Fresh Vacancies in Moscow from Direct Employers for Pensioners Women in

A person’s retirement is not a sentence to spend the rest of his days inactive, content with a pitiful handout from the state. Many retirees were able to get a job abroad in one of the successful prosperous countries. Even those who earned decent money by domestic standards are forced to admit that they are paid much better behind the border.

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Why don't we employ pensioners?

If you have crossed the retirement age limit, it will be difficult for you to find a job in Russia or another CIS country. But why? You are strong, energetic, ready to continue to conquer heights and move up the career ladder. But your passport age makes you an old man, and this fact stops employers when you offer them your services.

Experience shows that the main reason not to hire people over 50, or even 40, is not their age, but the fact that a mature person has a lot of experience and is ready to defend their rights. Experienced people are more difficult to deceive, they need to be paid more, and if they are deceived, they will not be afraid to go to court. This is the main reason why retirees are not offered vacancies at many enterprises.

But in our country there are categories of pensioners who are not only able to work, but are in the prime of life. These are people who, by law, retire earlier than standard periods: firefighters, emergency workers, military personnel, etc.

Is it possible for retired people to get a job abroad?

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Vacancies for pensioners

Due to their age, pensioners cannot perform certain duties; the advertisement often indicates the age limit of the applicant. Many employers want to see employees no older than 45 years old in the workplace, let alone older people. They are left to be content with part-time work, which is not interesting to young people due to low wages.

The most common vacancies for older people:

  • Watchman, watchman, security guard.
  • Administrator at a clinic, private medical center.
  • Teacher, nanny in kindergarten.
  • Teacher of additional education.
  • Cleaning lady, janitor.
  • Salesman.
  • Conductor.
  • Nanny, housekeeper.

Some retirees are sought-after specialists in their field. They try not to retire, but work in the same place. Although, according to official data, only a third of employers are ready to keep them after reaching the pension mark and fire them at the first opportunity. When staffing is reduced, retirees are always first on the list.

If you've been asked to vacate your position due to retirement, don't despair. There are many options for finding part-time work for older people:

  • Teachers, nurses, and doctors are in demand in private kindergartens, development centers, and medical clinics. For professionals, the question of how to find a job for a pensioner is resolved quite quickly. Doctors, speech therapists, and music workers can hire several organizations to serve them, because they do not need to be constantly present in a kindergarten or medical center. These are professions in which the value of an employee increases with experience gained.
  • Find a part-time job at home that involves your ability to do things with your hands. Many pensioners are good at knitting, sewing, and embroidering. Men can be interested in wood carving and wicker weaving. Handmade products are now highly valued; there is an increased demand for hand made goods in the world. Customers are willing to pay for a high-quality item. You can work not only with clients from your city, but even throughout Russia and the world, through special websites.
  • There is a trend towards an increase in retired remote workers. They make a living through the Internet (typing text, writing articles in their specialty, filling an online store). Part-time work is suitable for those who are good with a computer, but if desired, you can quickly learn it. Pay attention to companies that are located in your city and are ready to enter into an official employment contract. If you apply for a job through the World Wide Web at an unknown company, there is a high probability of fraud.

Consider government job openings. There is always a shortage of personnel in the budget, because the salary level is low. But such organizations willingly accept pensioners even for part-time work, and some areas offer expanded social benefits.

What are the employment prospects for our retirees abroad?

The foreign labor market, unlike ours, is more flexible, and if you are a pensioner, you still have good prospects of finding a job you like with decent financial rewards.

Vacancies for people of retirement age abroad are available in the following variations:

  1. Work for highly qualified specialists with higher education.
  2. Home work.
  3. Employment that does not require high professionalism and skills.
  4. Seasonal work.

This is not to say that everything is so simple, and they are waiting for you with open arms. But there is a chance. And this is a real chance. Many of our compatriots took advantage of it and achieved their goal. Today they not only provide for themselves, but also for their less successful relatives.

