Travel benefits for pensioners in 2020 in the Leningrad region

Pre-retirement benefits in St. Petersburg: pre-retirement payments and benefits, what benefits are available to pre-retirement people and how to get them? Online legal consultation.

Pre-retirement age in Russia, payments and benefits for people of pre-retirement age in St. Petersburg - these topics have become especially popular on the Internet since January 1, 2020, after the law on raising the retirement age in the Russian Federation came into force. The law provides for various privileges, guarantees and benefits for citizens of pre-retirement age. What citizens of pre-retirement age have the right to expect and what benefits are entitled to citizens of pre-retirement age in St. Petersburg - read the article.

Benefits for pensioners in St. Petersburg will be supplemented by free travel on electric trains

Residents of St. Petersburg who have reached retirement age will be able to ride electric trains for free in 2020. When will the new benefit for pensioners begin to take effect, what other preferences are available to elderly residents of the Northern capital: latest news.

Who can ride trains for free?

The document establishes categories of citizens who will not need to take a train ticket, and they will be able to use this type of transport for free all year round. It is expected that the law will come into force on April 27, 2020 - before the opening of the summer season.

Currently, the Social Code of St. Petersburg provides for six categories of citizens the right to travel annually from April 27 to October 31 on suburban trains with payment of part of the cost of a one-time trip from the budget of St. Petersburg in the amount of 10% of the current tariff.

Cash Compensation to Pensioners for Transport to Leningrad

Error: A pensioner registered in the Leningrad region does not pay tax on one piece of real estate of each type, transferring the tax to the rest of the real estate he owns.

Quarterly cash payment for travel to pensioners

Social benefits for pensioners also apply to the healthcare sector. According to the law, old people have the right to receive free medical care in clinics at their place of residence. In addition, once every three years they can undergo a full examination completely free of charge.

So, next year men who turn 60.5 years old and women who turn 55.5 years old will be able to retire on old age. That is, the retirement age will be increased by six months. And pre-retirement people will be men 55.5 years old and older, as well as women 50.5 years old (and older).

Travel by train for pensioners in 2020 in St. Petersburg terms

And even without a discount, the cost will pleasantly surprise many, especially if you buy a ticket in advance. For example, at the beginning of January a full one-way ticket will cost 411 rubles, and at the beginning of February - 328 rubles. For the first flight on December 22, a ticket will cost 419 rubles (return - 380 rubles). All prices are current at the time of publication.

How to get a travel card with a photo for a pensioner in St. Petersburg

For this type of subscription, the trip must begin from the station where the turnstiles are installed (this can be any intermediate station or stopping point within the route, but with turnstiles). In this case, the card must be brought to the turnstile to “open” the trip.

The northern capital is also no exception, and it has its own list of benefits that pensioners can count on. Today we’ll talk about what benefits for pensioners in St. Petersburg will be valid in 2020, and what financial payments are due to this category of persons.

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Transport benefits for pre-retirees in the Leningrad Region

Starting in 2020, the Russian Pension Fund is launching a new information service, through which information is provided about Russians who have reached pre-retirement age. This data is used by authorities, departments and employers to provide appropriate benefits to citizens.

Benefits and guarantees for people of pre-retirement age

The exception to which the 5-year rule does not apply is tax benefits. They are provided upon reaching the previous retirement age limits. For most Russians, this is 55 or 60 years old, depending on gender, and in the case of people retiring early, earlier than this age. For example, for northerners, who under the previous legislation retire 5 years earlier than everyone else, the pre-retirement age for receiving tax benefits is 50 years for women and 55 years for men.

It is also permissible for local councils to reduce the tax rate. Land tax benefits are determined by the decision of deputies of city or rural administrations in the Leningrad region.

Social benefits for pensioners also apply to the healthcare sector. According to the law, old people have the right to receive free medical care in clinics at their place of residence. In addition, once every three years they can undergo a full examination completely free of charge.

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Travel benefits for pensioners in the Leningrad region

Pensioners registered in the Leningrad region are provided with a wide range of benefits at the federal level - the same benefits can be used by other pensioners in Russia: Free medical care, provision of free medicines and medical devices with a doctor’s prescription from a state or municipal clinic. Info Also, military pensioners and veterans who served during the Second World War are exempt from paying personal income tax for assistance and gifts not exceeding 10,000 rubles, as well as investment income spent on the purchase of housing.

