Calculation of length of service of employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2020 calculator online

Pension calculation

The size of the pension assigned to an employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service is influenced by:

When using the FSIN employee pension calculator, the following parameters are taken into account:

  • Service experience in the penitentiary system, which must exceed 20 years. If dismissed before the expiration of 20 years of service, the employee has the right to pension provision subject to a total length of service of 25 years, of which at least 12.5 years in the Federal Penitentiary Service.
  • The size of the future pension is influenced by the salary received by the employee for his position, additional payments due, etc.

Conditions for assigning a pension to the Federal Penitentiary Service

Since FSIN employees are equated to military personnel, the conditions for receiving security are similar. Payments are not made from the Pension Fund, they are issued by the Management. Accordingly, they are issued at the place of work. The main indicator for applying for benefits is length of service. He must be at least 20 years old. This includes military service, obtaining specialized education, internships and specialized training.

Employees with a total of 25 years of experience can also , half of which should be dedicated to the Federal Service, but were dismissed for the following reasons:

  • reductions;
  • acquisition of an occupational disease;
  • disability;
  • the age appropriate for retirement has arrived;
  • death at work.

Calculating your pension using an online calculator

It is very simple to calculate the amount of pension benefits for a FSIN employee using an online calculator. It is enough to enter the required values ​​in the appropriate fields, some of which you need to select from the drop-down list, and some you need to enter yourself.

The standard online calculator contains the following fields :

  • salary by position, in order to get the value, you must select the position held from the drop-down list;
  • additional payment for class qualifications (increasing coefficient) is due to certain categories of FSIN employees, the value is also selected from the drop-down list;
  • additional payment for a special rank; to obtain the value, select the assigned rank from the drop-down list;
  • the length of service bonus is also selected from the list and depends on the length of service in the penitentiary system.

After selecting the appropriate indicators, the calculator will show the final amount of salary with an allowance for length of service.

Then you need to enter data to calculate the direct amount of pension benefits:

  • percentage of payment depending on length of service, length of service is selected from the list.
  • the regional coefficient is selected from the list and depends on the place of service;
  • The last year of pension calculation is introduced, which affects the size of the reduction coefficient; as of 01/01/2020, the reduction coefficient is 73.68%.

After all the necessary values ​​have been entered, the calculator will show the amount of pension due to the employee.

Formula for calculating pensions for correctional service employees

To calculate the amount of pension provision for an employee of the penitentiary system, a special formula is used, which is the basis of the online calculator:

FSIN pension = SDD * TS * RK * PN , in which

  • ADD – average monthly salary of a FSIN employee;
  • TC – percentage calculated depending on length of service;
  • RK – the applied regional coefficient, depending on the employee’s place of service;
  • PN is a reduction factor; from 01/01/2020 it amounts to 73.68% of the salary of a FSIN employee.

To calculate the average monthly salary, the following formula is used:

SDD = ((OD * PC) + SZ) * NVL , in which

  • OD – salary in accordance with the position held;
  • SZ – additional payment for the assigned special rank;
  • PC - an increasing coefficient assigned to a certain category of persons in accordance with the conditions of service;
  • DVL - additional payment for length of service, begins to accrue after 2 years of service and increases in the future depending on the number of years during which the person serves in the Federal Penitentiary Service.

Attention! An additional payment for length of service is calculated on the amount of salary, taking into account the salary and applicable allowances.

Calculation example

Ivanov S.V. Retired from the position of senior detective for particularly important cases with the rank of captain of the internal service, having served in the Federal Penitentiary Service for 21 years.

In order to calculate the amount of allowance for Ivanov S.V. you need to select the following parameters in the online calculator:

  • bonus for length of service from 20 to 25 years – 30%.

Then you should enter the data to calculate your pension:

  • Ivanov S.V. served in the Federal Penitentiary Service for 21 years, accordingly he is entitled to 50% of the salary received;
  • Since Ivanov S.V. did not serve in the areas where the corresponding coefficient was calculated, therefore, the RK field remains blank.
  • Starting from 01/01/2020, the reduction factor is set at 73.68%.

There is also another type of online calculator for calculating pensions for employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service, which requires entering some data manually:

  • you must independently enter a salary corresponding to the position held;
  • you need to independently enter an additional payment for the corresponding special rank;
  • select from the list an additional payment for class qualifications, an allowance for length of service and a regional coefficient;
  • select the appropriate percentage of payment in the work experience field;
  • choose a reduction factor depending on the year the pension was calculated.

This is important to know: Dismissal of one’s own free will without working off: term of service, rules of dismissal

After entering the data in the “Pension to be issued” field, the amount of pension benefits to be paid will be displayed.

In order to calculate the amount of pension due to an employee of the penal system, it is necessary to take into account many parameters: salary, additional payments for rank, class qualifications, length of service, special rank, etc.

Using an online calculator, in which you simply select the required values ​​from a drop-down list, allows you to easily and quickly clarify what amount of pension an employee is entitled to.

Calculation of pension benefits for employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service

In order to find out the amount of pension payments to citizens working in the system under consideration, you will need to use certain indicators.

