Production time for SNILS in PFR Ekaterinburg

How to get SNI for a child in Yekaterinburg

The provision of state and municipal services via the Internet is widespread today.
So, using the service of the public services portal you can get an extract from the state register of rights to real estate, receive or exchange a foreign or Russian passport without waiting in line, and much more. SNILS is used to identify the user on the government services portal. To obtain SNILS for a child, a mother or father with their own passport and the child’s birth certificate or child’s passport can contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of registration or actual place of residence. You need to fill out an application at the Pension Fund and receive SNILS for your child no later than two weeks later. Children over 14 years old can apply to the Pension Fund on their own with their passport. In the Ordzhonikidze district of Yekaterinburg, you should apply for a SNILS at the address: Yekaterinburg. st. Mashinostroiteley, 19, 5th floor. cab. 5002.

The procedure for obtaining an individual personal account insurance number (SNILS)

Important! In accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, we will not be able to answer your question containing personal data (including full name, year, month, date and place of birth, address, family, social, property status - for example, about paid pension amounts, etc.). Please address such questions to the PFR online reception or to the PFR client service at your place of residence. Thanks for understanding!

If you have not found the answer to your question, use the services of a PFR consultant by calling the Unified Federal Consulting Service of the Pension Fund at 8 800 302 2 302 (for persons living in the Russian Federation, the call is free).

How to get SNILS for a child

The insurance certificate of Mandatory Pension Insurance in the form of a green card is a document confirming the registration of a citizen in the Pension Insurance system. This certificate was previously issued only to persons who had reached the age of majority, as well as upon employment. Today it has become possible to obtain an identification number in the Pension Fund, that is, SNILS, for children, regardless of their age. This innovation is associated with the development of some government programs for social support of the population, in order to participate in which you must have a SNILS (Individual Personal Account Insurance Number).

You can issue a SNILS for a child by contacting the Territorial Administration of the Pension Fund with the necessary documents. Usually, within a couple of weeks after writing an application to register a child or teenager in the Pension Insurance system, he is assigned a personal certificate number.

Overview of branches of the Pension Fund of Yekaterinburg

A Russian who has a passport with a registration stamp (or birth certificate), educational certificates, a tax identification number, and a medical insurance policy can feel like a full-fledged citizen. They are necessary for employment, the possibility of receiving medical services, benefits, and for changing place of residence. As a rule, a person without documents is simply not perceived by government officials.

In the absence of a pension insurance certificate, the employee fills out a form at the local branch of the “Pension Fund of the Russian Federation”, presenting a passport. In many SNILS branches in Yekaterinburg, they are issued on the day of application. The questionnaire can also be submitted by an employee of the personnel department where the person got a job. After receiving the card, the policyholder is obliged to issue it to the employee within a calendar week.

Restore snils Ekaterinburg Kirovsky District Court


This is due to the fact that authorities exchange information about people using a universal citizen identity identifier, which is SNILS. Many citizens periodically turn to the authorities to receive certain social benefits and other types of guarantees from the state - subsidies, free food, provision of medicines and much more. When applying, authorized persons will definitely require you to provide SNILS, otherwise the applicant will be refused.

From this we can conclude that it is almost impossible to do without SNILS. However, in some cases it is necessary to obtain an insurance certificate for children to receive medical benefits.

Where to get SNIs for a child in Yekaterinburg, we live in the Kirov region

SNILS when changing your last name: The personal data indicated on the “green card” must correspond to the data in your passport, therefore, when changing your last name, you must change the insurance certificate to a new one. To do this, an application for exchange of an insurance certificate is submitted to the Russian Pension Fund at the place of registration (including temporary) or actual residence (through the employer or in person). The previous insurance certificate is attached to the application. All changes are reflected in the citizen’s individual personal account, and he is issued an insurance certificate with the same SNILS, but with a changed last name.

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SNILS for children: To obtain an insurance certificate with SNILS for a child under 14 years of age, a mother or father with their own passport and birth certificate can apply to the Pension Fund of Russia at their place of residence or actual residence. You need to fill out a form at the Pension Fund of Russia, and no later than two weeks later you will receive an insurance certificate for your child with SNILS. Children over 14 years of age can apply independently with their own passport.

Two weeks until the new SNILS.

How to get a green card in Yekaterinburg

18 December 2020, 15:10 instructions From 2020, schoolchildren and preschoolers will be able to receive benefits only with the help of this document. Everyone needs an insurance number for an individual personal account. Without it, you won’t be able to receive a pension or claim benefits, and the government services portal for a person without SNILS will be closed forever.

You can issue a document for both a child and an adult who has somehow lost a precious green rectangle. The service is free. We'll tell you how to get it now.

