Federal Pension Service pensions increase in 2020 latest news yesterday

The latest news from the State Duma of the Russian Federation has been a constant source of concern for employees and retirees of the Federal Penitentiary Service. In light of the proposed reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the transfer of the Federal Penitentiary Service to its jurisdiction in 2020, the question of increasing salaries and pensions remained open. According to information provided not just yesterday, according to journalists, confirmed by sources in the FSB and the presidential administration, the transfer of the security structure to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been canceled for now. This decision was made at the October Security Council by the President, who carefully listened to the reports of the Ministers of Justice and Internal Affairs.

Future Prospects

Today, FSIN pensions belong to the category of military pensions and are provided after 20 years of service in the department. The length of service also includes service in the Russian Army, study at a specialized university, and even military training. For employees of the department, there is even the possibility of receiving a pension for disability received in the public service upon reaching the general retirement age or dismissal due to staff reduction if they have 12.5 years of work.

A 45-year-old employee can retire if he has 25 years of total service. And this is quite real. It is not yet worth expecting an increase in the retirement age in 2020, nor, indeed, a significant increase in pension payments.

There is information only about increasing the required professional length of service to 25 years already in 2020, but experts believe that this will happen gradually, since the system is interested in this power structure. FSIN pensions are paid directly from the federal budget, therefore, in fact, they have remained unchanged for three years. The last increase was carried out in 2020, and even before the 2020 elections, the indexation of 4% did not cover the official inflation rate.

A 45-year-old employee can retire with 25 years of service

What documents are needed

To apply for a long-service pension benefit, a FSIN employee needs to collect the following package of documents:

  • Application for a pension. You can view a sample of it by following this link.
  • A copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (for foreigners - residence permit);
  • Conclusion of the Military Medical Commission (military medical commission);
  • A copy of the work book with all entries;
  • A copy of the dismissal order;
  • Cash certificate.

To obtain insurance coverage, you need to provide the following list of documents:

  • Application for a pension. You can find a sample of it above;
  • SNILS;
  • A copy of the work book with all entries;
  • Employment contracts.

If necessary, the institution may request additional documents.

Why was the FSIN reform postponed?

The latest news claims that there will be no merger with the Ministry of Internal Affairs next year, and news from the Duma only confirms this. According to the President of the Russian Federation, the Russian Federation cannot carry it out because of its obligations to the Council of Europe, the essence of which is to separate the penal service from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and transfer it to the Ministry of Justice.

There is also information, which has not been circulating since yesterday, about the separation of the FSIN service into a separate structure and its removal from the control of the Ministry of Justice.

The latest news from the Duma contains a mention of strengthening supervision by the Prosecutor's Office and the FSB over the activities of employees and entities in connection with the revealed facts of torture of prisoners. Yesterday it was mentioned that in the course of new reforms and personnel changes (which are inevitable after giving the federal structure a special status), the question of professional suitability will arise. And selection among those wishing to obtain vacancies is possible only if there is sufficient payment. Otherwise, everyone will have to be hired again.

In the formation of personnel, the question of professional suitability will arise.

Benefits for FSIN pensioners

This is the right to use polyclinics, which are financed from the budgets of the corresponding levels or from compulsory health insurance to which these persons are attached. Labor veterans are entitled to a monthly cash payment of 274 rubles, which they receive on a separate payroll. They also have the right to purchase a unified social travel card for travel in public urban and suburban motor transport (except taxis).

List of benefits for FSIN employees

Many military personnel and law enforcement officers, even after reaching retirement age, continue their professional activities. It is worth noting that the Government does not provide for indexation of pensions for those who continue to work. This condition will not change in 2020.

The FSIN carries out the functions of executing punishments, protecting and escorting not only suspects, but also accused persons, including the detention of convicted persons and monitoring of suspended sentenced persons.

Increase in pensions and salaries

The size of pension payments, like any military pension, for employees of a federal structure is determined by salary and position. So when calculating, it is very important what parameters were set for each employee.

It is believed, and not without reason, that the pensions of the military and security forces are somewhat higher than those of the civilian population. But their work is more difficult, and there are many more dangers.

  • the size of the salary (that is, it depends on the position held at the time of retirement and rank);
  • allowances that may be paid for special working conditions, length of service, or be in the nature of rewards for professional excellence);
  • bonuses that were paid for the period of work taken into account when calculating the pension.

Is there a benefit increase?

A long-service pension for a FSIN employee is equal to a military pension: its amount depends on the amount of wages. This type of benefit is not subject to indexation. But indexation is provided for insurance coverage. As a rule, planned increases occur on February 1 of each year.