The formula for calculating the pension of a FSIN employee is presented as follows:

P = D * Pk * K * P , where:

  • P is the amount of pension payments;
  • D – the amount of salary established for a certain position (this also includes additional payments for ranks);
  • Pk – reduction factor, which is set every year;
  • K – correction coefficients, depending directly on output;
  • P – coefficients established in a specific region.

In 2020, the reduction factor is 73.68 . Corrective indicators are equal to 50% with minimum experience. If the specified value is exceeded, surcharges are provided.

Approximate calculation of benefits for a FSIN employee

An employee of the system under consideration, citizen I., is entering a well-deserved retirement. He has the rank of lieutenant colonel of the internal service. The salary for the specified rank is 12,000 rubles. He held the position of senior inspector dealing with receipts from the State Penitentiary Service of the Federal Penitentiary Service. The salary was 18,500 rubles.

Citizen I. has preferential production. It is equal to 23 years. If converted into percentages – 59%. His service took place in the Kemerovo region, a coefficient of 30% is applied. For 15 years of service, I. is entitled to 20% of the salary.

To calculate the pension amount you need to use the above formula.

(18500+12000+(18500+1200)*0.2)*0.7368*0.59*1.3 = 20,683.60 rubles.

Citizen I. will receive the specified amount every month after retirement. It is subject to increase during indexing.

Calculation of length of service in the Federal Penitentiary Service

Calculating the pension of a FSIN employee in 2020 uses length of service indicators. To calculate it, you will need to take into account some factors.


  • if there is a minimum output - 50%;
  • when a citizen has worked in the system for more than 20 years, then 3% is accrued for the next year;
  • if the output is considered total, then for a year exceeding 12.5 years 1% is added.

A separate procedure is used to calculate monthly allowances for rank and position.

Time worked (in years)Percentage of salary
From 2 to 510
From 5 to 1015
From 10 to 1520
From 15 to 2025
From 20 to 2530
From 2540 and more

The specified values ​​are taken into account when calculating pension payments.

The procedure for assigning pensions

To receive a FSIN long-service pension, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Duration of work - over 20 years, including time spent in military service and work in departments of the penal system. This also includes military service, military training, and internship periods. Service in these units is taken into account on a preferential basis: each year is counted towards the total length of service as 1.5 years. If an employee was employed in institutions where prisoners with tuberculosis or infectious diseases, as well as life prisoners, were kept, then two years are counted for one year of work .
  2. The citizen is 45 years and has a total work experience of more than 25 years, of which 12.5 years are years of service in the Federal Penitentiary Service. The reason for dismissal must be health status, reaching a certain age limit, or taking measures to reorganize the staff.

Expert opinion

Kostenko Tamara Pavlovna

Lawyer with 10 years of experience. Author of numerous articles, teacher of Law

To process payments, you need to contact the pension division of the Federal Penitentiary Service. Review of the application takes up to 10 days. If the decision is positive, funds are transferred monthly.

The appointment is made in a certain order after submitting the following documents:

  • application drawn up according to the sample;
  • identification;
  • calculations agreed with the Pension Fund, where length of service is indicated;
  • monetary certificate;
  • decision of a military medical examination (health certificate);
  • a copy of the dismissal order, which indicates the date and grounds for which the service was terminated.

Automatic calculator for calculating pensions for employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2020

Legal topics are very complex, but in this article we will try to answer the question “Automatic calculator for calculating pensions for employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2020.” Of course, if you still have questions, you can consult with lawyers online for free directly on the website.

The size of one point for them is “frozen” at the value established on the date of registration of pension payments (table below). To calculate the amount of pension to be paid in 2020, you need to know your IPC.

Calculator for calculating pensions for employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2020

The calculation is carried out according to the traditional formula, but with certain amendments: For working pensioners, the amount of payment is calculated taking into account the frozen values ​​of the pension fund and the cost of the pension coefficient. Non-working pensioners may actually be paid a larger amount than calculated by the formula if it is less than the pensioner's subsistence level (PMP).

FSIN pension in 2020

Below we offer a picture with the general picture for Russia.

This field automatically contains the calculated value of the salary from the formula we need, adjusted for the regional coefficient, which later participates in the calculation of pensions for FSIN employees.

The field defines the correction factor. We remind you that for those who have worked with a net work experience of 20 years, it is equal to 50%, increasing by 3% every year.

Thus, when calculating the pension benefit for a FSIN employee, individual indicators are taken into account. Therefore, it will not be possible to indicate the approximate amount of the pension. Length of service and rank influence the amount of benefits.

Since FSIN employees are equated to military personnel, the conditions for receiving security are similar. Payments are not made from the Pension Fund, they are issued by the Management.

Accordingly, they are issued at the place of work. The main indicator for applying for benefits is length of service. He must be at least 20 years old.

This includes military service, obtaining specialized education, internships and specialized training.

Calculation of length of service in the Federal Penitentiary Service

The reduction factor must also be taken into account. After the given data is reflected in the system, the future benefit is calculated. Please note that not all calculators take into account regional indicators. Therefore, you will need to complete the calculation yourself. To do this, you need to multiply the resulting amount by the coefficient established in the region.

