Current calculator for calculating military pensions

It is extremely important for any serviceman to understand what his future “military” pension depends on - this allows him to “earn” it to the maximum extent. The amount of pension for military pensioners has changed in 2020, and it is important for many to clarify its value. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to know the exact formula for calculation - online military pension calculators existing on the Internet allow you to calculate its value accurate to the ruble. This article also gives everyone the opportunity to calculate the size of various “military” pensions using a similar online calculator, and at the same time explains in detail what data is needed for such a calculation, gives an example of calculating a “military” pension for long service and provides statistics on average pension payments for servicemen of various military ranks leaving the army.

The calculator does not take into account regional additional payments, Presidential allowances and disability payments. If you have any suggestions or comments regarding the operation of the calculator, please write about it in the comments at the end of the article.

Military pension calculator from October 1, 2020

Starting in January 2020, the incomes of those who served in law enforcement agencies will increase.
Their current payments will increase by a fixed rate of 2%, due to a change in the reduction factor. In addition, the amount of the second military pension – old-age insurance accruals – will also increase. This type of assistance will be increased automatically during the current indexation. It is planned to increase insurance pensions by 6%. It is worth noting that this applies only to those who do not officially work - employed persons do not receive these payments. Financing, and accordingly, increase, comes from the country’s Pension Fund.

In the spring of this year, the President of the country made an important decision that allowed for a systematic increase in allowances for pensioners - the freeze on the reduction coefficient was finally lifted. This value is the basic indicator used when carrying out indexation charges. Over the past three years, its growth has been temporarily stopped, and until this point, starting in 2012, the indicator increased by 2 points annually.

The latest news from the Duma promises an increase in pensions by 4% from 2020 in relation to the amounts current for 2020. The total reduction factor will be 75.15%. Additionally, citizens who served in state military bodies will receive an increase in assistance by 3.8% due to indexation. The increase will occur against the backdrop of rising wages for military personnel. Funds for these activities are included in the draft budget.

Removing the freeze on the reduction factor (hereinafter referred to as the test - KP) gives favorable forecasts for further improvement in the standard of living of older citizens who have dedicated their working career to service in military structures. Thus, in 2035 their income will double compared to current ones.

For reference! It is planned to preserve the opportunity for persons who have reached retirement age, but are still in the service, to apply for pension assistance from federal funds for their length of service.

The Federal Budget for the specified reporting period includes funds that allow for only a three percent indexation of military pension payments. The Defense Department considered this scheme ineffective and petitioned the State Duma to change certain items of the draft budget. The position of the security forces is this: the indexation amount should be increased by another 2 points and, accordingly, amount to 5% of the allowance of a military pensioner.

The following algorithm of actions is proposed:

  • already from January, ensure an increase in the reduction coefficient to 75.16%. This step automatically increases payments by 2%, which is fully consistent with the Presidential decision enshrined in Decree No. 604 of 2012;
  • carry out 3% indexation in October 2020, as is included in the federal project.

According to the regulatory documents regulating the procedure for calculating pensions for military personnel, indexation will not be carried out in January 2020. Payments will begin to increase, taking into account the growth of the CP, only from October.

In addition to the pension provided by law, this category of citizens will be able to replenish the budget in the new year through additional charges. Supplements will be applied based on the following indicators:

  • the amount of pay for a military personnel at a specific point in time;
  • according to calculated measurements.

In the first case, the allowance will apply to persons who were injured in the performance of their official duty, or suffered a serious illness during their years of service. Note! In this case, a person not only must have one of the disability groups, but is also obliged to regularly confirm this fact with a medical report.

In 2020, the additional payment, in addition to disability benefits for them, depending on the group, will be as follows:

  • 1, 2 – for wounds and mutilations – 85% of the amount of allowance current at the time of his military service;
  • 3rd disability group - under similar conditions - 50% of the salary;
  • people who have become disabled due to illness. The first and second groups will receive an additional 75% of the allowance, the third - 40%, respectively.

Let's consider another situation. Let’s say a person has already earned a long-service pension, but during this period he acquired an injury that led to disability. In addition to the status pension provided to him by law, he will receive one of the bonuses:

  • Group 1 – three calculated pensions;
  • Group 2 – two;
  • Group 3 – additionally one settlement.

