Dignified old age: what kind of pension will senior Russian officials receive?

What pension supplement will pensioners living in the village receive in 2020?

The accrual is provided for by law as part of the ongoing pension reform in the Russian Federation. In accordance with it, additional amounts are issued from 01/01/2019. The increase in payment is carried out in stages:

  1. Indexation of pensions by 7.05% for non-working persons.
  2. An increase of 25% to pensions for representatives of certain professions in the village.

Subsidies to the insurance part of the pension

According to Federal Law No. 350, the planned increase in insurance pensions by 7.05% was carried out. Indexation took place on January 1, 2019, and the change in question affected only those pensioners who are entitled to pensions of the specified type. This year, the additional payment is determined individually, and not as an increase in any pension by 1,000 rubles, despite repeated statements by the government.

Due to the fact that the increase in the provision of Russian pensioners in 2020 is implemented as indexation, the premium will increase in proportion to the citizen’s pension.

It should be noted that indexation applies only to unemployed citizens:

  • for pension accruals corresponding to the average indicators for the Russian Federation - about 1,000 rubles, that is, 14,414 × 0.0705 = 1016.19;
  • if the pension amount is less than the average, the additional payment will be lower accordingly (example: 8,000 rubles × 0.0705 = 564);
  • if payments exceed the average, the additional payment will be correspondingly higher (20,000 × 0.0705 = 1,410).

Special additional payments for long service – over 30 years

Citizens who have worked in agriculture for 30 years or more are entitled to an increase in the fixed payment (FB) to the pension amount by 25%. By law, the increase in payments is made from 01/01/2019.

On a note!

The seniority bonus is only due to non-working persons who have been assigned a pension due to disability or old age.

The PV sizes for residents in rural areas are as follows:

  • 1,333.55 rubles for those who receive funds for disability (groups 1 and 2) and old age;
  • 666.77 rubles for disabled people of group 3.

25% surcharge

Persons who have been assigned an insurance pension have the right to an addition to payments of this type. In this case, a number of mandatory conditions must be met:

  1. The pensioner must work for at least 30 years in agriculture, in a position included in the list established by law.

    Only the time of official employment is taken into account, that is, the period when contributions to the Pension Fund were made.

  2. By the time the bonus is assigned, the person applying for it must cease official labor and entrepreneurial activity.
  3. Permanent residence in the village. When traveling outside of its borders, the surcharge is waived.

The minimum pension in Moscow was increased to 19.5 thousand rubles from September 1

Read the full text on the inforeactor website. Which Omsk residents will receive an increased pension? The list of industries and agricultural professions has been updated to establish an increased pension. It includes new categories. Some Russians will receive a pension at old age, the media write. The head of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market, Anatoly Aksakov, said that it is planned to introduce a bill into parliament that will allow some Russians to receive a pension at the old retirement age, 55 years for women and 60 years among men, Alsou received the right to an increased pension and benefits; the summer performer received the title of People's Artist of the Republic of Bashkortostan. So Ufa officials decided to support Alsou. The decree on receiving the title was signed by the acting head of the republic, Radiy Khabirov. Along with the title, the singer received the right to promotion

What rural professions are eligible for a bonus when receiving a pension?

The names of professions given below for 3 types of production provide for the accrual of a 25% premium for individuals. These lists are officially approved in Resolution No. 1440. The allowance is due:

  • agronomy specialists: agricultural technicians and agrochemists;
  • tractor drivers, combine harvester drivers, machinists and machine operators;
  • agricultural equipment repairmen: mechanics, fitters, repairmen;
  • persons holding leadership positions in this area (managers, directors, chairmen of state farms).

The list of representatives of professions involved in livestock farming includes:

  • veterinarians, orderlies and paramedics;
  • livestock breeding technicians and masters, machine operators and machinists;
  • masters of machine milking, technologists of the workshop for slaughter and processing of animal carcasses;
  • chairmen and directors of state farms and collective farms;
  • heads of peasant farms.

The bonus is also given to persons specializing in fish farming on collective and state farms and farms:

  • livestock specialists;
  • ichthyologists and ichthyopathologists;
  • sea ​​animals;
  • engineers, mechanics, power engineers in the field of fish farming.

How can villagers get a raise?

It has been established that these additional payments in 2020 will be accrued without application. Information about the length of service of each person is contained in the unified database of the pension authority. There is no need to contact the Pension Fund, the amount of benefits increases automatically.

Article 5 of Federal Law No. 350 of 2020 provides that the increase will begin to take effect in January 2020. At the same time, the deadline for the recalculation procedure is set until the beginning of September. All money that should be accrued from January until the modification of the pension amount is subject to compensation for the entire time that there was a delay in payments.

If a situation arises in which Pension Fund employees do not have documentation indicating the existence of the right to a bonus, the citizen can submit such documents at any time. The date of transmission of all certificates affects the period that will be paid.


  • If you submit documents during 2020, the increase will be assigned and paid starting in January. Even if the acts are submitted in December, compensation is paid for the entire previous period;
  • provided that information is sent in 2020, the increase will be established from the month following the day of application.