It is worth understanding that laws do not stand still, and perhaps we made a little mistake somewhere. This calculator should be used to roughly estimate the size of your future pension - the calculator will definitely not go wrong with this.

Online calculator for calculating pensions for employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service

Monthly salaries for standard employee positions are established at the second level, if the position of the head of the department of the Federal Penitentiary Service at the maximum special rank is classified as senior management.

Calculate the pension of a Federal Penitentiary Service employee in 2020 online calculator

We are talking about monetary allowances for military personnel, private and commanding officers of internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, and persons serving in institutions and bodies of the penal system. As for insurance payments, they are subject to annual indexation to the level of inflation in the previous year.

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The necessary conditions for obtaining insurance coverage are that individuals must have at least 9 years of experience and 13.8 accumulated pension points. This type of financial support is assigned to FSIN employees if they decide to continue working in the authorities as civilians.

It is already known what changes the pensions of FSIN employees will undergo in 2020 in Russia. These payments are equivalent to military pensions, in accordance with the Law on Pensions for Military Personnel and Equal Categories of Citizens, so they will be indexed.

The procedure for retiring employees in the Federal Penitentiary Service in the new year

  • work in authorities for 20 years (+50%): the possibility of increasing this period to 25 years is now being actively considered;
  • mixed work experience (+1%);
  • if during the performance of duty an incident occurred that led to disability or serious illness (+75%);
  • if during the performance of duty a person was injured, which led to loss of ability to work (+85%).
  1. In case of taking part in hostilities, a pension supplement of 32% is assigned.
  2. If an employee has reached the age of 80, then he is entitled to an increase in pension by 64%.
  3. If an employee received a Group 1 disability while serving and also reached the age of 80 years, then he is entitled to a 100% additional payment.
  4. If there is one citizen in the family of an employee who does not have the ability to work, 32% is due. If there are two such people in a family, then 64%, and if there are three or more, then 100%.

Possible supplements to the FSIN pension

And this is a fair act, since the main task of these bodies is to protect the common population and take all the danger upon themselves. Also in 2020, a decision was made to change pension payments to employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service. We will tell you what these changes are in this article.

In this case, the field of activity does not matter: the main thing is that the length of service is indicated in the work book; The minimum period of work in the Federal Penitentiary Service is 12.5 years; Age – from forty-five years. Already from this age, a FSIN employee can retire. Important! Long-service benefits can only be received by a person who was officially employed in a correctional colony.

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The citizen clicks on the “Calculate” button, after which he receives the total amount. The calculations do not take into account the regional coefficient of the regions of the Far North. To calculate it, you need to familiarize yourself with the regulations relating to the provision of those living in this region.

What is a FSIN pension?

The calculator already includes the increase in pensions expected from January 1, 2020! But, apparently, he won't be. The increase since January 1, 2015 is intentionally not removed from the calculator in order to see WHAT WE HAVE LOST.

This year, all indexations planned by the government have already taken place. They were carried out twice at the beginning of the year and amounted to a percentage of about 5%. The increase applied to all non-working pensioners, including military ones.

These pensioners include: Today, there are many free programs that allow FSIN employees to independently calculate the amount of future pension payments. Such programs are called online calculators for calculating pensions.

Putin announced additional indexation of pensions for military pensioners in 2020

Thus, pensions for military personnel, employees of internal affairs bodies, the fire service, drug control agencies and FSIN institutions will be indexed to an inflation rate of 4.3%. Thus, the average pension for these categories of citizens will be 2.2 thousand rubles. The corresponding law was approved by the Federation Council on December 5.

After the appointment of military and insurance pension payments, the citizen receives them every month. The latest news regarding the increase in Russian pensions also affects this category of pensioners.

At the time of temporary absence of work, state support is provided, but one should take into account the fact that the applicant must first officially register the status of unemployed. Otherwise, you will not be able to apply for government support in material terms.

FSIN pension calculator in 2020 - online calculator

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  1. You must first reach the generally accepted retirement age for law enforcement officers, namely 45 years. This age is universal and applies to both male and female employees.
  2. The next step is to write a report, according to which he asks his superiors to fire him.
  3. Also, another most necessary condition is the presence of work experience, which is at least 20 years. This figure applies to specialized experience, and for mixed experience this figure is 25 years.
  4. And the last point in the assignment of this pension is dismissal from the workplace for a good reason.

How is the pension of FSIN employees calculated in 2020?

Not every ordinary citizen notices the work of such security forces, which are represented in our country in the form of the national guard, police and military personnel.

Although their work is not so noticeable to ordinary people, it hides a lot of complexities and difficulties that they have to face.

In response to this, the state did not bypass them and decided to take measures regarding their future pension payments, and assign them a higher pension compared to other citizens.

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In addition, the law provides for a one-time cash allowance when applying for a pension for persons whose total length of service in prison is 20 years.
In this case, the one-time payment will be 7 salaries. Important! An employee has the right to receive only one pension benefit: long service, disability or insurance. According to length of service A former employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service can receive benefits according to length of service, but for this he must have worked in the Federal Penitentiary Service for at least twenty years.

