedev on the growth of pensions, retirement age and the future of pensioners

Documents for applying for a preferential pension

Some categories of Russians may retire several years earlier than the majority.
This depends on the accumulated experience (for people of certain professions), the number of children (for mothers), the presence of serious illnesses and the specifics of the place of residence. People applying for a preferential pension salary will need additional documents in addition to the main list of documents:

  • papers from work confirming the right to early payments;
  • certificates confirming the applicant’s disability (including due to military injury);
  • certificate of illness giving the right to benefits (for dwarfs and midgets);
  • papers confirming the fact of work in the Far North or equivalent territories;
  • a certificate confirming that the child has been disabled since childhood (for mothers raising disabled children for at least eight years).

Over the next 10 days, employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation make a decision on the appointment. If some papers are missing, they will explain in detail what exactly needs to be conveyed. The pension is assigned from the moment the last documents are submitted.

Documents for registration

You should prepare documents in advance for applying for an old-age pension. This can be done while still working to minimize time costs. It is recommended to make an independent preliminary calculation of the monthly cash benefit, based on the available data on work experience and other factors.

Six months before your expected retirement date, it is recommended to do the following:

  • visit the Pension Fund branch, find out the exact list of documents and the current requirements for their execution;
  • clarify the work schedule of specialists in order to agree on the time of the visit in advance;
  • At your place of work, start collecting the necessary information for calculating your pension - certificates, statements.

You can also find out by phone or on the PF website where to apply for a pension: the exact address of the local branch, opening hours and contact phone number. They will also provide complete information on what documents are needed to apply for an old-age pension in 2020.

Additionally, it is recommended to monitor the latest changes in legislation. They may relate to raising the age limit, additional conditions, and the amount of estimated cash payments. This can be done on the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Contents of the statement

Anyone can download a standard application form for calculating a pension on the official website of the Pension Fund. The sample posted by government agencies on the Internet contains the following items:

  • Full name of the authority to which the application is addressed.
  • Title of the application.
  • Full name of the candidate to receive pension payments.
  • Applicant's insurance certificate number.
  • Information about citizenship.
  • Address of place of actual residence, as well as place of residence and stay in the Russian Federation and abroad.
  • Applicant's telephone number.
  • Details of the identity document.
  • Employment information.
  • The number of persons dependent on the candidate for a pension.
  • Details of the representative submitting the document for a citizen entitled to a pension.
  • The applicant's request for a pension.
  • Information about previously assigned pension payments.
  • Information about the documents attached to the application.
  • Date the application was filled out.
  • Signature of the applicant or his representative and transcript of the signature.

Additional documents

In addition to the application, you need to prepare supporting documents. Most of the information about the applicant is in the Pension Fund database, but in some cases, when considering periods of work before 2002, problems may arise - incorrect or incomplete information will affect the amount of the pension.

Since you can apply for an old-age pension only if you provide truthful and confirmed information, you need to submit the following documents:

  • application according to the sample described above;
  • ID card, photocopy of all pages;
  • work book, copies of all sheets;
  • for men - military ID;
  • data for transferring money – current account, bank card;
  • for those working before January 1, 2002 – certificate of income;
  • certificates confirming non-standard working conditions.

For correct calculation, data on contributions from 2002 to 2014 will be used. and points from 2020

Pension Fund representatives may also request the following information:

  • Marriage certificate;
  • information about children;
  • certificate of residence in the Far North.

The processing time, subject to the rules for filling out and submitting the package of documents, is up to 10 working days. In this case, the applicant has 3 months to correct inaccuracies and errors. The reconsideration period begins once correct information has been provided. To submit an application, you can use the functionality of the State Services website.

Important - the transfer of the package of documents to the Pension Fund department by the future pensioner must be done no later than 30 days from the date of dismissal from the last place of work. Otherwise, the accrual of payments will be delayed.

What documents are required to apply for an old-age pension?

Advice from lawyers:

1. What documents need to be collected to apply for an old-age pension.

1.1. Good day. A work book, passport and application are required - the work book must contain all information about the periods of work.

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2. What documents must be submitted to the MFC to apply for an old-age pension?

2.1. Work record book, birth certificates of children, marriage certificates, diploma, SNILS.

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2.2. Good afternoon. Check the list with the Pension Fund.