Why does a minor need SNILS? Does the child even need this document? After all, he is not working yet, and he is far from retirement.

And yet, SNILS is needed: before the New Year, schools and kindergartens asked to create this document for children. The fact is that from January 1, the Unified State Information System of Social Security (USISSO) will begin to operate. It will store data on what social protection measures should be provided to citizens, including minors.

If you are eligible for reduced or free meals at school or a refund of part of your kindergarten fees, . There are other reasons to acquire a document.

Not everyone knows, but some medications for children under three years of age (and in low-income families up to six years of age) in Russia can be obtained free of charge. To get medications, you need SNILS. It will also be required to calculate benefits and benefits for a disabled minor. In the end, the document will be needed to legally get a student a part-time job.

How to get or restore SNILS for a child? This is not difficult to do. It is enough for one of the parents to come with a passport and birth certificate of the child to the Pension Fund at registration or place of residence or to the MFC.

Guardians will need a document stating that they are the legal representatives of the minor. Then everything is simple - fill out the form and wait up to five working days.

The service is free. The following documents are needed: - parent’s passport; — child’s birth certificate; — questionnaire (filled out at the Pension Fund or MFC). A teenager over 14 years old can receive SNILS himself by simply showing his passport and filling out a form. How to get SNILS for an adult This doesn’t happen often, but it still happens: an adult has not yet received a green card.

Let's say a woman does housework and is not officially employed anywhere.

She can easily fill the gap in five working days. The scheme is the same: come to the Pension Fund or MFC with a passport, fill out a form.

When applying for a job and even when concluding a contract, the task of obtaining SNILS falls on the employer. The employee fills out the form, and the employer submits it to the Pension Fund. For a serviceman, this work is done by his military unit.

The maximum processing time for documents is five working days. If SNILS is lost, a working person will again be helped by his company, you only need to contact the HR department. Unemployed or self-employed citizens (including individual entrepreneurs) need to come to the Pension Fund or Multifunctional Center at their place of residence or registration for a duplicate.

Obtaining SNI for a child in Yekaterinburg

Where to go to get an individual personal account number (SNILS) for children was explained in the Sverdlovsk Pension Fund Department. Let us remind you that the day before, Yekaterinburg residents said that in schools and kindergartens, parents of all children who do not yet have SNILS are urgently sent for this document. As a result, queues of parents formed at the Pension Fund branches.

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Registration of SNILS for children

Information for residents of the city of Yekaterinburg: a completed SNILS for a child born in 2013-2017 can be obtained at the address: st. Mamina Sibiryaka, 58, office. 103 (1st floor) - building of the Institute of Mining (corner of Pervomaiskaya St. / M. Sibiryaka St.), reception hours: from 08.30 to 17.30, without a break (Monday-Thursday), on Friday - from 08.30 to 16.30, without a break. By calling (343) 350-58-31 you can check the availability of a ready-made SNILS for a child.

The insurance number of an individual personal account in the compulsory pension insurance system (SNILS) is opened for citizens by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Today, the significance of SNILS is much broader; it is used not only for the purposes of compulsory pension insurance and the formation of pension rights of citizens, but also for receiving government social services and benefits not only by adults, but also by children, state and municipal services in electronic form through the Unified Portal of State Services.

Attention! Dear parents! You need to obtain an insurance certificate for your child (SNILS)

For children born after November 1, 2013 and registered with the civil registry office of Yekaterinburg, insurance certificates can be obtained three weeks after registration of birth at the address: Yekaterinburg, st. Mamina-Sibiryaka, 58, room 201 (2nd floor) - Branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk region

For children born before November 1, 2013, you can also obtain insurance certificates, but from the office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence, by applying with a passport or other identification document, as well as the child’s birth certificate. Parents (legal representatives) with children aged 14 years and older must have the child’s passport with them.

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In Yekaterinburg, the addresses for issuing SNILS for children born on October 1 have changed

The branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region informs that in connection with the implementation of the Unified State Register of Civil Registry Offices, the addresses for receiving insurance certificates of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS) for newborn children in Yekaterinburg have changed.

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Please note that in order to obtain SNILS for newborn children, parents (legal representatives) of Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region must contact the UPFR at their place of residence (registration), and have with them the child’s birth certificate, passport or other identification document.

How to get an SNI for a child in Yekaterinburg who is not a citizen of the Russian Federation

If SNILS is lost, or rather the state pension insurance certificate itself, on which the number is indicated, you can get a duplicate of it, but the SNILS number itself will remain unchanged. Is SNILS issued to a foreign citizen? Is it possible for a non-working foreign citizen to receive SNILS? According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, namely Federal Law No. 115-FZ “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation”, any individual who is located on the territory of Russia can become a participant in the state pension insurance system and receive SNILS, including children and unemployed citizens Russian Federation and foreign citizens of other states working in Russia under an employment contract, residing in the Russian Federation or temporarily staying in the country. Children of foreign citizens can also receive SNILS.

