5000 rubles for pensioners in January 2020, will there be a lump sum payment | IINews

After retirement, not everyone has enough of the amount they receive monthly. Therefore, some categories of citizens may qualify for one-time compensation from the state, which is issued in full and not in parts. A one-time benefit is insurance coverage that the pension insurance insurer is obliged to pay. The issuance of funds is carried out in accordance with Federal Law. You can find out the amount of savings that you are entitled to using the Pension Fund of Russia or through the State Services portal by presenting your passport and SNILS.

Assignment of payment in 2020

Some people do not understand what caused the one-time fee in 2020, so they are looking forward to the same in 2020. Compensation measures were taken due to the unstable economic situation that has gripped the country, Therussiantimes.com reports. In 2020, inflation was more than 12%, so all people of retirement age should have received an increase based on this figure. The government has expressed its readiness to accrue only four percent. The decision to provide one-time compensation for the entire year 2020 was made because... Inflation was inconsistent: it rose and fell.

The money received is the total indexation of pension funds for 2020. The purpose of the one-time benefit is to compensate for inflation and rising consumer prices. Since the floating inflation rate could not be indexed, the state carried out a kind of calculation, which amounted to 5,000 rubles. As such, the incomes of the elderly population did not increase - the state only helped to keep purchasing power at the same level.

Who received one-time assistance from the state

The one-time cash disbursement was intended for the following categories:

  • Unemployed citizens who have reached retirement age. They are the most dependent on government assistance.
  • Military. The Ministry of Defense Fund and the Ministry of Internal Affairs are involved in providing for the military. Therefore, the discussion about payments to the military dragged on: the feasibility of such a benefit was taken into account, but, nevertheless, a one-time payment to military pensioners was issued. The reason for this is the constant increase in essential goods, which affects absolutely all segments of the population, regardless of their employment or supply department.
  • Working. The price increase also affects employed citizens of retirement age.
  • Disability pensioners.
  • Elderly people who have lost their breadwinner.

There is another segment of the population - the elderly, who receive pension accruals in the Russian Federation, but live abroad. They were the only exceptions and did not receive a one-time payment from the state. The reason is simple: people who do not live on the territory of the Russian Federation do not depend in any way on rising inflation. The consequences do not affect them, which means that they do not need financial assistance.

Who is entitled to a lump sum payment in Russia?

Not all pensioners are eligible for a one-time payment. For example, the following cannot count on such help:

  • people of retirement age permanently residing outside the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • military pensioners who were not included in the initial list for receiving payments - however, after numerous disputes, this category can still count on monetary compensation.

The list of persons falling under the preferential category for receiving a one-time benefit includes entities receiving the following payments:

  1. Insurance pension according to the pension program.
  2. Old age pension payments.
  3. Compensation for the loss of a breadwinner.
  4. A disability pension, and disabled children are also entitled to one-time assistance.

Also, working people and, after numerous disputes, military pensioners receive a one-time benefit.

Advantages and disadvantages of a one-time payment based on the results of 2017

Cash compensation led to both positive and negative aspects. The advantages of the campaign include the following aspects:

  • It was possible to reduce the burden on the state budget.
  • Almost all pensioners received assistance from the state, and a maximum of vulnerable citizens were covered.
  • Minimal budget losses, because managed to save on interest. Interest is deducted from money received by the Pension Fund from the federal budget.

Among the disadvantages:

  • The size of the lump sum payment to pensioners was fixed; the size of each person’s pension was not taken into account. This suggests that a lump sum payment to pensioners in 2020 may become unprofitable for many.
  • This amount could not fully compensate for the level of inflation.
  • The money paid will not be taken into account in the indexation calculation base next year.

Will there be a lump sum payment for pensioners in 2018?

The state has already managed to plan that standard indexation of pensions and social benefits will be carried out in 2020. This means that there will be no lump sum payment to pensioners in 2020. The amount that is due to all senior citizens will be distributed over 12 months. In addition, each pensioner will receive not a fixed amount, but one that will be calculated based on his pension.

Prerequisites for payment

A one-time payment to pensioners in 2020 turned out to be impractical for very obvious reasons: the inflation rate in 2017 was 3.2%. It is known that from January 1, pensions will be indexed by 3.7%, which exceeds the official inflation rate. Thanks to indexed pensions, all citizens will receive more money than the one-time compensation.