Pensioners who have a BEPK in their hands and who already enjoy benefits on travel on public transport in the Leningrad Region do not need to apply further, provided that the BEPK is activated at ticketing points (the resource is replenished at the post office) after September 5, 2020.

Benefits for Pensioners in St. Petersburg in 2020

All elderly people in the Northern capital who do not have social benefits under other social programs can apply for the EDV supplement. In 2020, the amount of the social premium was increased taking into account annual indexation, which is determined from January 1 by multiplying by the consumer price index used when adopting the city budget for a specific financial year.

Basic subsidies

  • salary supplement;
  • 50% of the cost of using city public transport;
  • 50% of the cost of housing and communal services for rural workers;
  • 100% of the cost of solid fuel for rural workers.

Information boards and consultations for station workers. Until this day, beneficiaries paid 10 percent of the cost of tickets for commuter trains. Many of them were pleasantly surprised today when the cashier only had to show their documents.

How to get a travel pass for a pensioner in St. Petersburg

All categories of pensioners can receive it. The size of this payment is small and is at the level of 450 rubles. For veterans of labor, the Great Patriotic War, etc., the amount increases. The premium is recalculated annually and increased by multiplying the current rate by the consumer price index. The same value is used when calculating the subject’s budget for each subsequent year.

Rubinshteina, 32. The resource of single and reusable travel tickets is restored at the metro ticket offices at the Podorozhnik BEPK. The BSC is light green in color and is issued from September of the current year to December 31 of the next year, subject to the availability of data from the educational institution.

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Free and all year round: how the system of discounted travel on trains has changed

The right to free travel will be available to home front workers, victims of political repression, veterans of labor and military service, pensioners by age and length of service, as well as women who have been awarded the honorary title “Mother Heroine”.

According to the St. Petersburg Social Policy Committee, this support measure will affect about a million citizens. 700 million rubles have been allocated from the city treasury to organize free travel. Many passengers today told Alexander Beglov that train tickets are a frequent purchase for them and a significant part of their budget.

Another category of beneficiaries in St. Petersburg who receive the right to free travel on electric trains are heroine mothers and some categories equivalent to them. These include women who gave birth and raised 10 or more children, as well as holders of the Order of Parental Glory.

Starting tomorrow, Saturday April 27, 2020, several preferential categories of St. Petersburg will receive the right to free travel on commuter trains. This pre-election step was taken by the acting governor to raise his own rating. Let us remind you for which categories of beneficiaries will be introduced free travel on electric trains from St. Petersburg in 2020, and what restrictions apply.

Which trains from St. Petersburg and for whom will free travel be introduced from April 27

The fact is that one of the main preferential categories is old-age pensioners and those who have reached the “old” retirement age (55 years for women, 60 years for men). This category successfully absorbs four of the remaining five groups of beneficiaries: home front workers, veterans of labor and military service, those with work experience of more than 40-45 years, and victims of political repression.

The liveliest discussion took place on Wednesday on amendments to the laws “On the targeted program of St. Petersburg “Development of built-up areas in St. Petersburg” and “On the procedure for providing real estate owned by St. Petersburg for construction, reconstruction and adaptation for modern use ", regulating the renovation process in the northern capital. As one of the authors of the amendments noted, the document will “cheer up” the program of renovation of built-up areas, which has stalled in recent years. He cited the lack of starting spots in the renovation quarter as the reason for its non-fulfillment, which is why construction does not begin. In the amendments, it was proposed to create a starting spot not in the block included in the renovation program, but on the territory of the entire municipality, which gives more flexibility for new construction. In this case, developers will have to coordinate their actions in advance with the city government. According to the speaker, this is better “than watching the Khrushchev buildings being destroyed.”

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Moscow pensioners on buses in the Moscow region

What types of transport are not covered by transport benefits for pensioners in the Moscow region? Firstly, benefits can be used in public transport that is not owned by commercial carrier companies - the transport must be owned by the state or municipality.

Free travel for pensioners is ensured by the provision of a social card for this category of citizens, a travel document (when funds spent on such services are compensated) or compensation as an addition to pension payments. Thus, residents of the Moscow region pay half the price of a water transport ticket.

