Amount of pension in the Moscow region when issued by a former resident of the DPR

Home — Civil procedural law — Minimum pension in the Moscow region in 2020 latest news

Citizens of retirement age who are still working will not be able to claim this bonus. Despite the fact that previously indexed payments were accrued to pensioners during February, in 2020 this is planned for January. Military pensions Muscovites involved in work at any level in the Ministry of Defense are entitled to receive military pensions. In 2020, if they have 20 years of service, they can still receive severance pay during retirement. If there are medical reasons confirmed by official documents, this length of service can be reduced to 12 years. Thus, Muscovites pensioners receiving minimum pensions should expect an increase in accruals from the beginning of 2020, which will be able to improve the financial situation of each individual citizen on a well-deserved retirement.

Minimum pension in Moscow and the Moscow region in 2020


If such a citizen stops working, the pension will be indexed at the time of work. If after this such person gets a job again, then the pension remains at the same level and no deductions will be made from it.


Exceptions are provided only for the following groups:

  • the pensioner got a job after indexation on January 1;
  • The pensioner got a job after indexation on April 1.

No recalculation will be made for them.
For non-workers All pensioners who have stopped working can count on indexation of their pensions in 2018.

The insurance payment will be increased to 4982 rubles. Its coefficient will also be raised to 81 rubles. Average size The average pension size, unlike the minimum pension, does not depend on the cost of living.

As stated in the Pension Fund, in 2020

What is the Moscow pension

When we talk about the “Moscow pension,” we mean the concept of the City Social Standard, introduced in 2010. This standard establishes a certain pension amount in favor of which additional payments are made. Today it is equal to 19,500 rubles . The procedure and conditions for additional payments are established by local legislation.

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The amount of the supplement is calculated based on the standard minus the initial pension amount. In numbers it looks like this:

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A non-working pensioner living in Moscow is assigned an old-age insurance pension in the amount of about 14,000 rubles, taking into account the accumulated work experience. He is 5,500 rubles short of the established standard. He can count on receiving such a bonus.

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A second-year student at the age of 20 receives a survivor's pension due to the death of his father. Its size is equal to the cost of living - 12,578 rubles. He can receive 6922 in addition to his pension monthly.

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Minimum pension in the Moscow region in 2020

For this group, pension payments are determined by the City Social Minimum Income Standard. Monthly payments for them from the beginning of 2020 will be at least 17,500 rubles, which will exceed the previous minimum amount by 3,000 rubles. The launch of the mechanism for receiving these additional payments in the new amount is planned during the first two months of 2020, since it must be implemented before the presidential elections . Citizens with temporary registration in Moscow are not covered by the City Social Standard and the Regional Social Supplement. Minimum pensions for residents of the region Additional payments to residents of the Moscow region are somewhat different from the amounts that pensioners in the capital will receive. The mechanism for determining the size of such subsidies is more complex; its algorithm is individual, so citizens receive additional payments of different sizes. At the moment, in the Moscow region it remains at the level of 13,800 rubles. Minimum wage value The minimum wage in the Moscow region was established back in 2020. At the beginning of 2020, there were no changes in the direction of its increase. Therefore, now it is 13,750 rubles. No employer in the region has the right to set wages below this amount.


It is expected that in the coming year the minimum wage in the region will be increased by 300 rubles. Amendments to the law regarding the increase will come into force in July.

Additional payments and allowances All additional payments and allowances to pensions in the Moscow region are calculated based on the rules provided throughout the country. They are provided to all low-income and socially vulnerable categories. This primarily applies to people of retirement age who have stopped working and live alone.

Subtleties of calculation

The algorithm of required accruals for residents of the regional region is somewhat different from the pensions of Muscovites. The expansion of the borders of New Moscow by absorbing nearby areas has increased the category of happy holders of preferential registration. At the same time, residents of the Moscow region and region, whose territorial location is outside the established boundaries of the capital, receive subsidies in smaller amounts; their size is set strictly individually, according to complex calculation schemes.

Information. Unemployed residents of the Moscow region who have lived to the age of 70 or more have the right to claim a pension supplement in the amount of 700 rubles. Moreover, their income should not exceed 2 subsistence minimums.

Important. If there are two pensioners of such advanced age in one family, the rule applies to each of them.