  • through the official website of the MFC;
  • on the State Services portal (full registration in the system is required);
  • by mobile phone number (the service is available for federal cities of the Russian Federation);
  • by coupon at the MFC branch (in person).

Login to the site

The decoding of SNILS is given on the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. SNILS is the Insurance Number of a citizen’s Individual Personal Account in the compulsory pension insurance system. Why do you need SNILS, and what to do with it?

SNILS should be considered not only as a document that is necessary for calculating a citizen’s labor pension, but also from other positions. Moreover, this small plastic card is sometimes needed so urgently that the Pension Fund strongly recommends issuing it as quickly as possible.

How to get an SNI for a child in Yekaterinburg who is not a citizen of the Russian Federation

An employee of the organization will offer you to fill out a form for opening and assigning a SNILS account. The paper is filled out on behalf of the future owner. All data is entered into the form in block letters. Sample of filling out the form for obtaining SNILS: After completing the application, a complete package of documents is transferred to the Pension Fund employee. After reviewing the applicant’s identity card, the employee checks the information on the form and the child’s birth certificate. If the document corresponds to the established template, the application for the issuance of SNISL is accepted for consideration. After the deadline, parents will be notified that the insurance certificate is ready. To do this, provide the Pension Fund employee with your contact information (for example, telephone number). Through State Services You cannot issue a SNILS directly through State Services. The legal representative of a minor can join the electronic queue when visiting the Pension Fund.

SNILS is the insurance number of an individual personal account, one of the main documents on the territory of the Russian Federation. Every citizen of the Russian Federation should have a SNILS, regardless of his age and place of residence. It is necessary when enrolling in educational institutions, receiving medical care, applying for a pension or any other social benefits. Where you can get SNILS in Yekaterinburg and what package of documents is needed for this, as well as how to replace and restore it, we will tell you in this article.

Pension Fund Administration in the Kirovsky District of St. Petersburg

Dear Lyudmila! “Information on the status of the individual personal account of the insured person” in the SZI-6 form serves solely for the purpose of informing the insured persons. The assessment of the pension rights of citizens when assigning and calculating a pension to an insured person is carried out by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the basis of a comprehensive review of the documents available, as well as the information contained in the individual personal account. The Pension Fund Office has established that when generating information in the SZI-6 form, there are errors of a technical nature, namely: in section 2 “Information (pension rights) on the basis of which the value of the IPC is calculated for periods up to 2020”, paragraph 2.3 in the column “duration” period of work (years, months, days)” sometimes the duration of work periods for a specific period before 2002 is formed incorrectly; when summing up the duration of all periods of work indicated in the statement until 2002, the result does not correspond to the information in clause 2.2 “total length of service until 2002” . However, the summary information of clause 2.2 “total length of service until 2002” is indicated in the SZI-6 extract correctly and corresponds to the personal account data. It should also be noted that the SZI-6 statement reflects information about the insurance period (about the periods for which the policyholder paid insurance contributions to the Pension Fund), that is, periods of vacation at his own expense are not taken into account. And also, at present, the length of service for the period of 2020 may not be reflected, since the deadline for employers to submit annual reports on work experience for 2020 is set until March 1, 2020.

Good afternoon Thank you very much for your answer! I still have clarifications: 1) When submitting documents for the first time, I presented the originals of the following documents: birth certificates of children, passports of children (in total I had five children), a notarized copy of the work record book. The difficulty in presenting the original documents is that they are all located in different cities and countries, so it is difficult for me to collect these documents again. Also, for the second time, there is no need to apply for termination of pension payments at the previous place of residence (the accrual of pensions has already been stopped). Therefore, the question was about resuming consideration with an almost ready package of documents. Maybe in such a situation there is a possibility of a written request to resume consideration of an application that already exists based on a package of already prepared documents? 2) When considering, they will proceed from what it was like at the time of retirement for the first time (this was more than 15 years ago, and then the legal requirements were different) or the current date of filing the application (pension points are needed). The question arose due to concerns about the sufficiency of my pension points, filing an application here for the first time in 2020 and now in 2020 also plays a role. Best regards, Marhabo.

How to get SNILS for a child

It is worth immediately noting that the insurance certificate number is assigned for an indefinite period. In the current circumstances, if this document is lost, it is possible to obtain a duplicate of it with the same number that was indicated on the previous SNILS. To do this, one of the parents of a small child needs to contact the territorial body of the Pension Fund or MFC (if a corresponding agreement has been concluded between these departments) at the place of registration or place of stay and write an application for the issuance of a duplicate.