Thus, the latest news about pensions for rural residents in 2020 indicates that the ban on establishing an increase in the amount has been lifted ( this word has several meanings: Degree of development, magnitude, scale of some phenomenon

) 25% for those who have worked in the agricultural sector for 30 years. A mandatory requirement is that the profession be reflected in the list developed by the Government.

Step-by-step algorithm for completing documents to increase your pension in 2020

Allowances are calculated without an application when the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation has all the necessary documents confirming that the applicant’s work experience is at least 30 years. In such cases, the pension is calculated automatically.

Where to contact

Employees of the Pension Fund should be contacted only when the bonus was not automatically accrued along with the pension on time, although all the conditions for receiving payments were met.


Perhaps the lack of accruals is due to the lack of necessary documents confirming the length of service, or an error in them. In such cases, an appeal to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is mandatory.

Registration procedure

Due to the automatic calculation of allowances, there is no need to collect a package of documents and contact government agencies. If there are no required payments, you need to ask PF employees to double-check the correctness of the data on work experience in the village.

You may need to write an application or present your work record book, which is proof of the duration of official employment.

You must first call the PF office or write a letter to the institution. On the appointed day, you must come to the appointment and provide the required documentation confirming your right to the required bonus.

Required documents

When making additional payments to the Pension Fund, you must have a pension certificate and a work book with records of work experience. In case of loss of a book, individuals have the right to submit any other documents that may serve as evidence of their experience. These may be:

  • certificates from the place of work;
  • payroll statements;
  • characteristics and certificates from the place of employment;
  • employment contracts and written confirmation of their implementation.

The size of the pensions of State Duma deputies surprised voters

But here it is, a certificate!

We present its contents with the necessary explanations and clarifications.

The law on the status of a member of the Federation Council and a State Duma deputy contains Article 29, which talks about medical, household and pension guarantees. It says: a citizen who has been a deputy for at least five years has the right to “additional payment to the old-age insurance pension.”

Five years is one parliamentary term. The word “additional payment” means that first, a parliamentarian who has reached retirement age is accrued an insurance pension, like an ordinary mortal, and then a certain amount is added to it. Which one?

Such that, in general, those who served 5 to 10 years on Okhotny Ryad would receive every month no less than 55% of the monetary remuneration of the current deputy. And those who served at Okhotny Ryad for more than 10 years - no less than 75%. If you haven’t served even one term as a deputy, you won’t receive any additional payments to your insurance pension.

These rules came into force on January 1, 2020 - they were adopted by the State Duma of the previous convocation. Previously, the procedure for calculating additional payments was even more preferential: with parliamentary experience from one to three years, the pension plus additional payment amounted to 55% of the monetary remuneration of the current deputy, and with parliamentary experience of more than three years - 75%.

If, after resigning as a deputy, a citizen who has reached retirement age becomes an official, he will temporarily lose the right to additional payment. Until the moment when he ceases to be an official.

Pay attention to the words “monetary reward” and “current deputy”: they are important for understanding the issue.

Cash reward is not the same as salary. This is a certain basic amount, which is established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. By multiplying it by a certain coefficient, the monthly salary is obtained.

The monetary remuneration of a State Duma deputy this year, taking into account indexation by 4% at the beginning of the year, is 84,774 rubles.

The deputy’s pension is calculated from this amount, and not from the 399.3 thousand rubles accrued, that is, “dirty”, average salary, as many people think. Confusion in concepts gives rise to legends and myths about deputy pensions of more than 200 thousand rubles a month.

The pension of even former deputies who have received the right to additional payment depends on the size of the monetary remuneration of currently serving deputies, that is, it grows as it increases.

Now the pension provision of a State Duma deputy (insurance pension plus additional payment - “MK”) is 46,626 rubles when performing duties from five to 10 years, and 63,581 rubles when performing duties for 10 years or more - this follows from the material on the State Duma website.

The information was prepared and made public by order of State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin due to the relevance of the topic - he himself confirmed this in the meeting room. In connection with the discussion of the bill on raising the retirement age, many resources are spreading false information on this matter, and “we have nothing to hide,” the speaker said. Otherwise, he says, people ask what the deputies’ pension will be, but some deputies cannot answer because they don’t know.

It is unlikely that after these figures are announced, voters will become warmer towards the deputies. Most voters have salaries that are less than the pensions of those who have served one term in parliament. And the average old-age insurance pension in Russia in 2020, according to the Pension Fund, is 14,151 rubles per month...

But now I would like to see similar information published by the federal government, the Presidential Administration, and the authorities of regions, republics and federal cities - all those who call us to a bright future and assure us that we will live long, richly and happily.

I would really like it - for the purity of the relationship.

The Federation Council need not worry: we already know everything about senators, because their pensions are calculated according to the same rules as deputies.

Read the material on the topic: An expert revealed the secret of the gap between the incomes of the rich and poor in Russia

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