It is worth noting that the new law, which came into force in 2020, abolishes the indexation of benefits for working pensioners. Those citizens who work officially in the Federal Penitentiary Service or another institution may not count on increased payments. Increase for pensioners in 2020. Latest news shows that pensions will be increased by 5.4%.

General information

Pensions for employees of such a state institution belong to the categories of military pensions, the payment procedure for which is regulated by Federal Law N 4468-1. Consequently, such persons receive accruals in the same way as other military employees.

  1. Service.
  2. Participation in military training.
  3. Training in universities for special purposes.
  4. Work as an intern.

In exceptional cases, obtaining pensioner status is allowed even if you have 12.5 years of service:

  1. Reduction.
  2. Receiving disability due to injury.
  3. The appearance and development of a disease associated with the performance of one’s professional duties.
  4. Reaching retirement age.

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The legislative provision that pension payments should be regularly indexed appeared back in 2012, but by 2015 this program was frozen due to budget shortages. The government says such measures are temporary and will be lifted later.

From practice it follows that the state has difficulty finding funds to change the size of pensions; the state budget is barely enough to cover inflation.

Pensions for employees

Payment according to length of service

According to the law, a person is considered a civil servant if he has a special rank assigned in the prescribed manner.

Military pension payments are made only if several conditions are met:

  1. At the time of retirement, the person has reached 45 years of age.
  2. At this point, the employee has at least 12.5 years of experience.
  3. The person's total work experience is 25 years.

When determining the length of service for assigning a military pension, the following time periods are taken into account:

  1. Work in correctional government institutions.
  2. Time spent studying at universities in a special field (1 year of study is counted as 6 months of service).
  3. Army.
  4. Completing an internship.
  5. Service in other government law enforcement agencies.
  6. Other periods specified in regulations.

In each individual case, a person is required to have documents confirming that he has length of service that can be counted towards a military pension.

Insurance pension

According to the norms of pension legislation, every officially employed citizen makes contributions to the Pension Fund. Moreover, for the person himself, such payments are often invisible, since this is mainly done by his employer.

You can apply for civil security in several cases:

  1. Upon reaching the statutory retirement age.
  2. If you have 13.8 pension points.
  3. If you have more than 9 years of insurance experience (only the length of service that was not included when calculating your military pension is taken into account, which is confirmed by a special certificate from the Federal Penitentiary Service).

On a note! If a FSIN employee has had other jobs throughout his life, for example, after retirement due to length of service, he has the right to count on receiving an additional civil pension.

How to apply

Depending on the type of payment, you must contact various institutions:

  • If you are applying for a long service or disability pension, you need to contact the Federal Penitentiary Service: it is this body that will pay the benefit;
  • If you want to receive an insurance pension, you need to contact the branch of the Pension Fund at your place of residence.

The documents and application can be sent by mail or brought to the organization yourself (you will find the list of required documents below). The processing time for your pension request is 10 days. You will be notified of the results in writing. If the Pension Fund makes a positive decision, the benefit will be accrued from the first day of the next month. You can receive payment in one of the following ways:

  1. Through the bank;
  2. Via Russian Post;
  3. Delivery service.

You can change the method of receiving your pension at any time. To do this, just contact the authority that calculates the payment.

Pension calculation

Online calculator

Nowadays you can find many free programs on the Internet that allow FSIN employees to calculate the size of their future pension themselves. Finding such programs is quite simple: just enter the request “online calculator for calculating pensions” in the search bar.

To calculate the amount, it is enough to enter into the form all the data that the program requests, immediately after that the system itself will calculate the amount of future pension benefits.

Automatic calculation

Today, there are many services on the Internet that allow you to automatically calculate the amount of pension for FSIN employees. The most reliable accrual program is located on the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

To determine your pension amount, follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to the website of the Russian Pension Fund, there select the “Pension Calculator” tab;
  2. Enter all the parameters that the system requests from you, namely: length of service in the Federal Penitentiary Service, total length of service according to the work book, average salary for the last year, etc.;
  3. Click on the “Calculate” button, after which the amount of benefit that you are entitled to based on the entered parameters will appear on the screen.

It is worth noting that pension calculators do not always show the correct amount, since the size of the benefit is influenced by many factors that the system cannot take into account.

See what circle of people are assigned a social pension and under what conditions and amounts. Who is entitled to maternity capital? Find it at the link.

Registration of pension

Where to apply to receive

To apply for a pension, an employee of a government agency must contact the specialized bodies existing in his law enforcement department.

