There are no plans to increase pensions from June 1, 2020

The pension should double the inflation rate, that is, increase by 1 thousand rubles compared to the current increase of 3.5-4%, which is approximately 500 rubles. This opinion was expressed on Monday by the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin at a meeting of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes.

“It seems to us that a 4% increase in pensions is very small, but it is comparable to inflation. We have planned an increase at twice the rate of inflation. It will be 1,000 rubles, about 7%,” the minister said.

He clarified that this year pensions were indexed by 3.7% with inflation of 2.5%. “This has never happened in the past,” Topilin emphasized.

On June 16, the Russian government submitted to the State Duma a package of bills on changes to the pension system. They provide for a gradual increase in the retirement age to 65 years for men (by 2028) and to 63 years for women (by 2034). The increase is proposed to be carried out in stages from 2020. Currently, the retirement age for men and women is 60 and 55 years, respectively.

It is planned that the document will be considered before the end of the spring session (until the end of July) in the first reading. According to Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matvienko, the law on pension changes will be adopted this fall. Raising the retirement age does not affect current pensioners—about 46.5 million people. They will continue to receive all pension and social benefits previously assigned to them.

The increase in pensions for non-working pensioners in 2020 will be 1000 rubles

The Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Finance are analyzing the opportunities that may arise for pension provision for citizens in the light of the planned pension reform. According to officials, the indexation of pensions for non-working pensioners in 2020 will be at least 7%.

Forecasts of the Ministry of Labor

The Ministry of Labor is currently making forecasts for pensions until 2024, taking into account primarily the proposed pension reform.

“We proceed from the fact that the indexation of pensions for non-working pensioners will be based on an average, as we said, of 1 thousand rubles, this will mean an annual increase of 12 thousand…. As for 2020, indexation will be at least 7% - this is a 7% increase in pensions for non-working pensioners,” said the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin.

Topilin emphasized that for now his department is exclusively engaged in calculations, focusing on current realities. According to estimates by the Russian Labor Department, in 2024 pensions will average 24 thousand rubles.

The pension reform, we recall, involves increasing the retirement age to 63 years (from 55) for women and to 65 for men. According to the government’s plans, the process will proceed in small steps: for women, this period will stretch until 2034.

The government is working on the issue of modernizing the pension indexation system so that, regardless of the timing of indexation, the total annual income of pensioners is equal to the level specified by the government. This was stated by Deputy Head of the Ministry of Labor Andrei Pudov at an extended meeting of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy.

According to current legislation, pensions in Russia are indexed twice a year: from February 1 - to the inflation level of the previous year, and from April 1 - taking into account the increase in the cost of living. The head of the Russian government, Dmitry Medvedev, previously stated that taking into account the increase in the retirement age in 2020, the average pension will increase by approximately 1 thousand rubles per month, and annual income will increase by 12 thousand rubles.

During the committee meeting, the participants in the discussion expressed fears that if the average pension increases by 1 thousand rubles only after the second indexation in April, then the announced annual income of 12 thousand rubles will not be achieved.

“We are considering issues of modernizing the procedure for indexing pensions,” Pudov said, answering a corresponding question.

Pudov did not voice the proposals being developed, but explained that indexation will take place in such a way that annual income with an average pension of 14 thousand rubles in 2020 will increase by 12 thousand rubles in any case. That is, regardless of the indexation time, the average annual income of a pensioner will increase from 168 thousand rubles in 2018 to 180 thousand in 2020.

Subject to the successful implementation of the pension reform with retirement periods of 65 and 63 years, Russians are promised an increase in pensions to 34,000 rubles

The Ministry of Labor has named the maximum possible pension size
After raising the retirement age in Russia, it will be possible to provide an insurance pension at the level of 40% of average earnings, a maximum of just over 30,000 rubles, Interfax reports with reference to a statement by Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection Andrei Pudov.

According to him, the Ministry of Labor carried out calculations and coordinated them with the International Labor Organization. These calculations allow us to say that “we will meet the minimum social standard of 40% of the replacement rate of individual earnings for an individual pension.” “Even for high-income groups,” he added.

The “ceiling” for calculating pensions will be the maximum value of the base for calculating insurance premiums - 1,021,000 rubles. in year. This amount corresponds to an employee’s monthly salary of about 85,000 rubles. In this case, the maximum possible old-age insurance pension (40% of earnings) will be approximately RUB 34,000.