Increased fixed payment

FSIN. The most reliable accrual program is located on the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. It is worth noting that pension calculators do not always show the correct amount, since the size of the benefit is influenced by many factors that the system cannot take into account.

A FSIN pensioner can receive benefits and payments even if his work activity has not ended. If there is a job, cash contributions are made to the pension insurance system. This is exactly how this type of security is formed. But you can apply for such security only if you comply with the law and relevant articles.

Pension calculator in the Russian Federal Pension Service

  • Passport and application for a pension.
  • A work book is a document confirming the employee’s length of service.
  • SNILS. Depending on the region, the document may not be asked for. It is better to have it with you so that your application is not suddenly denied.
  • A certificate from the last place of work about wages for the last five years, broken down by 60 months (until December 2001 inclusive).

FSIN pensions in 2020

Changes have been made to the calculator: from February 1, 2016, the pension increase is 69.45 percent of the specified monetary allowance. Bill No. 911762-6 was adopted in the third reading by the State Duma in December 2015 and approved by the Federation Council in the 2020 budget.


Who are the employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service?

The activities of this body are quite diverse. Employees of the FSIN are considered to be citizens of the Department's personnel, psychologists, educators, security guards, guards, legal advisers, engineers, detectives and others.

They monitor the execution of punishment, create conditions for keeping criminals, and accompany visitors to places of detention, taking into account all aspects of security.

Employees of the Penitentiary Service also include those who supervise the serving of sentences under house arrest. Upon release, they provide social adaptation to convicts.

What payments are due to FSIN pensioners?

In the event of retirement upon reaching retirement age, employees are entitled to insurance benefits. The indicators and conditions of such a pension are now at the stage of a smooth transition; they change annually. In 2020, this is a minimum of 9 years of experience and an IPC of 13.8 points. They are not paid in the general manner.

If an employee of the Department is entitled to early receipt of a long-service pension, then payments will be made from funds at the place of work. Length of service is calculated on preferential terms.

12 months of service is equivalent to 1.5 years if the service took place under normal conditions. When serving in colonies where infected patients are kept or with a life sentence, then 12 months of service is equal to 2 years.

Expert opinion

Kostenko Tamara Pavlovna

Lawyer with 10 years of experience. Author of numerous articles, teacher of Law

Upon dismissal from service due to incapacity for work, a disability pension is awarded. In the event of the death of an employee, family members are entitled to a survivor's pension. It is registered with the Pension Fund.

Pension of FSIN employees in 2020: changes, amount

It is already known what changes the pensions of FSIN employees will undergo in 2020 in Russia. These payments are equivalent to military pensions, in accordance with the Law on Pensions for Military Personnel and Equal Categories of Citizens, so they will be indexed.

The procedure for calculating pensions for FSIN employees in 2020

The pension for FSIN employees in 2020 is calculated based on a set of indicators and characteristics of being in service.

Main calculation criteria:

  1. service experience in penitentiary authorities - at least 20 years. However, if an employee is fired early, he may qualify for monthly payments. But in the event that his total work experience is at least 25 years, of which at least 12.5 years were spent in service in the Federal Penitentiary Service;
  2. calculation components: salary received for the position held + salary for the rank + possible allowances for the entire period of service.

At the moment, discussions are underway on the issue of increasing the length of service to 25. But the pension reform has not affected employees. It’s only a matter of time before seniority conditions get tougher. At the same time, in government agencies it is necessary to expect a reduction of employees by approximately 10%. This will keep the calculation conditions at the same level.

Amount of payments to FSIN employees

Like other categories of monthly payments, the FSIN pension will not decrease in 2020. The latest news reports that the Government guarantees their protection from inflation.

At the beginning of the year, they promise an indexation of 6.3%, which will bring cash payments to a decent level.

The total indexation percentage should be 6.6%. Even earlier, it was planned for military pensioners, including employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service, to have their payments indexed by 6.3%.

It is also proposed to maintain the so-called “thirteenth” pension: once a year, 5,000 rubles will be paid to each former FSIN employee who has retired.

Despite the fact that the increase in pensions for FSIN employees in 2020 will be insignificant, a low rise in prices is also expected, so the increase will be quite noticeable.

In what cases is an increase in pension due?

If certain conditions are met, employees of the penitentiary authorities are entitled to an increase in addition to the usual payments.

The following may be taken into account:

  • work in authorities for 20 years (+50%): the possibility of increasing this period to 25 years is now being actively considered;
  • mixed work experience (+1%);
  • if during the performance of duty an incident occurred that led to disability or serious illness (+75%);
  • if during the performance of duty a person was injured, which led to loss of ability to work (+85%).

Thus, some financial incentives were retained for government employees.

Working employees

Pensions will not be indexed for working employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

Many military personnel and law enforcement officers, even after reaching retirement age, continue their professional activities. It is worth noting that the Government does not provide for indexation of pensions for those who continue to work. This condition will not change in 2019.