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3. What documents are needed to apply for an old-age pension in the Russian Federation.

3.1. To confirm your work activity, you may also need some documents from the enterprise - copies of the certificate of state registration of the enterprise, documents confirming the change of surname - a marriage certificate, divorce certificate or other. If a person wishes to receive pension payments through bank branches, then he should provide information about the current account in any bank, to whose details the accrued pension will be transferred in the future.

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4. Divorced back in 1999, I still haven’t received a divorce certificate or a stamp in my passport, now the document is needed to apply for a pension upon reaching retirement age. Since my ex-husband took care of the house without my participation, I have no connection with him, I don’t even know which court it was in St. Petersburg, How can I get a certificate of termination?

4.1. Contact the registry office where the marriage was registered.

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5. I have 24 years of calendar service in an area equated to the Far North with a coefficient of 1.2. Total length of service is 28 calendar years. I am subject to dismissal due to the age limit. After being removed from the personnel lists, I plan to move to Volgograd and apply for a pension there. Will the coefficient based on the last place of service be applied to calculate the pension in the selected region (due to Article 48 of the 1993 Law of the Russian Federation 4468-I)? And what document provides for this procedure? Thank you.

5.2. Yes, in your case the coefficient based on your last place of service will be applied to calculate your pension in the selected region

Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 N 4468-I “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system , troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families" (with amendments and additions) Section V. Calculation of pensions (Articles 43-49) Article 48. Application of coefficients to pension amounts.

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6. How long after reaching retirement age (after your birthday) must the Pension Fund establish pension payments and issue a certificate for issuing a social card. The documents were submitted 3 months before the 55th birthday, the application for a pension was submitted 20 days before the birthday through the State Services portal. There were no comments from the Pension Fund on the documents.

6.1. You need to contact the Pension Fund and find out the reason for non-payment, because... Anything can happen. In general, if there are no problems with the documents, a decision is usually made within a month. This needs to be done as soon as possible, because... Payments should go to you from your birthday.

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7. A problem arose when applying for an old-age pension. The parent's middle name is incorrectly indicated on the birth certificate (the parents are deceased). The seal at the point where the correction was made became unreadable after a period of time. The birth certificate was issued in Belarus. Is it possible to make a correction in Russia? What documents are needed for this? And is it possible to resolve this issue not through the registry office?

7.1. Good afternoon Contact the registry office for clarification in writing; you can receive a written response through their website. But if the registry office does not help, then only through the court. There is no established application form. It is written in free form, outlining and explaining the circumstances of the case. From whom, your address and telephone number, to whom (full name or name of organization, position), what, where, when, what you are asking for or what you want to know... Date, signature.

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7.2. Good afternoon Unfortunately, it won’t do anything in Russia; it needs to be corrected where it was issued, i.e. in the Republic of Belarus, so you need to apply there.

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7.3. • Hello, get a refusal from the Pension Fund and contact the Civil Registry Office of Belarus, without this the court will not accept your application to establish a legal fact under Article 264 of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. I wish you good luck and all the best!

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8. On March 22, 2020, I turned 60 years old, and on March 3, upon registration at the MFC, I submitted all the documents for applying for an old-age pension (I am a permanent disabled person of group 3), where are the documents, what decision was made, what the pension will be, everything is in a fog, I can't figure it out, thanks in advance.

8.1. Dear Georgy Georgievich, the decision to assign a pension by the pension fund is made within a period of no more than three months, but the pension will be assigned from the moment you reach the right to a pension, that is, from March 22, 2017, when you turned 60 years old. Good luck and all the best to you.

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9. To apply for a pension in Russia, according to the age of a citizen of Ukraine, is a temporary residence permit sufficient or are some other documents required?

9.1. Hello! To obtain a pension for any foreign citizen, including a citizen of Ukraine, a temporary residence permit is not enough. A pension can be issued only after receiving a residence permit. Good luck and good luck!

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10. I would like to know whether the law on increasing the retirement age in Russia has been adopted or not yet? At what age will women born in 1967 and those born in 1962 go on old-age pension? What documents do you need to collect to apply for a pension?

10.1. Hello! A law has been adopted to increase the retirement age for civil servants. Women will leave at 63, men at 65, but the transition will be smooth.

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11. What documents are required to apply for an old-age pension? And should I collect any additional documents myself? Thank you.