03 Mar 2020 etolaw 2455

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Beglov signed a law on free travel on electric trains for pensioners and benefit recipients

The main result of yesterday's meeting were amendments to the Social Code proposed by the current governor of the city, Alexander Beglov. As Smolny’s representative in the Legislative Assembly, Yuri Shesterikov, told deputies, the document grants the right to free travel on commuter trains throughout the year (at the expense of the St. Petersburg budget) to pensioners and pre-retirees, home front workers, labor veterans and military veterans, victims of political repression, and women , having the honorary title “Mother Heroine”, women who raised 10 or more children, as well as one of the parents awarded the Order of Parental Glory. Until now, from April 27 to October 31, preferential categories of citizens paid 10% of the cost of a single trip on commuter trains. Providing year-round free travel will require additional funding from the budget in the amount of 710 million 470 thousand rubles. The amendments were adopted almost unanimously.


By giving people of the older generation - veterans, pensioners, employees of pre-retirement age and parents of large families the right to year-round free travel on electric trains, the city provides them with significant financial assistance, expanding opportunities for good rest and improving health.

From April 27, 2020, 6 types of beneficiaries will have the right to free travel on electric trains. Those who were awarded orders and medals of the USSR for their work during the Second World War, and those who worked in the rear for at least 6 months. Mother-heroines, veterans of labor and military service, as well as citizens who have suffered to one degree or another from political repression will also use the services of this type of transport free of charge.

One of the biggest disadvantages that the local authorities of St. Petersburg currently see is self-sufficiency. Simply put, a certain budget should be allocated for the implementation of this measure. According to preliminary estimates, the amount of losses that the railway will incur will be about 750 million rubles per year.

Pensioners and other categories of citizens will ride electric trains for free, regardless of the time of year.

New rules for using commuter electric transport in St. Petersburg will come into force on April 27, 2020. This category of citizens will now be able to use electric trains absolutely free. Before this, they had to pay 10% of the total fare, and the benefit itself was valid annually only from April to October.

When traveling by high-speed train "Strizh" a preference of thirty percent is provided on the Senior fare - for citizens whose age at the time of travel is sixty years or more. A week before and a week after your birthday, you can get a thirty-five percent discount on swift travel.

Traveling with a Pension Card in St. Petersburg on a Minibus

Some areas introduce free tickets for electric trains for a certain period, for example, the summer season, to reduce financial expenses during this period. Benefits for pensioners on train travel in 2020 for ordinary citizens of retirement age are established by regional authorities.

Benefits and monetary compensation provided for by law help older people reduce costs. Most people in this category of the population are concerned about what travel benefits will be available for pensioners in 2020. What are travel benefits? State subsidies are divided into federal, determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, and regional (financed from the local budget).

On which routes is the pension pass valid?

For four years, two neighboring regions could not solve the problem: to give old-age pensioners the opportunity to take advantage of preferential travel on suburban routes, regardless of which entity is the customer - St. Petersburg or the Leningrad Region.

If there is no data of a disabled person in the database of the State Unitary Enterprise “Petersburg Metro”, a travel ticket for a disabled person and a travel ticket for an accompanying disabled person are issued upon presentation of a passport and a certificate of medical and social examination and a certificate confirming the right to provide an additional measure of social support, in a form approved by the Committee on Social Policy of St. - Petersburg, issued by the District Administration at the place of residence.

Travel benefits for pensioners in St. Petersburg

  1. Financial assistance is provided to people who worked on the home front during the war.
  2. Significant discounts are provided to labor veterans.
  3. Victims who have been subjected to political repression can save on travel costs.
  4. Pensioners who permanently live in St. Petersburg.
  5. Women who have been given the status of "Heroine Mother".
  6. Widows of socialist labor heroes enjoy travel benefits.

Before your first trip, you must identify the document. When attempting to pass through the turnstile, a prohibitory signal may light up in front of the pensioner.

To correct the error, you need to contact the metro ticket office. Take your passport and travel card with you. This will help avoid misunderstandings related to incorrect operation of the card.

There are benefits for pensioners on travel on St. Petersburg electric trains , which apply to certain groups of older people.

Is it possible to travel in a minibus along the pension

Those from the Gribakins go from there (1 stop to the metro).