The estimated amount should be understood as a monetary subsidy, the amount of which does not depend on length of service or military service. From spring 2019 this amount is 5284 rubles.

Now about the coefficients. When recalculating accruals, they will be applied to the following categories:

  • participants in hostilities;
  • persons who served in the Northern regions within the time limits regulated by regulations;
  • having orders and government awards;
  • WWII participants;
  • citizens whose age is above 80 years.

The latest news about increasing pensions for military pensioners in 2020 suggests that this profession is still held in high esteem by the state, and the level of payments will increase.

In the near future, the government does not intend to reduce pension benefits in this industry, and has allocated an additional 600 billion rubles for 2020-2022. to increase the percentage of indexation due to the inflationary component and the increase in the allowance ratio.

In May, Vladimir Putin lifted the freeze on the increase in the reduction coefficient by 2% annually, but there is no talk yet of a complete restoration of the calculation index to the level of 100% of monetary allowance. Let us remember that in 2012

In order to save budget funds, a lowering index was introduced for calculating pension benefits; initially it was 54% of the amount of pay for working officers and was supposed to grow by no less than 2% annually. By 2020

it grew to 72.23% and the State Duma froze further increases, which resulted in a decrease in the prestige of the profession and staff turnover. Since the industry is a priority, the President restored the growth of the reduction coefficient by 2% annually until 2022.

, if this index continues to increase, then by 2035. pensioners will receive 100% of their salary.

The increase in contributions from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for former defenders of the fatherland will be from 5.8% in 2020, this may not be the figure that retired officers were counting on, but in general their income remains significantly higher than that of ordinary citizens, and in addition for them There is a number of other positive news:

  • pensions for employees of the Ministry of Defense, police, FSB and other services will not be replaced with social assistance in the next 36 months;
  • the opportunity to receive a second civil payment will remain;
  • indexing will take place according to the current algorithm;
  • length of service does not increase;
  • the current calculation procedure is not cancelled.

Serving in the Armed Forces of the country is not only patriotic, but also prestigious. Today, military personnel and their families have increased pay, social benefits, and the right to priority housing. And what about those who have already served their allotted time for the good of their homeland and are on a well-deserved rest? What awaits military retirees in 2020 is the topic of this article.

In 2020, pensions are expected to increase for citizens dismissed from military or equivalent service - employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Russian Guard, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Penitentiary Service, and so on.

Pension increase in 2020 - latest news

The question of recalculating monetary compensation for military pensioners remains only partially open. The fact is that its indexation has already been officially approved, funds have been allocated in the federal budget, and an increase is expected not from January 1, 2020, but from October of this year.

How the indexation of military pensions will take place starting this fall has also become known. The recalculation will be partial - the pension salary itself will increase, but various pension bonuses will be paid in the same amount. These include bonuses for length of service and service in the regions of the Far North.

In addition, unlike civilians, indexation of pay and pension payments to military personnel does not occur as often, and the latest indexation did not cover the increase in consumer prices.

The federal budget allocated funds for the indexation of military pensions for three years in advance, and the total amount amounted to 603 billion rubles. And if in 2020 122.4 billion rubles will be spent on paying military pensions, then in the next two years the amount will almost double.

At the same time, the right of a military pensioner to also receive a civilian pension from the Pension Fund remains in force (remember that funds for paying a military pension come from the budget allocated for the Ministry of Defense).

Military pensioners living in the capital can receive an additional bonus for pensions of less than 17.5 thousand rubles to increase their consumption power, taking into account Moscow realities. A prerequisite for this is residence in the capital for the last 10 years.

In addition, the city authorities have established certain benefits for military pensioners. Additional payments are provided for disabled people and military veterans. In addition, benefits will also be paid to family members.

Indexation of pensions for military pensioners will be carried out according to generally accepted standards, and the level of the bonus is regulated by the provisions of Bill No. 802503-7 “On the Federal Budget”.

According to the latest news, the pension increase expected this year should cover the level of inflation. According to preliminary data, from October 1, 2020, the size of military pensions will increase by 3-3.8%. For this purpose, the state budget has already set aside an amount of 113.5 billion rubles for the indexation of military benefits based on length of service.