The period for consideration of the application and the entire accompanying package of documents is 10 days. The payment of funds is the responsibility of the government agencies where the person worked recently.

If authorized employees make a positive decision, security is established for the pensioner from the moment he ends his career in the service.

Important! The presence of a person’s civil labor activity does not in any way affect the size and calculation of pension benefits. However, if the pensioner subsequently gets a new job in government agencies, the transfer of the military pension stops.

Documents for registration

  1. Statement.
  2. Passport.
  3. Calculation.
  4. Cash certificate.
  5. Conclusion received from the institution's commission.
  6. An extract from the order confirming the termination of the employment relationship.

Registration procedure

To receive a pension, a person, regardless of whether he has experience in calculating a pension for military personnel, must contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

In addition to the application for a pension and his civil passport, the pensioner must provide the employee with several documents:

Will the retirement age be raised?

Currently, the Government is considering a bill to increase the established minimum limit on length of service, upon reaching which a serviceman has the right to receive a pension.

The version of the bill under consideration proposes to increase this limit to 25 years, instead of the current 20. But such an innovation will not affect in any way persons who have already entered into a contract for service up to 20 years.

It is already known what changes the pensions of FSIN employees will undergo in 2020 in Russia. These payments are equivalent to military pensions, in accordance with the Law on Pensions for Military Personnel and Equal Categories of Citizens, so they will be indexed.

How to calculate the FSIN pension

Longevity benefits for employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service are calculated in the same way as pensions for former employees of the law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation. The amount of payment depends on salary and length of service at the place of work.

The calculation formula for citizens who have worked in the Federal Penitentiary Service for 20 years or more is given below:

50% Salary + 3% Salary * S = P,

where ZP is the average salary for one year, C is the number of years of experience more than the established norm (if the experience is 20 years, this indicator is not taken into account), P is the total amount of pension provision.

If a person has 25 years of experience or more, the pension amount is calculated using the following formula:

50% ZP + 1% ZP * S = P (symbols retained).

The state provides bonuses to the pensions of former employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

They are awarded to the following categories of citizens:

  1. Disabled people of the first group – 100%;
  2. Pensioners who are eighty years or more – 100%;
  3. An unemployed pensioner who has dependent family members. If there is one dependent, the increase is 32%, two - 64%, three or more - 100%.

The procedure for calculating pensions for FSIN employees in 2019

The pension for FSIN employees in 2020 is calculated based on a set of indicators and characteristics of being in service.

Main calculation criteria:

  1. length of service in penitentiary bodies - at least 20 years. However, if an employee is fired early, he may qualify for monthly payments. But in the event that his total work experience is at least 25 years, of which at least 12.5 years were spent in service in the Federal Penitentiary Service;
  2. calculation components: salary received for the position held + salary for the rank + possible allowances for the entire period of service.

At the moment, discussions are underway on the issue of increasing the length of service to 25. But the pension reform has not affected employees. It’s only a matter of time before seniority conditions get tougher. At the same time, in government agencies it is necessary to expect a reduction of employees by approximately 10%. This will keep the calculation conditions at the same level.

News from the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia pension reform

Just last year, Russian media reported on the Russian government’s intentions to increase the length of service required for security forces and military personnel to retire. Now, against the backdrop of a general restructuring of the pension system, the authorities seem to have returned to this idea again. Employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service may also be under attack this year.

Work on the preparation of the new law has been carried out since the beginning of last spring on behalf of President Vladimir Putin.

All departments related to military service participated in the development of the bill - however, in order to make any decision on this issue, of course, it was necessary to hold consultations with the financial, economic and social blocs.

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  • Pensioners of the Pension System
  • Pension provision
  • Russian Federal Penitentiary Service latest news about increasing service life
  • Will there be a change in length of service to 25 for FSIN employees?
  • Pension reform: The authorities are ready to defend what was stolen from the elderly by force
  • The debt to the Motherland is the same, but the cash registers are different. Why did the FSIN forget about drug control?

Pensioners of the Pension System

VIDEO ON THE TOPIC: Pensions Good News for Pensioners Revision of Pension Reform

In connection with the above, there are no grounds for making this payment. In accordance with the Federal Law of the Tula Region with the Conditions for establishing the Federal social supplement to pension: 1.

Installed for a non-working pensioner; 2. Applies to UIS pensioners whose income is below the subsistence minimum. When calculating the total amount of material support for a pensioner’s income, it is provided to take into account the amounts of the following cash payments: 1 pensions; 2 additional material social security; 3 EDV as a disabled person, labor veteran, combat veteran, etc.