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Earning money from a hobby

By doing what you love, you can turn it into a small income. Gardeners and gardeners can sell part of the harvest. Part of your plot can be allocated for growing green onions and other greens, as well as flowers. Such a harvest can be harvested throughout the summer; the demand for it is quite high.

Those who love to knit and embroider can also make money by selling crafts. For many women of retirement age, the love for making such crafts appears precisely when they retire.

Where to begin

Most often, our citizens get jobs in other countries after learning about a particular vacancy from friends. The easiest way is to follow the beaten path. It is also the safest, since you are going to a ready-made place.

Companies that search for vacancies abroad also employ retirees. But there is a great danger of encountering scammers. You can try your luck on your own by going to a foreign land as a tourist, visiting enterprises and private owners, finding a job, negotiating and making a decision. There are two options: work legally and pay all taxes, or choose the illegal route.

Knowing the language doesn't always matter. However, even a passing command of English or the local language will make you a better candidate for the job.

The easiest way for a retiree to find work from home.

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How to find work in Moscow for pensioners

  • Convenient place to work.
  • The work schedule is drawn up independently and varies depending on other employment.
  • Searching for the necessary information allows you to improve and enrich your knowledge base.
  • The employer only needs high quality work from you.
  • In case of full employment, a pensioner has access to high earnings.
  1. Employment is available to everyone, regardless of gender and age.
  2. You can work at a convenient time of day.
  3. Working conditions are as comfortable as possible, since the entire process takes place remotely, and the employee is in his home.

This is interesting: Find out the queue in a young family in Tolyatti

Home work

Most of all, non-prestigious works are open to our compatriots. By foreign standards, they are not well paid. However, when compared with our salaries, the benefits are obvious. Moreover, in most cases, the employer not only pays wages, but also provides the employee with food and accommodation.

The most accessible home work for people of retirement age is:

  • nanny;
  • cook;
  • housekeeper;
  • nurse;
  • cleaning lady, etc.

If you are most inclined to look after children, having a teaching degree will be a big plus. If you don’t have it, personal experience in raising children is enough. If you are a loving grandmother with experience raising children and grandchildren, your prospects for finding a job as a nanny are high.

For caregivers, medical education will be a plus; you can count on good pay. If you are a chef by training, you can get a job abroad with a higher salary than your young compatriots.

Foreign employers, unlike ours, have no prejudices about age. You will be assessed by the quality of your work, and not by your passport data.

Sometimes retirees have advantages over young people. The emphasis is on the responsibility and experience of the adult generation.

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Where to find work for pensioners in Moscow

If full-time work is not possible, look for part-time or weekly positions. Most employers accommodate retirees by employing them part-time or under a contract with a reduced number of hours.

Wealthy people pay well for such work, but the risk of running into scammers or dishonest “owners” is quite high. It is best to get a job with private individuals through labor exchanges or through acquaintances. If you have to work directly with strangers, it is better to draw up an employment contract.

Other employment options abroad

It may seem that women are more in demand abroad. If we talk about home work, then women are more considered as candidates for the vacancies of nannies, cleaners, caregivers, etc. As for cooks, gardeners, janitors, butlers, men have no less prospects.

There are also positions in demand in any country, such as courier, taxi driver, concierge, security guard, etc. All this variety is more suitable for men.

Among women's non-domestic professions, a promising option is working at a post office or as a telephone line operator.

Many departments require watchmen. Owning a computer opens up new perspectives.

If you are a programmer or electronics engineer, it makes sense to look for work in large companies. The IT sector is developing and therefore constantly lacks specialists. It must be said that Russian IT specialists have a good reputation abroad.

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There are very few vacancies for people over 60: Industries where they are welcome

In light of the increase in the retirement age, many are wondering how difficult it is for those over 60 to find work.

Photo: REX/Shutterstock

In a telephone survey conducted by Adzuna, 34 percent of employers said they would not consider candidates over 60 for open positions. Among the reasons they named, most often there are a young team, into which an elderly person is unlikely to fit in, physical activity, the position of management, or an internal age limit. The survey was conducted in 27 regions of Russia, among large and small companies in different fields of activity. At the same time, healthcare turned out to be the most open field for older people: 100 percent of employers expressed their readiness to consider candidates of retirement age. But in sales departments, on the contrary, employers prefer to hire young people: in more than 70 percent of cases, an older candidate’s resume will be thrown into the trash without consideration.