Insurance payments

Upon reaching retirement age, employees of authorities have the right to receive insurance coverage in the general manner.

To receive financial support from the state, FSIN employees must reach the following age:

  • 61 years old - men;
  • 56 years old - women.

However, these figures will increase every year.

The necessary conditions for obtaining insurance coverage are that individuals must have at least 9 years of experience and 14.2 accumulated pension points . This type of financial support is assigned to FSIN employees if they decide to continue working in the authorities as civilians.

Long service pensions

Based on length of service, persons working in the penal system are supposed to retire after 25 years of continuous work and upon reaching the age of 45.

Periods of work in the Federal Penitentiary Service are counted toward employees' length of service on preferential terms:

  • 1 year = 1.5 years - as a general rule;
  • 1 year = 2 years - service in special correctional institutions (where infected prisoners or those sentenced to life are kept).

Long service pension payments are financed by the Ministry of Defense from the federal budget.

Other payments

If, during the course of his work, an employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service has partially or completely lost his ability to work, he is assigned monthly disability funding.

In the event of the death of a person working in penitentiary institutions, the relatives of the deceased have the right to receive funds for the loss of a breadwinner. To do this, you also need to submit a corresponding application to the Pension Fund.

Persons who are planning to retire and have worked in the authorities for at least 20 years also need to remember about the one-time financial benefit that they are entitled to in the amount of seven times their financial support.

Thus, the Federal Penitentiary Service’s pension in 2020 will also be indexed and will increase slightly in size. However, the conditions for retirement of penitentiary system workers may change in the near future.


Benefits for FSIN pensioners

A FSIN pensioner can count on the following benefits:

  1. Having served more than 20 years, you are entitled to a one-time payment in the amount of 7 salaries, less than 20 - in the amount of 2 salaries.
  2. Upon dismissal with less than 20 years of service due to layoff, disability, illness, or retirement age, a special salary is paid for a year. rank.
  3. Compensation for the costs of moving and transporting things up to 20 tons (except for air transport) from places with unfavorable environmental conditions to the place chosen by the pensioner.
  4. Children of a disabled pensioner are provided with a place in preschool and school institutions without a queue.
  5. Disabled persons of groups I and II, as well as family members of a deceased FSIN employee, by decision of the head of the Department, are entitled to own residential premises. For spouses of a deceased employee, this right is granted until remarriage. Compensation for utilities is also subject to the same conditions.
  6. Pensioners have the right to free dental medical services, as well as annual medical examinations, free prescription medications or in medical institutions. Family members of a pensioner have the right to medical care in the state. institutions, as well as medicines at retail prices.
  7. Partial payment for vouchers to health institutions upon retirement due to length of service. 25% - for yourself, 50% - for family members. This opportunity is provided annually to long-service pensioners and members of their family (spouse, children under 18 years of age, children under 23 years of age - full-time students, disabled children, regardless of age).
  8. If a pensioner retires due to disability, only 25% of the cost of the voucher is paid.
  9. If rehabilitation is prescribed at the direction of a medical officer, the voucher is provided free of charge.
  10. Once a year, travel to the sanatorium and back is paid for long-service pensioners and the disabled.

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Calculator for calculating length of service in the Federal Penitentiary Service

Also, full internship and maternity leave are added to these years (1.5 years for one child, but no more than 6 in total). As well as specialized training. Years of development presuppose the presence of salary supplements.

After the assignment of long-service benefits, the pensioner has the right to find a civilian job. Labor activity, accumulation of the insurance portion through the Russian Pension Fund (hereinafter referred to as the Pension Fund of Russia), as well as receipt of a civil pension are not obstacles to government payments. To receive a disability pension, an employee must undergo a medical and social examination and provide an ITU conclusion to the personnel service of the FSIN. Depending on the severity of the injury/illness, I assign the applicant 1, 2, or 3 disability groups.

Who falls under the category

The Federal Penitentiary Service has more than 500 thousand employees of various ranks. The features of calculating payments in this category differ significantly from the accepted standard. In order to correctly obtain data when calculating, it is important to correctly enter a huge number of indicators that are based on approved standards.

In addition to employees in the penitentiary authorities, this category includes employees of correctional institutions, training centers, and inspections that belong to the department.

The main condition: work not under a civil contract, which will be regarded as length of service on standard grounds. All employed employees who have to work with citizens who have committed illegal acts are included in this list.

Security guards, educators, psychologists, controllers who monitor the implementation of the approved measure, and many others. A certain duration of work can be equated to military service.

Features of calculating payments in this category have significant differences from the accepted standard

Features of the job make it possible to take advantage of benefits, privileges, and the opportunity to apply for two types of pension benefits at once.


The FSIN pension calculator makes it much easier to calculate indicators.

The average payout indicators are significantly higher than the standard. The regulation of security is similar to military payments. Through the law enforcement agencies, accrual may be made for length of service or disability.

If a service employee dies, relatives have the right to claim survivor benefits. Payment will be assigned if the death occurred while performing official duties.