Representatives of the Ministry of Finance reported that after increasing pension accruals, their size, on average, should reach the following indicators:

  1. For military personnel belonging to the Ministry of Defense - 26,200 rubles;
  2. For FSB employees – 30,000 rubles;
  3. For police officers, as well as retired police officers – 17,000 rubles.

IMPORTANT! At the same time, parliament representatives reported to the head of state that today the level of pension provision for military personnel is underestimated by approximately 20%. This incident happened due to an indexing “freeze” that lasted for several years.

The procedure for providing pensions to military personnel is regulated by Federal Law No. 166 and Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1, which set out not only the deadlines for retirement, but also the requirements that must be met by citizens in order to receive the appropriate state payment. So, in 2020, this type of pension will be provided to military personnel who have reached the age of 45 and fulfilled the following conditions:

  • The duration of service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation must be at least 12 years;
  • The total insurance experience exceeds 25 years;
  • Dismissal from the army occurred due to loss of the required level of health, reaching retirement age, or due to the liquidation of the department.

IMPORTANT! Military personnel who have served for the benefit of the Motherland for at least 20 years have the right to receive a military pension without complying with the above requirements.

The amount of pension benefits for some military personnel is subject to adjustment at the beginning of April 2020. This procedure will be carried out in relation to citizens who have the right to receive material benefits of a social nature. This year, an indexation of 7% is planned, which will affect the following types of pensions provided to military personnel:

  1. Benefit paid after age 80;
  2. Pension provision for disabled people of group 1;
  3. Financial assistance if you have dependents;
  4. Payments for the status “Combat Veteran”;
  5. Participants of the Second World War without disabilities;
  6. Payments for disability caused by an injury received during service. Finance is provided to men and women upon reaching 60 and 55 years of age, respectively.

What documents need to be submitted to the Pension Fund

Military personnel aspiring to a decent financial future must take care of increasing their pensions not only through savings. This is possible if you focus your attention on the results of combat and physical training, and take part in combat operations more often.

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In more detail, we are talking about:

  • About fulfilling the standards, thanks to which you can earn a class category. The highest class - master - gives an increase in bonus by 30%, III class - only 5%.
  • About passing two tests on the level of physical fitness. If the result is excellent, then you can claim 70% of the base salary.
  • On temporary performance of duties for a higher vacant position. Registration by order for a higher position, even if the proper rank is missing, will increase the level of pension.

It is quite easy to calculate the size of the second pension - it will be calculated in points, and its amount will be equal to the number of points multiplied by their value (which is determined by the payment establishment number).

Thus, the size largely depends on the number of points accumulated. Their accumulation occurs due to an increase in the length of work experience and the amount of official wages.

The list of requested documents includes:

  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • a document confirming the transfer of the basic (military) pension;
  • employment history;
  • a document indicating length of service not recorded as official;
  • certificate from place of work;
  • a document confirming the presence of minor children, dependents, and children studying at universities and under 23 years of age.

Citizens' requests for a civil pension are considered if the following documents are available:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (can be replaced by another registration document);
  • SNILS (insurance certificate card);
  • Pension certificate of a military pensioner or a document replacing it;
  • Work book;
  • If you have work experience that was available before the date of registration in the Union of Right Forces, but not taken into account in the work book, a certificate from the archives or from the employer;
  • If you have experience before 2002 - a certificate of salary for 60 consecutive months;
  • Information with supporting documents about dependents.

Important: additions and changes are made every year, add this article to the social network (links below) and monitor the situation.

How much will military pensions increase in 2020?

Since the State Duma ignored the dissatisfaction of the military and adopted a budget with a “frozen” coefficient, one cannot expect an increase in payments relative to monetary allowances. There remains one tool for increasing pensions for security forces - indexation for inflation.

Here the parliamentary corps showed optimism and included inflation of 3% in the budget for 2020. Previously, an adjustment of 3.8% was expected.

The deputies also showed understanding regarding the indignation about the postponement of the increase in the reduction coefficient. They returned the indexation date to January 1st. However, since the size of the coefficient remains unchanged, in 2020 the 2% increase in pensions will not occur in January rather than in October.

Taking into account the fact that the indexation of salaries of active military personnel is carried out not from the beginning of the year, but in the first month of the 4th quarter, the real increase in military pensions in 2020 will be 0.75% in annual terms. This is the minimum growth over the past few years.