And although the Labor Code prohibits age discrimination, more than 13 thousand advertisements on the ru job search engine clearly indicate age restrictions (such as “up to 40 years”, “work for young people”, etc.). Such advertisements with restrictions are especially common in the categories: sales and distribution, marketing, IT, hotel and restaurant business.

Whether an older candidate will find a good job depends primarily on whether he or she has unique experience and expertise. Experts in their field will be gladly hired for work in healthcare, law, education, consulting, as well as in manufacturing (with the exception of work requiring heavy physical activity). If an employee has been constantly improving his skills for many years, achieving results in various projects, taking on new tasks and successfully coping with them, he will not be left without a job. It’s a completely different matter if a person simply served years in an office or in production, did not prove himself in any way, and did not engage in self-development. Thus, Muscovite Kirill P., despite his pre-retirement age (57 years), was able to get a job as a sales director in a distribution company, that is, he took a leadership position in an area where they rely on the young and energetic. However, this is not surprising, given his excellent track record, fluency in English and an MBA degree.

However, even retired experts have to make efforts to overcome stereotypes and prove their professional worth. Recruiters note that older candidates are often characterized by low adaptability to change, fading activity (both physical and motivational), the pressure of experience (“I know what’s best”), and negative opposition to themselves to young people (“here we are at your age”). In addition, a young boss often serves as an obstacle to employment: recruiting experience shows that the greater the age difference between the boss and the employee, the more difficult it is for the manager to hire a person much older than himself.

However, not all pensioners are inferior to young applicants in terms of personal qualities. Many older workers are distinguished by endurance and patience, loyalty to the employer and strong motivation to be socially useful. Such candidates usually exceed employers' expectations. Thus, pensioner Alexey N., having got a job as a personal driver for the owner of the company, thanks to his experience and business acumen, soon received a promotion and now performs important functions in supplying the company. And Yuri A. from Yaroslavl could not find a job in his specialty and agreed to a low-skilled job, but after two months he managed a small manufacturing startup.

The approaching demographic hole is forcing employers to reconsider their views on the requirements for applicants. Young candidates are more expensive, more ambitious, often change jobs and do not always inspire confidence. When it comes to non-prestigious and low-paid vacancies without growth prospects, such as courier, concierge, watchman, nurse, etc., the employer has to hire older workers.

As for salaries, labor market experts note that sought-after older professionals earn no less than their younger counterparts. But there are few such professionals. Many workers with unique experience have earned themselves a “unique” pension and now they are of little interest in working for hire. According to a study by the Higher School of Economics, the earnings of most Russians who reach 45-55 years old begin to decline by about 15-20 percent compared to their younger colleagues.

pension age labor market employment pension reform retirement age

How to get a job: legally or illegally?

Having decided to make your retirement life fulfilling and productive, in addition to your profession, it makes sense to choose the state. In this case, it is useful to read reviews of compatriots who are already working abroad.

Since in most successful countries some areas of activity are not particularly popular among the local population, but there is a need for them, our pensioners have a real chance to occupy these vacant niches.

If you look at things realistically, many, and even the majority of Russians, Ukrainians, Moldovans, etc. work illegally in Europe and America. Deportations don't happen that often. This is due to the fact that foreigners do not displace the local population from jobs, but, on the contrary, bring benefits to society.

If you decide to get a job legally, you need a job offer from your employer. If you have one, apply for a work visa. If not, go abroad on a tourist visa. In countries like Italy, Poland, Germany, etc., there is always something to do. To obtain a visa to Italy, Poland and Germany, you must contact the embassy of these countries.

Work for pensioners in Moscow museums

At a time, each of them - and this is 700 thousand people - will receive 5 thousand rubles. A person will be able to direct this money wherever he sees fit,” Vorobiev said. In the Moscow region, 109 categories of citizens, or more than 2.4 million people, receive social support from the regional and federal budgets.