Additional payments to the minimum pension in 2020, Moscow region

Additionally, some preferences will be provided for citizens with veteran status or persons who have been married for more than fifty years. For such families and individual residents, additional one-time payments will be provided. Minimum pension in the Moscow region in 2020 latest news The increase will be a small 400 rubles, but for pensioners it is better than nothing.

An increase in social pensions from April 2020 of 8,742 rubles is a payment that is due to everyone who was unable to accumulate the necessary length of service to receive an insurance pension. This value is used as a basis for assigning allowances to disabled people of groups 1 and 2.

In order to support particularly vulnerable segments of the population, the size of the minimum social pension in Russia in 2020 will be increased by 4.1 percent from April (however, the indexation coefficient may be changed).

What will the old age pension be in 2020: minimum amount

Amount of payments Starting from January 1, 2020, the minimum pension in the Moscow region is set at 9,527 rubles. If the estimated amount due does not reach this level, then local authorities are obliged to make additional payments. Old age The minimum old age pension is assigned to those citizens whose age has already reached the retirement age, but the length of service is not enough to calculate the full average payment. In this case, it is enough that the total experience is 5 years. Which categories of citizens are entitled to such charges:

  • if a person worked illegally, received a salary “in an envelope”, which means he did not make contributions to the Pension Fund;
  • if the employer misled the employee and the tax authorities and did not make the required contributions to the pension fund, or they were too small.


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Residents of the regions go to various lengths to obtain Moscow registration, and in the future, all the social guarantees due to Muscovites.

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To do this, some buy out shares in apartments from Moscow residents, preparing a “background” for the future. However, many believe that spending large sums of money at a time for the sake of a small additional payment to a pension in the future is unjustified.

Although there are many rumors surrounding “huge” Moscow pensions, causing discontent among residents of the outback, the game is not always worth the candle. For example, residents of the northern regions and the Far East are not at all worried about Moscow pensions, because they receive on average several thousand more than Muscovites.

Minimum pension in the Moscow region, how to live for pensioners?

Some pensioners, for one reason or another, may receive more or less, but this depends on their length of service and other indicators. Pension Moscow region 2020 Future pensioners often wonder what the minimum pension is in the Moscow region.

Currently it is at the level of 9161 rubles. Old age pension. The Moscow region has higher old-age pensions. They are assigned to older people who do not have enough experience to qualify for more. Old-age pension is a rather conventional term that is usually used in everyday life. What is the pension in the Moscow region for those who do not have the right to claim a labor pension or any other monetary payments? Minimum pension in the Moscow region The minimum old-age pension in the Moscow region is assigned to those who have at least 5 years of experience in the current year.

Amount of pension payments in the Moscow region

Pensioners near Moscow received compensation in 2019 366 rubles. The following may apply for additional payment:

  • pensioners without work;
  • social pension is the only source of income .

The budget of the Moscow Region allocates at least 1 million rubles for these needs every year.

The recalculation mechanism for residents living outside the city is quite complicated. The increase is calculated for each person individually.

For residents of the region, the monetary level is 9,527 rubles. If after calculation the amount is not enough, then additional payments are made from the regional budget. When calculating, the following category of citizens is taken:

  • pension is assigned to citizens whose age has reached 55 years, but the number of years worked is not enough for accruals. As a rule, this category includes persons who received wages “in an envelope” without making contributions to the Pension Fund. The employer did not make contributions to the fund, therefore the citizen was unable to earn the required points;
  • for disability - divided into 3 types - insurance, entitled to everyone who has at least some work experience, social - to everyone who cannot count on insurance, state - persons with work experience, receipt is possible in accordance with regulations.

This year, after increasing payments, the minimum amount of disability payment is 14 thousand rubles. the Moscow region has become the leader in disability pension payments .

All surcharges in the region are calculated in the same way as in the country. They are provided to all low-income , socially vulnerable categories of citizens. Particular participation is given to people of retirement age who are left alone .

If a person moves to the region, what happens to the accruals? Registration is carried out according to the rules of the region where the pensioner will live.

You will need to provide documents:

  • passport with registration;
  • SNILS.

Employees of the Pension Fund will make inquiries regarding the previous place of residence, and then the recalculation will be made according to the rules of the region.

All those who work after retirement will not receive additional payment. Compensation is made to disabled people I-II , housing and communal services personnel, civil registry office , education, and healthcare. To receive additional payments, you will need to contact the social security .