The Ministry of Finance believes that the growth of pensions for security forces shows stable positive dynamics. From 10,600 rubles in 2011, payments will rise to 26,700 rubles in 2020. An increase of 2.6 times over 9 years.

New look of the armed forces

I do not understand you. In 1991, the USSR was defeated in the Cold War. In the USA they even issued awards in honor of this. And in 1993, “A group of implementers, financed by the US Agency for International Development, “for some reason” participated in the development of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Part I of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.” Thus, the victorious country, the United States, created a new state with a colonial regime of governance and a colonial system of governance. With the system of laws (starting with the Constitution of 1993), this is usually the case in history. Now think about it: would real USSR pensions be paid to Wehrmacht soldiers who lost in the Second World War?

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If in the USSR my husband and I were protected, then in this country we found ourselves on the brink of poverty all these past years. We were not paid insurance payments for my husband’s military injury, since the documents on the military injury remained safely in the archives until 2004. Special thanks to the head of one of the archive departments, who himself served on the borders of the country, and did not sit out like archive employees who were indifferent to the problems of military pensioners. Only thanks to this decent person, which is rare in modern Russia, we were able to formalize a war injury. And modern pensions, I myself am a civil servant with a civil service pension just above 10.0 thousand rubles - this is a humiliation! Equalization for those who actively worked and those who had the opportunity to hide their real income.

Is it planned to cancel the military pension?

Rumors about the abolition of monthly pension payments with a one-time monetary compensation to military personnel upon dismissal still remain rumors. Somewhere in the depths of government offices such developments are underway, but no specific proposals have been received by the State Duma.

It is assumed that significant monetary compensation will provide an opportunity for a still young and vigorous man to obtain a sought-after civilian profession. After resting for 2-3 years at home, the former military man will continue to work. Further pension provision will be financed by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the general manner, with mandatory credit for service.

Somewhat contrary to the vigorous plans for civilian military pensioners, the service age limit was raised by 5 years. The average command staff will be able to retire at 50 years old. Will a man have time to earn a civil pension if he still has to get a new profession? No answer.

According to currently available information, cancellation of this category of payments is not provided. These rumors are provoked by the Government’s idea to completely cancel the preferential principle of calculating pension payments. Various projects offering alternative options are regularly submitted to the Duma for consideration, but there is no single solution yet.

Laws of the Russian Federation 2020-2020

From the beginning of this year, those whose experience exceeds the minimum up to 1 year can count on this (5% increase), if exceeding up to 2 years - 10%, and a maximum of 70% is available for those whose experience exceeds the minimum by 25 years. To find out the approximate amount of payments, you can use a military pension calculator.

When using the calculator, a person will have the opportunity to roughly become familiar with the principles of calculating pension payments. With the help of calculations, you can understand the principle of how salary increases or decreases, preferential length of service, as well as bonuses for length of service.

Let's sum it up

  • Military pensions in 2020 will be increased by 3% in October.
  • There is a taboo on increasing the reduction factor until January 1, 2021. The budget was adopted in the second reading. The likelihood of adjustments is negligible.
  • In fact: military pensioners will receive a constant pension from October 1, 2020 to October 1, 2020.
  • Those receiving a civil pension can expect an increase from 1 January. Their payment will be indexed by 6.6%.
  • There are no large-scale changes in the pension provision of law enforcement agencies planned for 2020.

Methods for issuing funds

One of the following items can be selected as a transfer option:

  • receiving cash at the post office;
  • delivery of funds by a postal employee;
  • crediting to a bank card account;
  • delivery of payments to employees of special companies.

Thus, it is quite easy to calculate the amount of the second pension for military pensioners, and the procedure for registering it will not cause any difficulties. Pensioners can receive payments in any way convenient for themselves.

Will the increase affect working military pensioners?

How much will the incomes of those who served in military structures increase? This question is one of the most pressing for former security officials. So, the percentage increase over the years will look like this.

The current, planned by the government, indexation of the amount of monetary support - based on the fact that inflation processes have an annual upward trend, the cost of essential goods, accordingly, also increases, the salaries of military personnel will be indexed to the inflation index. Next, the pension benefit will be determined from the resulting value. The indexation indicator by year, in relation to the current period, will be:

  • 2020 – growth by 4.3%;
  • 2021 – growth by 4%.