11.1. Hello! An application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of a certain form; Passport; Copy of TIN; Employment history; Salary certificate; Information about the nature of the work.

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11.2. In addition to the lawyer’s previous answer, I recommend contacting the Pension Fund 6 months before the pension date in order to have time to collect documents that will require additional.

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12. When applying for an old-age pension, it turned out that she had the right to an early pension due to her daughter’s disability (the disability has now been removed). Will they be able to recalculate me for what period, what is necessary for this? I did not sign any documents confirming the refusal to issue an early pension. Thank you.

12.1. Hello. The pension is assigned from the moment of application. Nobody will recalculate you.

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13. If a person, due to the lack of necessary documents and lack of registration, has not applied for an old-age pension, how will he be paid a pension if he applied for registration three years later (that is, when he finally collected everything). For the past years of not receiving a pension, for what period are they required to pay pensions? Thank you.

13.1. From the moment you contact the pension fund with a corresponding application. For the past period, you can try to recover money in court if there were previously official statements to the Pension Fund about the accrual of a pension.

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14. My mother-in-law has received an old-age pension since 1993 in Kazakhstan. Now we are planning to move for permanent residence to Russia. What documents need to be prepared to register her pension in Russia?

14.1. Confirming certificates of experience and salary. Receive a pension after obtaining a residence permit.

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15. Can I apply for an old-age pension not according to my place of registration, but according to my place of stay? I work in another city and there is no way to contact the Pension Fund at my place of registration. What documents do I need to provide to apply for a pension?

15.1. Good afternoon. Please register at your place of permanent registration.

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16. What documents are needed to apply for an old-age pension when moving from Kazakhstan to Russia? Russian citizenship is available.

16.1. Contact the Pension Fund for clarification.

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17. I moved to Russia in 2007, and since the same year I have had Russian citizenship. What documents do I need to provide to apply for an old-age pension?

17.1. Hello! You need to provide a passport, work book, SNILS.

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18. M. Please tell me what documents are needed to apply for an old-age pension, man, 55 years old, work in the Magadan region, 30 years of experience.

18.1. This question should be addressed to the pension fund at your place of registration.

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19. What documents are needed to apply for an old-age pension in the Russian Federation.

19.1. When a person retires, the following list of documents must be provided to the pension fund department: • A completed application on a prepared form must be submitted only on a standard form. It must be filled out without any blots or errors; you can take it home in advance and leisurely fill it out in a calm atmosphere; • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation; • Original work book and information about work activities; • Information on average accrued wages for the period 2000-2001; • Properly executed pension insurance certificate; • If yes, you must provide information about your disability. To confirm your work activity, you may also need some documents from the enterprise - copies of the certificate of state registration of the enterprise, documents confirming the change of surname - a marriage certificate, divorce certificate or other. If a person wishes to receive pension payments through bank branches, then he should provide information about the current account in any bank, to whose details the accrued pension will be transferred in the future.

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20. Since January of this year, she has been registered with the employment center and received unemployment benefits. In July, I started applying for an old-age pension and was removed from the register with the Central Pension Fund. I have a 22-year-old son, a full-time student. To apply for an additional payment to the pension for a dependent, they ask for some document (an expression from a PF employee) showing how I am helping him. She provided a certificate from her place of study and an examination report signed by a local deputy. Is it legal to require any document?

20.1. The list of documents required to confirm the fact that a person is a dependent in order to establish a pension is determined by paragraph 41 of the List of documents required to establish labor pensions and state pensions in accordance with the federal laws “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” and “On State Pension”. pension legislation in the Russian Federation", approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Pension Fund of February 27, 2002 No. 16/19 pa. According to this paragraph, in order to confirm the fact that disabled family members are dependent, including a pensioner spouse, certificates from housing authorities or local governments, income certificates of all family members and other documents containing the required information, and, if necessary, court decisions are accepted to establish this fact. This paragraph is focused on the fact that each of the named bodies issues a certificate within its competence in accordance with the established procedure.

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I am a citizen of Kazakhstan, I have received an old-age pension since 2004, and I am planning to move to Russia to join my children living there.

The person lives and is registered in Yekaterinburg and has been working as a tram driver for more than 20 years.

The person lives and is registered in Yekaterinburg and has been working as a tram driver for more than 20 years.