440 NEVER, even when I was PAT, took passengers from the Gribakins! And you stubbornly don’t count 476? 476 is definitely missed! • Re: Regional suburban social routes from St. Petersburg Sergey Yakimov 23.08.

2006 21:09 + probably 688 Lomonosov-Lopukhinka (1 r. to Koporye). Are pension cards valid? 562 and 563 - 99% 562 - 100% 619a - extremely doubtful Exactly social.

Both entities have planned additional funds in their budgets, which will make it possible to provide a new benefit starting in 2013. For this purpose, the software for the discounted travel accounting system has also been improved.

More detailed list of numbers and routes: Press service of the governor and government The decision to increase the price of travel on minibuses in Smolny will be made in early summer by St. Petersburg, on May 27 - AiF-Petersburg.

News on the topic Officials will decide to increase fares on minibuses in St. Petersburg at the beginning of June 2020, BaltInfo reports with reference to the Transport Committee.

Tariffs for public transport in St. Petersburg (as of January 1, 2020)

They are recorded on Podorozhnik cards and key rings. Validity period is 3 years from the date of the last trip. The deposit cost of the card is 60 ₽ ; keychain – 100 ₽ . Returns are possible within 45 days after purchase. It can be used only once on a specific route flight.

On the buses of the State Unitary Enterprise "Passenger Avtotrans" a single ticket is purchased from the conductor, on buses of other carriers - from the conductor or driver (in the absence of a conductor). In the second case, this is done at the entrance, and on route 211 when traveling from Zelenogorsk - at the exit.

They still don’t let her on minibuses for free.

Another St. Petersburg pensioner, Alexander Agapov, also filed a lawsuit against the city administration, won the case, but still breaks into the minibuses with a fight and a scandal, poking the driver in the face with a court decision, according to which he, Alexander Agapov, is required to carry him for free on city public transport , which even includes private minibuses. Additionally, they have to sort things out when Agapov tries to smuggle his old wife with him, for whom there is also a court decision.

To travel on the metro or other ground transport in St. Petersburg, before your first trip you must contact the metro ticket office to identify the permit. Memo to passengersmemo to passengers Preferential bus travel for pensioners in 2020 St. Petersburg terms" Free travel for elderly Leningraders No. 441 Yukki - St. Petersburg, Art.

Benefits for pensioners on bus travel

In 2020, Agreement No. 77-1065 dated June 28, 2020 .

According to this document, from the beginning of its validity until 2020, beneficiaries registered in Moscow can travel free of charge on public transport throughout the Moscow region, and pensioners in the Moscow region can enjoy identical privileges in the capital.

To obtain a discounted personalized ticket, a pensioner just needs to go to any metro ticket office. If you want to make a document with a photo, then you need to clarify which branches can issue such a travel card. You must have with you a document that can be used to determine your identity and a certificate that allows you to pay a pension.

Benefits for traveling on minibuses in St. Petersburg

“I promised to correct this situation, and an agreement was signed with the city, which will come into force on May 1,” the governor added. – Regardless of the routes, all pensioners in the region will enjoy travel benefits. Similarly, people of retirement age in St. Petersburg will be able to enjoy discounts on travel on regional commuter buses.

For four years, two neighboring regions could not solve the problem: to give old-age pensioners the opportunity to take advantage of preferential travel on suburban routes, regardless of which entity is the customer - St. Petersburg or the Leningrad Region.

What does a pensioner need for free travel in 2020?

You must apply for discounted train travel to the social security department. This must be done after a person has already received pensioner status by contacting a branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. As a rule, this is done upon reaching a certain age. Don’t forget that some pensioners are entitled to an increase in their pension of 5,000 rubles in 2020.

In addition to free travel on electric trains, pensioners will be able to alternatively use free travel on trams, buses and the metro. The city government assumes that this measure will increase the social mobility of the population, which will lead to a positive economic potential of the city and region.

Which minibuses offer a discounted pass to St. Petersburg?

1. Persons who worked in the rear during the period from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945 for at least six months, excluding the period of work in the temporarily occupied territories of the USSR, persons awarded orders or medals of the USSR for selfless labor during the Great Patriotic War.