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Since 2013, at the birth of a child, all information from the registry office is automatically transferred to the Pension Fund, therefore, by contacting the registration authority to obtain a child’s birth certificate, parents will immediately have the opportunity to issue a SNILS for him.

Registration and restoration of SNILS in St. Petersburg

No one is immune from the loss of documents. It is necessary to issue a SNILS or restore a duplicate SNILS when applying for a job, giving birth to a child, in case of loss of the original or in case of a change in personal data (for example, marriage and change of surname).

Often people simply do not have enough time to deal with numerous bureaucratic delays. Specialists of the St. Petersburg Legal Center company will advise and provide assistance in restoring SNILS quickly and professionally in St. Petersburg and in any other city or region of Russia.

10 Jun 2020 lawurist7 145

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Documents for SNILS for a child: what is needed to obtain SNILS for a child

Documents for the child’s SNILS are collected by his parents and submitted to the Pension Fund. The exception is situations when the child has reached the age of 14 years. In this case, he can issue SNILS independently. We will tell you in this article what a child needs for SNILS and how to fill out the application form for SNILS correctly.

  1. Parents or legal representatives take the documents for SNILS to the child to the Pension Fund and a little later pick up the completed pension certificate. The presence of a child in the Pension Fund is not necessary.
  2. If a child has reached the age of 14, he can independently submit all the necessary documents to the Pension Fund and receive a pension certificate.
  3. Documents for obtaining SNILS are submitted to the Pension Fund by the administration of the educational institution where the child is studying.
  4. If there is an agreement on interdepartmental cooperation between the civil registry office and the Pension Fund, then when a child is registered by parents, the civil registry office transmits the relevant information to the Pension Fund, and it, in turn, issues a SNILS for the child automatically.

What is needed to restore SNILS

Before restoring SNILS, you need to prepare everything necessary for this procedure. In principle, you don’t need anything special. We have already told you what documents are needed to obtain SNILS.

Through the employer

Working citizens have the right to contact their employer in the personnel department or accounting department, where, upon his request, the responsible specialist fills out the appropriate form and sends it to the Pension Fund.

In this case, the certificate is also issued by a representative of the company, who must first receive the certificate by proxy from the Pension Fund within the prescribed period.

This method is not available for unemployed people and children.

How and where to get SNILS (certificate of compulsory pension insurance)

You must have with you a document identifying the child’s legal representative (parents, guardians) and the child’s birth certificate. After you submit the correctly completed application form to the UPFR, you will be issued an insurance certificate within the time frame established by law - within three weeks.

In order to independently obtain a certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS), you need to come to the branch of the Pension Fund of Russia at your place of residence. To apply, you only need a passport; you can fill out the necessary form at the territorial office of the Russian Pension Fund. An insurance certificate for a child is received by the parents or legal representatives of the minor; if the teenager is 14 years old, he can do this independently.

In g

Having received SNILS, parents can immediately, based on the child’s birth certificate and their passport, issue a compulsory medical insurance policy for the child on the 1st floor of the building. A temporary certificate will be issued for the child, which gives the right to receive medical care while the policy is being prepared - 30 working days.

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For information: SNILS for newborns is issued by the Pension Fund branch on the basis of information provided by the civil registry departments after they issue birth certificates. Therefore, parents will be able to receive it immediately upon their first visit to the Pension Fund, if it is ready (maximum production time is three weeks from the date of issue of the birth certificate).

In which MFC can I get SNIs for a child in Yekaterinburg

  1. Data on insurance contributions (total amount of contributions, how much was “dripped” towards the pension);
  2. Information about the insurance guard (work experience at the official workplace);
  3. Personal data of the insured person (last name, first name, patronymic, as well as gender and date of birth);
  1. Information about the insurance guard (work experience at the official workplace);
  2. Data on insurance contributions (total amount of contributions, how much was “dripped” towards the pension);
  3. Personal data of the insured person (last name, first name, patronymic, as well as gender and date of birth);

How to apply for SNILS for a child: necessary documents

If you have a question about how to obtain SNILS for a child, it is advisable to contact the PF (Pension Fund) office at your place of registration or residence. If you immediately submit all the necessary documents, you will only have to wait a couple of weeks and your child will be registered in the OPS system, and you will be given his personal account number.

In connection with the growing role of the Compulsory Pension Insurance system in providing medical and social services to the population of the Russian Federation, legislators are also concerned with how to make SNILS for a child who is not a citizen of Russia, but lives on its territory permanently or temporarily - this is also possible.

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