What documents must be submitted to the pension fund to apply for an old-age pension? Thank you in advance.

What documents are needed to apply for an old-age pension and if they are not available at your place of work, in which archive should you look?

What documents are needed to apply for an old-age pension and when can they be submitted to the pension fund in Crimea, Simferopol. Thank you.

What documents are needed to apply for an old-age pension for a woman? Do I need a military ID?

When and what documents should I start collecting for applying for an old-age pension if I turn 55 in March 2020?

I ask the question not for myself, but for a disabled woman begging for alms at the Temple.

What documents are needed to apply for an old-age pension in 2020? And when should I start collecting documents if I turn 55 on January 31, 2015?

What will be the old-age pension if you have 24 years of service? Male, 59 years old? Do I need to collect documents to apply for a pension?

Document submission options

If you need specialist advice on collecting and processing documents to receive a pension, then the optimal place to submit your application will be the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. This may be a territorial branch at the place of registration, stay or actual residence.

Please note that for citizens who have traveled abroad for permanent residence, the place of application is the main office of the Pension Fund of Russia in Moscow.

If everything is clear with the documents, then it is not necessary to personally visit the fund’s branch. You can use other methods:

  1. Personal account on the Pension Fund website. There you submit your application electronically. You will still have to take the original documents directly to the department to present them.
  2. MFC. This may be convenient geographically, but the center may not be able to advise you on the sufficiency of the set of documents and the correctness of their execution. Therefore, it may take longer.
  3. Through a trusted person. For example, a future retiree is on a long business trip abroad or undergoing treatment in a hospital. In this case, he should issue a power of attorney for someone and be sure to have it certified by a notary.

You can send documents by mail or through your employer.

Where to go to apply for a pension

To apply for a pension, you should go to the Pension Fund unit at your place of residence or, if not possible, at your actual residence address. Recently, the most popular place, due to its time savings and simplicity, is the Multifunctional Center, through which you can also apply for a pension.

The application can be submitted either by the citizen himself or by a personal appeal from a representative who has documents confirming his authority. In addition, you can apply for a pension through the employer or using the Internet by visiting the Pension Fund website and following the link to your personal account.

Registration by power of attorney

If the future pensioner does not have the opportunity to deal with issues of registration of pension payments personally, then he can delegate these powers to a third party. However, this fact must be certified in the manner prescribed by law, that is, a notarized power of attorney must be issued.

Important! A power of attorney can be drawn up for absolutely any person. The main condition is his full legal capacity.

The document itself should indicate the powers that the principal grants to the authorized person. For example, this is submitting documents to a pension fund. You can also specify the possibility of collecting various papers for the Pension Fund if the existing package of documents is incomplete.

Sample power of attorney:

And finally, there are cases when it is possible to establish this or that fact that is important for calculating a future pension only through the court. In this case, the power of attorney must provide powers related to the conduct of affairs by the authorized person in the interests of the principal in the courts.

Registration of a pension by proxy does not imply the transfer of the right to dispose of the funds received to the authorized person directly involved in this issue.

How to confirm your experience

In 2002, the pension reform started, the employer had a new obligation - to submit detailed information about employees to the Pension Fund. The Pension Fund of Russia has all the data on the employee’s earnings and length of service after this point. We are talking about a white salary, official income. And to confirm experience before 2002, evidence will be required. This is, first of all, a work book. The Pension Fund will require it in any case.

They remember labor when it comes to what documents are needed to retire by age, because it usually involves significant difficulties for the employee. The fact is that they are filled out by hand according to strict rules established by special instructions. All seals and words on the work book form must be legible and entries must be made properly. Over time, the ink, and therefore the writing, loses its clarity. Because of this, Pension Fund employees have questions about them; citizens are asked to provide an additional package of documents for the assignment of an old-age pension, proving their length of service.

If there is no work record book or employment contracts, and the employing organization no longer exists, how can one prove the length of service to receive a pension?

Upon liquidation, the enterprise is obliged to transfer the archived documents of the enterprise for storage in the archive. Information about the archive can be obtained from the tax office where the enterprise was registered, and you can also request certificates from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Tax Inspectorate about the employer’s payment of mandatory taxes and insurance contributions.