When officially employed, savings in the insurance fund make it possible to receive an insurance pension upon reaching age. Each type of accrual has its own characteristics and requirements.

Payments are made both from public funds and from the state pension fund. Since accrual can take place in various organizations, the issues of registration and collection of documents will have to be dealt with several times.

Accrual based on length of service

Law enforcement officers are required to have at least 20 years of service. You can apply for a long-service pension even if you do not have two decades of work experience in the department.

In this case, the following conditions must be met:

  • Age at least 45 years;
  • Total work experience more than 25 years;
  • The length of service in the department is 12.5 years.

Accrual of experience in the department comes with additional benefits. In especially dangerous institutions, one year of work is equivalent to two. Dangerous include correctional institutions that house prisoners sentenced to life or infected prisoners. In all other places, one year of work is equivalent to one and a half.

The length of service will take into account the period of military service, training and internship in the penal authorities. If work in the Federal Penitentiary Service was carried out under a civil contract, you will not be able to claim a long-service pension.

Insurance (work) experience calculator

  • time of military service or equivalent activity;
  • the first part of maternity leave (for pregnancy and childbirth);
  • the period of receiving unemployment benefits, the period of participation in paid public works and the period of moving or resettlement in the direction of the state employment service to another area for employment;
  • in the case of detention of persons unjustifiably brought to criminal liability, unreasonably repressed, as well as in the case of these persons serving their sentences in places of imprisonment and exile;
  • care for a baby up to 1.5 years old (separately for mom or dad);
  • caring for a disabled person of group 1, a disabled child or an elderly relative who has reached the age of 80;
  • for spouses of military or diplomatic representatives - the time that they accompanied their spouses and at the same time did not have the opportunity to find a job (no more than 5 years in total).

Why know your insurance record?

  • Use the Today button (circle with a dot) to quickly insert the current date.
  • Use the appropriate buttons to add, delete and clear required fields for faster and more convenient entry and change of information.

The specified bonus is paid from the day the military personnel reach the age of service, which gives the right to receive it, and until the day the military personnel are excluded from the lists of personnel of a military unit in connection with their dismissal from military service on the basis of orders from the commanders of military units, indicating the length of service and the amount of the bonus, unless otherwise provided by this Procedure. 95. The rules for calculating length of service for assigning a percentage bonus for length of service to military personnel performing military service under a contract (hereinafter referred to in this section as the Rules) are given in Appendix No. 4 to this Procedure.

Depending on the place of service, the final pension amount may be increased. For a specific region, it is better to look separately for the current coefficient in the search. Below we offer a picture with the general picture for Russia.

Calculation of the Federal Pension Service pension in 2020

DS consists of the salary for your position and rank, as well as a bonus for length of service. PC is consistent at 72.23% this year. QC depends on your insurance experience. The Republic of Kazakhstan looks at each region separately.

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Since the beginning of the 2000s, the Federal Service for Control over the Execution of Punishments has been subordinate to the Ministry of Justice. Employees of this body carry out dangerous activities. They encounter various types of criminals and interact with them throughout their working career. Their service is equivalent to military service. In this regard, they are entitled to a number of benefits and privileges.

FSIN pension calculator

You can determine the approximate size of a FSIN employee’s pension using an online calculator without leaving your home. It is created in the likeness of a military one, and calculates according to the formula given above in the article. To determine the size you need to enter the appropriate values:

  1. Salary by position and rank.
  2. Increasing factor, if there was one.
  3. Bonus for calendar length of service.
  4. Regional coefficient.
  5. Bonus for preferential length of service.
  6. Reduction factor (in 2020 = 73.68).

Expert opinion

Kostenko Tamara Pavlovna

Lawyer with 10 years of experience. Author of numerous articles, teacher of Law

After entering all the data, you will get the approximate size of the pension. Not all calculators calculate pensions taking into account the regional coefficient; sometimes this must be done manually by multiplying the result by this indicator.

It is also worth noting that the data obtained will be approximate, because It is impossible to enter information into the calculator that suggests additional supplements to the basic pension.

Calculation of length of service FPS calculator online

  1. What is a Federal Pension Pension?
  2. Pensions of the Federal Pension Service
  3. Calculator for calculating the Federal Pension Service pension from January 1, 2020 Federal Pension Service
  4. Pension Federal Pension Service
  5. Pension for Federal Pension Service employees in 2020: changes, amount
  6. Pensions of the Federal Pension Service in 2020
  7. Calculator for calculating the Federal Pension Service pension from January 1, 2020
  8. Federal Pension Pension Calculator in 2020 online calculator

The pension calculator, which can be found on our website, which covers pension issues, will help you find out in advance the approximate amount of payments. Since new changes are regularly introduced at the legislative level, this calculator calculates the approximate amount of the pension and may contain inaccuracies.


Proper preparation of the package of documents is a prerequisite for quickly making a positive decision.

Originals and copies of the following documents should be provided to the service department:

  • Application with a request to assign payments in any form;
  • Passport;
  • Calculation of length of service prepared by the HR department;
  • Information about payments in the form of a cash certificate;
  • Conclusion of the IHC;
  • Extract from the dismissal order.