An additional payment up to the minimum subsistence level established for the Russian Federation as a whole is made by the bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence of the pensioner upon the request of the pensioner from the 1st day of the month following the month of application.

When applying to the territorial body of the Pension Fund for the establishment of a federal social supplement, a pensioner of the penal system shall present: - an identification document, place of residence; place of stay; – insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance; – in some cases, documents proving the identity and powers of the legal representative of the guardian, trustee.

To obtain a certificate about the amount of financial support for a pensioner, the size of the pension, you must submit an application to the pension support group of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Tula region.

Due to the lack of access of the pension group to the website, for all questions regarding pension provision, please contact us by phone. Reception days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.

Reception time: from to If there is a written request from an organization requiring a certificate, a certificate is issued without an application.

The period for execution of the certificate is 3 days. The application can be submitted during office hours or by email. Email address: ufsin Chernobyl NPP Application for Long Service Remuneration.

Application from the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant for monthly payments to non-workers Application from the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant for monthly payments to those working Application from the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant on vacation. Application for pension supplement for dependents. Memo for Pensioners of the Pension System.

Application for transfer of pension to an account in the Security Council. Memo, environmental payments.

Pension transfer deadlines. Clarifications on the cancellation of financial assistance. Conditions for comprehensive services for pensioners of JSC Rosselkhozbank. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation from Font size: AA A. Home Email Map. UIS pensioners. For employees For relatives of prisoners Contacts Links.

Helpline. Penal system reform. When using materials, a link to the original source is required. Attempts to distort information posted on the site or suspend its operation are considered as opposition to the work of law enforcement officers and are prosecuted by law.

If you need help with legal references, you have a complex case, and you don’t know how to draw up documents, the MFC unreasonably requires additional papers and certificates, or refuses them altogether, then we offer free legal advice: That is, all pre-trial detention centers, colonies and prisons.

The reform of law enforcement agencies has brought confusion to the pension benefits of employees. The special forces soldier of the Federal Penitentiary Service of St. Petersburg was left without preferential payments for length of service, as if service in the defunct drug control department was not in his biography.

On April 10, the St. Petersburg City Court will consider the complaint of officer Andrei Petrochenkov, who served his entire life in the police and special forces units. Federal laws allow departments to save on commendations.

Petrochenkov entered the service of the state at the age of one year.

Russian Federal Penitentiary Service latest news about increasing service life

At the same time, the higher the salaries of security forces, the stronger the intensity of this internecine struggle becomes, since ordinary employees, wanting to strengthen their positions, try by all means to win the trust of their superiors. Or is this fantasy? It's hard to say when this will happen. Andrey Gudkov Economist, professor at the Academy of Labor and Social Relations. Ivan Antropov Deputy Director of the Institute of Contemporary Economics.

Bryansk, st.

In connection with the above, there are no grounds for making this payment. In accordance with the Federal Law of the Tula Region with the Conditions for establishing the Federal social supplement to pension: 1. Established for a non-working pensioner; 2.

Applies to UIS pensioners whose income is below the subsistence minimum. When calculating the total amount of material support for a pensioner’s income, it is provided to take into account the amounts of the following cash payments: 1 pensions; 2 additional material social security; 3 EDV as a disabled person, a labor veteran, a combat veteran, etc. Additional payment up to the subsistence level established for the Russian Federation as a whole is made by the bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence of the pensioner upon the request of the pensioner from the 1st day of the month following the month of application.

The procedure for retiring employees in the Federal Penitentiary Service in the new year

The Federal Penitentiary Service pension in 2020 can be of several types. In accordance with the law, persons who worked in correctional institutions after a period of service, if they have the necessary contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and have reached age, are entitled to two types of monthly allowance.

Insurance payments

Upon reaching retirement age, employees of authorities have the right to receive insurance coverage in the general manner.

To receive financial support from the state, FSIN employees must reach the following age:

  • 61 years old - men;
  • 56 years old - women.

However, these figures will increase every year.

The necessary conditions for obtaining insurance coverage are that individuals must have at least 9 years of experience and 13.8 accumulated pension points. This type of financial support is assigned to FSIN employees if they decide to continue working in the authorities as civilians.

Long service pensions

Based on length of service, persons working in the penal system are supposed to retire after 25 years of continuous work and upon reaching the age of 45.

Periods of work in the Federal Penitentiary Service are counted toward employees' length of service on preferential terms:

  • 1 year = 1.5 years - as a general rule;
  • 1 year = 2 years - service in special correctional institutions (where infected prisoners or those sentenced to life are kept).