In the archive we request documents confirming work experience: employment contract, personnel and salary sheets, orders, characteristics, certificates of honor, etc., in addition, you can write an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and prove the existence of work experience with the help of witness testimony.

Additional proof of experience

What else is proof of experience:

  • an employment contract drawn up in accordance with all the rules in force at the time of its signing;
  • orders;
  • personal accounts;
  • employer certificates.

At the same time, the Pension Fund does not always accept this list of documents for an old-age pension separately. For example, the employment contract itself does not confirm the date of dismissal; an additional order is required. And who keeps the contracts? And if the organization is liquidated, how to obtain the necessary certificates? You have to go to court and prove your rights. Check all records in advance, consult with Pension Fund specialists and collect the necessary certificates from work.

About the procedure for applying for a pension

All issues related to pensions are resolved by the pension fund. Therefore, women aged 55 and men aged 60 must come to the Pension Fund at their place of residence to apply for an old-age pension.

If the applicant cannot be present himself, his representative can do so on the basis of a notarized power of attorney.

Alternatively, you can fill out an application online on the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and send it electronically. But in any case, the documents will have to be provided in original.

The most acceptable option is to find out in advance about the list of required documents, and show up for your appointment at the Pension Fund with a ready-made package. A complete list of documents for applying for an old-age pension can be found on the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Another option is to receive a list of documents directly from the Pension Fund. But you need to start collecting documents in advance, and come to the Pension Fund with a ready-made package at least a month before retirement age.

According to the rules, there is a certain list of documents to be presented to the Pension Fund:

By old age

  • Employment history
  • certificate of residence
  • Certificate of income for 5 years before 2002.

To receive an increase in pension, you must provide additional certificates confirming the fact of work in the Far North, disability, or certificates for federal awards.
All entries in the work book are usually accompanied by a reason, that is, the order number with the date of its issue. There are cases when the work book does not contain confirmation of the entry details. In this case, you must present another document confirming what is written in the book.

Records of hiring and dismissal must be accompanied by the seal of the institution and the signature of the head of the personnel department or the head of the institution. The certificates must, in addition to the seal, have a personal corner stamp of the enterprise.

For military pensioners by age

A military pension can be applied for before reaching the required age, since according to the law, military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, police, drug control authorities, and the penitentiary service have the right to receive a pension after 20 years of service or after 25 years of total experience, if military service accounts for 12, 5 years.

Required documents:

  • Passport
  • Prescription
  • Military ID or other document that confirms the fact of service in the army or other law enforcement agencies
  • Private bussiness
  • Certificate of registration
  • Clothing and money certificates
  • Insurance pension certificate
  • Employment history

To apply for a military pension, you will also need documents confirming the fact that the person has been awarded federal awards, if any. They affect the size of the pension, since certain allowances are made for them.

Federal awards include:

  • Order "For Merit to the Fatherland"
  • Title "Hero of Russia"
  • Order of St. Andrew the First-Called
  • Olympic champion title

The procedure for applying for an old-age pension in 2020 will not require much time if citizens take care to prepare the necessary package in advance.

It happens that places of work have changed, this could happen in different regions, so preparing and sending certificates to the addressee for previous years will take a lot of time.

Deadlines for submitting documents

If all the above rules for filling out the form and collecting documents have been taken into account, the period for obtaining a pension will be approximately 10 days. Otherwise, the applicant will have another 3 months to correct errors and inaccuracies. The reconsideration period will begin with the resubmission of papers.

Important : We remind you that in order to submit documents, you can use the State Services portal. This will significantly speed up and facilitate the process.

It is worth noting that the transfer of the necessary documentation to the Pension Fund must be carried out within thirty days after his dismissal from work! If you don’t make it in time, the deadline for calculating your pension will be shifted!

Features of accrual and nuances of the payment procedure in 2020

Today, complex formulas are still used to calculate regular pension payments, using factors such as place and working conditions, length of work experience, amounts of contributions to the Pension Fund, etc. The most effective way to calculate the amount due to you by law is to use an online calculator on the official website Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The main factors that can significantly affect the size of the retirement pension in 2020 are:

  1. length of service, namely its duration;
  2. period of maternity leave, compulsory military service and similar circumstances;
  3. the pension option chosen by the citizen;
  4. time for submitting an application and documents when processing pension payments.

In addition, for a more accurate calculation of the so-called insurance pension, it is customary to be guided by the “survival age”, which is 19.5 years.