In addition, social security will receive a percentage increase. They are received by disabled people, disabled children and those who have lost their breadwinner. From April 1, pensions will be indexed by 4.1%. As for the working-age population, the adjustment of their money will be carried out in August 2018. Until then they will remain without indexing. Analyzing the above, there are no prerequisites for issuing a one-time benefit in 2020.

Pensioners will receive 5,000 rubles in January 2020

Pensioners will receive 5,000 rubles in January 2020, which will cost the budget 200 billion rubles.

The government replaced the second indexation of pensions in 2020 with a lump sum payment, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced at a meeting on pre-indexation of pensions. Pensioners will receive 5,000 rubles. in January 2020, he said, this will require 200 billion rubles from the budget.

It is difficult to implement the budget, Medvedev complained; the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) fell short by 174 billion rubles in the first half of 2020. income, this amount will also be compensated from the federal budget.

Funds for the one-time payment will be included in the PFR budget for 2020 via a transfer from the federal budget; pensioners will receive it along with their January pension.

Naturally, no one would refuse another bonus this year and receive five thousand, but this is not even in the future. For a very good reason, there was indexation of pensions, and why they received another increase.

Five thousand were given for a very good reason, because pensions were not indexed in the proper amount, there was significant inflation, and compensation did not happen.

Analysts say that the country did not suffer from such payments. Next year, accruals will also be indexed and this amount will be 3.7 percent. As they say, good things should be in moderation. Although many people have meager pensions.

The probability that pensioners in 2020 will receive a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles is zero point zero percent. There is no more money in the budget. And general optimization is gaining momentum. They even began to introduce programs to improve the financial literacy of citizens, instead of raising pensions and holding down prices.

Judging by the fact that by the end of 2020 pensions and wages (at least in our region) began to fall, then 2020 must be even worse.

No, they won't pay. For those who have forgotten, five thousand rubles in 2017 were not at all a New Year’s gift from the state for our pensioners, no, it was compensation for money that was not paid to them in 2020 due to the lack of timely indexation of their pensions.

Answer: In 2020, there will be no one-time payment to pensioners in the amount of 5,000 rubles (or any other amount).

In January 2020, the Russian government made a dubious gift to pensioners; instead of the required indexation of pensions, it made a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles. Some were happy, and some were unhappy. But be that as it may, in 2020 no such payment is provided and pensions will be indexed in the proper manner, i.e. at the rate of inflation (about 3.7%).

Unfortunately, in 2020 there was only a one-time payment to pensioners in the Russian Federation. Payments of this kind (due to indexation of pensions) are not planned for 2020.

On the other hand, it’s good that they gave at least something; we have no talk of such “gifts” at all.

Here there are only utility bills, taxes are growing steadily, but salaries, pensions and benefits... why?

Yes, probably no one would refuse to receive 5,000 rubles annually in the form of a one-time benefit, as was the case with pensioners at the beginning of 2020.

However, good things should come in small quantities. This is one of the principles of the Russian government, as I see it.

Pensioners received five thousand rubles in 2020 for a reason. There were reasons for this, namely, the pension that was not indexed in 2016, taking into account inflation. For this reason, at the beginning of 2020, pensioners were paid a lump sum benefit. Experts say that the state is the winner.

In 2020, the pension will be indexed to inflation for 2020, that is, by 3.7%.

What is better for pensioners – one-time assistance or annual indexation of pension payments

The minimum pension of a Russian is 8-9 thousand rubles. Based on this amount, then recalculated for 1 year of indexation, the additional payment will be approximately 5,000 rubles. But not all elderly people receive this minimum: for example, in Moscow it is approximately 12,000 rubles. Some people receive about 20 thousand rubles, and others even more. With such a pension, a one-time allowance of 5 thousand rubles is not at all profitable.

Considering the indexation percentage in 2020, we can confidently say that one-time assistance is the worst case scenario. Because of it, most citizens would not receive their money in terms of 12 months. The state took this into account, so the lump sum payment to pensioners in 2020 was cancelled. Indexation is carried out in order to neutralize the effects of inflation so that they do not affect such a category of citizens as pensioners. Absolutely everyone will receive the necessary supplements to their pension in full.