Minimum pension in the Moscow region

This will increase the average pension for this group by an amount from 175 to 500 rubles. In April, payments for disabled children will also be increased by an average of 300 rubles. In addition, from February 1, each child will be able to receive a monthly cash payment in the amount of 2,527 rubles. From January 1, all monthly payments for disabled people will be indexed by 4.1%.

Plus, the cost of a set of benefits that disabled people receive in cash or in kind will be increased. If we do not take Moscow into account, then the leader in Russia in terms of the amount of pensions for disabled people is the Moscow region.

For the loss of a breadwinner The pension for the loss of a breadwinner directly depends on the cost of living in the region. In 2020

Who will receive the surcharge?

As we have already noted, an additional payment is provided for people who have reached retirement age, but provided that they are officially registered in the capital region. Taking into account the length of stay, all payments will be divided into two groups:

  • registered in Moscow or Moscow Region for up to 10 years or less, the calculation will be carried out taking into account the average cost of living. If the final amount of accruals does not correspond to this indicator, then the local budget is obliged to make an appropriate additional payment. In the new year, the benefit for this group of recipients will be 11,816 rubles, which is 255 rubles more than in the past;
  • those registered in the Moscow Region or in Moscow for 10 years or more will be able to receive a minimum benefit of 17,500 rubles, which is 3,000 rubles more than last year.

Additionally, it is worth saying that citizens who have temporary registration in the capital or in the region will not be able to count on additional payment. Of course, when applying for payments, you will need to provide documentation confirming the fact that you have been registered for the required period, and a corresponding statement. All other steps for calculating benefits will be performed automatically.

Data on the minimum pension in the Moscow region in 2020

State In addition to insurance and social benefits, some Russian citizens are entitled to receive a state pension. Minimum pension in the Moscow region Attention Citizens of retirement age who are still working will not be able to qualify for this bonus.

Despite the fact that previously indexed payments were accrued to pensioners during February, in 2020 this is planned for January. Military pensions Muscovites involved in work at any level in the Ministry of Defense are entitled to receive military pensions.

Important In 2020, if they have 20 years of service, they can still receive severance pay when they retire. If there are medical reasons confirmed by official documents, this length of service can be reduced to 12 years. Non-insurance periods are also taken into account;

  • the age at which a citizen retires. For each year of later application to the Pension Fund for the assignment of payments after the right to them becomes available, both the fixed amount and the insurance amount will increase by a certain coefficient;
  • the amount of officially paid salary, from which deductions are made to the Pension Fund;
  • pension option chosen by the future pensioner independently - only insurance or together with a funded one.

Amounts It is important for many to know what the minimum pension is in the Moscow region in 2020, under what conditions one can apply for the assignment of benefits for old age, disability, loss of a breadwinner and other types.

How to apply for social benefits

A low-income pensioner needs to contact the social protection department or the MFC for additional payments. The additional payment is paid from the first day of the month following the one in which the application was accepted and completed.

To process the payment you will need the following documents:

  • Application addressed to the head of the social protection department. It will require you to indicate your preferred payment method - via Russian Post, to a bank account, to a card.
  • Passport.
  • Certificate from place of residence.
  • Pensioner's ID.
  • Insurance pension certificate.
  • Certificate of pension amount, including the funded part.
  • Certificates of benefits received, assigned benefits, additional social payments, utility subsidies.
  • Certificate from educational institution for full-time students.

Documents should be provided in copies. Originals will be required to verify authenticity. If the applicant has an electronic digital signature, the social supplement can be issued through State Services or the regional portal of public services of the Moscow region. Pensioners who cannot contact the MFC on their own can entrust the registration of social supplement to a trusted person. In this case, you will need a power of attorney to represent interests and a passport of the representative.

Minimum pension in the Moscow region 2020 latest news

Most often these are those who have worked illegally all their lives. It also happens that the employer misled the person.

As a result, the citizen received his salary regularly, but points may not have been awarded to him. Its size is 9161 rubles. If the calculated pension “does not reach” this amount, the pensioner will be assigned additional payments.

Pension in the Moscow region. Amount of pension in the Moscow region. Pensions in the Moscow region should be increased in 2020. This is due not only to rising wages, but also to inflation. Since products become more expensive every year, the Government needs to annually increase not only salaries, but also pensions. This is necessary to ensure that citizens have enough money to purchase essential products. Money is also required to pay various utility bills. Disability pension. Moscow Region The Moscow Region is also a leader in the level of pensions for disabled people.

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