Be sure to read it! Immigration to Portugal for retirees: myth or reality?

At the same time, when calculating, the total amount of all savings deposits is divided by 234 months, as a result of which we obtain the exact monthly figure. At the same time, when making calculations, other pension savings that were allocated within the framework of Pension Fund programs can be used.

You can find even more information on this topic in our other articles and this expert video:

An alternative way to apply for a pension.

Today you can submit documents without leaving your home. So, all you need to do is collect and scan the documents correctly and fill out an application. And send everything through State Services. This is a simplified method; everything can be done without leaving home.

The only negative is the lack of opportunity to consult on this issue with a live employee.

The future age pensioner is given 10 days to consider the application. This applies to any type of benefit application.

If inaccuracies or shortcomings are found in the documents and application, employees will inform the applicant about this. 3 months are given to eliminate defects. When registration takes place via the Internet, such a letter will be sent to the specified email.

State Services is a convenient site that is intuitive. Here you can not only apply for benefits, but also calculate the approximate amount of your future pension at any age.

The citizen's length of service is reflected there. Registration requires time: you will need to wait for a letter with a code to be sent to your registered address.

Registration through State Services is not the only way to apply for a pension without the queues that usually form in the PF corridors.

There are MFCs - multifunctional centers that help other government agencies deal with queues.

MFC staff will advise you and help you draw up an application. There will be no difference in timing. An application with documents when applying to the MFC will be sent to the Pension Fund.

Applying for a pension online: step-by-step instructions

The most convenient option for the majority of the population is to submit an application electronically (via the Internet), namely “Personal Account”.

Step 1

Click on the link “Submit an application for a pension”.

Users registered on the State Services website have access.

Step 2

We fill in the required field with information about the nearest (convenient) Pension Fund.

This is necessary to automatically send the application to the specified authority.

Step 3

In the “Applicant Data” tab you should indicate:

  • gender;
  • date of birth;
  • insurance certificate (SNILS);
  • Place of Birth;
  • address of the actual residence;
  • citizenship;
  • passport details.

For possible communication with Pension Fund employees, you must provide a mobile phone number (or landline), as well as an email.

Relatively recently, the service of electronic submission of an appeal through an authorized representative in the event of incapacity or minority of a citizen has appeared. In this case, select the section “Territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia”.

  1. You must select the type of pension that should be accrued.
  2. We enter additional information (for example, there are dependents).
  3. Place a check mark to confirm the completed data.
  4. We complete the registration with the “Generate application” button.

You can track the status of your application by going to the “ Application History ” section.

If the package of documents was collected in advance, then a notification will be sent to your personal account about the start of processing, which means you will not have to visit the Pension Fund.

Subtleties of design for men and women

Men and women do not retire at the same age. Representatives of the stronger sex become pensioners later, at 60.5 years, and women at 55.5. As a result of pension reforms, there were plans to equalize the retirement age for all citizens, but in the final version of the reform it was established that the retirement age for men would be set at 65 years, for women at 60 years.

There are no significant differences between the procedure for applying for a pension for men and women, with the exception of the age of application.

Early retirement

In Russia, certain categories of workers can count on early retirement. The grounds for such a benefit are harmful working conditions, work in the regions of the Far North, large families, etc. Also, public sector employees - health workers and teachers - can take advantage of the right to early retirement.

There are more than 30 such preferential categories of citizens and each of them has its own characteristics related to the calculation of length of service and the grounds for assigning maintenance. Pension payments to them are also carried out by the Pension Fund, for which a standard package of documents must be provided to them confirming the applicant’s identity, work experience, and grounds for the benefit.

How to exercise the right to early assignment of a labor pension

To assign an early pension, you must contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. To receive specialist advice, you must have with you a document confirming your right to a pension. After the Pension Fund employee confirms that the citizen has the right to exercise his right, you can proceed to the next step.

We send the application with the necessary documents attached to the Pension Fund. This is done electronically or with the direct participation of the applicant. We recommend that before going to a government agency, you make an appointment online or by phone for a specific time, so as not to sit in line.

After receiving all the documents, the Pension Fund will issue you a receipt for their receipt and begin the verification. Please note that in some cases there may be an error in the documents confirming the length of service for early assignment of a retirement pension, for example in the spelling of the position, last name, etc. In this case, you will need to request documents from the organization’s archives that will confirm your rightness.