Family members of deceased (deceased) war invalids, participants in the Great Patriotic War and veterans of military operations in the territories of other states or the territory of the Russian Federation; family members of military personnel, privates and commanding officers of internal affairs bodies and state security bodies who died in the performance of military service (official duties) (EDV1 - 1214.45 rubles), 2601 h.

List of benefits for pensioners of St. Petersburg and rules for their registration

  • 50% discount on payment for housing and communal services;
  • free travel on public transport;
  • Every year from April 27 to October 31, discounts are provided for travel on the suburban railway. transport (10% of the cost of the ticket);
  • partial payment of transport tax after its full repayment (provided that the engine power is no more than 150 hp) - compensation is transferred to the current account after contacting the tax authority at the place of residence upon presentation of documentation confirming the right to own a vehicle, as well as beneficiary status.

In addition, seniors are entitled to the standard deduction .

For example, they can receive a professional or standard tax deduction for employment, as well as receive compensation of 13% of the amount of the real estate purchase and sale transaction. If a person of retirement age pays for studies in educational institutions (his own, his children’s or grandchildren’s), then he is also given a deduction.

May 03, 2020 juristsib 335


Preferential travel for pensioners in 2020

According to information posted on the official website of Russian Railways, similar benefits are also provided to participants in military operations and veterans of World War II.

Until what date are benefits for pensioners on trains valid?

To receive this benefit, you must present an identification document, a paper certifying the right to receive discounts and preferences when moving a pensioner by public transport, and a special coupon issued by social insurance authorities.

To do this, we recommend that you contact qualified practicing lawyers on social issues. St. Petersburg (ext. 107) Russia You can also consult with an on-duty lawyer via online chat.

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Employees of the institution will review the documents within 10 days, after which, if the decision is positive, the pensioner will be issued and issued a social card. Pensioners living in Moscow will be issued a transport card, to obtain which they must bring the following to the social security authorities:

From what date are discounts on electric trains for pensioners in 2020?

  1. Conditions for provision and types of benefits for pensioners in 2020
  2. List of all federal benefits for retirees in 2020
  3. Regional benefits for pensioners in 2020
  4. Will benefits for pensioners be canceled in 2020 - rumors and realities

A child with disabilities and his parent can travel free of charge to and from vacation. If the sanatorium will be provided in a few years, and the family lives in the province, it is not advisable to apply for this privilege.

How to apply for benefits for a pre-retirement person

Regions, regardless of the year, include local residents who have reached retirement age under current legislation into the pre-retirement category. That is, these are women over 55 years old and men over 60 years old, whose insurance record allows them to be granted a pension. These age values ​​will not increase annually. Regional authorities deliberately want to soften the “blow” for those who intended to retire in the near future, but will not be able to do so due to an increase in the retirement age.

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Federal and regional pre-retirees: who are they?

However, it is planned to gradually raise the retirement age over 10 years, and after it the pre-retirement age will move upward. For example, in 2022, men will retire at 64 years old, and women at 59 years old. Then the pre-retirement age for them will begin at 59 years and 54 years, respectively.

Residents of the region have the right to use city transport and suburban transport using a document called the “Unified Social Travel Card”. It is issued to preferential categories of citizens.

Important! But citizens of both regions should be prepared for the fact that conductors and inspectors in public transport may require documents confirming that the ticket belongs to the person presenting it.

Travel documents for preferential categories of citizens in the region

In accordance with this agreement, citizens living in the Leningrad region and in the city of St. Petersburg, who are entitled to state benefits, can travel on public transport freely: citizens in the region, residents of regional settlements in the city.

The five-year period is also relevant when, when assigning a pension, both the achievement of a certain age and the development of special experience are taken into account. This primarily applies to workers in dangerous and difficult professions according to lists No. 1, No. 2, etc., which allow early retirement. The onset of pre-retirement age and the right to benefits in such cases arises 5 years before the age of early retirement, subject to one of the conditions: development of the required preferential length of service, if the person has already stopped working in the relevant specialty, or the fact of working in the relevant specialty.

Benefits for travel on electric trains in 2020-2020

The military medical commission has the right to appoint an accompanying person to the military if his state of health so requires. Such a person also uses the train free of charge when accompanying a military person to treatment or home.

Privileges for federal beneficiaries

Until the summer of 2020, the privilege extended not only to commuter electric trains, but also to the Moscow metro. In 2020-2020, underground trains are fully paid for by pensioners if they do not have federal benefits.