Long service pension payments are financed by the Ministry of Defense from the federal budget.

Other payments

If, during the course of his work, an employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service has partially or completely lost his ability to work, he is assigned monthly disability funding.

In the event of the death of a person working in penitentiary institutions, the relatives of the deceased have the right to receive funds for the loss of a breadwinner. To do this, you also need to submit a corresponding application to the Pension Fund.

Persons who are planning to retire and have worked in the authorities for at least 20 years also need to remember about the one-time financial benefit that they are entitled to in the amount of seven times their financial support.

Thus, the Federal Penitentiary Service’s pension in 2020 will also be indexed and will increase slightly in size. However, the conditions for retirement of penitentiary system workers may change in the near future.

Reform of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in 2020 latest news

In addition to questions regarding changes in the work of the entire department, the development of new requirements for employees, quite natural questions arise: will employees’ salaries be increased and what kind of increase in payments is envisaged during the reform?
Statistics show that the current average thousand. This, on the one hand.

On the other hand, the recent scandal over the violation of the maintenance of one of those sentenced to life, when he celebrated some event with Kamchatka crabs, excited the whole country and indicates that not everything is going so smoothly in the process of reform of this department.

VIDEO ON THE TOPIC: The authorities announced an increase in pay for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2020

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

If you want to find out how to solve your particular problem, please use the online consultant form on the right or call the numbers provided on the website. It's fast and free!

  • Pension reforms in the Federal Pension Service 2019
  • News about UFS
  • Will there be reform of the FSIN in 2020?
  • Reduction in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2020 - the latest reform news for today
  • News from the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia pension reform
  • News from the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia pension reform
  • FSIN reform in 2020: latest news - Putin postponed FSIN reform
  • Forecasts for the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Investigative Committee in 2020 - the latest news today

Pension reforms in the Federal Pension Service 2019

If departments were merged and divisions were reformed this year, then this year the changes will be more extensive. On the eve of reforms, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are interested in upcoming reductions in the number of personnel. Let's figure out how much global changes will occur in the staffing table of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The government has planned the following steps: It is necessary to reduce the number of management personnel. In this regard, staff reductions will be carried out. The cost of maintaining the law enforcement agency will be reduced. Undoubtedly, the issue of reducing employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a very controversial step.

This reform is not approved by both the police themselves and the civilian population. After all, the issues of security and quality provision of department services concern every person.

To answer unequivocally whether MFD reform is needed, it is necessary to understand the changes themselves that will affect the department. It is planned to take place over several years. Pensions of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the year The main proposal is to reduce the staff of the department. This is expected to be achieved through the following steps: A merger of departments will be carried out.

With this step, the number of management personnel will decrease, and the overall staffing will remain virtually unchanged. The merger steps are planned for years. Some employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be removed from the category of military personnel and will be included in the staff of civilian support specialists.

This step will affect accountants, personnel officers, and psychologists. Interdepartmental responsibilities will be reviewed and redistributed. Thus, passport processing will be carried out at the MFC, and the number of employees at passport offices will be reduced.

This, according to experts, will make the assessment of professional suitability based on the results of the medical examination more objective. Such changes will significantly reduce the number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Additional measures to reduce costs as part of the reduction of Ministry of Internal Affairs employees in the year. It is also planned to increase the length of service until retirement on a preferential pension. Now, before retiring from the police, you will have to work an additional 5 years. For those who go out, compensation will be offered.

This step is due to pension reform. It is also used as an argument that the pensions of this category of employees are much higher than those of the general population. Although, of course, an increased pension is one of the basic guarantees of a law enforcement officer, since they constantly risk their lives, working in special conditions to protect law and order.

It is also planned to conduct professional retraining for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. What will happen after the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the year After all the planned activities have been carried out, the following will happen in the near future: It is possible to merge the Prosecutor's Office with investigative agencies, as well as a redistribution of supervisory functionality.

Undoubtedly, any reform, as well as the need for its implementation, is justified by a reduction in budget maintenance costs. Of course, there will be a reduction in the number of management personnel. The question remains open: what will the department be like by the end of the changes planned for the year?

News about UFS

Konstantin Shkolnuk 03 Apr. It is worth noting that all employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service are engaged in solving rather complex tasks of a state type, the list of which includes checking places of deprivation of liberty and monitoring the condition, health and compliance of punishment of prisoners. It is for this reason that the work of each employee of this organization should be properly paid.