Will there be a lump sum payment for pensioners in 2020 details. Urgent news.

Last week, the National Bank raised the discount rate from 13.5% to 14.5%. Note that the last time this important indicator was increased was on October 27 - from 12.5% ​​to 13.5%. Before this, the regulator, on the contrary, reduced this rate. What are the positive and negative implications of such actions of the National Bank? How will this affect the functioning of the financial and banking market and the entire economy of the country?

According to financial experts, at the beginning of spring 2020, the real incomes of the Russian population increased by almost 8%. This was influenced by the one-time payment that pensioners received in the amount of 5 thousand rubles. As for the coming year, it is not yet known for sure whether lump sum payments will be made to citizens. According to statistics, the real income of the Russian population was reduced by almost 8% compared to last year's figures.

In 2020, insurance pensions of more than 31 million non-working pensioners were increased by 5.8% (indexation from February 1 by 5.4% and from April 1 by 0.38%). In August Pension

The fund carried out an annual adjustment of insurance pensions for more than 11.8 million pensioners who worked in 2020.

It is worth noting that last year the percentages were much higher. This is due to the fact that recently people have begun to prepare for the holiday in advance, rather than postponing all purchases until the last day before the New Year.

To compensate for lost income, the Government introduced a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles to pensioners. It was provided to all pensioners living in Russia, without exception, regardless of the type of pension received or employment.

At the same meeting, Duma members extended the validity of several laws. Firstly, on a one-time payment to medical specialists who are hired by regional medical organizations. 500 thousand rubles are allocated to doctors employed in hospitals in small towns and primary vascular centers in the region, as well as to neonatologists

and anesthesiologists and resuscitators who got a job at the regional children's hospital.

When will the lump sum payment be paid in 2020? Latest information.

In the Russian Federation there are no pensioners below the poverty line: there are no pensioners with a monthly income below the pensioner's subsistence level (PLS) in their region of residence. All non-working pensioners receive a social supplement to their pension up to the level of the PMP in their region of residence. In 2020, 3.9 million people received the federal social supplement to pensions provided by the Pension Fund.

State pension pensions, including social ones, are planned to increase by 4.1% for working and non-working pensioners from April 1 next year. As a result, the average annual social pension will increase to 9,045 rubles. (103.7% of the pensioner’s living wage). The average social pension for disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood of the first group will be 13,699 rubles.

It is no secret that according to statistics, a third of all pensioners in Russia, which is about fourteen million people, continue to work. It is also known that working pensioners are considered wealthier, therefore increases in pensions do not apply to them - indexation of this category of pensioners was canceled several years ago.

All the tasks set by the OPFR in the Tyumen region for 2020 have been completed, the manager of the regional branch of the pension fund, Aleftina Chalkova, spoke about this. This year, 389 thousand pensioners in the region received a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles. More than 1.9 billion rubles were allocated for this.

The deputies started with the law on family support for older people, which was developed on the initiative of Governor Sergei Sitnikov. Single elderly people, instead of a boarding house or social services at home, will be able to receive care while living with a family. And a person who will take care of a lonely pensioner - three thousand rubles a month.

Experts have calculated how much the basic amount of insurance and social pensions will increase. These increases will not affect working pensioners, since the issue of indexation of pensions for this category has been frozen for at least a year. According to experts’ calculations, insurance pensions paid in old age will rise from 300 to 500 rubles, and the size of social pensions will rise from 170 to 500 rubles. It will be more difficult with the social category of pensioners, since the size of the pension depends on the person’s disability group and other aspects for which he receives a social pension.

In 2020, insurance pensions, including fixed payments, for non-working pensioners will be increased from January

by 3.7%, which is higher than the forecast inflation. The size of the fixed payment after indexation will be 4,982.9 rubles per month, the cost of the pension point will be 81.49 rubles (in 2020 – 78.58 rubles). The average annual old-age insurance pension will increase to 14,075 rubles, the average annual old-age insurance pension for non-working pensioners will increase to 14,329 rubles.

Which pensioners are entitled to a lump sum payment video. All the latest information.

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