Pudov noted that to calculate the pension, earnings are taken throughout one’s life, and not for a certain period of time. Therefore, the base for calculating pensions is smaller. On average in the country, the average monthly salary is about 40,000 rubles, which should correspond to a pension (40% of earnings) of 16,000 rubles.

Starting next year, pensions will grow at a faster rate. The growth of pensions at the level of about a thousand rubles per year will be laid down in the law

The growth of pensions at the level of about a thousand rubles per year, provided for from 2020, will be laid down in the law; a bill on the volume of indexation of pensions for non-working pensioners will be submitted to the government simultaneously with the federal budget, said Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin.

He recalled that pensions will be increased by 1 thousand rubles a year from 2020, and in 2024 it is planned to reach pension parameters of about 20 thousand.

“These are the parameters that are provided, and they will be recorded in government documents. Accordingly, then they will be discussed in the State Duma for the second reading (of the bill on amending pension legislation - ed.), We will find a place in the legislation that currently does not provide for these positions,” Topilin said during the zero reading of the draft federal law “On Amendments” to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on issues of assignment and payment of pensions” in the Public Chamber.

Earlier, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that the government proposes to raise the retirement age to 65 years for men and to 63 years for women. The process will be gradual and will begin in 2020. The government introduced the relevant bills to the State Duma after their consideration at a meeting of the Russian Tripartite Commission (RTC) for the regulation of social and labor relations. The regions of the Russian Federation must discuss a draft amendment to pension legislation by July 17. First Deputy Speaker of the Lower House Alexander Zhukov previously said that the bill would pass the second and third, final readings in the State Duma in the fall.

The Cabinet of Ministers bill notes that this initiative will create conditions for annual indexation of pensions above the inflation rate with the balance and long-term financial sustainability of the Russian pension system as a whole.

Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said at a meeting of the RTK that changes in the field of pension legislation and taxation should provide a new quality of economic growth for the country and improve the standard of living of citizens. According to him, the pension bill is designed to increase real pensions in the country. All funds received through its implementation will go to social spheres, with special emphasis on healthcare.

According to the head of Sberbank, German Gref, the proposed changes will help pensions achieve a decent level. According to the head of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Alexei Kudrin, raising the retirement age will save the Russian budget 1 trillion rubles a year from 2024, and the authorities will use a significant part of these funds to increase pensions. President of the Association of Non-State Pension Funds (ANPF) Sergei Belyakov said that the decision to raise the retirement age is overdue; this need is associated with fundamentally changed demographic trends and the age structure of the population in the Russian Federation.

Indexation in 2020 in Russia for those who are already retired will be carried out with significant changes

compared to previous years.
According to the Government’s plans, in addition to the usual annual increase in pensions for non-working pensioners from February 1 by the amount of inflation
, in 2020 it is planned to carry out additional indexation
from April 1 in accordance with the income of the Pension Fund
As a result of this, the Government plans to increase the monthly incomes of non-working pensioners in 2020 by an average of 1,000 rubles (that is, in total for the year the total increase will be 12,000 rubles). does not plan
to index pensions for working pensioners in 2020 (for reasons of economy, it has not been carried out since 2020).
All missed promotions for this category of citizens are taken into account only after dismissal.


On October 31, 2018, a bill was sent to the State Duma to increase the minimum wage from January 1, 2019 to 25 thousand rubles. The project was developed by deputies. It is believed that the minimum wage will be equal to the subsistence level of capable citizens of the Russian Federation, the amount of which will not be less than 25 thousand rubles.

It is worth considering that among the documents there is also a negative decision of the Government of the Russian Federation.

This year, pensions of unemployed senior citizens will increase on average by 1 thousand rubles. every month. That is, for 1 year the pensioner will be paid an additional 12,000 rubles, as reported by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Indexation of pensions in 2020

To fulfill the task of increasing citizens' incomes set by Vladimir Putin to the Government, from 2020 it is planned to increase pensions at a rate exceeding the inflation rate

annual increase of 1,000 rubles as a guideline .

In 2020, relative to the current average pension in Russia (more than 14 thousand rubles), this amount corresponds to an increase of 7%

(with a projected annual inflation of 3-4%).
It is assumed that this rate of “twice as high as inflation” will be maintained in subsequent years, due to which by 2024 the average pension benefit for Russians will be 20 thousand rubles
. (35% increase compared to 2020).