Reform of the Federal Penitentiary Service in the year: Now the authorities, against the backdrop of a general restructuring of the pension system, seem to have returned to this idea again.

A radical reorganization of the Federal Penitentiary Service is also ahead. This year, as evidenced by the latest news, changes will occur in educational institutions, structuring, subordination and the level of wages of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

Their essence is set out in the bill aimed at reorganizing the law enforcement agency. Presumably, after the approval of the new project, this department will also undergo reorganization.

The latest news reported by the media is that this process will start this year if the law is approved, and the reform of the FSIN will continue at an accelerated pace.

Will there be reform of the FSIN in 2020?

Strategic directions of reforms of the law enforcement agencies of Russia for the period of the year From the materials of the Meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights on November 11 of this year.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, noted a reduction in the number of cases of disciplinary violations in internal affairs bodies, but did not see any fundamental changes in matters of compliance with the law by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the same time, the minister noted that intolerance towards illegal behavior has become higher in service teams.

According to the minister, the Ministry of Internal Affairs identified almost 13 thousand people involved in corruption crimes. At the same time, Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking at the board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, expressed dissatisfaction with the level of crime detection in the country.

Is it a lot or a little? After all, generals are fired upon reaching the now increased retirement age, and for health reasons they are also not made of iron, and, to be honest, for inadequacy of the position, this formulation most often hides the theft of people in uniform with big stars.

Reduction in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2020 - the latest reform news for today

Emigrant economists Guriev, Sonin and Aleksashenko gave Russia a tough forecast and spoke about their lives abroad yesterday in Alas, recipes that could lead us out of the economic impasse, according to experts, are not feasible for at least a year.

On the one hand, the ruble has strengthened and oil prices have risen, although Russia owes such successes more to a combination of external circumstances than to the effectiveness of its economic policy.

On the other hand, the country is experiencing the consequences of increasing VAT and other unpopular reforms: Most of all, people want to know:

This was decided at a meeting of the Security Council of the Russian Federation held at the end of October.

After the reform, it is planned to increase salaries. Advantages of the reform With the merger of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Penitentiary Service, the work of the department will be optimized, budget expenses for one department will be much higher, and so they had to be divided into two. It is assumed that the reassignment should solve the following problems: Management salaries have not been indexed for many years. During the reassignment, they are planned to be promoted.

News from the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia pension reform

A more detailed analysis of the bills is already nearing completion. Starting in July of this year, the Duma has been discussing all the intricacies of the new reform and already on September 26, after the first stages of the reform, it is possible to quite specifically outline the innovations that await Russian pensioners. The new pension bill, which will come into force at the beginning of the year, will invariably affect every resident of Russia.

This was demanded by the prosecutor's office. We are talking about an amount of thousands. In Mari El, 16 employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service were punished.

Read more The agency's interlocutor added that control equipment was installed in the house of the summer ex-governor of the Khabarovsk Territory ITAR-TASS 2 days ago 0 Employees of the penal system of the penal system who go to work in civilian clothes with a pistol under their arm should be more careful and without serious reasons not to remove weapons from a hidden place. Parliamentary newspaper 3 days ago 0 The Federal Penitentiary Service has prepared a draft order that proposes to approve the procedure for carrying and storing firearms and special equipment by employees of the penitentiary system. Prisoners are twenty times more likely to attack jailers than to be unlawfully assaulted by guards.

FSIN reform in 2020: latest news - Putin postponed FSIN reform

Pension reform in the Ministry of Internal Affairs this year - the latest news for today Pension reform in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the year - the latest news for today November 14, - Rumors about the pension reform of law enforcement agencies are once again circulating in the press. The changes have not yet entered into force, but the bill has already been prepared and is being prepared for consideration.

Forecasts for the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Investigative Committee in 2020 - the latest news today

If departments were merged and divisions were reformed this year, then this year the changes will be more extensive. On the eve of reforms, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are interested in upcoming reductions in the number of personnel. Let's figure out how much global changes will occur in the staffing table of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The government has planned the following steps:

Pension reform of the Federal Pension Service in the year: Now this issue is becoming increasingly relevant against the backdrop of the all-Russian pension reform.

Since this year, the Russian media has been actively discussing information regarding the intentions of the Russian government to increase the length of service that military personnel and security forces need for retirement. At the moment, there is a general restructuring of the pension system, against the background of which this idea has again begun to be discussed.

FSIN employees may also be under attack next year. Reform of the FSIN in the year, what to expect, latest news At the moment, a military pension is calculated for the FSIN if you have at least twenty years of service, this length of service takes into account military service, military training, and study at a specialized university.