A change in the CP by which the cash allowance will be multiplied will also work to increase and amount to:

  • 2020 – 75,15%;
  • 2021 – 76,66%.

For comparison, the same indicator remained constant throughout the period from 2020 to 2020 at 72.23%, and in October of this year it increased by another 2 points and amounted to 73.6%, respectively.

The following categories of persons will be able to count on growth in their income:

  • organizations that are part of the country's Ministry of Defense;
  • FSB officers;
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs and its divisions;
  • drug control authorities;
  • fire departments;
  • Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • retired employees of the Russian Guard;
  • employees of the correctional service.

If we consider the statistics of increases not in percentage terms, but in more tangible figures, then with reference to a specific category of pensioners, the growth of payments will increase as follows:

  • persons who retired due to length of service from the Ministry of Defense - on average 1,500 thousand rubles. Thus, their approximate pension will be around 25,000 rubles;
  • FSB employees will receive on average 1,700 more, while their benefit will be about 30,000;
  • Police officers will receive within 17,000 rubles, taking into account the increase.

The incomes will increase the most for WWII Veterans - now the PC will not be applied to them - their pensions will be equal to the salary of an officer of the corresponding rank. The first stage of such an increase has already occurred in the spring of this year, thanks to which the pensions of military veterans have increased by 28%.

The government has determined how much the pensions of military pensioners will be increased. We were talking about an increase and an equal increase in the pay of military personnel (and persons equated to them). That is, an increase of 4.3% was expected. However, the President instructed to find an opportunity to increase the pension by another 2%, that is, the increase should have been 6.3%.

Due to the fact that a military pension is inseparable from salary, the Government had only 2 options. In the first case, pay would have to be increased for all military personnel by 6.3%. But such a burden on the country's budget is too serious. Therefore, the authorities took the second path - increasing the reduction coefficient. It was decided to change the reduction factor to 0.7368. This is what will provide the necessary 6.3% increase in pensions.

In monetary terms, this will allow a retired military pensioner to receive an additional 1.5 thousand rubles. based on the average pension. According to statistics, military pensioners receive an average of 24,000 rubles. But starting in the fall, this figure will increase to 25,500 rubles.

The increase in military pensions is planned for the fall of 2020, or more precisely, in October. Consequently, it is then that every pensioner will be able to find out exactly how much military pensions will be increased specifically in his situation. After all, not all former military personnel have an average pension. For the most part, citizens receive 12-15 thousand rubles, depending on their position and rank.

But with such a pension, the increase will be a rather modest 750-950 rubles. And yet, for a military pensioner receiving a small monthly allowance, such an increase is quite significant for the budget. In addition to the benefits provided, the financial situation of the pensioner will improve slightly.

Calculation example

For a better understanding of the procedure, you can consider a specific example.

The armed forces employee graduated from service in 2007, after which he took an official job in a civilian organization.

After nine years, he reaches retirement age and can receive legal benefits. During this time, his average salary was 28,000 rubles, and therefore 483,840 rubles were transferred to the Pension Fund.

It turns out that 53,760 rubles were transferred per year, and by 2020 the contribution base will be 127,360 rubles. Points are calculated by the ratio of annual contributions to the size of the base, multiplied by ten and the number of years: (53.760/127.360)*10*9=37.98 – the amount of accumulated points for the period of professional activity after retirement.

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What does reduction factor mean?

Taking into account part of the salary - a reduction factor - has been used for the last seven years in the process of calculating pensions for retired military personnel. The introduction of this indicator is regulated by current legislation. So, since 2012, this value has been established at 0.54%. The Government plans to annually increase the level by a fixed 2 points until the reduction coefficient reaches 100%.

Unfortunately, in practice everything looks different so far. Over the following year, PC increased only to 0.7368%. In 2020, the indicator will not be unfrozen - no planned increases are expected during this period.

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So, there will be no planned increase in military pensions in the classical sense of this mechanism in 2020. The government only guarantees indexation. The principle and amount of charges will not change yet. As a result, the increase for this category of recipients will be less than for holders of civil insurance pensions.

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