Acceptance of documents

When accepting an application from a citizen, a pension authority specialist identifies the applicant’s identity, verifies that the application is filled out correctly and that the information contained in it is true.

The official studies the submitted copies and originals, compares them and records any discrepancies if they are discovered during comparison. If a citizen has attached an incomplete package of documents to the application, the official informs him about this and offers to bring the missing papers.

After reviewing the application and the documents attached to it, the PRF employee registers them and issues a receipt to the applicant. The receipt indicates the date of acceptance of the application, as well as the names of the missing documents and the deadline for their submission to the state body.

Consideration of the application

Studying the applicant’s documents, the pension authority official:

  • Checks the validity of pension accrual.
  • Evaluates the content of information.
  • Determines whether the information in the application corresponds to the data contained in individual accounting systems.
  • Makes decisions on establishing payments or refusing.

Thus, citizens who have reached retirement age or will reach it in the near future should take care of applying for a pension. To do this, they will need to complete an application, which is submitted to the local branch of the pension authority.

Right to early retirement

Some categories of citizens have the right to early retirement. To receive it, you need to contact the Pension Fund, where they will tell you how to draw up documents for assigning a pension. Fund employees will provide a list of necessary papers that will need to be prepared before the next visit to the Pension Fund.

A citizen entitled to early retirement can fill out an application electronically. Once confirmed, a list of documents that should be collected will also be provided. Usually, about two weeks pass from the moment of submitting the application to the day of visiting the Pension Fund. This time is not always enough to collect a package of documents, since the application is submitted no earlier than a month before the birthday.

After the citizen visits the Pension Fund on the appointed day and submits documents for early retirement, he will receive a receipt confirming their acceptance.

Old age insurance pension

Citizens' insurance pensions are formed in the compulsory pension insurance system. It is calculated using individual pension coefficients - pension points , which are awarded for each year of work.

Conditions for receiving an old-age insurance pension in 2020:

  • reaching the generally established retirement age (in 2020, taking into account the transition period, 61 years 6 months for men, 56 years 6 months for women);
  • the minimum insurance period in 2020 is 11 years, followed by an annual increase of one year to 15 years in 2024;
  • the minimum amount of pension points in 2020 is 18.6 points, followed by an annual increase of 2.4 points to 30 points in 2025;
  • in some cases, there are reasons for early appointment (Article 28 of Federal Law No. 173-FZ).

Insurance pension

There are two types of insurance pension: old age and disability. In the first case, the list of documents for applying for an old-age pension includes:

  • Information on length of service calculated according to Resolution No. 1015 of 2014 “On approval of the rules for calculating insurance experience.”
  • Information about the coefficient, confirmed by an extract from SNILS.
  • Information about family members, including those who are disabled.

The list of documents for applying for an old-age pension also includes:

  1. Documents confirming the right to early assignment of an old-age insurance pension.
  2. Information about the birth of children.
  3. Information about dependents.

If retirement age has been reached, and there are disabled children in care, then it is necessary to provide a document confirming that other family members do not receive the established insurance pension for the same child.

Social old age pension

In 2020, the right to receive a social old-age pension will be acquired by men who have reached the age of 66 years and 6 months, and women who have reached the age of 61 years and 6 months.

According to changes in legislation that came into force on January 1, 2020, the age at which the right to a social old-age pension arises is increased by 5 years: from 65 to 70 years for men and from 60 to 65 years for women. The retirement age will be raised in stages and will reach the specified values ​​by 2028.

Social old-age pension is assigned to citizens:

  • permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • who have not received the right to establish an old-age insurance pension
    (due to the lack of the required insurance period and/or the amount of pension points).

Citizens who simultaneously apply for different pensions can choose only one of them at their discretion.

How to apply for an old age pension in 2020

  1. Also, the length of service includes caring for a child (up to 1.5 years), a disabled child, military service, and more.
  2. According to the law, starting from 2020 in Russia, the total amount of the accrued pension depends not only on the length of service, but also on the number of pension points earned and their value.
  3. Pension points are calculated based on annual earnings. Therefore, a high official salary allows you to accumulate more points.