Possible. Live-in caregiver for an 87-year-old woman Caregiver (walking patient) Live-in 6 days a week Live-in caregiver for a 77-year-old woman, 30/30 shift Responsibilities: caring for a 77-year-old woman with Parkinson’s disease (walking, non-verbal woman ), hygiene procedures, administering medications, following doctor’s recommendations, and helping around the house.

Employment centers of the north-eastern administrative district of Moscow:

  • State Public Institution Employment Center of the Northern Military District "Maryina Roshcha"

Service areas: Bibirevo, Maryina Roshcha, Butyrsky

Address: Moscow, st. Suschevsky Val, 14/22, building 1

Metro station: Savelovskaya, Maryina Roshcha


Fax Email

Head of Department: Merkulova Ekaterina Sergeevna

Reception hours: Monday – Thursday 9.00-18.00; Friday 9.00-17.00. No lunch break. Saturday, Sunday – closed

  • Department "Losinoostrovsky"

Service areas: Northern Medvedkovo, Losinoostrovsky

Address: Moscow, st. Malygina, 1, building 2

Metro station: Babushkinskaya, Medvedkovo



Head of Department: Fedorenko Tatyana Vyacheslavovna

Reception hours: Monday – Thursday 9.00-18.00; Friday 9.00-17.00. No lunch break. Saturday, Sunday – closed

  • Department "Otradnoe"

Service areas: Otradnoye, Severnoye, Altufyevo, Lianozovo

Address: Moscow, Altufevskoe highway, 40-G

Metro station: Otradnoe



Head of Department: Evgenia Alekseevna Shcherbakova

Reception hours: Monday – Thursday 9.00-18.00; Friday 9.00-17.00. No lunch break. Saturday, Sunday – closed.

  • Department "Ostankinsky"

Service areas: Rostokino, Marfino, Ostankino, Yaroslavsky, Alekseevsky

Address: Moscow, st. Godovikova, 6

Metro station: Alekseevskaya Telephone


Head of Department: Kozlova Marina Nikolaevna

Reception hours: Monday – Thursday 9.00-18.00; Friday 9.00-17.00. No lunch break. Saturday, Sunday – closed.

  • Department "Babushkinsky"

Service areas: Babushkinsky, Sviblovo, South Medvedkovo

Address: Moscow, st. Pechorskaya, 11

Metro station: Babushkinskaya



Head of Department: Kinyapina Anna Nikolaevna

Reception hours: Monday – Thursday 9.00-18.00; Friday 9.00-17.00. No lunch break. Saturday, Sunday – closed.

Work in Moscow for pensioners according to recruitment agencies

Conditions: salary 17,000 + bonuses, payments 2 times a month Payment for travel and mobile phone. Opening hours: 5/2, from 12:00 to 21:00, 13:00 to 22:00, from 14:00 to 23:00. Career growth, training, corporate events, gifts are possible. Students and retirees are considered!

The Daina company, a leader in the women's underwear market, invites women aged 20-55 to work/part-time work as a sales consultant-stylist of women's underwear, knitwear, and swimwear from catalogues. Lingerie from European manufacturers not represented in the retail chain. There is an opportunity for career growth. Sales income up to 70%. On average, earnings range from 10,000 to 50,000 with employment from 8 hours per week - for salespeople and distributors. Gifts, promotions, bonuses. No financial risk, returns and exchanges of products without commission or fines. No sales plan. By inviting people to your group, you can also have passive income. It is possible to combine with other network companies. A flexible schedule is selected individually and is convenient for working people, students, women with children, and pensioners. Free training, support program for beginners. Vacancy for Muscovites and the Moscow region. All questions strictly by phone (leave yours), no correspondence! The work is easier than you think. It's time to act !

17 Oct 2020 lawurist7 2743

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5) Consultant in the call center

Many companies offer work in call centers to people over 50. The following skills and qualities are important: competent speech, pleasant voice, friendliness, resistance to stress.