This is important to know: How many days is the maximum number of days sick leave is issued without a break?

When assigning an insurance pension, you should contact the Pension Fund and provide:

  • Statement;
  • Passport;
  • SNILS;
  • An extract from the Federal Penitentiary Service confirming the accrual of a long-service pension;
  • Documentary proof of insurance experience.

Fringe benefits

In addition to the main types of payments, there are certain benefits that are provided for department employees:

  • Possibility of preferential retirement;
  • Providing places for children in educational institutions in the first place (kindergartens, schools);
  • Providing vouchers for children without payment or at a discount;
  • Free travel on public transport;
  • Receiving a voucher to a sanatorium or its financial equivalent once a year;
  • Receiving compensation for property and land taxes;
  • Opportunity to receive additional financial assistance in certain cases.

When serving in places with a harsh climate, additional compensation is provided for the costs of moving to your place of residence and the opportunity to pay for the delivery of items weighing up to twenty tons.


People are often interested in the question of possible suspension of payments, when this might happen. The basis may be:

  • Deprivation of ranks by court decision;
  • Receiving payments from social security;
  • In case of death;
  • Missing people;
  • Continued service in departments or bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • Moving to another territorial unit;
  • Moving abroad;
  • Arrest and imprisonment.

Receiving pension payments after serving in the department is higher than the state average, but the issue of registration and correct calculations should be approached with the utmost care.

Conducting pension calculations every year has certain changes. They are mainly aimed at optimizing the cost of maintaining pensioners as profitably as possible.

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Since inflation growth is stable all the time, an increase in content is also required. For employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service, their own indicators for the formation of the basic amount of allowance apply. And additional funds are added to it - in the form of non-cash benefits.

Calculator for calculating length of service in the Federal Penitentiary Service

FSIN employees have the right to receive various types of pensions, depending on their status. A military pension is awarded for length of service or in the presence of a disability acquired during service. In the event of the death of a FSIN employee, his family is given the right to transfers for the loss of a breadwinner.

The Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) is a government agency that is responsible for the execution of criminal penalties against persons who have committed crimes and are under arrest. To quickly resolve your problems and questions, we recommend that you contact qualified practicing lawyers on pension issues: Applications and calls are accepted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Necessary information

The FSIN is the Federal Penitentiary Service, which includes a large number of employees. According to statisticians, for 2020 the federal budget financed wages for more than 300 thousand workers.

About 200 thousand additionally hold management positions. Pension payments for this category of citizens differ from the standard ones. In order to carry out calculations, specialized calculators are most often used.

Expert opinion

Kostenko Tamara Pavlovna

Lawyer with 10 years of experience. Author of numerous articles, teacher of Law

This happens due to the large number of indicators. The formula for self-calculation is constantly changing and the wrong algorithm can be applied by mistake.

In the main part of payments, all the influence on the formation is exerted by the regulations issued by the government. In this regard, the employee has no leverage over the pension indicator.

Legal basis

The conditions for retirement based on length of service are stipulated in Article 13 of this regulatory document. The amount of the pension benefit and the procedure for calculating the required amount are prescribed in Article 43 of this regulatory act. During the calculations, it is necessary to rely on the indicator of salary payments.

These points are established in Decree of the Government of Russia No. 525 “On the monthly salaries of employees of the penal system.”

When making calculations, it is also necessary to take into account Federal Law No. 283-FZ “On social guarantees for employees of certain federal executive authorities and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation.”

Article 2 specifies the allowances that employees can count on. They are tied to the number of years of work and increase accordingly.

Pension Calculation Table for UIS Employees 2020


According to Art. 56 of the Federal Law of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-I “On pension provision for persons who served in military service. » payment of pensions provided for by this Law is made for the current month.

Payment of pensions provided for by this Law is made within the time limits determined by the relevant federal executive authorities in agreement with the institutions of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation and federal postal organizations.

***The provisions of part two of Article 43 of the Law on Pension Provision of Persons (as amended by the Federal Law of November 8, 2011 No.

No. 309-FZ) do not apply to judges of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and military courts, prosecutors (including military personnel of the military prosecutor’s office) and employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (including military investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation), pensioners from among these persons and members of their families.

Pension increase in May 2020

Participants and disabled people of the Second World War will receive one-time payments in May 2020 in the amount of 10,000 rubles. A draft Presidential Decree providing for such additional payments to pensions in May has already been developed by the Ministry of Labor. In the near future it will be submitted for signature by V.

Putin and officially published. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War listed in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Art. will receive one-time payments. 2 of Law No. 5-FZ. They must be citizens of the Russian Federation and reside in Russia or the Baltic countries (Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania).

The authors of the bill note in the explanatory note that equal benefits in the field of pensions are established for war veterans receiving insurance, state and military pensions.

However, there are differences in the procedure for calculating pensions (the amount of payments differs for all veterans). This is due to the fact that for recipients of military pensions, when calculating payments, a reduction factor is applied to the amount of monetary allowance.

That is, in fact, they do not receive a full pension, but only a part of it.