Preferential travel - purchasing or booking a free one-way or round-trip ticket on the basis of a special document; How to confirm a benefit at the federal level Preferential categories of citizens have the right to apply for free travel, valid in any regional entity of the country. Deputies have made changes to the Social Code that will allow widows and parents of deceased Heroes of Russia, even if the parents are divorced, to receive a lump sum payment for the purchase of land for building a house or running a summer cottage. This benefit is possible if the Heroes of the Russian Federation themselves did not receive land plots. The payment will be one million rubles for widows and married parents, or 500 thousand for each parent. It will be possible to waive the right to purchase a plot and receive monetary compensation.

Another social initiative adopted at today’s meeting concerns the extension of the rule under which financial assistance is provided to citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations. Today, the validity of Chapter 33_5 of the Social Code of St. Petersburg, which provides for this possibility, is limited to January 1, 2020. Deputies decided to extend its validity until 2022. This chapter states that financial assistance in difficult life situations is provided to low-income families in which all family members live in St. Petersburg, as well as single people and citizens without a fixed place of residence in connection with the expenses incurred to overcome a difficult life situation.

Electric Train Benefits for Pensioners in 2020 in St. Petersburg

Almost every Russian pensioner used the services of Russian Railways. For example, for a trip to visit family or on vacation. However, many do not suspect that pensioner status makes it possible to get discounted tickets on long-distance trains. We will tell you how to take advantage of the benefit and what other discounts are available to pensioners when purchasing a train ticket. A one-way ticket is valid for one day according to the date + one hour of the next day. If the passenger is also traveling “back”, it is valid for the next day. Weekends and holidays do not count. Reservations are made 10 days before the trip.

What St. Petersburg Pensioners Can Ride for Free

  • from May 1, pensioners in St. Petersburg will be able to ride commuter buses using a personalized discount ticket
  • from May 1, pensioners in St. Petersburg will be able to ride commuter buses using a personalized discount ticket
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  • What benefits are available for pensioners in St. Petersburg in 2018?
  • Benefits for travel on electric trains in 2020
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  • Saint Petersburg.
  • Benefits and monetary compensation provided for by law help older people reduce costs. Most people in this category of the population are concerned about what travel benefits will be available for pensioners in 2020. What are travel benefits? State subsidies are divided into federal, determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, and regional (financed from the local budget). Veterans of labor and disability pensioners have preferential travel for pensioners on public transport. The benefit applies to urban transport; commercial types do not apply here. Other elderly people of retirement age enjoy preferences depending on the region of residence, where local authorities themselves determine the full use of this type of social assistance. What additional payments are due to pensioners in 2020: the amount of the pension supplement in Russia Benefits for military pensioners in 2020 - a list of required financial assistance and the amount of subsidies On electric trains Categories with benefits to travel for free on electric trains are established by federal acts.

    Which minibuses can you ride on pension?

    You can get an answer to your question by calling the numbers ⇓ Consultation is free Moscow, Moscow region call One-click call St. Petersburg, Leningrad region call One-click call Recently, public transport fares have been steadily rising, which does not allow pensioners to spend extra times to use the services of urban, suburban and intercity transport. At the same time, a pensioner is often physically unable to walk even a short distance. In order not to limit the movement of older people in this way, the state has provided travel benefits for them in the form of discounted travel tickets.

    Until now, not many people know about how to get a discounted travel ticket for pensioners in 2020.

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    The resident of the Lomonosov district who complained to the governor is a labor veteran of the Leningrad region. The benefit does not apply to this category.

    She is entitled to another benefit, the same as for an ordinary pensioner. She can use her travel card on commuter buses, but the benefit does not apply to the metro and city transport,” Polnov explained to 47news.

    Minibus taxis in St. Petersburg for pensioners

    • heroes, veterans, logisticians of the Second World War, people who were prisoners during the siege of Leningrad, victims of fascism and their close relatives;
    • heroic workers of the USSR and the Russian Federation, as well as members of their families;
    • pensioners with disabilities, including those from childhood, as well as disabled children;
    • victims of radiation, man-made disasters and members of teams involved in eliminating the consequences of radiation.
    1. veterans, heroes, rear workers of the Second World War, people who were prisoners in besieged Leningrad, victims of fascism and their close relatives;
    2. to the heroic workers of the USSR and the Russian Federation, as well as members of their families;
    3. disability pensioners, including those from childhood, as well as children with disabilities;
    4. victims of radiation, man-made disasters and participants in liquidation teams.