You can already be considered a FSIN pensioner after 12.5 years of service, but only in certain cases:

It is also worth considering that, like any other organization, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has a certain financial limit that it can spend on the needs of its specialists, as well as veterans of the profession. Due to the increase in the number of employees, the number of retirees also increases.

That is, the entire budget of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will now have to be divided only into the payment of salaries and pensions. If this situation is ignored, then soon the organization will not be able to buy new equipment, train specialists, and therefore ensure timely and reliable protection of the population.

That is why experts consider increasing the length of service an extremely necessary measure.

Participants in this process listened to a report prepared by Vladimir Kolokoltsev, who heads the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The information was previously agreed upon with the head of the Ministry of Justice, Alexander Konovalov. The result of the organized event is V.’s statement.

Source: https://thecraftyaccountant.com/tamozhennoe-pravo/reforma-fsin-rossii-v-2019-godu-poslednie-novosti.php

Prison reform

After the reform, it is planned to increase salaries. Advantages of the reform With the merger of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Penitentiary Service, the work of the department will be optimized, budget expenses for one department will be much higher, and so they had to be divided into two.

It is assumed that the reassignment should solve the following problems: Management salaries have not been indexed for many years. During the reassignment, they are planned to be promoted. The main argument in favor of this is the possibility of fighting corruption. However, at the same time, there will be an expansion of the responsibilities of employees and increased control.

It is planned to deeply revise the structure of the division and cut many management positions. First of all, the reduction will affect those employees who are not directly related to the tasks of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

For example, psychologists are planned to be transferred to civilian positions. This will not affect the supervisors, since there is a shortage of these specialists in the system. During the reform, issues of subordination and reassignment of personnel will be reviewed.

This will remove intermediate links in the structure chain. The possibility of reforming the penal system to make life easier for convicts is being discussed.

It is proposed to revise punishments towards the use of types of punishments that are not related to the restriction of freedom for people who have not committed serious crimes.

At the same time, it is planned to tighten conditions for dangerous criminals.

In addition, it is planned to implement a set of measures to tighten control over the quality of employees’ performance of their duties.

Control over employees will be tightened. Disadvantages of the reform. Many human rights activists talk about the disadvantages of the proposed reform: Accountability to the Ministry of Justice, this is one of the requirements of the reform.

It is this state of affairs that is considered to be a civilized approach to law. Possible reassignment could do a disservice in relations with European partners.

How they responded to this issue in Europe is still unknown. Following legal norms, the task of the Federal Penitentiary Service is to correct persons serving sentences. The system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, on the contrary, is designed to punish the guilty. Whether such opposing tasks will find common ground is a big question.

At the moment, being subordinate to different departments, investigators and supervisors do not have the opportunity to influence each other. Following the law, a prisoner is a person whose guilt has already been proven, the investigation is over, and the case is closed.

When departments merge, it will be almost impossible to control the impact of the investigation on the accused. It is difficult to say whether the merger will help eradicate them, or will act to deepen the shortcomings. The proposed reform of the FIN this year does not yet provide a clear answer, and the latest news is still very contradictory.

It is too early to talk about the consequences of the FSIN reform. Possibility of reform As of today, the proposed FSIN reform this year and its latest news are being actively discussed in the corridors of power. However, there are no official documents about this yet.

The bill is being developed and is being discussed by deputies. Preparations for the reform are underway actively. During the reform, the majority of employees will be transferred to the civil service. In fact, shoulder straps will be retained by those employees whose duties include carrying and using weapons.

Despite this, it is expected that the reform will begin on April 1 this year in order to completely reformat the service for the World Cup, which will be held in Russia from mid-July this year.

The deputy head of the FSIN commented on the rumor about the transfer of the department to the Ministry of Internal Affairs

It is also worth considering that, like any other organization, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has a certain financial limit that it can spend on the needs of its specialists, as well as veterans of the profession. Due to the increase in the number of employees, the number of retirees also increases.

That is, the entire budget of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will now have to be divided only into the payment of salaries and pensions. If this situation is ignored, then soon the organization will not be able to buy new equipment, train specialists, and therefore ensure timely and reliable protection of the population.

That is why experts consider increasing the length of service an extremely necessary measure.

There are no decisions regarding the further period yet. It is expected that the average pension in Russia will exceed 20 thousand rubles by the year.

This was decided at a meeting of the Security Council of the Russian Federation held at the end of October. The reform of the FSIN is being canceled this year - this is the latest news, which was confirmed to journalists by sources in the FSB and the presidential administration.