Minimum insurance period and pension points in 2020

And of course, reach retirement age, which is 65 and 60 years for men and women, respectively. It is necessary to prepare all documents for the Pension Fund in advance - 1 month before the expected date of retirement.

To receive a disability pension, you must have a permanent, long-term loss of incapacity for work based on the results of a medical examination. These persons provide: a passport and a certificate confirming disability.

  • Disability of all groups;
  • Loss of a breadwinner;
  • Old age. The changes made to the legislation have extended the youth of pensioners; the right to a pension in 2020 arises when the male population reaches 61 years old and the female population reaches 56 years old. The retirement age will increase every year.

Military pension

In such circumstances as, for example, disability, dependents, minors, their documentary evidence is required. A pension fund employee will require proof of salary prior to 2002, for any five-year period of employment. It may be necessary to contact the archive, for example, if there is no entry in the work book or in the event of liquidation of the organization. The period for reviewing submitted documents is 10 days. The pension is considered granted from the date of submission of the application and all requested documents.

  1. A military ID to confirm that a person has completed active military service.
  2. Document confirming the status of a disabled person. Allows you to increase the size of pension payments.
  3. Certificate confirming the presence of disabled persons in the applicant’s care. People with dependents are also entitled to an increased pension.
  4. Metrics for children from the registry office. They are required to be provided to women to confirm the time spent caring for young children.
  5. Certificates of change of passport data. Required to be provided if a person changed his last name, for example, after marriage or divorce.

Upon reaching the age threshold established in Federal Law No. 350, every citizen has the right to apply for pension payments.

It does not matter whether his insurance account has the required number of pension coefficients, or whether he has completed the established length of service. All these conditions are necessary to assign an insurance pension, and to calculate a basic old-age pension you need to meet only one criterion - to reach a certain age

Deadlines for granting pensions

Every person, upon reaching the age established by law, receives the right to receive a pension. Let's look at how to apply for an old-age pension, the list of required documents, and where to submit them.

An application for receiving a pension can be written no earlier than 1 month before the date when a citizen can receive a labor or social pension. All documents are attached to the application. If any documents are missing, they must be submitted no later than 3 months from the date of submission of the application.

If a citizen has not accumulated this length of service, the pension will be assigned and calculated according to different rules. If a person does not have insurance experience, he will receive a social pension. It is prescribed when women reach the age of 60 years, and men - 65 years. Until 01/01/2020, the amount of social pension is 4,769.09 rubles per month. In addition to the lack of insurance experience, the citizen must be recognized as disabled. As a rule, these are citizens who have lost their ability to work due to illness or disability.

Documents for applying for an old-age pension

Every citizen of our country has the right to receive an old-age pension when working age ends. Men retire at 60 years old, and women at 55 years old. If they have 15 years of insurance experience, these categories of citizens are entitled to an insurance pension, which is assigned and calculated in accordance with Law No. 400-FZ.

Pension points accumulate throughout the citizen’s entire period of work. Their number directly depends on the amount of insurance premiums. This year (2020), the minimum required number of points to receive an insurance pension is 14.

How to increase your pension

To understand, you need to understand what pension payments consist of.

Let's divide the payments into three parts and see what they consist of and how to increase them.

From January 1, 2019, the amount of the fixed payment to the insurance pension is indexed by 7.05% and amounts to RUB 5,334.19. Such an increase is provided for in Part 8 of Art. 10 of Law No. 350-FZ of October 3, 2018, which came into force on January 1, 2019.

Pension paymentsExplanationsSizePension increase
Basic partPaid from the budget. Paid to citizens if they have length of service. As of 01/01/2019, the amount is 5334.19 rubles. per month. The persons listed in Article 17 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions” are entitled to an increase.
Insurance partDetermined from the amount of insurance premiums. These payments are made by the employer based on the official salary. It is set individually depending on the value of the coefficients.

Affects: age and experience.

  1. Increased experience. Continued work after reaching retirement age. In this case, the size of the insurance portion will increase by 6% each year.
  2. Increase in pension contributions. Receiving a white salary.
Cumulative partIt is accumulated in the same way as the insurance part, but is increased by the income received when placing funds on the securities market. Citizens have the right to independently manage the funded portion. Savings of citizens born in 1967 and subsequent years.
  1. Maternity capital funds.
  2. Co-financing program.
  3. Investing the savings portion.
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