Pension of FSIN employees in 2020: changes, amount

  1. length of service in penitentiary bodies - at least 20 years.
    However, if an employee is fired early, he may qualify for monthly payments. But in the event that his total work experience is at least 25 years, of which at least 12.5 years were spent in service in the Federal Penitentiary Service;
  2. calculation components: salary received for the position held + salary for the rank + possible allowances for the entire period of service.
  • work in authorities for 20 years (+50%): the possibility of increasing this period to 25 years is now being actively considered;
  • mixed work experience (+1%);
  • if during the performance of duty an incident occurred that led to disability or serious illness (+75%);
  • if during the performance of duty a person was injured, which led to loss of ability to work (+85%).

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Features of the FSIN pension

  • the employee has reached retirement age (45 years - the common age for men and women) and has drawn up a report on his transfer to the reserve;
  • his work experience exceeds the established minimum (20 years - special, 12 5 + 12.5 - mixed);
  • The Federal Penitentiary Service dismissed the specialist for good reason.

After the assignment of long-service benefits, the pensioner has the right to find a civilian job. Labor activity, accumulation of the insurance portion through the Russian Pension Fund (hereinafter referred to as the Pension Fund of Russia), as well as receipt of a civil pension are not obstacles to government payments.

Salary indexation for FSIN employees in 2020

Important! For FSIN employees who serve in the regions of the Far North or areas equivalent to them, the salary is multiplied by the regional coefficient. More information about pensions, regional coefficients and the list of regions of the Far North can be found in this review.

The Federal Penitentiary Service is included in the system of the Ministry of Justice and is considered one of the most important government bodies in Russia. The staffing level of the Federal Penitentiary Service for 2020 is 295,967 people, including the commanding staff - 225,284 people.

Calculation of long-service pensions for employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2020

The increase in the FSIN pension in 2020 as part of the specified indexation has already amounted to 7.3 percent.

In addition to these measures, this category of pensioners is supported by the accrual of certain allowances, which are possible if certain conditions are met: In the last two of these cases, such employees are entitled to a disability-related benefit. If such an employee dies during his service, his family is provided with financial support due to the loss of a breadwinner.

  • plus 100% of the established pension amount for pensioners of the 1st disability group or those who have reached 80 years of age;
  • for pensioners who do not have a job, if they have one disabled family member - plus 32%, two - plus 64%, three or more - plus 100% of the established pension amount.

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Peculiarities of calculating pensions for FSIN employees

By receiving a state pension based on years of service (20 years of civil service) or upon reaching the age limit (45 years) and subject to two conditions (25 years of total experience, of which 12 years and 6 months in the civil service), a citizen can continue working activities in civil institutions and then receive + an old-age insurance pension (from insurance payments to the Pension Fund).

If the period exceeds 3 months, accruals start from the date of submission of the last missing document. You can receive payment either personally or through a proxy. The methods for receiving a state pension are no different from receiving a regular insurance pension. Also through mail, bank or delivery service.

Calculator for calculating pensions for FSIN employees in 2020

Separate legislation is used to establish funding for civil servants.

In terms of FSIN employees, it is worth applying the provisions of Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1 “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the state fire service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary systems, and their families.”

The conditions for retirement based on length of service are stipulated in Article 13 of this regulatory document. The amount of the pension benefit and the procedure for calculating the required amount are prescribed in Article 43 of this regulatory act. During the calculations, it is necessary to rely on the indicator of salary payments.

Preferential pension for FSIN employees

  • Experience - 20 years . In addition to the main activity, the period of work also includes: military service;
  • period of military training;
  • work as an intern;
  • training in specialized universities.
  • Experience in public service - from 12.5 years;
  • Reason for dismissal may be one of the following:
      disability due to injury;
  • staff reduction;
  • development of illness while performing official duties;
  • death occurred during execution;
  • retirement age.
  • Currently, FSIN employees receive a so-called military pension after 20 years of service; This length of service also includes military service, military training, and studies at a specialized university. You can become a FSIN pensioner even after 12.5 years, but only in a number of cases:

    How to apply for a pension for FSIN employees

    • an employee of the organization must be of the legal age for such a pension to be accrued to him;
    • length of service is required, which is recognized as sufficient for the calculation and accrual of such a pension;
    • an application is submitted according to the form for calculation of the FSIN pension and its subsequent payment to recipients;
    • it is necessary to provide all the documents necessary to calculate the pension and accrue it to the employee;
    • pension payments are carried out according to a specially approved schedule in compliance with the payment procedure;
    • It is necessary to have continuous work experience in the FSIN system in order to assign a long-service pension to a former employee;
    • pension calculation is carried out immediately after the recipient provides all the data that is requested from him to perform this operation;
    1. Documents are provided confirming that the citizen has an occupational disease.
    2. The FSIN pension is calculated, which is due to the employee for retirement due to his state of health.
    3. It is mandatory for an employee of this organization to provide information regarding his or her current length of service in order to calculate pension accruals.
    4. A clear procedure for paying sickness pension to an employee of the organization is established.

    Pension Calculation Table for UIS Employees 2020 Link to main publication


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