The department has recently been embroiled in several high-profile scandals involving its employees using torture against prisoners.

Human rights activists sharply opposed this, and this directly contradicts the international obligations of our country - the investigative authorities, with such a configuration of the penal system, would have more opportunities to put pressure on those behind bars.

Pension reform in Russia (2019—2028)

RS on mobile Sergei Medvedev: The future has arrived in the form of statements by Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova that the next stage of pension reform will begin next year. The Ministry of Finance proposes to send women to retire from 63, and men from 65 years.

About what options for pension reform await Russia, and what this means for its citizens, is in the story of our correspondent. The oldest resident of Russia, year-old Koku Istambulova from Chechnya, has been living at the expense of the state for 73 years.

According to the Pension Fund, there are about two hundred such centenarians in the Caucasus alone, and in the future, if it is peaceful, their number will increase tenfold, and throughout Russia - hundreds, while the state has more and more problems with pension payments . Expenses of the Russian Pension Fund system have approached one trillion rubles.

This is one and a half times more than a similar structure in the United States, despite the fact that on average an American pensioner receives seven times more than a Russian pensioner. True, he receives it not from the state, but actually from himself.

FSIN on a swing, an ultimatum to the security forces and the battle for modesty

It is worth noting that all employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service are engaged in solving rather complex tasks of a state type, the list of which includes checking places of deprivation of liberty and monitoring the condition, health and compliance of punishment of prisoners.

It is for this reason that the work of each employee of this organization should be properly paid. However, if we look at the statistics, then on average FSIN employees receive a salary equivalent to 20-25 thousand rubles.

As statistics show, it is quite difficult to exist on this amount in modern Russia, especially if you live with a full-fledged family, because prices for everything are rising rapidly.

Participants in this process listened to a report prepared by Vladimir Kolokoltsev, who heads the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The information was previously agreed upon with the head of the Ministry of Justice, Alexander Konovalov.

The result of the organized event is statement B. According to information received from PAMI, there are several reasons why the reform needs to be cancelled.

In particular, we are talking about a violation of the Russian Federation’s obligations to the European Council.

Fsin - all news

Therefore, the monetary allowance of FSIN employees consists of the following types of payments, this is a complete list and it does not apply to all employees: Official salary Allowance for length of service Salary for a special rank Allowance for working with information constituting a state secret Allowance for special conditions of service Monthly bonus for conscientiousness performance of official duties Monetary compensation for renting residential premises Allowance for performing tasks associated with risks to life and health in peacetime One-time social payment for the acquisition or construction of residential premises Incentive payments for special achievements in service Financial assistance in the amount of one monthly salary per year when an employee goes on another vacation. The main payments that need to be monitored and on which all others depend is the salary, consisting of the official salary and the salary for a special rank. Almost all allowances and bonuses are calculated as a percentage of the employee’s official salary, for example, for night service. For FSIN employees who serve in the Far North regions or areas equivalent to them, the salary is multiplied by the regional coefficient. More information about pensions, regional coefficients and the list of regions of the Far North can be found in this review.

Prison reform The Federal Penitentiary Service and the Human Rights Council have prepared proposals addressed to the President of Russia, which are aimed at improving conditions.

After the reform, it is planned to increase salaries. Advantages of the reform With the merger of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Penitentiary Service, the work of the department will be optimized, budget expenses for one department will be much higher, and so they had to be divided into two.

It is assumed that the reassignment should solve the following problems: Management salaries have not been indexed for many years. During the reassignment, they are planned to be promoted. The main argument in favor of this is the possibility of fighting corruption.

Reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2020: latest news

Here you can find up-to-date information on such topics as deposits, loans, mortgages, insurance. Also, increases will occur in structures where people occupying non-standard positions work as civilian employees. Recent changes have made the structure independent.

FSIN salary in 2020

Police officers and employees of internal affairs bodies enjoy preferential conditions in the social sphere, thanks to which they can devote themselves to difficult service for the good of the country.

The large-scale reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs this year will not only make it possible to achieve decent material security for all employees and members of their families, but will also optimize the work of the structure in accordance with changes in the economic and social spheres.

Over the past years, information about possible changes and changes in the structure of internal affairs bodies has repeatedly appeared in the media. This year, the need for reform was already discussed at the state level, and the rumors gained very real prospects.


Reform of the FSIN in 2020 and increasing pensions for FSIN pensioners - latest news



Source: https://thebeanpismo.com/administrativnoe-pravo/reforma-fsin-rossii-v-2019-godu-poslednie-novosti.php

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