Now, according to the law, pensions for non-working pensioners are indexed annually no less than by the amount of inflation

The possibility of an additional increase in 2020 and its increase above inflation will be based, first of all, on savings (reduction of Pension Fund expenses) due to an increase in the retirement age. The Government has repeatedly noted that all funds released as a result of the planned pension reform will be used directly for payments to pensioners
As the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin noted, this possibility is already provided for by law, so no additional changes will be required to the pension legislation - it will only be necessary to adjust the draft budget of the Pension Fund for 2019
. Pension increase in 2020 for non-working pensioners

As noted earlier, the Cabinet of Ministers plans to adjust the traditional procedure for indexing pensions and increase them in 2019 by a total of 7%

, i.e. higher than the inflation rate over the past year. This solution will provide a monthly increase of an average of 1000 rubles. relative to 2020 (which in total will increase the income of pensioners by 12,000 rubles per year).

At the same time, the indexation of payments planned for 2020 will occur in 2 stages:
From February 1
, as usual, an increase is made depending on the level of inflation over the past year - it is by this value that the fixed payment to the insurance pension and the value of the pension coefficient are indexed.
It is predicted that inflation at the end of 2020 will be about 3% - therefore, from February 1, 2020, payments will be increased by approximately 3%
From April 1,
the law provides for additional indexation to the insurance pension, depending on the income of the Pension Fund for the past year (that is, it is carried out if there are funds left in the Pension Fund budget for this).
In previous years, such a repeated increase was not carried out, but from April 1, 2020, the Government plans to increase payments to 7%
(i.e., by another 4% relative to the February increase), which should give a total increase of 1,000 rubles.
Such an increase in pensions will be carried out only for non-working citizens
- for pensioners who continue to work, indexation will still not be carried out.

It is worth noting that the increases planned for 2020 will be made from funds that will be released as a result of the pension reform - in particular, from the savings obtained as a result of raising the retirement age

Increasing pensions by 1,000 rubles per month
The government-planned gradual increase in the retirement age from 2020 will reduce the burden on the pension system, and the additional resources extracted from this are planned to be used to increase the pensions of current pensioners by at least 7%

, as a result of which:
The average size of the insurance pension as a result of the planned indexation will be increased by 7%
and will amount to 15.4 thousand rubles.
(by the end of 2020, its average value in the Russian Federation is projected to be 14.4 thousand rubles.) Thus, pensioners will receive an increase in their pension by an average of 1000 rubles.
, which in annual terms will increase their material support by 12 thousand rubles.

It should be noted that this increase is 1 thousand rubles

is obtained as a result of increasing the pension
in two stages:
From February 1, 2020, insurance pensions will be increased to the level of last year’s inflation.
According to forecasts of the Ministry of Economic Development, by the end of 2018, inflation is expected to be at 3%
As a result, the average pension benefit for Russians will be 14,846 rubles, i.e. in February the increase will be approximately 432 rubles.
The remaining
568 rubles.
up to the average increase of 1000 rubles announced by the Government.
will be added as a result of additional indexing from April 1, 2019. However, the head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov does not rule out that due to the planned increase in VAT from 18% to 20%, inflation in 2018 could reach 4.5%
Therefore, the February increase in 2020 could be 640 rubles, and the additional payment from April 1 will be only 2.4%
- i.e. on average 360 ​​rub.

What can working retirees expect?

Citizens who continue to work after the appointment of old-age benefits can also hope for an increase. But this will happen no earlier than August 1, 2021.

The increase in payments will be due to the recalculation of the IPC. But this applies only to people who are officially employed. That is, if the accounting department of an enterprise or factory makes contributions to the Pension Fund for its employee, he will receive this recalculation.

A working pensioner can receive only 3 points per year. This provision is specified in the law.

For people working on “gray” wages, as well as the self-employed, this increase does not threaten. Such citizens are retired. So they are owed the same 6.3% since the beginning of the year.

OSAGO: mandatory technical inspections are returning

The benefit for motorists, which provided the opportunity to obtain a compulsory motor liability insurance policy without a technical inspection, is being cancelled. Please note that mandatory inspections have been temporarily canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic. But starting from September 30, a compulsory MTPL insurance policy can be purchased only after passing a technical inspection, and the rules for conducting maintenance will gradually become stricter.

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