How to fill out an application for an old-style international passport for a pensioner
A person who is suspected of committing a particular crime will be refused a passport.
Preferential length of service for medical workers for retirement
What is considered continuous medical work experience? Unfortunately, the concept of continuity of work and the allowances themselves
Social old-age pension in 2018: size and latest changes
What is the size of the social pension in Russia in 2020?
How does a social pension differ from an insurance pension? People who do not have sufficient income can apply for benefits.
How to choose a non-state pension fund
How much did non-state pension funds earn over 10 years?
Insured citizens of the Russian Federation who form pension savings have the right every year to choose the method of their
military service is included in the length of service for calculating a pension
Is it possible for pensioners to receive a pension supplement for military service? Who is entitled to payment and what documents are needed?
General information Serving military service is a constitutionally established duty of any representative of the stronger half in
Working pensioner
New information about pensions for working pensioners: how they are calculated and what you need to know
In our state, people are not prohibited from working even after retirement and starting
Criteria for disability groups
Early retirement of parents of disabled children
Rules for retirement on disability The right to retirement on disability is granted as follows:
Pills and money
Prospects for indexation and growth of social benefits for people with disabilities
Latest news about pensions for disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3 in 2020 Latest news
Salary in 2000 - 2001 for pension calculation
Table of average salaries in the country for calculating and calculating pensions
Which years are taken into account when calculating the old-age pension in 2020 IPC
how to restore a work record through a pension fund
Confirmation of preferential length of service for pension
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