A shift and flexible work schedule allows you to choose a feasible workload and a convenient time for work (there are day and night shifts). There are options for working as a call center consultant from home.


A good memory is required: in order to provide high-quality consulting assistance to clients, you need to study a large amount of information about products/services. Not all clients who contact the call center are pleasant to talk to.

Amounts and procedure of payments

The amount of subsidies depends on several points:

  • length of work experience at the last place of work;
  • reasons for the citizen's dismissal.

So, if the dismissed person worked at his last place of work for less than 26 weeks, then he is assigned a minimum amount of subsidy. The amount will be 1,500 rubles per month in 2020. This payment is assigned regardless of the reason for the employee’s dismissal.

The minimum amount of the subsidy is assigned to citizens with more than 26 weeks of work experience in their last place, if dismissal from their position occurred for the following reasons:

  • violation of labor discipline;
  • illegal actions of an employee.

The minimum subsidy amount is also assigned to the following persons of pre-retirement age:

  • those who received an appointment for training from the labor exchange, but were expelled due to various violations;
  • untimely registration with the Employment Center - a year or more after dismissal.

If a citizen is registered with the Employment Center within 12 months after being released from office and has at least 26 weeks of work experience in his last place, he is provided with benefits according to the following scheme:

  • the first 3 months after dismissal - 75% of the average monthly income;
  • the next 4 months after dismissal from office - 60% of the average monthly profit;
  • the remaining period for receiving cash allocations is 45% of the average monthly income.

The maximum benefit amount is the minimum allowance valid in the region.

Employment centers of the northern administrative district of Moscow:

  • State Public Institution Employment Center SJSC "Begovoi"

Service areas: Airport, Begovoy, Voykovsky, Savelovsky, Sokol, Khoroshevsky

Address: Moscow st. Kuusinena 2.

Metro station: "Polezhaevskaya"




Director of the GKU TsZN Northern Administrative Okrug of the city of Moscow: Linnik Roman Vasilievich

Reception hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9.00-17.00; Tuesday 9.00-20.00; Thursday 9.00-19.00; break 13.00-13.45

  • Department "Dmitrovsky"

Service areas: Beskudnikovsky, Dmitrovsky, Eastern Degunino, partially Western Degunino

Address: Moscow, Dmitrovskoe highway, 131, building 2

Metro station: "Petrovsko - Razumovskaya", bus. 763, 63, trol.78. stop cinema "Volga"




Head of Department: Krylova Maria Sergeevna

Reception hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9.00-17.00; Tuesday 9.00-20.00; Thursday 9.00-19.00; break 13.00-13.45

  • Department "Koptevsky"

Service areas: Timiryazevsky, Koptevo

Address: Moscow, st. Bolshaya Akademicheskaya, 22 B.

Metro station: "Voikovskaya", trol. 57. rest. "TV studio"



Head of Department: Lashtabega Olga Viktorovna

Reception hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9.00-17.00; Tuesday 9.00-20.00; Thursday 9.00-19.00; break 13.00-13.45

  • Department "Golovinsky"

Service areas: Golovinsky, Levoberezhny, Molzhaninovsky, Khovrino, partially Western Degunino Address: Moscow, st. Onezhskaya, house 15

Metro station: “Vodny Stadion”, bus. 72, rest. "Onezhskaya street 19".

Phone fax

Head of Department: Zhilina Tatyana Nikolaevna

Reception hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9.00-17.00; Tuesday 9.00-20.00; Thursday 9.00-19.00; break 13.00-13.45

Advice for older candidates:

Whatever vacancy you apply for, you have competitors in the form of young specialists. To win the employer's sympathy, write an effective cover letter: the text of the message you send to the employer. Don't just send your resume - that's not enough.

In a short cover letter (up to 0.5 pages of text), emphasize that you are energetic, eager to work and have the qualities that are important to the employer. Remember that your main asset is life experience, which allows you to avoid sharp corners when communicating with management and colleagues, responsibility and the desire to perform your duties efficiently and conscientiously. Convey this idea to the employer and emphasize that you can complete the tasks in full.

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