    Travel benefits for pensioners in 2020 on public transport

    In the difficult general economic situation in the country, many pensioners are forced to save. Benefits and monetary compensation provided for by law help older people reduce costs.

    The relaxations provided by the state apply to the costs of housing and communal services, medical treatment, acquisition and maintenance of real estate, and social programs also provide for travel expenses for pensioners.

    Most people in this category of the population are concerned about what travel benefits will be available for pensioners in 2020.

    The regulation of preferential pension travel is given to regional departments and the subsidies and payments provided may vary depending on the category of pensioner.

    Free travel can be set in full; there are options for limiting the allocated amount and travel limit.

    Regions determine their own procedure for providing subsidies: a single social travel pass, a transport card for pensioners, or a specific travel discount may be issued.

    Travel benefits for pensioners: what can we drive?

    There is no single legislative document that would indicate all categories of citizens who have the right to use preferential travel. Authorities at the local level themselves decide who to provide discounts and compensation. Typically, the list of beneficiaries in all regions of Russia looks like this:

    Benefits are government support measures for low-income citizens. Unfortunately, this includes many people who have retired. To reduce the costs of this category of the population, the state established travel benefits for pensioners. To obtain them you need to go through some procedure, but if you know how to do it, it will not take much time.

    Benefits for pensioners in St. Petersburg for travel on electric trains

    St. Petersburg, as the Northern capital, does not limit benefits for pensioners only to noticeably reduced fares for train travel. In 2020, the city is implementing a significant support program that includes specific community groups.

    Representatives of these categories of citizens, who have certain prerogatives for services to the Motherland, can, in some cases, travel for free, purchase preferential travel passes, receive cash payments for transportation expenses, or pay only part of the purchased ticket. Providing a seasonal discount of 90% is a benefit that provides for a purchase with a partially paid price.

    Who is entitled to discounts on public transport tickets?

    When people talk about discounted travel passes, war veterans and pensioners come to mind. In fact, the circle of people who enjoy privileges when traveling by transport is much wider, as are the types of vehicles themselves.

    Social transport cards are a step towards electronic payment for services. Such cards are purchased by schoolchildren and pensioners at certain kiosks and issuing points. The principle of use is that you need to press the card against the validator located at the entrance to the bus, tram or trolleybus.

    Free travel for pensioners - the procedure for obtaining a social travel card and transport card

    • honorary donors of Russia, Moscow, USSR;
    • parents and guardians of disabled children;
    • one of the parents in a large family;
    • adoptive parents who became participants in the project for property support of families raising older orphans or disabled children under special agreements;
    • one of the guardians of an orphan child.

    In many regions, social cards or travel cards are being introduced for pensioners, which can be used on buses, trains and other public transport. Senior citizens can also purchase air tickets with a discount of up to 50%.

    Preferential travel ticket for pensioners in 2020

    If a pensioner is the holder of a Muscovite social card, he is entitled to free travel on any type of public transport within the boundaries of the city of Moscow. As for residents of St. Petersburg, they cannot obtain free travel without having the right to this benefit. However, the following can count on a discount when paying for a travel pass:

    Recently, prices for travel in urban transport have been steadily increasing, which does not allow pensioners to once again use the services of urban, suburban and intercity transport.

    At the same time, a pensioner is often physically unable to walk even a short distance. In order not to limit the movement of older people in this way, the state has provided travel benefits for them in the form of discounted travel tickets.

    Until now, not many people know about how to get a discounted travel ticket for pensioners in 2020.

    Preferential bus travel for pensioners in 2020 St. Petersburg terms

    St. Petersburg, April 30. From Wednesday, May 1, pensioners of the Northern capital will be able to travel on 58 suburban regular bus routes of the Leningrad region using a personalized discount ticket, the press service of the St. Petersburg Transport Committee told BaltInfo.

    If a person wrote an application from September 1 to September 15, the privilege will be valid from September 1. An application filled out after September 15 and before September 30 entitles you to free travel on electric trains from October 1. The application must be filled out in person or electronically on the state service portal.

    What does a pensioner need for free travel in 2020?

    • Military retirees;
    • Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, if they are entitled to a pension based on full length of service. Receipt of this benefit is regulated at the regional level, so for detailed information you need to contact the social protection service at your place of residence. In addition to travel on public transport, pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs may be entitled to compensation for travel to and from the place of treatment;

    Pensioners living in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region also have a number of benefits for traveling in suburban electric transport.

    Travel is not free (except for the 2018 summer program), but its cost can be called symbolic:

    New benefits: pensioners in Moscow and the Moscow region can travel free on commuter trains from August 1

    If a disabled child enrolls in a college or university, the benefit for free travel on commuter rail will remain for one of the parents until the child reaches 23 years of age. It applies to the student’s parents during the period of his studies in secondary vocational and higher education programs (bachelor’s, specialist’s or master’s degrees) from 18 to 23 years of age.

    Only social card. You need to go to the suburban ticket office at the railway station, where the card will be encoded in a special way. After this, you can issue a free ticket using a social card at any suburban station ticket office or using ticket printing machines.

    From May 1, buses will transport pensioners over 75 years of age free of charge

    According to him, a permanent benefit on bus routes is provided by the carrier ATP Bars-2. “The carrier notified us on March 27 that he intends to transport seniors free of charge from May 1,” Prisyazhnyuk explained. The official clarified that to confirm the right to free travel it will be necessary to present a passport or a copy of it.

    The Piteravto holding company joined the action of carrier companies that offered to carry people over 75 years of age on buses for free starting in May, notifying the Leningrad Region Transport Administration of its readiness to provide preferential travel starting April 1.


    What benefits are provided for labor veterans in St. Petersburg?

    Taking care of labor veterans lies entirely with the regional authorities. In St. Petersburg, this category of residents is provided with various social benefits that reduce their expenses for everyday needs. They are partially compensated for housing costs, travel on city and suburban transport, and low-income veterans are given the right to free dental prosthetics. In addition, they receive a monthly pension supplement from the city budget.

    • an application written in a certain form (in content it is similar to an application for payment of EDV);
    • veteran's ID;
    • passport of a Russian citizen;
    • Form-9 – indicating family composition;
    • pension certificate;
    • Form-7 or passport for an apartment (or other residential premises);
    • a copy of the payment receipt for the previous month;
    • agreement on the free use of specialized residential premises (if such is the case).

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    Benefits for residents of besieged Leningrad

    The list of relaxations for this category of the population is similar to other groups, but for them it has been expanded, and the amount of cash payments has been increased. Thus, if the remaining categories of pensioners are entitled to an EDV in the amount of 450 rubles, blockade survivors receive more than 2,000. If the rest of the groups of persons entitled to this privilege recalculate on January 1 annually, payments to this group are indexed on April 1 annually.

    A cash payment in the established amount can be transferred only in case of refusal of other benefits entitled to citizens. The current procedure for providing social assistance provides for the possibility of complete or partial refusal to receive benefits and privileges in exchange for their monetization. If a pensioner partially refuses benefits, the EDV is recalculated and reduced by the appropriate amount. As for the benefits directly for blockade survivors, in addition to the list for other groups of pensioners, they also have the right to:

    • receiving free medications according to a doctor’s prescription, as well as receiving special health-improving nutrition for disabled children;
    • provision of a voucher to a medical and recreational institution (sanatorium). Every “blockade survivor” has the right to this benefit if there are appropriate indications confirmed by a document from a medical institution;
    • payment for transport to a medical treatment facility and back if you have a voucher.

    If a blockade survivor does not need the listed benefits (or at least one of them), he can go to the Pension Fund office at his place of residence and write a statement of refusal. The following documents are attached to it:

    1. Original and photocopy of the applicant's passport.
    2. Original and photocopy of pension certificate.
    3. Certificate for the sign “Resident of besieged Leningrad”.

    It is possible that the Pension Fund will require additional paperwork, be sure to take this into account.

    So, we looked at the main benefits and financial payments to pensioners in St. Petersburg. In addition to them, there are a number of less significant concessions, for example, free entry to museums, theaters, and other cultural institutions. The pensioner has the right to refuse each of the concessions, replacing them with a monthly cash payment that will be attached to the pension.

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